Naked Shorts (13 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Naked Shorts
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A second later she felt him. “Move over,” he commanded and nudged her.

She stretched her hands out to push against him and wished she hadn”t. Her fingers touched his skin. “You”re naked!”

“I told you I was getting undressed.” There was a definite smirk in his voice. Darn that man.

How would she get any sleep tonight if she knew he was right beside her sleeping in the nude?

“You have to leave.”

“I won”t do any such thing,” he replied. “Now, move over unless you want me to sleep on top of you.”

Charlotte huffed angrily, but moved toward the wooden plank that marked the side of the wagon and turned away for him. The mattress depressed when he squeezed his large body onto it, sliding under the covers right behind her. His body lined up with hers, molding to her back perfectly.

“Mr. Duboce!”

He slung his arm over her body and pulled her into the curve of his chest when she tried to move away. “I thought we were on first name terms.”

“Well, and see what that led to!”

“Charlotte, do me a favor, sleep. I”m tired, and I have no interest in a repeat of what happened at the river. So just deal with it.”

“You, you -”

His hand moved, and he put his finger onto her lips. “Shh.”

Luke suppressed a chuckle. For a week now he had tried to figure out how to get back at her for the stunt she”d pulled at the river. The rain was a godsend. It gave him the perfect excuse to enter the wagon and share it with her for the night. There was nothing she could do about it.

Darn, he hadn”t expected her body feeling so good in his arms. He wasn”t the kind of man who spent the night with a woman - generally he got the hell out of there as soon as he”d poked whatever woman he”d hooked up with for the night. But holding Charlotte this closely, even though she wore a chemise, was quite a treat.

For several minutes he lay completely still and tried to get his body under control. Then he shifted his hips, bringing his growing erection in line with her sweet ass. Now that was a position he liked. Almost unnoticeably he slid his hips back and forth, rubbing his shaft against her warm round buttocks.

“Stop that!” she gasped.

But he didn”t reply. He pretended to be asleep and snored softly into her ear, as he continued his rubbing action. He was curious about what she would do if she thought he was asleep.

“Typical man!” Charlotte grunted quite unladylike.

To cover a suppressed laugh, he let out a louder snore and shifted jerkily, sliding his leg between her thighs. Her chemise had already ridden up, and his leg connected with naked skin.

She was soft, and he liked the feel of her body. As he pressed his thigh upwards to her core, the chemise pushed up further, giving him better access. The movement wedged his cock between his thigh and the entrance to her cunt.

Luke heard how her breath hitched. Was she waiting to see if he woke? He faked another snore and stopped moving. For several minutes he lay still and ever so often let out a sound affecting a snore. She appeared to buy it.

As soon as she seemed certain that he was asleep, she moved her hips back and forth, sliding her wet cunt along his hard shaft. Her cream coated him, and the feeling was almost too much to bear. He locked his jaw, preventing himself from moaning.

So the prissy Charlotte was planning on getting off as long as she figured he didn”t know. It played right into his hand. He was a gambler after all, and his plan was right on track. Letting her explore his body in the dark where she believed her actions remained undetected was the first step.

She clearly wasn”t as annoyed with him as she kept pretending during the day. But to get her to admit that she wanted him would be a delicate undertaking. And one that would cost him all the control he could muster. Knowing how her tight cunt tasted made it even harder to wait until she was ready to come to him. But he knew it had to be her choice - or at least he”d make her think it was her choice.

Charlotte”s wet flesh slid against his cock in a smooth and flowing motion - back and forth.

Luke had to focus his mind on something other than her enticing body in order not to thrust in concert with her and give himself away.

When she reached between her legs and took his erection to press it more firmly against her female folds, he nearly lost it. He bit his lip. The pain helped ward off his imminent climax.

Charlotte liked the feel of his hard flesh against her core. Finally, she”d found the spot that Luke had so expertly sucked before. By sliding his shaft against that spot she could imitate the same sensation she”d felt when he”d touched her there.

She thanked the heavens that he was such a deep sleeper, even though she wished he wouldn”t snore the way he did. It was distracting.

The velvety texture of his skin was surprising, and she couldn”t stop touching him and pressing his hard rod against that pleasurable point at the base of her curls. Faster and faster she moved, feeling herself getting hotter and hotter.

Almost, almost …

She moved her hips, her rhythm increasing, her heart beating a frantic tattoo against her breasts. Her nipples had beaded and were aching to be touched. She felt herself getting wetter until, finally, a wave of sensations broke over her. Her womb contracted, her interior muscles squeezed, and a flood of warmth and ecstasy reached every cell of her body.

With a sigh she relaxed into the feeling and let herself be carried away. Not wanting to let go of his magnificent shaft which brought her such pleasure, she continued to cup the still hard member and hold it against her wet folds before she drifted off to sleep.

By the time Charlotte woke, Luke had already left the wagon. She was glad about it. She didn”t want to face him in the morning, knowing what she”d done while he was asleep was what no lady would do. Her flushed skin would give her away - and it had to be flushed. Why else would she be feeling so hot?

She avoided him all day, which wasn”t difficult. He drove the wagon, his horse trailing behind while she helped out one of the married women whose youngest child was feverish. On and off it rained. The weather didn”t improve by the time they stopped to make camp for the night.

Normally Charlotte hated bad weather, but for once she didn”t mind. Not one bit.

She was giddy with anticipation when Luke finally entered the wagon that night. The rain was lighter now but the ground was too wet for anybody to sleep on.

She didn”t say anything when he got in and undressed, too afraid her voice would give away her lustful feelings. Instead, she pretended to sleep.

As he slipped under the covers and molded his body against her back, she instantly felt the difference: he wasn”t naked. She”d already hiked up her chemise in anticipation of feeling his skin, and now the cotton of his long johns rubbed against her buttocks. This wouldn”t do.

“Charlotte? You asleep?” he asked.

She didn”t answer, wanting to keep him in the belief she was already sleeping. Hopefully he would be out quickly himself.

“Mmh, you smell nice, darlin”,” he murmured. “I wish you had an idea about of you”re doing to me.”

Luke knew full well that Charlotte was awake. Her shallow breathing gave her away. But he played along with her pretense, because it suited him down to a
. He could tell her things he wanted her to know without her having to admit she heard him.

He planted a soft kiss on her hair and sensed her tensing for a moment. Was she afraid he”d ravish her while she was asleep? “Darlin”, I wish you would forgive me for what I”ve done to you,” he continued whispering. It was enough. He didn”t want to overdo it. And he was truly sorry. Had he known she was a virgin, he would have been much gentler with her and prepared her better. Maybe he should have acted less surprised - obviously she hadn”t liked the idea that he”d assumed she was an experienced woman. But how the hell was he supposed to know that?

No blue-eyed virgin was travelling all the way to the west without a father or husband in tow.

With a sigh he settled in, pulled her even closer and stroked his hand over her belly. He relaxed and breathed deeply. Minutes later, he started his fake snoring, not too loud, since he didn”t want her to think he”d be too unbearable to be with. He”d left his long johns on because he needed a little barrier between her and him. Waking up with Charlotte”s hand on his cock had been more than just a little arousing. He”d had to hightail it out of the wagon in the dark so he could find release by his own hand. He hadn”t come that hard and plentiful in a long time.

Maybe it was the fact that he hadn”t slept much the night before or that driving the team of oxen through the muddy earth today had been exhausting, but Luke fell asleep quickly.

It was with a start that he suddenly awoke. It was still pitch-black.

He realized instantly what was happening. The buttons of his long johns were open, and his semi-hard cock was sliding back and forth at the apex of her thighs, her sweet ass bumping against his groin rhythmically but gently. Her soft moans and panting breaths provided music to this enticing entertainment.

Luke was glad to see that she hadn”t stopped her explorations. On the contrary, not only did she stroke his cock and press it against her clit to stimulate herself, she also fondled his balls, causing them to tighten and pull up. Now that he was awake and consciously aware of her ministrations, his cock stiffened to the hardness of an iron bar.

Her wet cunt rode him as if she”d done it a hundred times. But this time it seemed it wasn”t enough for her. Charlotte”s soft hand guided his shaft to the entrance of her wet heat and moved her ass back, allowing the plump head of it to enter her cunt but an inch deep.

She inhaled sharply, then pushed further.

Damn was she tight!

There was no way in hell he”d be able to stop now. She”d invited trouble, and she”d get it.

“What do you think you”re doing?” he whispered into her ear.

A startled gasp was her answer. A second later she tried to pull away, but he was faster. He”d already gripped her hip with one hand and drawn her back to him, impaling her fully on his cock.

“Is that what you want, Charlotte?”

“Stop it.”

He pulled back his shaft, but only to drive it deep again the next moment. Damn, she felt good. “Can”t stop now, darlin”. You started it, so we”ll finish it. Think you can just use me for your own nightly amusement?” Actually, he didn”t mind it, as long as he was getting something in return.

He needed more range of motion - the tiny mattress didn”t give him much space to move. He left her tight sheath and shifted. Within moments he had turned her onto her stomach and was settled between her spread thighs. “Let me show you how it”s done.”

Charlotte struggled against him. “Only whores and animals do it like this. It”s disgusting.”

“I beg to differ,” he answered. “You know why I think you”ll like it like that? Because I can get really deep. I can fill you to the rim. Get on your hands and knees.”

To his surprise, she obeyed. Then, with one long stroke he seated himself in her.

“Luke,” she moaned on an exhaled breath.

“Yes, Charlotte?”

“Do that again.”

He pulled out leaving only the bulbous head of his erection inside her channel. “What?

That?” He thrust back in with more force than before. Luke felt her shudder.


“I can do that as much as you want me to, darlin”.”

“All night?”

Luke smirked. “With a few breaks to recover.” How had she suddenly turned from timid to insatiable? She”d be sore by the morning - especially considering she was practically a virgin.

And his lovemaking wouldn”t be the gentlest. He was far too wound up for that.

He gave her a little slap on her delectable ass, wishing he could actually see her. Tomorrow he”d fuck her during daylight, he promised himself.

“Let”s get to the fucking, darlin”, since it appears you”re all ready for it.”

“I”m not the one talking,” she retorted and pushed her ass back into his groin, taking his cock deeper.

He pumped into her, letting her slick heat engulf his shaft, coat it with her delicious cream and allow her muscles to squeeze him like a tight fist. What a treat to take a woman who hadn”t been touched by another man, one who would know nothing but what he showed her. He realized he was the one who would introduce her to the ultimate pleasure between a man and a woman, and the thought pleased him more than it should. He wasn”t a man looking for a woman for keeps. But the knowledge of being a woman”s first experience - it did something to him.

Suddenly he wasn”t just thrusting into her to reach his orgasm, he was pumping into her welcoming channel to brand her, mark her for himself. He wanted to leave his seed in her to make her his.

Irritated as his own thoughts, he shook his head and tried to concentrate on the feel of her body underneath him. She met him thrust for thrust, enthusiastically and more skilled than he would have expected from an innocent like her. And whatever she did with her interior muscles to squeeze him on every inward thrust, it made his cock want to stay there forever.

“Easy, darlin”, you”ll make me come too quickly.” But as soon as he”d said it, he knew there was nothing she could do to slow his approaching orgasm.

He reached his hand forward to find her center of pleasure and pulled at the sensitive flesh.

Charlotte jerked instantly. “But you”ll come with me,” he promised.

His finger moist from the cream dripping from her cunt, he circled the engorged button and rubbed it in synch with his thrusts. It didn”t take much: she was like a well-tuned piano. So responsive, so open.

Again he pinched her clit. She erupted in spasms, clenching his cock even tighter. It was all he needed to join her. With his next thrust, he came in hot, long spurts. Instead of pulling out like he normally would with any other woman, he gave her every last drop of his seed. He filled her until it overflowed with their combined juices.

As he pulled out, he turned her in his arms and gathered her into a tight embrace. He found her mouth and captured it with his lips, kissing her softly. “Give me twenty minutes, and we”ll try that again.”

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