Naked Prey (17 page)

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Authors: John Sandford

Tags: #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: Naked Prey
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“Maybe they fed the kid to the dogs,” Letty suggested.

“Goddamnit,” Lucas said. And as they came to the top of the creek, “Goddamnit. We could be standing ten feet from the Sorrell kid and not know it.”

“How would you do it?” Letty asked. She looked up at Del. “If you killed a little kid, and brought her out here, where would you put her?”

Del said, “I don’t think you should be here.”

“C’mon, Del. Look around. What’d you do?” she asked.

Lucas looked around, then down at his feet. “Is there always water in the creek?”

“No. But most of the time, there is.”

“Under the creek?” Del asked, skeptically.

“It’s a possibility,” Lucas said. “But if he
going to dig around here, I bet he’d be down here in the creek bed. Maybe digging in the bottom, or in the creek bank. Couldn’t be seen, but he could see people coming.”

“Unless it was at night,” Letty said.

They walked up and down the creek ice, looking at the banks, but couldn’t find anything unusual. Lucas probed a
low cut-bank with a stick, then shook his head and threw the stick back into the trees. “We need the crime scene guys down here, and the radar guy, and maybe some dogs or something.”

across the thin crunchy snow back up to the house, and Lucas looked at his watch and said, “Little early for lunch, but we could get some breakfast.”

“Can I see the cell?” Letty asked. “The room in the basement?”

“Fuckin’ TV,” Del said. The cell had been mentioned prominently.

“Watch your mouth around a kid,” Letty said, payback for the
little girl
comment. To Lucas: “I’d really like to go down there. I’m a kid, maybe I could think like a kid or something.”

Lucas sighed, looked at Del, then said, “All right. Two minutes.”

They trooped through the house, nodded to the deputy, and took Letty into the basement. Inside the bathroom—the cell—she turned round and round, then sat down on the floor, then lay down and looked at the ceiling, her arms outstretched as though she were making a snow angel. She closed her eyes, and a minute later, she said, “If they left me here alone—if they left
here alone—I would try to write my name somewhere.”

She opened her eyes, found Lucas’s eyes, and asked, “What do you think?”

“Sit up,” Lucas said.

She sat up, and Lucas and Del sat down, and they began scrutinizing the walls. Nothing apparent. Lucas stood up, pulled the top off the toilet tank, and looked inside. Nothing visible. Lucas flushed, watched the water go down,
pulled the float to stop water, and groped around the bottom of the tank with his hand. The shower stall was bare, not even a bar of soap. He pulled open the medicine cabinet, found it empty. Del looked inside the cabinet under the sink, and found four rolls of toilet paper. He looked through all the toilet paper tubes. Empty. Lucas checked the rim on the top of the medicine cabinet, and got his fingers dusty.

“I would write something,” Letty said, a little defensively. “I would scratch it with something.”

She crawled around on her hands and knees, peering at the baseboard. Then Del, who’d crawled over to the toilet, said, “Got something here.”

“What?” Lucas got down on his stomach, and Letty crawled over.

Del was lying face up. “Something twisted around the water line . . . it’s a chain. Let me . . . ” He fumbled under the tank, said, “Uhhh . . . ” Then: “Got it.”

He slid out from under the toilet. A silver locket, a small oval, dangled from his fingers on a short silver chain.

“Aw, Jesus,” Lucas said. “Don’t fuckin’ move. Don’t even twitch.”

Lucas ran up the stairs, dashed through the house to the mudroom door, outside to the garage, and said, “You guys . . . get some shit, get some baggies and those tweezers . . . c’mon.”

the basement, the stocky crime scene guy grabbed the locket with his forceps, held it sideways to one of the overhead lights and said, “There’s a partial print on the back. If it’s not yours . . . ”

He looked down at Del, who shook his head: “Not mine. I never touched the locket part, only the chain.”

“Looks like a good print,” the tech said. He turned it in the light. “It’s got an inscription. The locket does.”


The tech’s lips moved as he worked through the script. Then he frowned and asked, “Who the heck are Jean and Wally?”

Lucas scratched his head. “Maybe somebody the Sorrell kid knew. Her grandparents, or somebody?”

“Whoever, she put it down there,” Del said. “The locket didn’t just fall in there.”

“Where’d you find it?” the tech asked.

Del explained, and the tech looked around and finally said, “Did you check the mirror? And the shower booth walls? If she used hot water in here, they’d get steamed up, and she’d write in the steam. If she had soap or shampoo or oil on her fingers, you might get the image back.”

“I do that every time I’m in the bathtub,” Letty said. “I write on the mirror when I get out.”

Lucas said, “Worth a try, I guess.”

The tech said, “Let me put this away, and get my camera. Huh. Wally and Jean.”

went to put the locket away, Lucas, trailed by Letty, went out to the car, got his address book out of his briefcase, and looked up the numbers for the FBI agents on the Sorrell case. He got Lanny Cole’s wife on the second ring, and she said Cole was out shoveling the walk. “Just had a quick two inches,” she said. “Of snow.”

Lucas heard her calling her husband, then some stomping around, and then Cole was on the line. He didn’t know the names on the locket. “We were told that she probably wasn’t wearing any jewelry when she was taken—she was
just a kid, and she had a pretty limited set of stuff. Nothing like a locket, far as I know. Sorry.”

“Thought we had something,” Lucas said. “It’s weird.”

“I’ll ask around,” Cole said. “I wouldn’t hold my breath. Maybe the print will turn out to be something.”

Lucas hung up and Letty said, “No luck?”

“Not yet.”

“It’s gotta be something,” Letty said. “It didn’t belong to the plumber.”

in the basement with Del, the hot water pouring out of the shower, when Lucas and Letty got back down the stairs. They half-closed the door of the bathroom, waited fifteen seconds. The mirror steamed, and showed several finger-drawn lines, but nothing they could make sense of. The tech took a picture anyway. The walls of the shower showed what looked liked sponge marks: “Somebody cleaned up,” the tech said.

“Good try, guys,” Lucas said.

Feeling a little morose, they all wandered back up the stairs, and the burly tech said that he’d recheck the walls with his magnifying hood as soon as the humidity cleared. “Maybe somebody wrote really small—it’d be about the only thing you could do. It was a good idea, looking for a name. It turned up the locket. That’ll be something.”

Lucas looked at Letty. “Maybe you
be a cop.”

Letty shook her head. “Nope. I’m going to be a reporter. It’s decided.”

Lucas said to Del, “We could be responsible for that.”

“I’ll never feel clean again,” Del said. “Want to head down to the Bird? My gut says it’s lunchtime.”

They rode down to the Red Red Robin in near silence, all thinking about the house and where the Sorrell kid’s body might be. Del finally said, “If they thought they ever
might be suspected of anything, they wouldn’t want a body anywhere around. They
driven it out into the countryside. All right, if they’re seen, they’re seen, but they could fix it so they weren’t. Scout out a spot ahead of time, dig a hole, drop the body during the night, fill the hole—it’d only take a couple of minutes—and get out of there.”

“Yeah, I know,” Lucas said. “She’s probably gone for good.”

as below-average as it was the first couple of times: below-average coffee, below-average food. Below-average: Letty ate everything in sight, with the shifty-eyed compulsion of a kid who’d gone to bed hungry a few times, who was afraid the food might disappear.

“You okay with your mom?” Del asked halfway through the meal.

“Gettin’ this far with her was the hard part,” Letty said, working around the edges of the mashed potatoes, so the gravy wouldn’t spill out of the center cup. “Now that I’m in middle school, things are smoother. I ride the bus back and forth, she can do what she needs to.”

“Just checkin’,” Del said. “I’ve had a little trouble with alcohol myself. It’s a bitch to get off your back, but it can be done.”

“You drink?” Letty asked Lucas, holding his eyes. Lucas shook his head. “A bottle of beer, few times a week. I never got the hang of it.”

“That’s good,” Letty said.

Lucas’s pocket rang, and he pulled it out. “Davenport.”

“Hey, Lucas, this is Lanny Cole.” The FBI man sounded like he was having a hard time catching his breath. “You
said Wally and Jean on that locket. It was a white gold oval locket with a white gold chain and the names in script in the front oval. Picture of an elderly couple inside.”

“We didn’t look inside because of the print, but you got the rest of it, except that I thought it was silver,” Lucas said. “Was it Tammy Sorrell’s?”



“It belonged to a girl named Annie Burke, fifteen, daughter of the owner of a chain of nursing homes from Lincoln, Nebraska. One of our guys downtown remembered the locket thing. She was kidnapped last April. A million-dollar ransom was paid, but she was never returned, never heard from again. The deal was, the kidnappers told Burke’s father that they had an in with the FBI, and they left him a pack of papers that looked like FBI printouts. They told him that if he contacted the FBI or any police agency, they would know. He bought it, made the payoff. And get this: he got the money in Vegas, same way Hale did.”

“Oh, boy.”

Letty said, “What?”

“We’re coming up there,” Cole said. “We need that locket, we need that fingerprint. I’ll talk to your boss. What do
need up there?”

“You got people who can look for soft spots in the ground, under the snow?”

“We got that. We have a team in California who do exactly that. They can be here in forty-eight hours.”

“Bring them in,” Lucas said.


took a protesting Letty back to her house. “I can still help you.”

“If we need you, we’ll stop by,” Lucas said. “We really do appreciate what you’ve done.”

Her face anxious, she asked, “If I get my traps real fast, could you drop me at the dump? It’s only five minutes in the car. I can walk back.”

Lucas said, “We’re pretty busy.”

“I helped
she said. “I need to get some clothes. TV might come back.”

Lucas sighed. “Get the traps.”

She took ten minutes, getting into an old pair of jeans, her boots and her parka. She got a can of generic-brand tuna cat food from under the kitchen sink—bait—the gunny sack with her traps, and her .22. The .22 was an old Harrington & Richardson bolt action single-shot, probably made in the 1940s. She tossed it all in the back of the Acura.

Six miles north of Broderick, on a back road, the landfill
was marked by a clan of crows flapping overhead like little specks of India ink thrown against the gray sky. Lucas pulled into the entrance road, next to a sign that said “Quad-County Landfill,” and stopped by a locked gate. Inside the landfill, a small Caterpillar sat at the base of a wall of garbage.

Lucas got out of the truck at the same time Letty did, and looked over the locked gate. The dump was bigger than he’d expected, covering a half of a square mile. Much of the garbage appeared to be pizza boxes, though it smelled more like old diapers. Letty walked around to the back of the truck to get her gear.

“Six miles,” Lucas said, as he walked back around the truck and popped the lid for her. “How’re you gonna get back home?”

“Walk, or hitch a ride,” she said. She dragged the sack of traps out, stuck the rifle under her arm. “I won’t have my traps. Do it all the time.”

“Aw, Jesus.” Lucas looked around at the weird, cold landscape, the spitting snow, the circling crows, and the piles of trash.

“I’m not asking for a ride back,” Letty said. He could feel the manipulation.

“How long will it take to set out the traps? Minimum?” Lucas asked.

“Hour, hour and a half, do it right,” she said.

“You got a watch?”


“Goddamnit. You need a watch.” Lucas took his watch off and handed it to her. “If you lose the watch, I’ll poison you. My wife gave it to me. We’ll be back in an hour and a half.”


“Be careful.”

A car pulled into the entryway, stopped, and they both looked at it. The man inside put up a hand, a
turned and backed away. He got straight on the road, and headed back toward the highway. An old Cadillac.

Letty said, “See you,” and walked away.

Lucas slammed the lid, got back in the truck. “She’s more goddamn trouble than women ten years older than she is,” he said.

“What’re we doing?” Del asked.

“Let’s start tearing Broderick down.”

“Starting with . . .  ?”

“Gene Calb. Go back and hit him again. Nail him down. And maybe those church women, if we can find them. Letty said they worked for Calb, sometimes, delivering cars. They’re church women, so maybe they’ll tell us the truth.”

“Fat fuckin’ chance,” Del said. And a while later, as they headed back toward Broderick, “That was a nice Caddy, you know? I’ve thought about buying an old one myself. You see them in the Sunday paper: you can get a good one for six or seven thousand, ten years old, some old guy drove it until he died, put thirty thousand miles on it, or something. You can drive it for another ten years.”

“Of course, you’d have spent ten years driving a pig,” Lucas said.

“Go ahead, tarnish my dream.”

locked, and Del said, “It
Sunday. Not everybody works.”

“Yeah. There’re a couple of cars over at the church, though,” Lucas said. They both looked across the highway, where two ’90s Toyota Corollas, both red, sat in the driveway next to the church. Electric cords ran out to both of them, firing the block heaters. “Let’s check them out.”

“Nuns make me nervous,” Del said.

“Except for Elle,” Lucas said.

“Elle makes me nervous,” Del said. “I’m always afraid she’s gonna start shaking and moaning and screaming about Jesus.”

“Wrong religion,” Lucas said dryly, as they trudged across the empty highway toward the church. “She screams about the archbishop. Jesus, she doesn’t scream about.”

“It could happen, though,” Del said. “She’s one of those skinny women with big eyes. They can start shaking anytime. That’s my experience.”

Elle Kruger was Lucas’s oldest friend, a nun and professor of psychology at a St. Paul women’s college. He’d known her before kindergarten—they had walked together with their two mothers, carrying their tin lunch boxes, on the first day they’d ever gone to school. Later, when he was with Minneapolis homicide, she’d consulted on a number of his cases; and when Lucas began writing role-playing games as a way to make extra money, she’d created a group at her college to test-play the games.

coincidence seem even stranger—that they should be talking about Elle Kruger as they crossed the highway, and then . . .

They climbed the stoop and knocked on the door of the old church. Lucas’s ears were burning from the cold, and Del said, “Fucking Minnesota” and shuffled his feet in the keeping-warm dance. Lucas reached out to knock again when the door opened, and a woman looked out. She was an older woman, in her sixties, white-haired, round-faced with little pink dots at her cheeks, wearing bifocals, and holding what looked like a dustcloth. The pink dots made her look like Ronald Reagan. When they explained what they wanted, she said, “You’d have to talk to Ruth. Come in.”

When the two men hesitated, her bottom lip twitched and she said, “This isn’t a nunnery or a dormitory. You’re allowed to come in.”

“Thanks,” Lucas said, feeling a little lame. They followed her through the back of the church, which had been cut into sleeping cubicles, reminding Lucas of an old Washington Avenue flophouse in Minneapolis, except that it didn’t smell like wine vomit; past a side room where two women were sitting on a couch, watching the movie
Fight Club;
and into the kitchen. A small woman sat at a kitchen table, peering through gold-rimmed glasses into a notebook. A pile of what looked like insurance forms sat to one side. She looked up and the woman who’d met them at the door said, “Ruth, these gentlemen are from the police. They wanted to speak to somebody.”

“Lucas Davenport,” the woman said, closing the notebook. She showed him a thin, cool smile.

Lucas, surprised, said, “I’m sorry . . . ”

She stood up and put out a hand. As they shook, her hand small and cool, she said, “I’m Ruth Lewis. I’m sure you don’t remember, but I’m a friend of Elle Kruger. I once played a game with your gaming group, maybe ten years ago, when Elle was running it. I got to be George Pickett at Gettysburg.”

“I remember that,” he said; and he did, clearly, and with pleasure. She’d learned fast and had been determined to win. “You kept taking out Buford,” Lucas said. “No matter how many times we played it, you’d kick Buford out of the way and then you’d get on top of the hills.”

“And that was that,” she said, dusting her hands together. “The South wins the battle and maybe the war.”

“Bad design,” Lucas said. “You never came back for Stalingrad.”

“Nobody invited me,” she said. “I thought maybe it was because I kept messing up the first one.”

“No, no, no,” Lucas said. “You were invited back, you just didn’t come.”

“Have you seen Elle?”

“Just the other day . . . ”

a few minutes—she’d known Lucas as a Minneapolis cop, and he told her about his move to the state; and Lucas had known her as a nun, and she told him about her migration away from the sisterhood. “I made the mistake of going to the Holy Land,” she said. “I saw that the Sea of Galilee was a big, dirty lake and that the Mount of Olives was a neighborhood. Then Jesus didn’t seem divine. He seemed more real, but he seemed like another one of the guys that the Old Testament is full of. Down in my heart, I didn’t believe anymore—in Jesus, I mean.”

“So you quit?”

“Yup. Moved over to Catholic Charities. Got a boyfriend—though that didn’t last long. I think he just liked the idea of sleeping with an ex-nun.”

Lucas was embarrassed. “Some people,” he said.

She smiled, letting him off the male hook, and said, “You’re here investigating the lynchings.”

“Murders,” Lucas said hastily. “Not really—we know who did those—”

“The man from Rochester. I heard about that, the man and his wife. It’s hard to believe.”

“Yeah. Now we’re trying to figure out who killed them. We were told that you guys sometimes make money driving cars for Gene Calb. Since Deon Cash worked over there as a driver, we thought you might have known him.”

She was nodding. “I did know him, and he was a bad man. A
man. Gene was going to fire him, because he thought Deon was taking dope, and Gene was worried about some insurance issues. Like if Deon was driving for him and got in an accident, driving under the influence. Gene was afraid he’d get sued for everything.”

“So everybody knew about the drugs?”

“Some of us, anyway,” Ruth said. “There was a woman
here, Jeanette Raskin, she used to work for Lutheran Social Services down in Minneapolis and she knows a lot about drugs—she said he once had a crack pipe in his car. I wouldn’t know what one looked like, but that’s what she said. I have her phone number if you need it. She’s back in the Cities.”

“I know Jeanette,” Del said, and to Lucas: “You do, too. She used to run the Love Bug place, the free clinic.”

“Oh, yeah,” Lucas said. “She
know about drugs.”

“How come you guys drive for Calb?” Del asked Ruth.

Ruth shrugged. “Extra money. Pizza money. Easy money. We follow the delivery car in my Corolla. Fifty cents a mile, so we get fifty dollars for a hundred-mile round trip, and we can do that on three gallons of gas. We don’t have a lot of money here.”

“You did it a lot?”

“A couple of times a week,” she said.

“Is Calb straight?” Lucas asked.

“Yes. He’s a very nice man, in a . . . car-mechanic way,” Ruth said, meeting his eyes. She had pale eyes, like the moons you could see in daylight. “His wife sometimes helps us out, when we’re checking on older people, shut-ins.”

“You don’t think . . . if Cash and Warr were involved in a kidnapping, you don’t think that Calb would have been involved?”

“Good gosh, no. I mean, the girl . . . is dead, I guess.”

Lucas and Del both nodded.

Ruth continued. “Gene always wanted children, but he and his wife couldn’t have any. They’ve been foster parents, even, for like a half a dozen kids. There’s no way he’d ever hurt a child.”

Lucas said, “All right. But Deon Cash could.”

“Deon . . . Deon was crazy. I didn’t know him very well, but you didn’t have to. I once saw him kick a door for two minutes because it didn’t open right. He was really
crazy-angry with it. With the door.” She looked away from them for a minute, thinking about it, then back, and nodded positively. “He could kill children.”

“How about his pal, Joe?”

“I hardly knew him, but he always seemed to be walking behind Deon. I think Deon impressed him. Deon impressed Jane, too—she
him being crazy. Like it gave her status.” Again, she looked away, thinking, and then turned back. “We see that quite a bit, actually. Women taking status from the violence of their men.”

“A sense of protection, if you live in a slum,” Lucas said.

But she shook her head. “Not just in the slums. All kinds of women. Even nuns.”

She showed a little smile and Del grinned at Lucas and said, “Ouch.”

Lucas said, “Tell me one good fact. One thing that will point me somewhere. Something you know, way down in your head, about Deon.”

“I’ve thought about this, ever since they found Jane and Deon,” she said. “I keep thinking, Deon was from the big city, Kansas City. So was Jane. They hated it here. I don’t think they even
anybody, besides a couple of people at Calb’s. But they stayed, so there had to be a reason. Something they couldn’t do in Kansas City. Maybe they were selling the dope, maybe it was the kidnapping. Whatever it was, came from up here.”

“Good,” said Lucas.

“Sister Ruth does a little dope herself.”


“I could smell it on her. Faintly. Raw, not smoke.”


“Maybe.” Del looked around at the white-on-white
landscape, at their lonely car sitting in the empty, snow-swept parking lot outside the empty yellow building across the highway. “I can’t blame her. It’s like, it’s dope or network TV. There ain’t nothin’ else.”

“I’ll ask Elle about her,” Lucas said. “I’m not sure the sister was entirely straight with us.”

“What’d I miss?”

Lucas shook his head. “Maybe nothing. I counted eight cots in there and most of the rooms seemed to be lived in. That’s a sizable operation. What would a hundred dollars a week mean to them? I mean, if they each worked one night in a Holiday store, they’d make three or four times as much. If they need the money that bad . . . ”

“Maybe it’s just easy, casual. Pin money. Take it if they have somebody around, skip it if they don’t. Wouldn’t be tied to a schedule.”

“Could be,” Lucas agreed. “She seemed pretty rehearsed . . . but then she might have expected us.” He looked at his watch, and found a patch of white skin where the watch face should have been. Not having a watch was going to drive him crazy, he realized. “The bar’s closed. Let’s go try the cafe, and then the grocery.”

hopeless,” Del said. “Knocking on doors in nowhere.”

to the cafe, Lucas’s cell phone rang, and when he answered it, a voice said, “This is Deke Harrison. Is this Davenport?”

“Yeah, it is. How are you, Deke?”

“Interrupted. I was halfway through an anchovy, pepper-cheese, onion sandwich and you know what it’s like to be interrupted halfway through one of those.”

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