My Stallion Heart (The Stallions Book 7) (11 page)

Read My Stallion Heart (The Stallions Book 7) Online

Authors: Deborah Fletcher Mello

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #African American, #Sagas, #Supermodel, #Utah, #London, #Estate, #Siblings, #Estranged, #Designer, #Playboy, #Haunted, #Careers, #Collide, #Family Life, #Reunion, #Espionage, #Suspicion, #Future, #Threats, #Adult

BOOK: My Stallion Heart (The Stallions Book 7)
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Tinjin shook his head. “Natalie and I are making it work for now. We’re taking things slow. Besides, I’m so focused on business right now that I can’t give the attention to a full-time relationship that I would need to.”

“Yes, you could. Travis and I did it when he was deployed. You make it work if you love each other.”

“Who said anything about love?”

“Mama Dee! Who, by the way, is having some health issues so make sure you call and check on her.”

“What kind of issues?”

“She’s not taking her blood pressure medicine the way she’s supposed to and her numbers have been too high. The doctor fussed her good yesterday. Hypertension is not something to play with!”

“Mama Dee knows better. She’s putting herself at risk for a stroke or a heart attack.”

“She does know better but she refuses to change her diet and she doesn’t get enough exercise so she has to take her medication.”

“I’m sure stress doesn’t help, either.”

“Mama Dee doesn’t have any stress. She’s the most stress-free woman I know. You and I together have more stress than she’s had her whole lifetime!”

Tinjin laughed. “You’re probably right about that. I love how that old woman just takes everything so easily.”

“But back to what I was saying before. Mama Dee says you and Natalie are in love with each other but neither of you is willing to admit it yet. And our grandmother is never wrong!”

Tinjin was grateful that his sister couldn’t see the blush of color that had warmed his cheeks. He would never have gotten a break if she could see the expression that crossed his face. “Well, I don’t know about love but I’ll say we like each other a lot. We’ll just see what happens.”

Tierra nodded into the receiver. “Well, don’t mess it up, Tinjin. You know how you can do sometimes.”

“Goodbye Tierra. I’ll call you next week.”

“I love you, big brother!”

“I love you, too!”

Disconnecting the call, Tinjin felt his pulse quicken. Yeah, what he felt for Natalie was love, but until he could get a handle on things no one needed to discuss it. He stole a quick look at his wristwatch. He had time to kill before Natalie found her way home. His stomach rumbled and he realized he’d not eaten since earlier in the day. He suddenly remembered a little bistro near Natalie’s townhouse that she’d encouraged him to try. Since he was headed in that direction he couldn’t think of a reason why now wouldn’t be as good a time as any other. Taking one last glance around the space, he made his exit and locked the door.

* * *

Natalie had finished two glasses of wine and was working on her third. Jean-Paul had been going on and on about absolutely nothing since they’d been seated. She smiled politely but everything about her body language said she had no interest in being there. He was the only one who didn’t seem able to catch the clues. Dinner had only come after his insistence, the man promising a business opportunity she’d not be able to refuse. Only because Jean-Paul had always served her well when it came to business had she agreed to join him.

She reached for her cell phone to check the time and to see if Tinjin might have sent her a text message but there was nothing. It was radio silence. No calls, no messages, no nothing. She blew a deep sigh before forcing herself back to the conversation Jean-Paul was having with his lonesome.

“I’m not sure what I plan to do but I’m sure it will all work out,” he said as he reached across the table for her hand.

“I’m sure it will,” Natalie responded as she pulled her fingers from his, dropping her hand into her lap.

“I was very impressed with that piece you did on Jourdan Claude. They are definitely a company one should keep their eye on.”

She shrugged. “I wish them well.”

“I actually met Claude Von Brett, the owner. He and I have much in common. I liked his wife, as well.”

“Jourdan’s very sweet,” Natalie said, her gaze skating around the small restaurant.

“I’ve been thinking about doing business with them. How would you feel about that?”

Natalie shifted her eyes back to his. “What kind of business?”

“They need a financial infusion and I’m looking to get more involved. I could make you the face of Jourdan Claude. It could be a brilliant marketing strategy.”

Natalie stared at him, not bothering to respond. She reached for her glass and took another swig.

“We can talk about it more at my party tomorrow night,” he said. “They will both be there. And I don’t know if I told you, there’s another young designer looking for a handout to kick his design business off, as well. I want you to meet him, to give me your opinion.”

“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make your party,” Natalie said. “I might be unavailable.”

“You must be there,” Jean-Paul insisted. “This party is to honor you.” He reached across the table, grasping her hand a second time. He pulled it to his lips and kissed her palm.

Natalie let out another deep sigh as she gestured toward the waiter with her other hand, needing a refill of her wineglass.

* * *

Tinjin had been seated at a table on the opposite side of the room when he spied the two of them together. He bristled as he watched Jean-Paul Vivier suck Natalie’s fingers into his mouth. Her snatching her hand away did nothing to ease the swell of jealousy that had surged through his spirit.

He took a deep breath. Natalie had lied to him. He had trusted that she was having a good time with her girls and instead she was being wined and dined by another man. He couldn’t help but wonder—if he had not come back to London unexpectedly would she and Jean-Paul be sharing more than dinner?

He was just about to confront the two of them when the restaurant’s door swung open, ushering in Frenchie, Leslie and Imani, the trio moving quickly toward Natalie’s table. There was a brief conversation before Natalie rose from her seat and bid Jean-Paul goodbye. The four women were out the door quickly, raucous laughter echoing after them. Neither had bothered to look in his direction, Natalie not realizing that he was even there.

Tinjin tensed. The waitress hovered over him, ready to take his order. He’d suddenly lost his appetite, his mind racing as he tried to put the pieces together. Natalie had left with her friends, so her lie was more a half-truth, conveniently leaving out her dinner plans with Jean-Paul. And what was the relationship between the two? Tinjin hadn’t been aware that they’d even known each other. He had more questions than answers and just as he was growing weary of trying to figure it all out, Jean-Paul called his name.

“Tinjin Braddy! How are you?”

Tinjin met the man’s outstretched hand, shaking it in greeting. “Jean-Paul, what a surprise.” He then eyed the man.

“Yes, it is. Did my assistant contact you with the information about my party tomorrow?”

Tinjin nodded. “She did. I look forward to it. I hope you don’t mind if I bring a guest.”

“Oh, please do. It will be quite the event. Of course, I’ll have made my decision about your business venture and it will be a wonderful opportunity for us to both announce our plans. I’m also excited to officially announce my engagement. You just missed my fiancée,” he said as he tossed a quick look over his shoulder and pointed toward the door.

Tinjin felt himself bristle a second time. “Your fiancée?”

Jean-Paul nodded as he continued. “But you’ll have the opportunity to meet Natalia tomorrow.”

Tinjin felt his jaw tighten as Jean-Paul extended his goodbye. “Have a good night,” he responded as the other man waved in response.

The waitress was still eyeing Tinjin curiously. “Are you ready to order yet, sir?”

He shook his head. “I’ve changed my mind,” he answered as he placed a twenty pound note onto the table. “This is for your troubles.”

The girl’s eyes widened at the generous tip. “Thank you, sir! But you really don’t...”

Her last words fell on deaf ears as Tinjin rushed from the room, heading to Natalie’s home to wait. Intent on getting to the truth.

* * *

“So, what do you plan to tell Tinjin?” Frenchie asked, her forehead furrowed.

Natalie shrugged her narrow shoulders. “I don’t plan to tell him anything. There’s nothing to tell.”

Frenchie shook her head. “I think he might want to know about Jean-Paul’s obsession with you.”

Natalie rolled her eyes. “He’s obsessed with himself, not me. Jean-Paul is a nonentity in our lives.”

“So, what about his party tomorrow? Are you going?”

“I really want to meet Karl Lagerfeld. Don’t you want to come with me?”

Frenchie shook her head. “Why don’t you take Tinjin?”

“I might do that. You act like I don’t want Tinjin and Jean-Paul to meet.”

Her friend laughed. “You don’t need to convince me.”

Natalie sighed. “Take me home. I’m intoxicated and you’re picking on me. I can see things going downhill between us and I don’t want you to ruin our friendship.”

The other woman laughed, mirth flooding the air around them. “Our friendship will be just fine. However, you have a problem on your hands and you don’t even know it,” she said. “You need to tell Tinjin. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man who would appreciate his woman keeping secrets.”

“I’m not keeping secrets.”

“But you are his woman?”

“’s...” Natalie stammered. “It’s complicated.”

Her friend laughed. “It’s going to get complicated if you don’t do what you need to do.”

Chapter 12

renchie’s words echoed in Natalie’s head for the entire ride home. When her friend had dropped her off at her front door she’d admonished her one last time. “Seriously, Natalie, Jean-Paul is a whole other degree of crazy. Good men like Tinjin don’t do crazy well, especially when it comes to their girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend. Take it from a voice of experience.”

Natalie blew a deep sigh. Clearly Francesca Adams didn’t know what she was talking about. Natalie had no interest in Jean-Paul, and since their history together had never amounted to much of anything she saw no reason for Tinjin to be given the details. Tinjin knew how she felt about him. At least, he should, Natalie thought to herself.

She took a deep breath and then a second as she steadied herself at the bottom of the porch. She loved Tinjin. She loved him more than she ever imagined possible. Everything about his presence in her life felt right. From the moment they’d met, him standing over her in the airport, she’d felt a tremendous connection to the man. Now, when he was gone, she felt broken, something important missing from her. Home was in Tinjin’s arms and she wanted nothing more than to stay there for the rest of her days.

Jean-Paul could never measure up to a man like Tinjin Braddy and Natalie’s connection with him had only been a stepping-stone in her career. Jean-Paul had a history of dangling things she wanted in front of her to gain her companionship. And Natalie had always been able to keep him at arm’s length, never crossing the boundaries of friendship. Jean-Paul could only dream about sharing her bed. And having her heart wasn’t a possibility. Whenever his demands became too much, she had always pushed him away. Sending him packing always had him wanting to do more for her. It had become a vicious cycle and Natalie suddenly knew that it was a carousel ride that she finally needed to get off.

The home was quiet. There was only one light on, a faint glow coming from the kitchen. She kicked her shoes off in the living room, pausing to inspect the papers Tinjin had dropped on the coffee table and floor. His talent amazed her and she smiled as she studied the detailed designs that bore his signature.

In her bedroom Natalie found Tinjin in her king-size bed, curled up on his side, the sheets and blankets pulled tight around his body. She smiled. His being there brought her a level of comfort she’d never known before.

She tiptoed into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. After slipping out of her clothes and into her nightgown she eased into the bed beside him and pressed her body against his back.

Lying there, Tinjin had been waiting patiently, questions racing through his head, confusion spinning through his heart. He didn’t know what to believe about Natalie and Jean-Paul and he didn’t want to believe the worst. He had heard her the moment her key had hit the door lock. As she’d moved through the house, his anxiety level had increased tenfold. He’d waited to see if she would shower, fearful that there was trace evidence of an indiscretion she needed to rinse away. But nothing in her nightly routine had changed, Natalie’s behavior as predictable as always. His paranoia had been just that. As Natalie pressed her body against his, he tensed, holding his breath as he struggled to still the heavy pounding in his chest.

Natalie snaked her arm around his waist, teasing his abdomen with her fingertips. She pressed a kiss to the back of his neck, blowing warm breath across his skin. Tinjin inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with her scent.

“You’re home,” he said, his voice low as he tried to keep his tone even.

“I missed you,” she whispered back as she kissed him again.

“Did you and your friends have fun?”

She nodded her head against his back. “I would have had more fun with you.”

Tinjin took another deep breath and blew it past his lips. “So did you guys catch dinner first? Did you get a chance to eat?”

There was a moment of hesitation before Natalie finally answered. “I actually had dinner with an old acquaintance. You might have heard of him. Jean-Paul Vivier?”

“You two are friends?”

“Acquaintances. He’s introduced me to a lot of people in the industry that have helped my career. Do you know him?”

“We’ve met.”

“Then you know there’s nothing to be impressed about.” She tightened the hold she had on his torso as she gyrated her pelvis against his backside.

Tinjin ignored the gesture. “Did you two run into each other or something?”

“Or something. He called me this afternoon and asked me to meet him. Had I known you were coming home I would have turned him down.”

“So you two don’t have a relationship? You’ve never dated?”

Natalie giggled, her mind still clouded with drink. “He dated me. I didn’t date him. But it’s nothing you need to be concerned about. That man means nothing to me. We had dinner, talked about him introducing me to the powers at Chanel who are looking for a new spokeswoman and then I met up with Frenchie and the girls. Now I’m home here with you.” She drew a warm hand across his crotch and his muscle jumped to attention. “And your friend,” she giggled.

Tinjin took a third deep breath, holding it a brief moment before blowing it back out. He turned, lifting his arms to embrace her. He pulled her close, relishing the warmth of her body against his own. He pressed his lips to her forehead, kissing her sweetly.

Natalie smiled, inhaling the sweet scent of his cologne as she closed her eyes and pressed her face into his chest. “I love you,” she murmured, the words barely an audible whisper. Minutes later she was sound asleep and Tinjin was watching her slumber, thinking about how much he loved her back.

* * *

“My head hurts!” Natalie muttered as she pulled a pillow over her face, rolling her back against the mattress.

“You have a hangover.” Tinjin laughed.

“I drank scotch. I hate scotch.”

He eased his body back against the bed, pulling her into his arms. “Then stop drinking scotch!”

“It’s all Frenchie’s fault! She made me.”

Tinjin laughed.

“Not so loud!” Natalie exclaimed.

What’s on your agenda today?” he asked.

“For the next two hours I’m going to nurse this migraine. Then I have a meeting this afternoon with a vendor who wants to buy advertising space on
Pretty, Pretty

“Are you going to Vivier’s cocktail party?”

Natalie lifted one side of the pillow, meeting his stare with one open eye. “I was thinking about it. He promised to introduce me to Lagerfeld.”

“Would you like to go with me?” Tinjin asked, his eyebrows raised.

“You got an invitation?”

He shook his head. “Why does that surprise you?”

“I didn’t know you and Jean-Paul knew each other like that.”

“Well, he invited me. He’s the investor I was telling you about. The one I was waiting for a response from. He’s promised to tell me tonight if he agrees to my terms.”

“So you’re the designer he wants me to meet!” She suddenly sat upright, wincing from the pain that surged through her head.

“He told you about me?”

“He just said there was someone new he was thinking about investing in. But he’s also considering a deal with Jourdan Claude, which would definitely be a conflict of interest. So, he’s either playing one or both of you, or he’s up to something else.”

“Now, that’s interesting to know.”

“I don’t want you to do business with Jean-Paul,” Natalie said, meeting Tinjin’s deep gaze. “He’s not a good fit for you. The man has no integrity.”

“But you’re friends with him?”

She shook her head. “He and I aren’t friends.”

Tinjin studied her face for a moment. He leaned to kiss her mouth. “I’ll make you breakfast, then I need to run. I’m meeting with a leather distributor this afternoon.”

“I saw your designs,” Natalie said. “They’re beautiful!”

Tinjin grinned. “I’m excited about them. I can’t wait until the samples are finished and I can see them on your feet.”

Natalie lifted both her legs upward. She wiggled her feet left and then right. “I can’t wait to see them on my feet, either!” she said.

Tinjin ran a hand down the length of her leg. He tickled the backs of her knees as he pressed a kiss to her thigh. He shuddered, a chill racing through his body.

“You really are a tease,” he said.

Natalie grinned. “You’re the one with the hands. I’m not touching anything.”

“You have a headache.”

“It’s not that kind of headache!”

He grinned back. “I’ve got to get to work. You are not pulling me back into this bed.”

Natalie lowered her legs and parted her thighs. Her nakedness peeked from the bottom of her nightgown. She drew her index finger into her mouth, spinning her tongue across her manicured nail. Her gaze met the look he was giving her.

Rising, Tinjin pulled off his clothes and threw them to the floor. They didn’t bother with foreplay. Towering above her, Tinjin entered her swiftly, burrowing himself deeply inside her. Natalie arched her back, pressing her shoulders hard against the mattress as she lifted her hips to meet him. Their loving was quick and dirty as he stroked her, in and out, up and down. His hands danced from one breast to the other as he squeezed the lush tissue, rolling the nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Natalie grabbed one hand and drew his fingers into her mouth, sucking each digit like a lollipop. The sensation tightened his muscles, his whole body weeping for release.

Tinjin suddenly pulled himself from her as he flipped her onto her stomach. He lifted her onto her knees and entered her from behind. With one hand pressing hard against the back of her neck, pushing her shoulders downward as he held her by the waist, pulling her buttocks against him, he slammed in and out of her. Her body pulsed with pleasure, the lining of her sweet spot like a vice around his member. Her orgasm came first, her convulsions inciting his. Natalie cried out, his name rolling off her tongue again and again. His body clenched tight as she continued to push against him, pushing and pulling until she had milked him dry. They fell forward together, Tinjin dropping the wealth of his weight against her. They both panted heavily, the ripples of ecstasy refusing to let go.

The second time he entered her he loved her slowly, savoring every sensation that swept between them. He relished the connection that had become a lifeline for them both.

Hours later, when Tinjin rushed out the door, he wasn’t thinking about his meeting with the supplier or the drawings he’d left sprawled across the coffee table in her living room. All that was on his mind was getting back to Natalie, her Stallion heart holding him hostage.

* * *

There was attitude registered all over Natalie’s face. Jean-Paul stood in her living room with insolence spilling out of his eyes. An argument had come to an impasse, both determined to have their way.

“I do not understand why you are being so difficult,” Jean-Paul hissed between clenched teeth.

Natalie snapped back. “No one’s being difficult. I just refuse to be manipulated.”

“This should be the happiest day of our lives, Natalia! I am trying to give you the world!”

“I didn’t ask you to give me anything. There is no
and we are not going to have a life together, Jean-Paul. Sooner or later you’re going to need to get that through your thick skull.”

The man bristled. “I am opening doors for you, Natalia! You should show me more appreciation. No one will love you the way I love you.”

Natalie rolled her eyes. She blew a heavy gulp of air past her lips. “Does it not bother you in the least that I’m not in love with you, Jean-Paul? That I have never loved you?”

He turned abruptly, crossing his arms over his chest. Jean-Paul said nothing as he ruminated over her comment. When he turned back to face her he could see the disdain across her face. He took a deep breath. “You have never allowed yourself to give me a chance, darling. All I ask is that you consider what we could have together,
ma chère

Natalie pursed her lips in a slight pout, annoyance clouding the look she was giving him. She knew that once Jean-Paul started with the terms of endearment, calling her sweetheart and honey in his native French, that he would soon be crying and begging for her favor. His theatrics were predictable and old.

“What do you want from me, Jean-Paul?”

“At least come to my party. Allow me to make the introductions I promised to make. Important people are expecting to meet you. You owe me that. Then we can talk more later. Maybe work things out between us and at least remain friends. Give me that.”

Natalie reached for her cell phone. She pushed the speed dial number that would connect her to Tinjin. He answered on the second ring.

“Hey, are you busy?”

“I’m never too busy for you. What’s up?”

“Are you still planning to go to Vivier’s party?”

“Only if you’re going with me.”

“I will only go if you want me there with you. Are you coming here first or do you want me to meet you?”

“I can come get you.”

Natalie smiled. “See you when you get here!”

She disconnected the call and met the disapproving look Jean-Paul was giving her. She pointed toward her front door as she moved in the opposite direction.

“Show yourself out, Jean-Paul. I have to go get ready for your party.”

* * *

Jean-Paul’s cocktail party included an eclectic mix of power players in the fashion industry. Both Tinjin and Natalie were acquainted or familiar with most of the individuals in the room. They arrived fashionably late, ensuring that their arrival was talked about. Side by side they were a stunning couple, both long, lean and meticulously attired.

The dress Natalie wore was a Tin-men special, a one-of-a-kind creation that Tinjin had surprised her with. It was a tailored one-piece pantsuit in a navy-blue-and-white block print that she had paired with six-inch neon green stilettos. The garment fit her to a T, complementing her slim build, and was the talk of the night. Tinjin was handsomely attired in one of his own suits, the navy blue silk partnered with a blue dress shirt and matching necktie. Gucci loafers adorned his feet.

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