My Lady Vixen (6 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: My Lady Vixen
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Curious as to what exactly he had in mind, Alexa patiently waited for Adam’s return. Fifteen minutes were to pass before he re-entered the cabin carrying an array of sailor’s garb over his arm. “Put these on,” he ordered. “It’s the best I could do on short notice. At least they are clean.”

Alexa grimaced at the white pants and shirt as she held them gingerly between her fingers, but realized they were far better suited to climbing ropes than a ruined ballgown. She began to remove her dress until she suddenly remembered that Adam was still in the room. She looked at him pointedly.

“Soon your body will hold no secrets, milady,” he bowed mockingly. “But if it will make you feel better I will wait for you topside.”

Changing swiftly, Alexa returned topside, glancing around for Mac so she might bid him good-bye. But he was nowhere to be seen. Instead her eyes came to rest on the Fox standing loose-limbed on the bridge, his mask firmly in place. His hand raised in a gesture of farewell and she managed a tremulous smile before Adam came forward to help her over the side. If he noticed her wistful expression he said nothing. And then she was far too busy concentrating on descending the side of the ship without mishap to worry about anything else.

The longboat set them off on the narrow strip of sand
below the cliffs and returned immediately to the ship. Alexa gazed about her forlornly, feeling as if she were stranded in another world.

“Come along, milady, Adam urged, pushing her forward.

Alexa eyed the cliffs warily, fully aware that she could not scale those lofty heights. Not even comfortably clad in her sailor’s garb, which surprisingly was a fair fit. The pants were too big in the waist but hugged her hips enticingly while the shirt was a snug but adequate fit if she rolled up the sleeves. The look on Adam’s face when he first saw her dressed assured her that she was not unattractive in her new clothes.

“Adam,” she finally said, exasperated. “There is no way I’ll be able to climb those cliffs.”

“I know,” he smirked confidently. “But there is no need for such tactics. Follow me.”

Keeping close to Adam, Alexa was astounded when he led her toward a small cave whose yawning mouth was completely hidden behind a huge boulder. When he crouched to enter, Alexa obediently followed. Taking a flint from his pocket Adam struck a light to a torch conveniently placed in a sconce on the stone wall and Alexa was surprised to see that the cave was large and roomy, allowing them space to stand erect. Holding the torch with one hand and Alexa with the other. Adam led her toward a small passage to the right of the cavern.

With the torch lighting their path the passage led steadily upward and Alexa panted from her exertions. Suddenly they came to a flight of stone steps which they slowly negotiated. Then another, twisting to the left. Then another. And finally a door set into the stone wall. Adam extracted a key from his pocket, fit it in the lock and the door creaked open, protesting loudly from disuse.

Adam stepped into the room first, bowing low as
Alexa crossed over the threshold. “Welcome to Penwell Castle, milady,” he said, his brooding face breaking into a half-smile that did little to allay her fears. “I hope your stay will prove enjoyable.”


Cornwall 1778

Alexa stared moodily out the tall window of the lovely room assigned to her. A high, canopied bed accessible only by climbing three steps onto its surface dominated the room decorated in varying shades of blue. A wardrobe, chest of drawers, delicate French desk and several satin-covered chairs complimented the attractive decor. It was obviously a woman’s room. A fire was blazing in the fireplace to ward off the chill that permeated the stone walls despite the fact that it was summer and they were adorned with thick tapestries. Alexa had been at Penwell Castle for two days and it seemed to her that in all that time the wind blew constantly.

It was obvious to Alexa that the castle was ancient, built by one of Adam’s ancestors. He had finally confided to her that they were in a remote section of Cornwall and the castle and lands were part of his inheritance. Alexa knew there must be a village nearby for the servants who served the castle had to come from
somewhere in the vicinity.

But, Hilda, the elderly woman assigned to see to her needs, might well have been deaf and dumb for all she communicated. It was evident that the servants were intensely loyal to the master of Penwell and though they treated her with respect they obeyed only Adam. Alexa had the run of the house but was not allowed outdoors to walk the wild moors as she longed to do. With the well-stocked library she realized there was no chance of her becoming bored, but she missed her father and all her friends.

Still, she was eternally grateful that Adam had not yet carried out his threat to make her his mistress. During the day she was left much on her own and at night his only demand was her presence at supper.

Most times he remained cool and courteous, but at other times the hate and contempt he felt for her father was transmitted to her, his icy blue eyes conveying his feelings adequately.

What proved most distressing to Alexa was the fact that she had no suitable clothing. The sailor garb was taken from her when she first arrived and she found nothing in the wardrobe or dresser but filmy night-clothes, most unfit to be seen in. When she complained bitterly to Adam he only smiled blandly and said, “You have nothing to hide from me, milady.”

Alexa could read nothing in his stony expression so chose not to pursue the meaning behind his cryptic words. The less they spoke about his reason for bringing her to this windswept land the better she liked it. So in the end she had worn the gowns and robes, grateful at least for something with which to cover her nakedness.

From her vantage point high above the cliffs and the sea. Alexa could not see the small cove where
The Gray Ghost
had put her and Adam ashore, for her room was situated in a corner where the cove was not visible. She
had since learned from Adam that the cave and passageway into the castle were used at one pont in time by an ancestor involved in smuggling, which made her think of Fox. She supposed that by now he was back harassing the British navy. She sighed wistfully as she thought of that last night aboard his ship when he had made love to her.

So deep was her reminiscence that she did not hear Adam enter the room or see him pause in the doorway to study her enchanting face and slim figure. Her great, black-fringed eyes were set aslant like a pair of sparkling amethysts against the porcelain texture of her skin. Her small straight nose and rosy lips were made expressly for kissing, and framing it all, coal-black hair shiny and sleek, nearly touching the curve of her hips and held back by a thin ribbon.

Beneath the satin robe every luscious curve was clearly outlined and defined. The high upthrust breasts with impudently protruding nipples, slim waist that had no need of a corset, hips and thighs gently curving and shapely. For two days Adam had refrained from taking her, preferring to wait until she became accustomed to her surroundings. But he could wait no longer. His eyes turned smoky, thinking that revenge would be more pleasurable than he had imagined. Lady Alexa Ashley was a tempting morsel and he had much to teach her. There was nothing she wouldn’t know about the art of love by the time he returned her to her father.

“Dare I hope you’re thinking of me, milady?” Adam asked softly.

Alexa whirled, surprised to find Adam in her room. “Hardly,” she answered haughtily.

“Surely Charles isn’t the recipient of those wistful sighs. He hardly strikes me as the type to evoke romantic fantasies,” he taunted.

“You’ve only seen Charles once when he was drunk.
He isn’t like that all the time,” Alexa defended. Adam walked further into the room, shutting the door firmly behind him. “I didn’t hear you knock!”

“No, you didn’t.”

Alexa deliberately turned her back to him to stare out the window, noticing as she did that the sun was slowly disappearing below the horizon. It was a magnificent sight.

“What do you want?” she asked, studiously avoiding his eyes as she concentrated on the cliffs and the sea below.

“Turn around, Alexa, look at me,” Adam commanded sternly.

Alexa turned slowly, waiting until the last possible moment before lifting her eyes to meet his gaze. She gasped audibly. His eyes, smoldering gray, pierced her very soul. He was so handsome he took her breath away. If only they had met under different circumstances, she mused. Even his eyebrows were beautiful and thick with a sardonic arch, and very expressive in conveying moods without words. There was something about the man that ignited her interest. Something mysterious about his aloof, superior manner. Only he wasn’t aloof now. His probing gaze conveyed his desire more adequately than words.

“No!” whispered Alexa, backing away in an effort to combat the devastating magnetism that threatened to destroy her willpower.

“My revenge, Alexa. I must have my revenge. I will not rest until I have thoroughly demoralized your father.”

“And me, Adam. It’s me you will be hurting.”

“I’m sorry it has to be this way.” For a fraction of a second his face softened, but just as quickly resumed his facade of cool indifference. “Don’t fight me, milady, and you won’t be hurt.”

It was true. Adam had no desire to hurt Alexa
physically, but neither did he mean for their coupling to be construed as anything other than what he intended. He was determined to take her with cold detachment. He would leave her romantic yearnings for Charles to assuage when he returned her to be married to her young fiancé. It never occurred to Adam that he might be the one to form attachments, for love had no place in his heart.

One day he would marry, to be sure, but for political and financial advancement only. He even had a wife picked out at home in Savannah who would serve his purposes admirably. There was no room in his life for a violet-eyed girl who had the power to turn his life upside-down given half a chance. Without remorse or recrimination he would take her, enjoy her fully, and return her to her father only slightly used. Or so he thought. Such was the extent of his hate that not only did it include Sir John Ashley but his innocent daughter, Lady Alexa.

Alexa watched the play of emotion upon Adam’s face, hardly daring to breathe. His expression told her he was determined to have her and she was just as determined to resist.

“Take off your clothes, Alexa, and get into bed,” Adam ordered brusquely, unbuttoning his shirt as he spoke.

“I think not,” retorted Alexa, deliberately turning her back. “You will not use me as an instrument of revenge.”

“You think not?” Adam smiled thinly. “I’m perfectly capable of undressing you should you refuse. In fact. I might even enjoy it. Which will it be?”

Alexa glared murderously, refusing to budge. Perhaps if she displayed courage he would go away and leave her alone, she thought futilely. But she was mistaken. Adam would not be put off.

It took but two strides to reach Alexa’s side and too late she turned to run. Not that it would have mattered, for she had no place to run to. His body rigid with desire, Adam easily captured Alexa’s struggling form in his arms, turning her until she was crushed against his chest. Bending her over his arm he took her lips savagely, his tongue stabbing with hot insistence into the moist recesses of her mouth.

Her protests died as he kissed her and were replaced by a shuddering sigh. Adam paused, momentarily dismayed by her sweet response. But his next act dispelled any softening of his resolve he may have felt. Grasping the neckline of her fragile nightgown and robe, he tore viciously, ripping it from her trembling body.

Adam stared … and stared. Clad in nothing but a luxurious cloak of long black hair, Alexa was breathtaking. She could feel the intensity of his smoky gray eyes upon her and she shivered beneath his bold regard as he measured and assessed her. Sweet magnolia-blossom flesh the color of rich cream except for coral-tipped nipples filled his gaze. He marveled at the perfect symmetry of her.

“You are beautiful.” The words sprang spontaneously from his lips despite his reluctance to say them.

He reached out to caress her and a shiver of arousal gripped her as he played with the ripe swells of her breasts. “No!” Alexa cried out, struggling to retain her dignity as well as her willpower. To be taken against her will was reprehensible.

“Aye, milady,” Adam countered, dragging her closer. His lips were insistent as he ravaged her with his hands and tongue.

With every ounce of will left to her she resisted being used, battled against being conquered like an enemy, fought the ravisher of her flesh, but it was useless … useless. A drugging sweetness enfolded them as they
swayed in passion.

Scooping her up in his arms, he swung her onto the surface of the bed and flung himself down beside her. Immediately Alexa rolled to the opposite edge but Adam had only to reach out one long arm to sweep her back into his embrace.

“Adam, don’t do this,” she pleaded softly. Her large violet eyes bright with unshed tears left him unmoved as he lowered his head to her breasts and tongued her swelling nipples until Alexa wanted to scream.

Suddenly Adam grimaced as he realized what he was doing. He was making love to Alexa, tender love, when his original purpose was to take her without consideration for her feelings. He had meant to ravish her quickly, to satisfy his lust furiously, painfully, aware of the way she was affecting him and hating it. But somewhere along the way another urge had overtaken him—the inexplicable urge to fill those violet eyes with passion, to open those luscious red lips with cries of shuddering pleasure, even though his better judgment told him she was the spawn of a devil and a whore. Didn’t she deserve to be taken coldly and remorselessly? As long as he did her no harm wasn’t it right and just to seek vengeance in any way he saw fit? Aye, he decided, answering his own question, what Alexa felt or thought was unimportant. Vengeance must be served.

Stiffening his resolve, Adam methodically removed his clothes, all the while holding Alexa firmly in place beneath him. Rising up he parted her thighs with his knees and touched his swollen manhood where his fingers had been only moments before, fully intending to thrust viciously and finish swiftly.

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