My Vampire Idol (5 page)

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Authors: R. G. Alexander

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: My Vampire Idol
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He wanted her blood. God forgive him. He
everything. “Rose…”

“Yes, my vampire. Take what you need.”

She knew. As if she could read him, she knew. Mac felt the tremor, the hunger rising
inside him when he opened his mouth over her neck. He slid the hand on her hip around
and thrust two fingers in her wet sex as his fangs extended and pierced her flesh.

Madness. Her blood was a madness that instantly pervaded his senses. He could taste
her desire, knew she was hungry too. Knew he would give her what she needed—his passion.
She fed off it like a vampire fed off human blood. It was her chocolate. Her drug.

She could easily become his.

There was danger in her demon blood. It burned down his throat and intensified every
sensation and emotion. It made him wild. The predator he’d always resisted becoming.
The hungry animal acting on instinct and lust. He thrust hard and deep until he was
buried inside her, his fingers rough as they fucked her, his fangs still puncturing
her skin. He saw the blood dripping down the curve of her breast and he forced himself
to lift his mouth, roaring in denial as he came so hard it nearly blinded him.

She’d shattered him. Broken down hundreds of years of walls as if they were made of
no more than mist. As a vampire, he had never felt so alive. A warrior’s cry of victory
tightened his throat. Never had he wanted anything as fiercely as the new desire clawing
inside him.

To have her again. To taste her again. Her blood. Her sweet blood. To fuck her. To
keep her.

Rose was screaming his name as she found her own climax, her body bucking in his embrace—as
lost to it as he had been.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against him, licking the blood
from her shoulder tenderly as she shuddered. “That’s right,” he soothed. “That’s so
good, Rose.”

She went still in his arms for a moment before pulling away and reaching for the soap,
handing it to him without making eye contact. “Thank you.” Her words sounded forced.
“I’m glad we got that out of the way, aren’t you? Now we can focus on the contest.”

Mac washed himself without taking his eyes from her. What was she up to now? She’d
stepped onto the stage and pushed herself into his life, throwing herself at him,
giving herself to him…and what? He was supposed to leave now that she’d gotten what
she wanted?

To hell with that. “If you really want to thank me you’ll go dry yourself off, walk
to the middle of the room and get on your knees until I come to you.”

Dark eyes met his, startled. “Excuse me?”

He rinsed himself off, his cock hardening again in his hand as he studied her body.
“I want you to know I won’t neglect your breasts. They are too delectable to ignore.
I will be spending quite a bit of time on them, but only after I give you the spanking
you’ve been asking for. The one you so richly deserve.”

Her cheeks flushed and she pushed her wet hair away from her face. She liked the idea.

“I could be taken at any moment,” he mused, still stroking his erection. “Now is all
the time we have, Rose. And the longer you hesitate, the longer I will punish you
by making you wait.”

She left the shower and he forced himself to hold back. To give her time. He needed
a little of that himself. He licked his lips, still tasting the tang of her blood
on his tongue, knowing nothing would ever be as sweet. No woman would have the same

If he
going to die soon, he would be grateful that he’d been given such a succulent last

He planned to enjoy every bloody drop.




Chapter Four


She might need to adapt her plan again, Rose mused as she knelt naked on the plush
rug of her hotel bedroom and waited to see what Mac would do to her. She wasn’t sure
a few days was going to be enough, but any longer and her sisters would come looking
for her. Not because they worried about her well-being, but because those were Magnolia’s

If she said she hadn’t found him, would they know she was lying?

The instant Mac’s desire touched her in the shower she’d known he was there. She’d
been planning to go to him anyway, unwilling to wait for what she wanted so desperately.
His bold move made it easier. Better. And the sex had been exactly what she’d known
it would be. Powerful. Wild and potent.

The tenderness afterward had thrown her. Vampires weren’t tender. If she were being
honest with herself, neither were most demons, but all the vampires she’d ever known
could have been made of cold stone.

Mac was anything but cold.

He wanted to spank her
. She shivered deliciously, impatient for his touch.  It was another way she differed
from most of her sisters. Magnolia, Ivy and a few of the others loved to make men
kneel. To dominate. They used their wiles to crush their partners beneath their heels
and force them to beg for pleasure.

Rose had no desire to conquer…she just wanted to play. Wanted to be touched, to be
marked. By Mac.

What was it about him? Most of his kind were attractive, even beautiful.  In fact
Mac was probably the most ruggedly masculine vampire around, broad-shouldered and
thickly muscled from his days as a highland warrior. He was big all over—she smiled,
remembering how completely he filled her. Claimed her, the way a shifter would. Tugged
her hair as he bit her, his lust drowning her with its power.

She slid her hand between her thighs, needy again. His passion matched hers, despite
his so-called restraint. She’d touched it. Knew it. He wanted to play just as badly
as she did.

An idea started to form in her mind. A way to surprise him while still obeying his
command. To give them both an unforgettable night, and to fulfill her brand new fantasy.

She looked around the luxurious suite and watched as the walls disappeared, replaced
by an open cottage of stone. The carpet faded, leaving nothing but a smattering of
hay on the dirt floor. The fireplace blazed, heating her skin as she—in nothing but
a sheer chemise—knelt facing the front door, her arms stretched wide and over her
head where they’d been tied to two firm posts.

Rose bit the inside of her cheek. He’d never been with a demon before. Would he appreciate
her ability to project—to bring a fantasy into reality? The door opened. She was going
to find out.

Mac came out of the bathroom, calmly drying his hair with a towel—until he noticed
what she’d done. “What in the

She glanced down and licked her lips. He was born to wear a kilt. Maybe she could
talk him into keeping it for their performance. No woman in the audience would be
able to resist him.

He noticed it and swore again. “Rose, what did you do? How?”

“What are
doing, you rogue?” she demanded, lifting her chin in challenge. “You’ve pillaged
our land, and now you’ve got me bound and at your mercy. What will you do with me?
Demand a ransom?”

“Is this a trick?”

She struggled lightly against the rope. “Tell me, brigand. Is it a ransom you’ll be

Play with me.

Mac studied her, his jaw tense and his cheeks flushing with blood. “I have to admit
I was content to leave all the pillaging to my father, lass. But in your case I think
I could make an exception.”

He strode toward her and Rose sighed in relief and need. He was going to play. “I
said answer me, you heathen. What are you going to do with me?”

He stopped directly in front of her, the plaid of his kilt even with her open lips.
His fingers came down to caress the side of her neck where he’d bitten her. “The right
question is, what am I
going to do to you? Because right now, seeing you tied up like this for me? I can’t
think of a thing I don’t want to try.”

She licked her lips again. “Will you make me pleasure you with my mouth?”

He groaned. “I believe I promised you a spanking, dear Rose.”

“Yes,” she panted. “Yes, I deserve a long, hard spanking for even thinking about you
lifting that kilt and filling my mouth with every inch of your thick, salty—”

He covered her lips with his fingers, stopping her words. “You could tempt an angel
out of heaven, demon. And I’m no angel.” His words were no more than a rough whisper.
“But I
spank you first, Rose. I will show you I mean what I say.”

Stepping away from her, he walked around the posts until he was behind her. “You’re
my prisoner and you have to obey me if you ever mean to see your clansmen again. Get
on your feet and let me see my prize.”

Rose got to her feet, trembling, allowing herself to fall into her role. To lose herself
in the forbidden fantasy. “I’m no man’s prize.”

“Oh, but you are. Look at you.” He wrapped his fists around the back of her dress
and pulled, tearing it easily until it was held up only by the position of her arms,
the back open to reveal her skin to his gaze. “Fashioned to fill a man’s hands and
sate all his hungers. You are a feast worth any price.”

Mac moved in behind her and cupped the cheeks of her ass tightly, his breath hot on
her neck. “This ass, Rose. This round creamy handful of flesh is mine, isn’t it? I
can fuck it, I can bite it, and I
spank it. Because I desire it. I want to hear you scream.”


He moved to her side, her arm over his shoulder as he placed one large hand low on
her stomach, sliding down to her thinly covered sex. “Bend forward, Rose. Far as you

She bent over. “You can force me to obey you,” she challenged. “But I will never submit.”

“You will,” he murmured roughly, positioning himself firmly at her side. “You must.”

The way he said the words made her believe he meant them. But he was just as caught
up in the fantasy as Rose. Her Scottish warrior. Her wild lover determined to steal
her innocence and her heart.

The first cupped smack landed on her right ass cheek and she cried out in delight.
“No!” she denied. “No man is allowed such liberties.”

“No man except this one.”

He spanked her again, harder this time, making Rose hiss and close her eyes for a
moment to savor the sting. The fingers of his other hand pressed against her clit
as the rhythm of the spanking increased. Again and again. Her ass, her hips, between
her legs.

Each time he stopped, he caressed and then squeezed the burning flesh roughly, biting
her ear, talking to her all the while in a voice thick with desire. “You love it,
don’t you, Rose? Your ass is pink and lush and made for this. Tell me.” He spanked
her faster…harder…the sound of flesh connecting with flesh echoing in the small cottage.
“Tell me you’re mine. That you’ll give me what I want. Whatever I want.”

“Yes, Mac. Yes, whatever you want. I love it. Don’t stop…oh, please don’t fucking

She was close. His desire and hers were indistinguishable as she took the passionate
energy inside her. She was going to come just like this. Tied up and spanked by a
fugitive vampire who made her beg for more.

He stopped. “No!” she cried out raggedly. “
, Mac.”

Mac was in front of her, pushing her long hair behind her ears and caressing her cheek
with the same tenderness that had frightened her before. She met his crystal blue
gaze and he smiled tightly. “Get back on your knees, lass.”

She hadn’t come. She was shaking with the need to. Quivering on the edge. She wanted
to argue with him, to drop the illusion and find her own release despite him.

Rose got on her knees. She couldn’t deny him what she wanted so badly. It wasn’t in
her to even consider it.  But she did drop character long enough to send him a half-hearted
glare. “Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

Mac tilted his head, stroking his beard. “Maybe I am. No one wants to take that kind
of trip alone, my dear.”

“There’s this saying about driving a demon crazy with unsatisfied lust...”

“How does it go?”

“Don’t ever do it.”

Mac chuckled, making quick work of his kilt until it dropped to the floor, leaving
him naked again. “I’ll try to remember. Open your mouth, love.”

Rose was hungry and greedily complied, feeling the demon inside her demanding everything.
More. More. More.
It was a sentiment she wholeheartedly agreed with.

He was delicious. She couldn’t get enough. She licked his shaft and lowered her head,
loving the feel of him hitting the back of her throat. She wanted all of it. All of
him. Everything.


“Fuck,” Mac swore and his fingers tangled in her curls as he sought to control her.
“Fuck, Rose. Jesus, you can’t—oh Christ you’ll make me…

Yes. That. She needed him. Needed to feel him inside her. With a thought the ropes
disappeared and she lifted her mouth, pushing him with all her strength until he was
on his back on the hard floor. “Fuck, Mac,” she demanded through her haze. “Need it.
Want it. Now.”

She could see herself through his eyes—her dark hair wild around her face, her eyes
glowing red—but she couldn’t stop herself from straddling his hips and lowering her
body onto his thick, delicious cock.
She arched her back and shouted his name. That was what she needed.


“I’m here,” he growled, his fingers digging into her hips. “Take it, Rose. Ride me.”

As if she had a choice. Nothing could stop the beast that had her in its thrall. The
greedy soul that screamed and snarled and moaned for him. For Mac. She leaned back,
her hips pounding against his, her teeth bared as she desperately sought her release.

Her body was on fire. Burning. Boiling. She could smell him. Her vampire. He smelled
like Scotland. Like sex. Like her. She needed to mark him—needed his mark on her again.

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