My Wild Highlander (27 page)

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Authors: Vonda Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Historical Fiction, #Castles, #Historical Romance, #romance historical romance, #romance novel, #sensual romance, #romance action adventure, #highlander, #scottish historical romance, #romance 1600s, #highland historical romance, #scottish castles, #1600s, #castles fiction, #fiction historical, #hot historical romance

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"Place it here, if you would." He indicated a
wooden chair near him, and she deposited it there. "My thanks," he

"M'laird. M'lady." The maid curtseyed and

Mère de Dieu
, that was mortifying,"
Angelique whispered.

"Why?" He tore off a bite of bread and threw
it into his mouth.

"We are nude…together. And bathing."

"You are covered. The servants help you bathe
and dress all the time. And she cannot see beneath the surface of
the water with all this soap you've used. Besides, you are
beautiful in the nude and should not be ashamed."

She blew out a breath. "You've surely gone

He snickered and offered her a bite of bread.
"If you'll come over here, I'll feed you well and proper."

"I thought we were bathing. Now we are eating
a meal?"

"Indeed. We accomplish two things at once. It
leaves more time for…other activities."


A half hour later, the bath water started to
cool. Lachlan and Angelique had helped each other bathe and wash
their hair, in between sharing bites of food or sips of wine.
Angelique found the whole exchange to be shockingly intimate but
more fun than she'd had in years. Since Lachlan didn't try to
couple with her, perhaps he'd had his fill of carnal pursuits, at
least for now…even though he did have an erection half the time.
This intimacy with a man was so new to her, she could not decide
how she felt about it. She feared she was slipping beneath his
seductive spell and enjoying him too much.

"Let us play hazard. What say you?" Lachlan
asked when they stepped out of the tub. Droplets of water glistened
on the finely wrought muscles of his shoulders and chest. He slowly
dragged the piece of linen material over her wet body, sending
delicious sensations along her skin.

"I do not know how. My mother would never
allow me to play such gambling games." Shivering from the cool air,
she picked up the clean smock from the foot of the bed.

He snatched the garment from her and flung it
away. "Well then, I shall corrupt you." He winked. "Into bed with
you now."

"That was clean!"

"You have no need of it."

She huffed but climbed into bed. Now what was
he up to? She did not wish to lounge about naked for hours. Surely
that was an activity more suited to a paramour than a wife. Then,
she wondered if she could be both to him. What a daft yet exciting

After he dried himself, Lachlan dug something
from his sporran and followed her into bed, leaning back against
the pillows and allowing the sheet to rest at his waist. His naked
presence beside her in bed gave her more intense carnal thoughts
and urges. His hard, hair-roughened thigh grazed her own, making
her recall the erotic sensations of his legs sliding between hers.
The grouping of three glowing candles on the bedside table revealed
a few remaining drops of water sparkling on his chest. She
entertained the mad idea of licking them off and brushing her lips
over his chest, kissing every inch.

He jiggled something in his hand that clacked
together. "Never played hazard?"


"'Tis easy. Whoever loses each toss of the
dice must kiss the other person wherever they say. And we'll take

"What do you mean…kiss…on any body part?" Had
he read her mind?


Ma foi!
You are wicked."

His gaze turned sensual in the extreme. "And
you like that about me."

Indeed she did, but she refused to let him
know that. She hoped he didn't see her fiery blush. "You have
played this before."

"Not for these stakes. Usually I only gamble
for money, or weapons. Now, here are the rules. Choose a main—a
number between five and nine, then roll the dice. If the number you
chose comes up, you win. If not, different rules apply to each
number. Ladies first." He dropped the dice into her hands.

"How will I know you are telling the truth
about the rules?"

"You think I would lie? Whether you win or
lose, I will enjoy the consequence."

She hid a mischievous smile and jiggled the
dice much like he did. "The number I choose is seven." She rolled
the dice and the number displayed was eleven.

"You've won," he said.

"What? You're making that up. You said if I
roll the number I chose, I win."

"Why would I cheat to allow you to win? 'Tis
part of the rules. Ask Rebbie or Dirk if you don't believe
me…later. Not now. Where would you like your kiss?"

Heavens! The man was truly daft, but the idea
of a kiss from him did tempt her. "You may kiss my neck."

"Neck? Is that all?"

What is wrong with that?"

"Naught. But I thought you would be more
unruly…perhaps a bit risqué." He leaned toward her. She tilted her
head back and he pressed his lips to her neck. He nibbled,
tickling, giving her chills, and she rolled away laughing.

He grinned. "My turn. Eight." He rolled the
dice. "Five."

"You lose."

"Nay. I get to roll again."

"You are making this up, I vow!" she

"I have played this game since I was nine
years of age. I ken the rules." He rolled the dice again and an
eight came up. "Blast!"

"You have won. This is the number you first

"Aye, but if the main shows up on the chance,
'tis an out. You've won again."

She smiled and pointed to her shoulder. He
gave her a seductive look and leisurely kissed her shoulder,
stroked his tongue against it, then sucked at her flesh.

Shivering, she drew away lest he seduce her
yet again, and so easily. Her nipples ached and yearned for his
lips. The moisture between her legs tingled and itched.

His eyes gleaming with devilish seduction, he
dropped the dice into her hand.

"Five." She tossed them.

He grinned at the three. "You lose."

"Can I not roll again?"

"Nay. Three is always an out."

"I intend to check with someone about these
rules you are creating."

He nodded. "You should. But now I want my
kiss." He pointed to his mouth.

She leaned toward him and placed a quick peck
on his lips.

"Too fast. That didn't count."

, it did."

"Each kiss must last at least to the count of

"More rules you are making up?"

"Coward," he murmured, a taunting look in his

Relenting, she leaned forward to give him a
longer kiss. She must prove her bravery, after all. His firm,
smooth lips moved against her own. She drew his heated breath
within her and desire flared. Wishing to consume him utterly, she
flicked her tongue between his lips.

"Mmm." The little moan came from him but he
remained immobile while his darkened, heavy-lidded gaze penetrated
her. She forced herself to draw away.
Mère de Dieu
, she was
too susceptible to him.

"Much better," he purred.

She lost the next round by tossing a two. He
pointed to his chest and she kissed him there, taking a bit more
time and brushing her lips over his hard muscles and sprinkling of
hair as she'd imagined earlier. His male nipple was an erotic
little sight. When she touched it with her tongue, breath hissed
between his teeth.

Next, he chose seven as his main and rolled
it. Grinning, he pointed to a spot just below his navel. The sheet
still covered his erection.

Heavens, he could not be serious. "You are a
beast," she said in French.

"Aye." When he lay back on the pillows, she
leaned over him and kissed the muscle-hardened spot he'd indicated.
That narrow line of hair on his flat lower belly tickled her lips
and mesmerized her. She brushed her lips back and forth, then
pressed her nose to him. His clean male scent tempted her, as did
the thought of kissing him all night…and all over.

"Mmm." He handed her the dice when she sat
back. "You best not lose this one, m'lady, or the penalty will be

Her cheeks burned. "I know what
you are thinking."

He lifted a brow. "Do you now?"

"Six." She nodded and rolled the dice.

When an eleven displayed, he hissed, then
grinned. "Out."


He chuckled and lay back on the pillow again,
stacking his hands behind his head. "If you know what I was
thinking, kiss me there. If you're right, I'll give you three
turns. If you're wrong, I'll bite you on the arse, and it will

A laugh burst from her mouth before she could
stop it. "How ridiculous. You are a lunatic."

"Aye, but you ken I'm good at gaming. I'll
even write my answer down if you bring me that quill and

"I'll not walk over there naked." She was
covered from collarbone down in the sheet and wished to stay that

"I will then." He rose, his erection bobbing,
and crossed the room. Goodness, he had not one speck of

Observing his broad shoulders and bulging
muscles everywhere, she sighed before she could stop herself. She
had never dreamed she would enjoy staring at a naked man.

At the writing desk, he bent over, bringing
her attention to his lean, manly arse, while he scribbled on the
paper. What an intriguing sight.

"Make sure it is a word I recognize," she

"You ken this word." When he turned and
strode back toward her, his erection was even larger. She forced
herself not stare at it.

He lay down and covered himself as before but
his tarse tented the sheet.

"You love gambling, do you not?" she asked,
hoping to distract him.

"Aye. I usually win." He looked very pleased
with himself. "And now for that kiss,

She did not fear him anymore, but she was not
entirely comfortable with him either. He had obviously written some
word that meant his male member—probably tarse—and kissing him
there would be scandalous. But…intriguing. She had heard women
whispering of this in France and how intensely a man enjoyed it.
Much in the same way he had pleasured her with his mouth the night

A dare lurked in his eyes and in his smile.
He didn't think she would do it, she knew. He thought she was

She rose over him and pulled down the sheet
to reveal his erection.
Ma foi!
Heat flamed over her when
she studied his massive proportion close up. Leaning forward, she
detected his scent was clean, musky and hypnotizing. She kissed his
shaft once…twice. His skin was hot, silky smooth, and the flesh
beneath, hard as stone. She flicked out the tip of her tongue for
an experimental taste.

Lachlan stiffened and groaned.

She drew back, her gaze shooting to his
darkened eyes, near closed in desire.

"Mmm." He hissed a few Gaelic words. "Very,
very nice and I thank you." He blew out two long breaths, as if
calming himself. "Any chance you might do that once more?"

"No, I will not!" At least not right now.
Though she wanted to, she would not indulge his every carnal whim.
He might think he had control over her.

"'Tis too bad." He bolted upright, flipped
her face down onto the mattress and pinned her. "Because you lose

"What? That is what you were thinking. You
wished me to kiss your tarse."

His brief growl and hot breath tickled her
ear. "No matter how much I desire that, 'tis not what I wrote on
the paper."

"You tricked me! You lout!" She squirmed,
trying to free herself from his firm hold.

He gave a wicked chuckle. "I told you, I am
good at gaming."

"Go get the paper and let me see."

"Again, you think I would lie?"


"Very well." He climbed off the bed,
retrieved the paper from the desk and held it up for her

"Elbow?" she demanded. "Why would you desire
me to kiss your elbow?"

He grinned. "My elbows like to be

"You are a cheat!" And how bold and silly she
had been, kissing his shaft. She would never live that down.

"I played fairly. Now I get to bite your
sweet…little…round arse."

"No, it will hurt."

"You agreed to this bet."

"If it hurts, I get to bite you three times,
hard as I want, anywhere I want. Are you agreed?"

"Och! You learn fast. That makes me proud.
Aye, you may bite me…anywhere but my tarse. If you bite me there,
it must be very gentle."

"Très bien."
Heavens, she could not
bite him there, could she?

"Agreed, then." He winked.

"Write it on the paper and sign it."

"I don't understand why you refuse to trust
me." He proceeded to her writing desk and drew up the contract. The
sheet wrapped around her, she followed and read the paper when he'd

"Now, bend over." He grinned like a big,
hungry wolf.

She ran to the bed and leapt on it. He landed
half on top of her, turned her onto her stomach and shoved the
sheet away from her derriere.

"Mmm, 'twill be tasty." He first kissed it,
grazed his teeth over it, then gently pressed his teeth against her
skin. It was not a real bite and hurt not at all. He then proceeded
to do the same to the other cheek. He brushed his beard stubble
over it, tickling.

She giggled. "One bite is all you are

"I haven't bitten you yet."

"Yes, you did and it hurt."

"Liar! Does this hurt?" He licked her

"No." Heavens, he had a wicked, delightful
tongue. The itching moisture of arousal grew more intense between
her legs.

"This?" He placed several kisses over her

"No." A little ache speared her center,
making her wish he'd put his erection to use.

Behind her, Lachlan spread her legs and
crawled between. Angelique was more fun to play with than any woman
he had yet encountered. The hellcat had sheathed her claws and
become the purring kitten eager for petting.

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