Nailed to the Wall: Powertools, Book 5 (16 page)

BOOK: Nailed to the Wall: Powertools, Book 5
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Devon squealed and came again, each climax stretching into the next as her pleasure extended. Kayla glided above her, slipping against their joined, moist flesh. Devon knew she couldn’t take much more before she overdosed on excitement. She lunged upward, latching on to Kayla’s breast, sucking with enough force to transmit her sense of urgency.

Kay obeyed, convinced by the additional sensation. Their movements became choppy and desperate yet no less graceful. Kayla sat up straighter. She rode Devon, making sure to rub her pussy over as much of her delta as possible with each pass. When their stares collided, both women surrendered to the moment and the success of their experimental ardor.

They peaked together.

The release seemed to cascade in endless increments, lingering so long they rested in each other’s arms. When Devon could open her eyes again, it was to a marvelous sight.

Dave, James and Neil attempted to match the passion their wives had generated. The three men locked together in a licentious chain that resembled a triple stack of Legos, each peg fastened to the hole in front of it. James in the lead, Dave in the middle, Neil behind them both. They fucked as if there was an award for most strokes per minute. Damn, Dave and James would be sore tomorrow.

A feminine cry from the couch drew Devon’s attention. Morgan and Kate rode their guys. They’d opted for reverse cowgirl, seated so they faced out toward the group. A pair of naughty bookends. Four sets of eyes refused to blink as their owners joined in creating passion that radiated throughout the room.

Mike and Joe reached around their wives’ waists to rub their clits or test the constricting rings of muscle hugging their cocks below. The guys thrust upward into their women with strokes so well timed they stayed in lockstep for as long as Devon could watch.

A strangled cry brought her attention back to the pile of men beside her and Kayla. She reached out to stroke James’s cock, which bobbed and slapped his abdomen with every rough thrust from Dave. Each motion impaled James even as it withdrew Neil from Dave’s ass. On the return journey, Dave shoved Neil deep in his own ass while granting James’s prostate a moment of relief.

The cycle couldn’t last forever. The men grunted and cursed as they fucked, already driven to the boundary of their restraint by the demonstration Kayla and Devon had given them.

“Oh, fuck.” James didn’t manage to give more warning than that before thick white strands shot from his erection. The first jet erupted with enough force to tag him in the chin. The purple head of his cock appeared even darker when pearly fluid streaked his olive skin. Blast after blast iced his pecs, abs and Devon’s fingers.

He stared into her eyes as he surrendered, showing her how much he loved what he’d witnessed. All of her, as well as the men filling him. Dave jerked in Neil’s hold, emptying himself in James’s pulsing ass. Devon smiled. Guys never could resist the tug of his ring of muscles during orgasm. It yanked Neil with him every time.

The same was probably true for Dave. In a slutty domino fall, Neil caved while Dave’s ass twitched and clamped around the long cock embedded in it. Neil fucked Dave, held his friend close, but never once did the big man’s stare leave Kayla’s face.

I love you
, he mouthed to his wife as he shattered.

Kayla trembled in Devon’s arms.

Dev rubbed the other woman’s back, aware that they’d continued their subtle gyrations throughout the magnificent exchange their guys indulged in. As everyone turned to watch the two couples on the couch, they picked up the pace.

Devon moaned long and low when Kay added a swivel of her hips to every bump and grind. She’d thought they were through. It seemed they’d only rested. Passion flared again. She smacked Kayla’s ass—whether to encourage or rebuke her, she didn’t give a damn anymore.

They watched together as Mike and Joe rose from the couch without leaving their wives’ bodies. They turned as one, lowering the women to their knees on the floor, bent over the seat of the couch they now faced. Kate looked toward Morgan and they both smiled as their husbands fucked them hard, fast and perfectly.

The best friends reached out, lacing their fingers on top of the center cushion.

As if they felt that connection, Joe and Mike growled in unison. Their knuckles turned white where they gripped their wives’ asses. Buried to the hilt, they sprayed their semen as deep as possible into their women.

Devon sighed as she thought about how perfect it would be if both women conceived after today’s session. Being a part of building their family seemed fitting. After all, they’d shared one of the most personal experiences of her life and enhanced it with their presence.

The two couples stretched out, Mike and Kate lying on the couch and Joe and Morgan snuggled on the floor in front of it. Both men cradled their wives, angled toward the mattress where her and Kayla had interlocked.

“Have one more in you?” Kay sipped at the light perspiration sheening the skin behind her ear. “Come on, Dev. I know you do.”

They writhed together, their pussies rubbing against each other as if they’d done this a million times before. The jewelry in Kayla’s hood nudged Devon’s clit. Metal beads ran across her hypersensitive flesh. The bar linking the nodules pressed and rolled her engorged nub.

Devon gasped.

“Now you see why I like them so much. They’re not just pretty. They’re functional.” Kayla gathered her breasts and used them to paint circles over Devon’s chest. When they both needed more, Kay stretched to her full length, proffering one of the mounds to Devon.

Without altering the flowing motion of her hips, she fed her breast into Dev’s gaping mouth. Devon couldn’t stop herself from suckling the tight peak or playing with the hoop piercing the darker tissue there. Having something soft yet heavy in her mouth while Kay stroked every inch of her body calmed her, allowing her to focus on the ecstasy spiraling higher inside her once more.

“Yeah.” Kayla grunted, then slid her hand beneath Devon’s head. Her friend clasped her close to her heart, granting no quarter, though Devon would never have asked for any. She mashed their pelvises together faster and faster, her ass shaking in the seductive motion shared by all rutting animals.

Devon surrendered to Kayla, allowed herself to be used as a warm body for Kay to slake her lust on. In the process, she gleaned plenty of pleasure for herself.

She tried to warn Kayla that she was losing control. The breast filling her mouth with sweet warmth prevented her from uttering anything intelligible.

Kay seemed to understand regardless. “Yes. Yes. Come with me, Devon. One more time.”

Kayla froze, then resumed her humping double-time. She came on top of Devon, her pussy kissing Devon’s with the force of her orgasm. Dev feared she might have lost the thread of her arousal in the wake of the awe of beholding such a tremendous release.

Until she felt the stroking of six masculine hands over her arms, legs and anywhere else James, Neil and Dave could reach. Someone tapped the sweet spot on her neck and she was a goner. She spasmed beneath Kayla’s weight, nearly throwing the limp woman across the room with the force of her seizing.

Passion overwhelmed her, leaving her nerves ragged and exposed. She whimpered, thrashing and caught in the throes of rapture so strong it scared her. When she cried out, a reassuring kiss landed on her mouth.

James gathered her to him, pacifying her as every muscle in her body twitched then died. Boneless, she allowed him and Neil to sandwich her between them. Kayla pressed between Neil’s back and Dave’s front. Their fingers still linked, they drifted for quite some time.

Minutes or maybe hours later, Devon heard rustling from the direction of the couch. When she lifted her head to check out the situation, her gaze met Kayla’s. Her friend smiled, a little timid, then nuzzled into her husband’s arm. “Still alive?”

“I think so.” Devon couldn’t stop her blush. Could things be normal between them? What would change in the aftermath of their exchange? “Are we good?”

“You’re fucking terrific.” Mike grunted following a smack, likely Kate reprimanding his smartassery in such a critical moment.

Devon couldn’t thank him enough. Both women exchanged a grin.

“You know, I think he’s right.” Devon beamed. “We
amazing. Thank you.”

“Anytime. I loved every minute. It’s so different. Soft, gentle… I’d almost forgotten how good it could be.” Kay sighed. “I was so afraid you’d freak. Change your mind. After that, I couldn’t handle it if you were grossed out or things got weird.”

“Me either.” Tears stung Devon’s eyes. Damn, she’d done enough of that lately.

“If it fits, it can’t be wrong.” James rained Eskimo kisses on her nose.

“That’s what
said,” Kayla murmured. Being half-asleep didn’t thwart her bad joke.

“Yes. Yes, I did.” Dave made her giggle as he cuddled her close, both of them resting in the arms of their beloved mate after sharing their needs and granting the other permission to find what they could not provide personally.

Devon couldn’t imagine a deeper expression of love than that.

Unless it was the serenity she felt when her guys bundled her between them, whispering how well she did, how sexy she was and how much they adored her. Now and always.

Nothing she could say could communicate the love exploding from her heart.

“It’s okay, baby.” Neil kissed her temple. “We know. Same goes.”

“Ditto.” James laid his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. “Love you. Even if you are going to give me a fucking heart attack if you keep getting me that worked up.”

“I love you, too.” She sighed into the dusk falling over their shared space. “All of you.”

And much later, when they snacked on leftovers of the decadent birthday cake Morgan had slaved over, Mike didn’t wince. Not even when he devoured the thickest section of the frosting.



Two and a half weeks later, Kate emerged from the bathroom of her renovated home with Mike so close he might be glued to her backside. She rubbed one hand in a circle low on her belly and grinned. It was the sort of shit-eating variety reserved for winning the lotto or telling someone you’ve just gotten engaged. Or…

Morgan perked up, wondering if she had it right. The rest of the crew had assumed the pair was in the powder room for a quickie, but she had a feeling…

Besides, they’d been
too quiet for that.

Everyone held their breath.

“I’m pregnant.”

No one noticed the tight smile Morgan and Joe exchanged. If they caught the tears falling from the corner of her eyes, they would assume they were manufactured by joy, not sadness. Because she hadn’t shared the news they’d received when their tests had come back from the doctor yesterday. Hadn’t quite finished processing it really.

Joe was sterile.

No baby grew in her womb, and it never would. Unless…

She couldn’t dare to think such things when her friends celebrated one of the most magnificent events of their life. She’d have time to grieve later. Until then, she’d be the best aunt this child could hope for and take comfort in her friends’ bliss.

It wouldn’t be all sunshine and roses. She’d help them every step of the way, as they would have done for her if the situation had been reversed. Her own upbringing had taught her that a family is what you make it, not what you’re given genetically.

The crew was a perfect example of that.

Joe’s hand shook when it landed on her waist. She smiled up at him, hoping to erase some of the tight crinkles around his eyes. He suffered too. Maybe more than her. She’d promised him it didn’t change anything between them. She loved him as much today as yesterday, more as each day grew the miraculous bond between them.

Still, after hugging Kate and taking his turn at offering felicitations, he stumbled from the room.

“What’s wrong with Joe?” Kate paused, searching Morgan’s eyes for signs of trouble. If she wasn’t careful, her best friend would ferret out the drama and have them swaddled in her mothering before they’d properly celebrated her revelation.

“He’s not feeling well. Probably doesn’t want to risk getting you sick.” She squeezed Kate’s hand, hating herself for the lie. “I’d better go check on him.”

“Okay.” Kate chewed her lip. “Let me know if there’s anything you need. Either of you.”

“We will.” Morgan smiled without a hint of pretense. “You’re going to be the best mom in the history of the universe. I can’t wait to spoil him or her.”

“Him.” Mike’s arms folded across his chest. “I wouldn’t know what the hell to do with a daughter. She’d be all gorgeous like her mom and I’d have to lock her up until she was seventy to keep boys from corrupting her.”

“Oh, I can just see it now.” Morgan patted the foreman on his puffed-up chest. “You’re in so much trouble. A daughter it is.”

“Shush.” His face blanched a bit. “I could handle one little girl with my hands tied behind my back, right?”

“That’s what
said,” Kayla sing-songed. The eight friends cramped in the kitchen erupted into laughter at the horror in Mike’s wide eyes. The raucous cheering still echoed in Morgan’s ears as she burst from the house in search of her husband.

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