My Sister's a Yo Yo (8 page)

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Authors: Gretel Killeen

BOOK: My Sister's a Yo Yo
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So just as the bell went Buster gave the yoyo back to Zeke, complete with tiny little Eppie who was so tangled up she was invisible amongst the string. Then Zeke packed up his things and left the classroom at the end of a very, very, very, long day. He walked to the playground to wait for their mum, stand under a tree, and untangle Eppie.

This leg through that loop and up around the ear.

He was extremely patient as he slowly unknotted her. He was feeling really good and exceptionally kind. In fact, when he'd finished untangling her he was going to stretch her back to her original size (if not a little bit bigger), and be nice to her for the rest of her life. He was. But before he did that Zeke said to Eppie, as she still hung from the yoyo by her hair, ‘I'm sorry Eppie; it's been a tough day. Want to go for a ride before Mum comes?'

And Eppie, of course, said, ‘Yes.'

So Zeke unwound his yoyo, with Eppie attached, and started to run through some basic tricks. First he did that simple up and down spinning trick and Eppie began to giggle. Then he Walked the Dog, and Rocked the Cradle, and did The Elevator and Bite Your Bum.

And then he did Sleep Walker

and Eiffel Tower

and Cats' Whiskers

and Eppie was laughing and laughing.

And finally, with great delight, just as Mum came round the corner, Zeke said, ‘Hold on tight and close your eyes I'm going to do Round the World!'

So Eppie held on tight, and closed her eyes, and Zeke swung that string out as far as he could, and it was the greatest beginning to Round the World that had actually ever been seen. He could have won the Olympic Games of beginnings to yoyo tricks.

But just when Eppie and the yoyo got their speed up and were way out there on the string, the string broke, and Eppie flew off, and she went off round the world by herself, (with the yoyo and the string still attached to her hair).

Right round the world.

Silently Zeke watched Eppie
disappear with her arms waving madly and her mouth yelling ‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh',

past the trees,

past the skyscrapers,

past the clouds and the planes and the helicopters and satellites, past the sun.

And she was just passing the moon (ready to zoom over the Arctic) when Zeke heard his mum honk from the car, and he mumbled to himself, alone in the playground,

‘Gee, Eppie has all the fun!'

Gretel Killeen started writing comedy by accident when she stood up to perform a very serious poem and everybody laughed.

From here she moved to writing and performing comedy across Australia – for radio, television and stage.

She has published a number of best-selling books including
My Life is a Toilet
, the
My Life is a Toilet Instruction Book,
My Life is a Toilet Diary
My Sister's a Yoyo
My Sister's an Alien
My Sister's a Sea Slug
My Sister's a Burp
My Sister's a Full Stop
My Sister's a Nightmare
What'll We Get For Grandma?


Leigh Hobbs is an artist, painter, sculptor, cartoonist, children's book illustrator and author. He is also an experienced teacher and lecturer at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. His credits include two bigger-than-life caricature sculptures called ‘Larry and Lizzie' for Sydney's Luna Park, that now reside at Sydney's Powerhouse Museum, and a ceramic Flinders Street Station teapot in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria. Many of his cartoons have appeared in the
newspaper and various other publications.

Other works by Gretel Killeen


When Eppie gets squished to the size of a strawberry, ends up flying round the world, landing on planet sock and about to be kidnapped by a handsome alien prince, it's up to her brother Zeke to rescue her. What follows is a laugh-a-minute adventure full of shortsighted cats, space rockets, possums, owls, goodies, baddies, galactic battles, movie stars, superstars, false moustaches, girls' nighties, flying horses, bright pink lipstick, footballs, diamonds, lovesick martians and motorbike rides with the man in the moon – and that's all before mum wakes up.


When Eppie and Zeke return from outer space stretched long and thin like two pieces of spaghetti, it's only a matter of a very short time before they both get sucked down the bathtub plughole and a new adventure begins. What follows is a giggle-filled non-stop undersea romp with: man-eating seaweed, pirates in petticoats, lost cities, spiral sharks, stolen treasure, killer cordial, secret castles, magic mermaids, splendid speedy sea cycles, barbie bras, invisible enemies, fat fishermen, elastic eels, fairy godfish and supersonic horses … and that's all before breakfast!


When a friendly stork finally delivers teeny-weeny Zeke and Eppie home from mermaid kingdom, they jump from his beak to fly down and kiss their mother but she accidentally swallows them instead. What follows is a chuckle-choc-a-block adventure full of bubbling brains, jealous germs, fluffs, evil eyes, sneaky snot, wild worms, heroic hearts, forgetful fingers, bouncing bottoms, hysterical hair, ticklish teeth, arm armies and tap dancing toes. And that's all before mum realises that Zeke and Eppie are even missing.

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