My Sassy Settler (Willamette Wives Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: My Sassy Settler (Willamette Wives Book 2)
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Agatha sighed, laying her cheek on her folded hands as his palms worked their magic. Every swat was followed by a caress, and every caress had her lust building. Without being instructed, she parted her legs, opening herself to whatever her husband wished to do.

Minutes passed, her bottom warming until she understood why Charity had actually asked for more. Her body craved more, demanded more.

"Harder," she said, "please, harder."

The swats began to come harder and faster, with the caresses coming after every set of two to each cheek. When they were enough to make her gasp, she made no attempt to swim off his lap. She pushed her bottom up to meet his palm, able to feel both the moisture that was seeping from her and his growing erection against her hip. Her moans filled the air as crisp smacks brought them forth.

"Open your legs wider," Wyatt instructed, and she instantly obeyed. When his hand moved to cup her sex, she felt a surge of liquid moving into her core. When his hand moved and then swatted her swollen lips, she arched and groaned.

"Oh… oh, Wyatt."


"Yes, oh, yes."

Her taut nipples rubbed against the sheet as her body squirmed. His hand moved to swat her right buttock, then to cup her sex, his fingers slipping and sliding through her wetness, and, when she pushed back against him, she moaned in frustration when the hand disappeared to swat her left buttock before the smack she craved was delivered against her pussy. The fire he'd promised was building as flames licked at her skin and embers of need burned within her depths. After another repeat of the pattern, she felt her climax building.

"I need… I want…"

"I want you to come for me," Wyatt said, his hand never missing a beat as he delivered another swat.

"But you… I need…"

"I need you to come for me, Aggy," he said, his fingers sliding again across her swollen clit. "Come, come now."

She tried to fight it, wanting him inside her, and yet when he continued to both swat, caress and urge her to come, she could no longer hold back. Her head arched back and she called out his name as he brought her to orgasm. His fingers slid into her, filling her, stroking in and out until she was mewling, her fingers clawing at the sheets and she came again, bucking on his lap.

"That's it, so beautiful," he said, his voice low. "I love to make you come apart. I love to watch you explode."

When he slid his fingers from her, she whimpered, pushing her hips up despite the fact that she'd come twice. "Shh," he said, sliding his fingers from her pussy to her puckered rosette. "I'm not through playing. I'm not through warming you."

She gasped and then tensed when he began to push a finger into her bottom. "Relax, Aggy, I've got you." And she knew he did.

His finger continued until it was buried deep and she had a moment of intense shame when she realized that it felt good, a soft sound of uncertainty escaping her lips.

"No, don't think," Wyatt said, sliding his finger back and forth. "Just feel, just let me love you."

Closing her eyes, she pushed the thought of sin away and remembered that this man loved her and she him. She had no doubt that he'd die to protect her. She knew he'd not ever harm her. Allowing her body to relax, she submitted to him, and when he pulled out only to add another finger, she gasped, unable to hold back a small whimper and yet didn't attempt to pull away. Two thick fingers moved in her, stretching her, only coming free to gather more of her copious cream before pushing into her again. His free hand moved over her skin, caressing the reddened globes of her ass and moving down her legs and up her back to caress her neck.

"Please," she whispered. "I need you inside me."

"Where?" he asked, his fingers continuing to move.

"There," she confessed, "in my… my bottom."

She wondered if she'd made a mistake about his intentions when he slid his fingers free and moved her from his lap. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't ever apologize for stating what you need, Aggy," Wyatt said, bending forward to kiss her. "I want that, too, I just need to make sure we do it right."

She nodded, watching as he moved off the bed, her heart lurching at the sight of his erection. Her body, her heart, her soul needed to feel him take her, love her, fill her. When he returned to the bed, he had a small jar in his hand that she'd never seen before. It wasn't the same jar that held the cream he smoothed over her bottom after a spanking.

"What's that?"

"An emollient," he answered, opening the jar and holding it out. "It's to lubricate you and my cock to make penetration easier."

"Oh. Will it hurt?"

"Did my fingers hurt?"

She could feel her face heat and her stomach flip at the question. She also realized that she missed the feeling of fullness in her bottom, and though part of her was sure that wasn't a proper thought, she wanted to be filled again.

"No, well, a little at first, but not later," she admitted.

"My cock is larger than my fingers," he said, and she couldn't stop her eyes from dropping to his sex. She had to suppress a smile thinking how unnecessary that statement was. When she lifted her eyes again, it was to find him smiling.

"I just mean that as much nectar as you provide, I want to be sure to make this as comfortable as possible for you."

She nodded and when his fingers moved to dip into the jar, she reached up to stop him. "May I?" His eyes widened as if never expecting such a request. "Please?"

"I'd love that." He held the jar as she dipped two fingers into the unguent, rubbing her fingertips together as she experienced the lubricant for the first time. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before but as she began to apply it to his shaft, rubbing her fingers across every inch, her sex began to pulse as his cock lengthened and swelled even further.

"Will… how will it fit?"

"Beautifully," he answered, and she knew that despite his size and her disbelief, she was ready.

With his cock slick, he lay down on his side, guiding her into position. "Just relax. We'll go slowly. Tell me if you need me to stop."

"Okay," she said, her heart rate increasing as he pushed one leg up towards her chest and she felt one hand moving to pull a globe away from its twin. "Oh," she exclaimed as she felt his finger returning, this time with a glob of the jar's contents. He began to work it into her with his finger, removing it to add more of the lubricant, pressing two and then three fingers deep into her passage. By the time she felt his cockhead placed against her opening, she was truly ready.

Her first cry came as he began to press into her and he immediately stilled. "No… it's okay," she whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, it just burns a little."

The arm around her waist pulled her a little tighter to his chest and she reached for his hand. Their fingers entwined before he pressed forward. The burn intensified and the stretch required to accept him had her whimpering but she didn't ask him to stop. His progress was excruciatingly slow, and with a final cry she couldn't suppress, he slid past her inner ring of muscles.

"Okay?" he whispered against her neck. Her hand squeezed his as she nodded. A kiss against her shoulder was given as he continued to fill her until he was buried fully. "God, you feel incredible, like velvet warmth."

His words filled her heart as his cock filled her body. He made love to her slowly, every move building her need until she was matching his movements. Her bottom pressed against his groin in silent conversation that every set of lovers since time's beginning understood.

As the sensations continued, she felt her stomach tightening as her body prepared itself for delicious release. When she came, she cried out with the intensity of her climax, her hand held tight in his. She could feel her muscles rippling against him and hear his groan. As her contractions slowed, he began to thrust harder and faster to seek his own release. When he came, it was with her own name on his lips as he filled her with his seed. It was several minutes before he moved again and it was to release her hand in order to turn her face to him, his cock slipping from her.

"That was beautiful, thank you," he said, a moment before lowering his lips to her. Her hands cupped his face as their kiss deepened.

"I love you," they whispered together when their lips separated.


The couple spent every moment together for the rest of the day. Hands reached out often to simply brush across a sleeve or to touch a cheek. They worked together to finish the coop in the barn. While the chickens were easily caught, heads tucked beneath wings as they were carried to their winter home, the rooster didn't wish to leave his domain.

Wyatt laughed as Agatha finally stopped running in circles attempting to catch him and stood with her hands on her hips.

"What sort of husband are you? Your wives are all waiting to welcome you home and what do you do? You fly around like a scared little chick instead of the fine cock you are supposed to be. Fine, if you want to freeze your little balls off, you can. I'm sure there is another rooster around here who would love to take your place!"

"I'm not sure he understands you." Wyatt chuckled and then his jaw dropped when the rooster stopped his squawking, flew down from the roof of the coop and landed at his wife's feet. Agatha bent and, never even hesitating, scooped up the large fowl in her arms and marched to the barn.

"You are amazing," he said after she'd closed the gate. "I've never seen anyone who can actually communicate with a rooster."

She smiled up at him, dusting her hands on her cloak. "Why, Wyatt, you seem to forget that I do so love a loving, strong man." She paused and, when she sidled up to him and cupped his crotch, he gasped and felt his cock instantly respond. "Need I say more?" she asked and then squealed when he reached for her, pulling her back for yet another kiss.

They took a walk, their feet making the first tracks in the fresh snow. They reached the stream and stood watching the water run over the rocks, the spray resulting in the birth of icicles on the leaves of the bushes overhanging the water.

"Do you think it will freeze enough to walk on?" Aggy asked.

"I think so. Maybe not where it runs over the rocks, but I expect the pool further down will."

"I've always loved skating."

"Well, if you fall on your little rump, we both know how I can warm it."


"You are just adorable," he said, bending to kiss her neck.

As they walked back, hand in hand, she said, "Roger was right. The world is God's church and all the beauty in it is God's gift."

"God gave us so many gifts including faith, hope and love," Wyatt said, holding her in his arms, "and the greatest of these is love. I love you, Aggy, I love you with every breath I take."




Chapter Sixteen


A pounding on the door woke them before dawn the next morning. Wyatt leapt from the bed, fumbling for his pants.

"Stay here," he said, heading out of the bedroom.

Agatha sat up, sliding her feet from the bed and reaching for her gown. Pulling it on, she added her robe and was tying the sash, straining to listen. When she recognized the voice, she stuck her head out of the bedroom door.

"What's wrong?"

Wyatt turned and beckoned for her. "Well, since you're up, can you make some coffee?"

Agatha quickly moved to do so as Wyatt went to stir the fire and added fresh logs. Matthew removed his gloves, holding his hands out towards the growing flames.

"Shit, I can't believe this snow," he said. "I've never seen the stuff but didn't realize how much can come down overnight."

Agatha knew that her husband didn't want to discuss snowfall but knew he was a man who had infinite patience. She'd had no need to make a fresh pot of coffee, as she'd made one the evening before. After it had warmed, she poured two cups and took them to the men. She shivered as she handed Matthew his, the cold emanating from his clothing chilling her.

"What happened?"

Matthew drained his cup and handed it to her. She quickly refilled it and placed it before him on the table where the two men had moved to sit.

"Roger and I heard the cows stirring early this morning," Matthew said, taking smaller sips. "It was still pitch black but something was disturbing the herd. We found a break in the fence and then we found…" he paused and looked over at Agatha, as if reluctant to continue.

"Go ahead," Wyatt said. "I don't believe in keeping things from women, especially not my wife. This is her home and her herd, as well."

Agatha thanked him and then turned back to Matthew, his next words causing her to stiffen.

"We found blood. At first we thought some animal must have got through the fence, but the snow was all churned up and we couldn't find any tracks." He sipped some more coffee and shook his head. "We don't think it was a cat. It looks like the fence was pushed out, not in. It took us some time to check, but one of the cows is definitely missing. One we really can't lose."

"The one about ready to calve?" Wyatt asked, concern on his face.

"Yup, and we don't want to lose her or the calf. Not if we want to grow the herd. Roger is repairing the fence. I came here first because you're closer, but I understand if you need to stay…"

"Of course he doesn't need to stay," Agatha said. "He needs to help find that poor mama and her baby."

"Are you sure?" Wyatt asked.

"Absolutely," she assured him. "I'll be fine. I not only have a gun, I also know how to use it."

She was grateful to see his expression lighten. This was their home, their ranch and their livelihood. Every person was working hard to build The Double R, or as they called it, the Rose Ranch, into a prosperous empire they could all share. She would not accept shirking the responsibility they'd taken on.

Wyatt stood, bent to kiss her and then returned to the bedroom to dress as Matthew finished his third cup of coffee and accepted a thick slice of bread with butter and honey. When they were ready to leave, she walked them to the door.

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