My Secret Unicorn (3 page)

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Authors: Linda Chapman

BOOK: My Secret Unicorn
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was also his Unicorn Friend. She couldn't ride him yet because he was too young but she often turned him into a unicorn and played with him at night-time. ‘He's fine,' Grace grinned. ‘We've been having lots of fun.' She dropped her voice. ‘He's getting loads better at flying now, Lauren…' She broke off as Jo-Ann and Beauty cantered over.

‘Do you want to join in with us, Lauren?' Jo-Ann asked, reining Beauty in beside Twilight. ‘We were going to time ourselves to see how fast we could get round four of the hills.'

‘Cool,' Lauren said. She'd have loved to have carried on talking to Grace about unicorn stuff but they would have to
wait. ‘Of course Twilight and I will join in. Which hills are they?'

Jo-Ann pointed out a short course. The three girls took it in turns to canter round the course and time each other. Jo-Ann always won, but that was no surprise. She was a very daring rider and Beauty was very fast. Lauren didn't mind. It was just fun joining in.

After going round three times each they gave the ponies a break. ‘Your cousin, Hannah, is coming tomorrow, isn't she?' Grace said.

‘That's right,' Lauren replied.

‘Mum told me she's going to borrow Magpie,' Grace went on. Her mum owned Orchard Stables. ‘Do you want
me to bring him over tomorrow, late afternoon? I can ride Apple and lead him.'

‘Yes please!' Lauren said. ‘I bet Hannah's going to love having him to look after and ride. We haven't told her about it yet. It's going to be a surprise.'

‘Magpie'll enjoy it too,' Grace said.

‘He's a bit lively for the riding school so he doesn't get used much but your mum said that Hannah's a really good rider so I'm sure she'll be able to handle him.'

‘She's brilliant,' Lauren nodded. ‘She's been riding since she was three and she does lots of showjumping.'

Jo-Ann shortened her reins. ‘Come on! Let's have another go at the course!
Why don't we all go round together this time?'

‘OK,' Lauren grinned. She clicked her tongue and Twilight leapt forward eagerly with the others.

After supper that night, Lauren helped her mum get the spare room ready for Hannah. They made up the bed and then Lauren put some of her favourite pony books on to the bedside table together with a china ornament of a rearing stallion. She placed the book for Hannah's birthday, all wrapped up, on the bed. ‘I can't wait till Hannah gets here,' she told her mum.

‘It'll be so good to see her again,' Mrs
Foster said. ‘I can't believe it's been a whole year since we saw her last.'

‘We're going to have so much fun,' Lauren said happily.

‘In which case you'd better get your homework done tonight!' Mrs Foster reminded her.

Lauren sighed. ‘OK, I'll go and do it now.'

She went into her room and got out her books. They were doing all about different types of rock in Geography and she had to answer a page of questions on rock formations. Lauren groaned as she picked up her pen. Rocks were so dull. Thinking about ponies was much more fun!


Twilight was waiting for Lauren when she crept out of the house that evening. He whinnied softly when he saw her.

Lauren quickly said the words of the Turning Spell:

Twilight Star, Twilight Star,
Twinkling high above so far.
Shining light, shining bright,
Will you grant my wish tonight?
Let my little horse forlorn
Be at last a unicorn!

There was a bright purple flash and Twilight transformed into a unicorn. ‘Hi,' he said, stepping forward.

Lauren hugged him. It always felt so good to hear him speak.

‘I wonder what's in that chest Mrs Fontana gave you?' Twilight said, nuzzling her. ‘It smelled of magic when you showed it to me before.'

‘I bet it's something to do with unicorns,' Lauren replied. ‘But what?'

‘When can you open it?' Twilight asked.

‘That's the thing. I don't know. Mrs Fontana just said I wasn't to open it until the time was right.' Lauren frowned in frustration. ‘You know, sometimes I wish Mrs Fontana wouldn't talk in riddles so much! She always does that if we ask her advice about magic too!'

Twilight nuzzled her shoulder. ‘That's just her way. I think she likes making us figure stuff out for ourselves. Come on, let's go flying,' he said. ‘I want to jump over the treetops again!'

‘Me too!' Lauren grinned. She got on to his back and they cantered upward into the starry sky.


‘Can I have the shampoo please, Lauren?' Mel called the following morning. Mel, Lauren and Jessica were all washing their ponies' tails to make them look as beautiful as possible.

Lauren chucked her the bottle of shampoo. As she let go of Twilight's tail, he flicked it from side to side. Water droplets sprayed everywhere.

Lauren, Jessica and Mel squealed as the droplets covered their jeans.

Lauren put her hands on her hips. ‘Thanks, Twilight!'

Twilight looked round cheekily and snorted.

Picking up a towel, she dried his tail and then wiped off the water droplets from his back. She'd groomed him really well and his grey coat was soft and
smooth and his mane was lying neatly on one side of his neck.

‘I guess we'd better clean up,' Lauren said as Mel washed the shampoo off Shadow's tail.

‘And then we can put the banner up,' Jessica said.

‘And get the food out,' Mel put in.

The three of them bustled about. They'd made a banner first thing that morning and had written
Happy Birthday, Hannah!
on it. They had also made pony-shaped biscuits and Mrs Foster had made a cake. Soon everything was set out, the ponies were looking beautiful and the biscuits and cakes and bowls of cut-up carrot and apple pieces
were all laid out on a table by Twilight's stable.

‘Now all we need is Hannah,' Mel said, looking round happily.

There was the sound of a car turning into the drive. ‘I bet that's her!' Lauren exclaimed. Lauren's dad had left earlier to fetch Hannah from the airport. ‘Come on!'

They hurried up the path that led back to the house. ‘Hannah!' Lauren yelled as a tall girl with brown hair got out of the car.

She raced over to give her cousin a hug but as she got near she slowed down. Hannah looked really different. Her wild, curly hair had been cut and
straightened and instead of being in a messy ponytail, it now fell sleekly to her shoulders. She was also wearing make-up and her nails were painted silver. In the past, she had always worn jeans and trainers but now she had a skirt and ankle boots on. Her warm, friendly smile was the same though.

‘Hi, Lauren,' she said.

Lauren didn't know whether to hug her or not. Hannah looked so grown-up. Luckily Hannah made the decision for her. She stepped forward and embraced Lauren. ‘It's great to see you again.'

‘You too,' Lauren said, hugging her back.

Mrs Foster came over. ‘You look great,
Hannah,' she said. ‘I like your hair like that.'

‘Thanks, Auntie Alice,' Hannah said, kissing her.

Lauren suddenly remembered she had introductions to make. She swung round.

‘Hannah, these are my friends, Mel Cassidy and Jessica Parker.'

‘Hi,' Jessica and Mel said together.

Hannah smiled at them. ‘Nice to meet you both.'

‘We've got something to show you!' Lauren told her. ‘It's by the stables!'

She led the way down the path with Hannah following.

The ponies looked round as they heard the footsteps on the gravel.
Twilight pricked up his ears and whinnied. The banner fluttered in the breeze.

‘Oh wow!' Hannah said, glancing quickly at the ponies and then looking at the banner. ‘It's a birthday banner.' She smiled round at them. ‘Thanks, guys!'

‘Lauren, Jessica and Mel have been

working on getting a welcome party ready for you all morning,' Mrs Foster said. ‘Come and have a drink and a biscuit or a slice of cake, Hannah. I bet you're ready for something after your journey.'

‘I sure am,' Hannah agreed. She went over to the table. ‘It all looks delicious.'

‘Help yourself,' Mrs Foster said.

Hannah poured a drink and took a biscuit. Twilight whinnied again but she didn't look round. Lauren felt slightly put out. Hannah hadn't said anything about him and Shadow and Sandy – and they were all looking gorgeous.

‘Twilight's the pony that's whinnying,'
she said, trying to draw Hannah's attention to the ponies. ‘He's mine.'

Hannah glanced round briefly. ‘He's lovely, Lauren.' She turned back to the table. ‘Can I have a slice of cake as well please, Auntie Alice?'

Lauren stared at her. Hannah had barely even looked at Twilight!

‘Mel's pony is the darker dapple grey. He's called Shadow,' she persevered as Mel and Jessica took some carrots over for the eager ponies. ‘And the palomino is Sandy. He's Jessica's pony. Well, Jess officially shares him with Samantha, her stepsister, but Samantha doesn't ride much now. She's not so interested in ponies any more.'

‘No, me neither,' Hannah said casually. ‘I haven't been to the stables near me for ages.'

If she'd said she'd been walking on the moon, Lauren couldn't have been more surprised. She stared at her cousin. ‘What?'

Hannah shrugged. ‘I've just got really busy with other stuff, I guess.' She looked towards the three ponies. ‘I don't really have time for all that pony stuff now. I like going round to my friends' houses and listening to music, or we go to the mall. And…' She blushed slightly. ‘I've got a boyfriend, so I see him quite a bit.'

Lauren couldn't believe it. Hannah wasn't into ponies! But it had been all
she'd ever been interested in. However, before she could say anything, Hannah had turned to Mrs Foster. ‘So where's Max?' she asked, looking round.

‘Playing. He's really into skateboarding at the moment and spends all his time with his friends, Leo and Stephen,' Mrs Foster said. ‘He'll be back for lunch. And then you'll get to meet Buddy too.'

‘I bet Max has really grown,' Hannah said. ‘I can't believe he's eight now!'

Lauren walked slowly over to Mel and Jessica who were standing by the ponies.

‘Did Hannah just say she isn't into ponies?' Jess hissed.

Lauren nodded. Her brain couldn't seem to take it in. How
not like ponies any more? ‘I just don't get it,' she said, feeling bewildered. ‘Hannah's always been so pony-crazy.'

‘I guess people change,' Mel said.

‘Sam's the same,' Jess said. ‘She never wants to do stuff with Sandy any more.'

Lauren thought about the pony books in Hannah's room and the book she'd

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