My Splendid Concubine (20 page)

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Authors: Lloyd Lofthouse

BOOK: My Splendid Concubine
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And what does that have to do with his son marrying?” Robert asked.

Because having both the male and female birds together represents immortal love.” She looked at Robert with adoration. “You said your Phoenix is the symbol of rebirth. In China when the male bird is painted on a house, it symbolizes loyalty and honesty exists in the people who live in that house.”

Immortal love,” Robert said. He liked the idea. If what she said were true, he’d have paintings of the
Feng Huang
painted on the bedroom walls wherever they lived.

When the junk set sail and drifted down river toward the sea, Robert studied the shore looking for Ward. He also watched to see if any boats were following them. There was too much traffic on the river to tell. What if Ward didn
’t honor the agreement and put a price on their heads? After all, Robert had forced Ward to agree under duress. If that happened, could Robert trust anyone?


The junk left them on the eastern end of Zhoushan Island and sailed on to Ningpo. From where they went ashore, it was a long walk to Captain Patridge’s summerhouse on the other end of the island. It was morning when they started walking. They didn’t arrive until dark.

There were no ships anchored in the cove when they reached the foot
of the hill Patridge’s house was built on. Light glowed from the veranda. The scene reminded Robert of the candle that draws the moth to its flames. He also saw the light as a beacon—a lighthouse sending out its beam to keep the traveler safe on his path.

Coming clo
ser, Robert heard people talking. He recognized Captain Patridge’s voice. The other voice sounded like Hollister. Hearing the raspy sound of Hollister’s intimidating voice tempted him to leave. He didn’t relish a confrontation with the man, and he expected there’d be one. After all, he had seduced Hollister’s woman, Me-ta-tae.

Curses!” he said.

What is wrong?” Ayaou asked, sensing from the tone of his voice he wasn’t pleased.

Nothing,” Robert replied. He had no choice. There was no turning back now. If he were right about Patridge, this was the only place he had a chance to borrow the money he owed Ward for Ayaou.

Hello.” Robert called out.

What? Who’s there?” Patridge said. He came to the edge of the veranda and squinted into the darkness. “By the gods, it’s Bob Hart!” he said. “We thought the Taipings caught you.”

It was close,” Robert replied. “I did go to the Chinese death god. He kicked me back and said it wasn’t my turn.”

Come and have a seat.” Patridge pulled Robert into his arms and hugged him.

Hello, Hollister,” Robert said, when he saw the man sitting at the table. Robert forced himself to keep his voice as friendly as possible. “I didn’t see your sloop,
The Dawn
, in the anchorage.”

My boat is anchored in another cove,” Hollister replied. “I came on horseback to say goodbye to an old friend and take advantage of his hospitality one last time.” Hollister took a cigarette from a box on the table. The girl standing behind him stepped forward to light it.

He inhaled deeply and blew the smoke out
through his nose. He studied Robert through the tobacco cloud with half-closed eyes. “Played any interesting games recently?” Hollister asked in a lazy voice. “I’m up for a game if you are, but the stakes must be higher.”

Robert was about to ask
Hollister what he meant when there was a rush of feet. A slight figure dashed out of the house and flew into his arms. It was Shao-mei. She wrapped her arms around him and held tight. She was trembling when she buried her face against his chest.

And yes, you have nothing to worry about,” Patridge said. “I’ve taken good care of your property. It will stay untouched, although some of my guests expressed interest in her.” He laughed.

Shao-mei!” Ayaou called.

Looking confused, Shao-mei stepped back an
d glanced from Robert to Ayaou.

I can see Shao-mei is as confused as I am,” Patridge said. “How did you come by Ayaou?”

That’s something I want to discuss in private.”

All right, but where did you come from? I don’t see a ship in the anchorage.”

A Chinese junk dropped us at the other end of the island,” Robert said.

You walked that far! Good Lord! You must be famished. I’ll have food brought immediately.”

First I want to talk business,” Robert said. “There will be time to eat later.” He turned to Shao-mei. “Take your sister to the room and get her food.”

The younger sister took Ayaou by the hand and started to leave.

“Wait,” Robert said. The sisters stopped and looked at him. “Ayaou, tell what happened and our arrangement.” Ayaou nodded, and Shao-mei led her into the house.

’s eyes followed the sisters departure until they went through the door and out of sight. Robert didn’t like that. He wanted to slap the man.
Keep your eyes off my girls
, he thought.

Once the girls were gone,
Hollister looked at Robert. He said, “You’ve lost weight since I last saw you. I want to hear what you’ve been up to, but first I want to play that game of chess. If you win, I’ll give you Me-ta-tae. If I win, I get Shao-mei.”

How is Me-ta-tae?” Robert asked, ignoring the request for a game of chess. He’d not gamble over women. He would not lower himself to this bastard’s level.

She got herself pregnant. I’m selling her. What else can I do? I’m not willing to support a family that isn’t of my kind. Besides, I’m leaving for home soon. I’ll find a proper bride there. I’m going to sail my sloop around the world with a few friends who want to return home too. I’ve had enough of China.”

If you’re leaving, why do you want to gamble for Shao-mei?”

That’s easy. Since you were with my woman, I thought it would be sporting of you to give me a chance to get even.”

To risk losing Shao-mei?” Robert said.

Hollister shrugged.
“Taking risks comes with life,” he replied. “No matter what happens, you still have the other one. Her name is Ayaou, isn’t it? I heard about you and her. And if you win, you’ll have three girls to keep you company. Me-ta-tae will be happy to have you instead of me. She might not like competing with the others you’ve picked up, but she will have no choice. Getting greedy, aren’t you?”

Angry blood rushed int
o Robert’s head. His hands curled into fists. He forced himself to relax and keep his face composed. He glanced at Patridge. The captain was lighting a cigarette and acting like he hadn’t heard a word.

that Me-ta-tae was pregnant shocked Robert. What if the child were his? If so, he had a responsibility as the father. On the other hand, there was no way to know who the father was since Robert had intercourse with her only once, but Hollister had her daily. Robert still couldn’t help thinking that he was letting her down somehow. The truth was that there was nothing Robert could do to save her. It was a depressing thought. “And if you win, what happens to Shao-mei?” he asked.

Hollister shrugged.
“That’s up to me, isn’t it?” he replied.

Robert shook his head.
“There will be no game.”

Look at you.” Hollister went on in a spiteful tone. “You’re quite the dog. That Shao-mei reminds me of Me-ta-tae. When I bought her, she was always cheerful too. She was about the same age. What do you plan to do with them once you return to England?”

Who said I’m going back? I’m beginning to like China.” Robert glowered at him but put a brake on his tongue before he said something he’d regret. With no one talking, the silence turned thick and tense. Robert considered challenging Hollister to a duel, but that was a choice he could not risk. If he lost, all three girls would suffer, and he’d be dead. He had a reason to live now. He had Ayaou.

Excuse us, Hollister,” Patridge said, breaking the impasse. “Robert and I have business to discuss.”

Patridge led Robert to his study. The coast was visible from one of the open windows. The captain lit a lantern and pointed to a chair. Robert shook his head.
“I want to stand,” he said.

Is there something going on between you two?” Patridge asked. “I thought you and Hollister were friends. And what is this about his woman and you?”

It’s nothing,” Robert replied. The trip from Shanghai had given him time to consider many possibilities, and Payne Hollister was one. “Seeing him here answers some of my questions. It tells me how he built a boat, kept a separate house, gambled away more than he earned and quit his job at the consulate. I imagine his services have saved you money in taxes and of course there is moving the opium past the Imperials. You can’t depend on the boat people for everything. I think you are looking for a replacement.”

Patridge went behind the desk and sat.
“I’ve considered that.”

That explains why you invited me here,” Robert said. “You knew Hollister was leaving. You wanted to find someone else in the consulate to help you save money and get your opium past the Chinese. If I am correct, I’m ready to hear your offer.”

What do you have in mind?” Patridge asked. He became impatient and started to tap his fingers on the desktop.

Simple. I want five hundred pounds and for that you will gain my help to speed the movement of cargo including opium through Ningpo. I will save you time and money. The term for this arrangement will last one full year from the day I return to the consulate in Ningpo. At the end of that year our partnership ends.”

Do you mind explaining why you’re making this offer? To tell you the truth, I’d written you off. You appeared to have too many scruples to do something like this.”

Let it suffice to say that every man has his price.”

It has something to do with Ayaou, doesn’t it?”

Robert nodded.

“Nothing like a woman to turn a man’s head,” Patridge said. A big smile spread across his face. “It’s a deal.” He offered his hand across the desk.

Robert stared at it for a long moment before reaching out to shake and seal the bargain.
“One year,” he said. “And I want the money now.”

I’ll have it for you in the morning.”

What will our arrangements be?” Robert asked.

I’ll send word to you about the shipments we want you to handle. You do the rest. If we are both pleased, we’ll both prosper.”

I don’t want to deal with strangers,” Robert said.

I’m a busy man, Robert. I may not always be free to come to Ningpo to instruct you. You’ve already met Unwyn Fiske. I could arrange to keep him working here for me. It’s time for him to be promoted anyway. He would like a ship but will be satisfied as my assistant.”

No, not Fiske.”

What do you mean? He’s a good man.”

Robert told Patridge about his run in with Fiske during the fight to regain the opium and free the boat people.

“He treated you like that?” Patridge said. “I’ll have a word with him. He won’t do it again.”

I don’t think you understand. I don’t want anything to do with that man.”

I do understand. Let’s not waste another word on this. I’ll take care of him.”

Good,” Robert said.

Did you know that he was the bastard of an earl? He is the man’s only son but can’t inherit the title or the family estate. After Unwyn left the navy, his father set him up for a career in China with the idea that he would make a fortune here. The earl used his connections to gain Unwyn his position with me. However, if he is going to continue to behave as he did with you, he won’t prosper with us. After all, he is a bastard. Don’t worry about him, Robert. You are more valuable to me in your position with the consulate. Fiske is only a first mate on one of our ships.”

But I will worry while he’s in China,” Robert said, remembering how close he came to dying from friendly fire. “Maybe you can give him that promotion he wants and send him to India. I don’t fancy running into him after you two have talked. He’s a disagreeable man with an unpredictable temper.”

Don’t worry about Unwyn. I’ll handle him,” Patridge said. “How about sealed letters? I could send you instructions in envelopes sealed with wax.”

If you are going to do that, we need a code of some kind,” Robert said. “What if someone reads one of your letters instructing me to lie about a cargo? If a letter like that reached an official in the consulate, I could lose my position.”

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