My Soul Cries Out (27 page)

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Authors: Sherri L. Lewis

BOOK: My Soul Cries Out
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evin and I talked almost every day for the next couple of weeks. We didn't stay on the phone long because he was either always resting from a show, resting for a show, or rehearsing for a show. He sounded more and more tired every time I talked to him. I was glad he only had a couple more cities before the tour was over.
He called late one night while I was in a deep sleep.
“Hey, Monnie. I got some great news.” I could hear him strumming his guitar softly. I recognized the chords to my love song.
I sat up and looked over at the clock. It was after midnight. He must have just finished a concert.
“What is it?”
“Bishop Walker called to let me know we got the extension contract. We're adding nine more cities to the tour.”
I didn't say anything.
“I'm here.”
“Did you hear what I said? We got the extra tour dates. I'm gonna head for D.C. next weekend to do an anniversary concert for Bishop, then we'll be off to Cleveland.”
I didn't say anything.
“Monnie, are you awake?”
“I'm awake. Just concerned about you. Can't they give you a few weeks to rest first?”
“We don't want to lose any momentum. And stop worrying. I'm loving every minute of it. I can rest later. We'll be in Savannah in three weeks. I was wondering if you wanted to come down and meet me. My next city won't be for four days, so I'd be able to come to Atlanta afterward for a few days.”
“That sounds good, Kevin. Let me know the exact dates and I'll clear my schedule.”
“I guess I should, uh . . . book a hotel or something?”
“Uh . . . I guess . . . I guess that would be best. I don't know, really.”
Kevin laughed his deep, sexy laugh. “This is kinda weird, huh? I don't know either. Don't worry about it. A hotel is fine. Better if you'll come stay with me.”
“Kevin, I don't know.”
“It'll be like last time. I promise. We can keep things like before we got married until we figure out exactly what we're doing here.”
I turned on the lamp on the nightstand. A warm glow filled the room. “Okay. That sounds good.”
“What are you doing for your big day?”
“Don't tell me you're getting senile already. Next Friday, your birthday.”
“Don't remind me. I can't believe I'm gonna be thirty. It all goes downhill from there.”
“Nonsense. You only get better as you get older.”
“Good answer. I don't have any real plans. Knowing Alaysia, she'll try to throw a big surprise shindig together. She makes such a big deal of birthdays.” I tried to sound nonchalant. “Why? Are you coming?” I was surprised at how much I wanted him to be there.
“Unfortunately, I can't make it. I'll be in San Francisco. I wish I'd known sooner that you'd actually want me to be there.”
“I thought you guys already did California.”
“We did L.A.”
“Seems like you would have done all of Cali while you were out there. Doesn't make any sense for you to have to go back. I thought you had Bishop's anniversary concert Sunday.”
“I do. I'll leave San Francisco Saturday morning and do Bishop's concert Sunday night.”
“That doesn't make any sense, Kevin. It's too much flying all over the place.”
“I know. How 'bout I let you plan my future tours?”
“I might have to. I'll make sure you only have one concert a week, and you'll fly everywhere instead of riding that stupid bus.”
“On second thought, I better stick with Bishop's manager. You'd ruin my career.”
“Yeah, but I'd probably save your life.”
“Okay, Monnie, I'm hanging up before you get on your soapbox.”
“You know I'm right.”
“'Night, Monnie. I love you.”
“I . . . I love you too, Kevin.”
n the morning of my birthday, I waited in bed as long as I could. I heard Alaysia banging around in the kitchen, making our protein shakes. I tipped into the kitchen, not wanting to spoil any potential surprise.
“I was wondering if you were getting up. You going to yoga?” Alaysia handed me my shake.
I looked around the kitchen. “I guess so.”
“What's wrong with you?”
I shrugged. “Nothing. Just thought I'd be getting a special birthday breakfast or something. I only hit the big thirty once, ya know.”
Alaysia slapped her forehead. “Oh, no!” She walked over to the fridge and flipped a page on the calendar. “It's May twenty-ninth. Your birthday. I am the world's worst friend.” She walked over and gave me a hug. “I'm sorry. I've committed the worst breech of friendship. On your big thirty? Why didn't you remind me?”
My eyes widened. “Remind you? Miss Decorate For Every Holiday? Miss Never Forget a Birthday? I didn't think I had to remind you.”
“You know how busy we've been with the business, and I've got these new massage clients, and you know I'm trying to do my billing right. And you know Khalil is—”
“Don't worry about it. It's not that big of a deal.”
“It is that big of a deal. Let me make it up to you. I'll throw together something real special. We can go to whatever restaurant you pick. I'll call David. I don't think Nakia's coming this weekend, so he should be free, and I'll talk to some people at the gym today. Where do you want to go?”
“I said don't worry about it.”
“Monnie, please don't be mad. I'm sorry.”
“I'm not mad. It's cool.”
I didn't bother to finish my shake and went back to my bedroom. Did she really forget or did she have something up her sleeve? I remembered when she threw my twentieth birthday surprise party at our condo. I knew weeks before because I heard her making plans and found the invitations stuffed in her bottom drawer, the presents hidden in the back of her closet, and the decorations in the trunk of her car.
I had snooped for the past two weeks and hadn't found any clues of her putting together a surprise party. No one at the gym had let anything slip, and Alaysia hadn't been acting suspicious. All signs pointed to the fact that she actually forgot my birthday.
She popped her head in the door. “Going to yoga?”
“Don't feel like it.”
“Monnie, please don't be mad.”
“I'm not mad.” I wouldn't even look at her. “I just don't feel like it. Is that allowed?”
“Don't forget you agreed to take Zanetta's training clients this afternoon. She has a three, four, and a five. She's out of town with her hubby.”
I sat up. “I didn't agree to take Zanetta's clients. Why would I agree to be stuck in the gym on my birthday? In fact, Zanetta was supposed to take my step classes this evening so I could be off.”
“She didn't mention it to me. Is there anyone else that can take them?”
“At the last minute? I doubt it.” I flopped over in the bed, giving Alaysia my butt to kiss. Great. Not only did she forget my birthday, but now I was going to be stuck in the gym all day.
“I'm sorry, Monnie. If you had reminded me, we could have planned and had you off.”
“Forget you, Laysia. And right now, I really could if I tried.”
She closed the door softly behind her.
I refused to cry. First Kevin, now Alaysia. I couldn't blame Kevin because his tour schedule had been planned way in advance, but Alaysia? My thirtieth birthday? She'd call some people and throw something together?
Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang. I wasn't about to answer it. Whoever it was at the door was persistent and kept ringing.
I stomped into the foyer and threw open the door. “What?”
The young man standing there dressed in a black suit with a hat jumped. “Sorry to disturb you, ma'am. I'm looking for Monica Harris-Day?”
“That's me.”
He looked down at my pajamas. “I was instructed to pick you up at nine o'clock.”
“There must be some mistake.”
“I was supposed to give you this.”
He held out a note. I snatched it from him and opened it. I recognized Alaysia's handwriting.
Ha, Ha, Ha, I got you. Happy 30th, Monnie. I would never forget your birthday. Hurry up and get dressed. Wear something comfortable. You have a full day planned and you can't be late.
Love, your best friend forever,
P.S. My goodness! Turning thirty has made you snippy. Please treat the limo driver nicely.
“Where did you get this?”
“The lady that hired me brought it down to the car five minutes ago as she was leaving.” He looked down at his watch. “Will you be ready soon? We're supposed to be somewhere by nine-thirty.”
“I'll be downstairs in fifteen minutes.”
couldn't have asked for a better day. The limo driver, Nathan, dropped me off at Spa Sydell in Midtown, where I got the full-day pampering treatment including a facial, manicure, pedicure, hot rocks massage, and seaweed wrap. I was nearly comatose when Nathan picked me up. He took me back to the condo and passed me another note.
I know you're in your post pampering high, but try to limit your nap to only an hour. Nathan will be back to pick you up at 7:30.
P.S. Your outfit is in your closet.
I couldn't get upstairs fast enough. When I threw open my closet door, I gasped at a gorgeous, black party dress with a halter-top and the back out. Alaysia was with me when I tried it on at Nordstrom's three weeks ago. I didn't buy it because I didn't have the nerve to go braless as the dress required. Not that I had a chest anymore. It was the first thing to go when I started working out. The DD queen was barely filling a C. I looked down and saw some black sling-back pumps and a little black beaded purse.
There was no way I could nap for an hour. I was too excited about where Nathan would be taking me.
At 7:30, Nathan picked me up in the limo and took me to Khalil's church. White tea lights and balloons decorated the front. A large banner in the window read: HAPPY 30
My mouth fell open when they switched on the lights and I heard “Surprise!” The sanctuary was set up with a big buffet table and a bunch of tables and chairs. It was filled with my friends from the gym and new friends from the church.
Alaysia came up and gave me a hug. “How's this for throwing a little something together?”
I hugged her. “Laysia, you are the best. I'm sorry for this morning. I didn't—”
“Girl, you know best friends are no matter what. You was a trip this morning, though.”
I laughed. “I'm sorry. I love you, girl.”
I felt someone putting their hands over my eyes. The cologne smelled like . . .
He picked me up in a hug then planted a big kiss on my lips.
“I didn't think you could be here. What happened?”
“Come on, now. You didn't think I would miss this, did you? You almost found me out asking all those questions about California.” He held me at arm's length. “It's a good thing I did come. I couldn't have you out here in this dress with all these men here. I need to mark my territory.” He walked around me. “Baby, you look so good, it's a . . . you should . . . shoot, I can't even think straight. You just look good.”
I laughed and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Kevin. I'm glad you're here.”
“Ahem.” Alaysia put her hands on her hips. “You do have other guests here.”
I turned around and there stood my parents. “Mommy! Daddy!” I grabbed them both and held them tight. “I can't believe you came. You guys actually got on a plane?”
“Monica, look at you. Look at that dress,” Mommy whispered in my ear. “I told you Kevin would come back when you fixed yourself up.”
I laughed and kissed her cheek. “I guess you were right, Mommy.” Might as well let her believe her version of the truth.
“Hey, baby girl.” Daddy held me tight. “Me and your momma miss you so much.”
I kissed his cheek. “I miss you guys too, Daddy.”
I really did. I felt bad that I hadn't seen them in so long. We talked on the phone at least once a week and they were real disappointed when I didn't come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but said they understood.
“How long are you guys staying?”
Daddy said, “I'm sorry, baby girl. We gotta get back for church on Sunday. It's Pastor Clayton's anniversary, and all deacons have to be there.”
I rubbed his bald head. “That's okay, Daddy. You being here tonight is more than enough. Where are you staying?”
“Miss Alaysia got us at this high falutin' hotel up the street. Had that boy pick us up in a limo. I tell you, that girl knows how to treat people. Everything been real nice. 'Cept the food here at the party. I see why you lost all that weight if that's how she feed you. Ain't a lick of meat in this place.”
I laughed and kissed his cheek. Alaysia grabbed my arm and led me toward the buffet table. “Speaking of food, come check out your spread.”
I walked the length of the table. Alaysia had all my favorite dishes from all my favorite restaurants.
“And there's plenty of chocolate soy ice cream in the freezer.”
“Alaysia, you outdid yourself this time.”
She wiped her forehead. “Whew, this was a lot to put together from the time you reminded me it was your birthday this morning.”
Talinda came up and gave me a hug. “Happy birthday, Monnie. Boy, this almost killed me. I'm the worst at keeping secrets, but Alaysia threatened my life.” She saw Kevin standing beside me. “Oh my God! It's you.” She grabbed his hand. “I love your album. I'm glad you're here. With Monnie. That the two of you are here together. At least I think you're together. Well, you look like you're together, but I guess that doesn't mean you're together . . .”
Kevin laughed. “And you are?”
“Talinda Gaines. Your wife's most devoted client and your most devoted fan.”
“Great to meet you, Talinda.” Kevin kissed her hand.
Talinda whispered in my ear. “Since you guys are back together, that means you can hook me up with your boy over there.” She nodded toward Alex. I smiled and waved him over.
He gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and then held me at arm's length. “Dang, girl. You look good. I told you about wearing those dresses.”
Kevin took a step closer to me and put his arm around my waist.
“Kevin, this is Alex. Alex, this is my husband, Kevin.”
Alex's eyes widened. “Your husband? Oh.” He shook Kevin's hand. “Good to meet you.” Alex looked at me with a mixture of surprise and joy and then back at Kevin. “Good to meet you.”
I held Kevin's hand. “Alex is the business consultant I told you about that helped me and Alaysia get the gym going. He's also a good friend.”
Kevin shook his hand warily as if he should worry about how good a friend Alex had been.
“Alex, this is my friend, Talinda. She's one of my clients at the gym.”
Alex kissed her hand. “Nice to meet you, Talinda.” Alex kissed Alaysia's cheek and hugged her. “And how have you been?”
“I'm good, Alex. It's good to see you.”
“Thanks for inviting me.” He winked at her.
Talinda linked her arm through Alex's. “Alex, Monica tells me you're a business consultant. I wanted to talk to you about an idea I've been tossing around.” She led him off into the crowd. I wanted to warn her, but I knew Alex would disclose things soon enough.
Kevin leaned in close to me, looking around the room. “You got any more ‘friends' I need to be worried about?”
I laughed and punched his arm. “No, Kevin.”
David and Nakia walked up and gave me a hug.
“Nakia, you're here. I didn't think you were in town this weekend.”
“I wouldn't miss your thirtieth.”
David and Kevin gave each other pounds. David said, “Man, it's good to see you again. You gonna be in town long enough for us to do some music?”
“I wish. I gotta fly out first thing in the morning. Got a concert tomorrow night.”
The crowd grew thinner as the night wore on. I kissed my parents goodnight as Nathan ushered them to the limo. Finally, it was just me and Kevin, Alaysia and Khalil, and David and Nakia. We sat around a table, nibbling on cake and ice cream, and talking.
Nakia took David's hand. “Not to steal the attention from Monica's birthday party, but I have some good news. I got a call today at work from the district manager here, and my transfer has been approved. I'll be starting here the end of next month.”
David jumped up and swung Nakia around. She squealed.
“I guess you guys can set your wedding date now,” Khalil said. “You should go ahead and put in for your dates here at the church. There's a lot of weddings coming up.”
“I can't believe we actually get to set a date. I was starting to believe I was going to be engaged forever,” Nakia said.
“A spring wedding would be great,” Alaysia said.
“Spring of next year?” David frowned. “I can't wait that long to get married. Having you here in the same city every single day of the week? Naw, man, ain't no way I can make it a year.”
Nakia laughed. “You so silly. How long do you think it takes to plan a wedding?”
David shrugged. “What's the big deal? You get a preacher, you get a dress, you rent a few tuxes, walk down the aisle and boom, that's it. You're married. I never understood why you women get all stressed out over a wedding.”
I sighed. “Spoken like a true Y-chromosome bearer. Don't worry, Nakia. Men have no clue about these things. All they do is show up. They must think some magic wedding fairy does all the work.”
“What are you trying to say?” Kevin frowned. “I helped with our wedding.”
“Yes, dear, but you're not the average Y-chromosomer,” I said.
Kevin clenched his jaw.
God, help me get my foot out of my mouth.
I turned to Nakia. “I happen to have the most helpful, wonderful, thoughtful husband on the face of the earth. Not every woman can be so blessed.” Kevin's jaw relaxed.
“Hey, I resent that. I think.” David furrowed his eyebrows.
“Yes, think hard, David dear,” I said. “Because if you resent it and say that you're equally wonderful, thoughtful and helpful, you're stuck planning a wedding. If you agree, then you've admitted that you're the average macho boob.” I winked at Nakia.
“David, man, this is one of those situations where it's best not to answer. You can never outthink a woman. Learn that before the wedding and you'll have a much happier marriage.” Kevin looked at his watch. “Yo, man. It's almost two in the morning. I gotta get some sleep.”
David took Nakia's hand. “I better get you to your momma's house. I'm sure with you being out this late, she must think I got you somewhere ‘having my way with you'.”
Nakia giggled. “Yeah, you're right. We better go.”
As they were leaving, I turned to Alaysia. “Do we need to clean up all this stuff?”
“Girl, you know me better than that. I'm gonna pack up whatever food is left and then I have a cleaning crew coming in first thing tomorrow.”
“Wonderful. Leftover rabbit food. I'll start packing it up.” Khalil walked over to the buffet table.
“I know Nathan is gone, so I guess I'm riding with you,” I said to Alaysia.
Kevin took my hand. “I kinda thought you'd be going to the hotel with me. I wanted to spend more time with you before I fly out.”
“Oh . . . yeah. That's cool, but what about clothes? I don't have my car, so I don't have my gym bag.”
Alaysia pointed to the table filled with my birthday presents. “Somewhere in that stack over there is a box with some new exercise clothes in it. Be right back.” She walked over to the table.
“Don't worry,” Kevin said. Same rules as last time. I'll just hold you and we'll go to sleep. I won't try anything.”
“Okay.” I took off my pumps. They were cute, but my baby toes had enough.
Kevin looked around the room. “Great party. You have a really nice life here—your friends, your church, your business. I'm glad God worked things out for you. I was worried when you first left, but I guess He knew what He was doing.”
“I know. Every day when I wake up, I thank Him for my life right now. I never thought I would be happy again.”
Kevin's face fell.
“I didn't mean . . .”
“Yes, you did. It's okay. I'm sorry I ever made you feel that way.”
“I know, Kevin. Let's not focus on that, though. Let's focus on moving forward.”
“How, though? You have your life here. I can't ask you to leave that. And I have my life at Love and Faith with the choir and Bishop and . . .”
I winced when he said “Bishop.”
“I don't know, Kevin. But God knows. Let's let Him work it out.”

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