Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You (42 page)

BOOK: Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You
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              THE PROBLEM                                                                      CAUSED BY                                         

Worms in fruit, brown granules in holes                                          Codling moth


Leaves and blossoms eaten and neatly tied

together then webbed, young fruit gouged                            Leafrollers


Leaves have brown or pink spots, skeletonization                            Pearslug


Irregular spots on upper side of leaves, small

blisters on underneath side of leaf                                          Tentiform leafminer


Fruit and foliage have honeydew and yellow

insects on leaves, tree defoliated                                                        Pear psylla


Fruit has clear honeydew and black sooty mold                            Mealybugs


Leaves distorted, new foliage stunted, green

insects on new shoots                                                                      Aphids


Fruit is brownish and rough, foliage has dry,

rusty look                                                                                                  Pear rust mite






              THE PROBLEM                                                                      CAUSED BY                           

Young shoots die back 1-7 inches from tip in

spring, caterpillar inside the shoots                                          Peach twig borer


Leaves tied together with webbing in spring                            Leafrollers, orange tortrix


Leaves attached to fruit with webbing in summer              Eyespotted bud moth


Brownish patches on leaves and skeletonization              Pearslug


New growth with green insects, leaves curled,

fruit split, white mealy substance                                                        Mealy plum aphid





              THE PROBLEM                                                                      CAUSED BY                                         

Green nuts fall off or dry up on tree, webbing

on nut, older nuts worm infested                                                        Codling moth


Nuts are worm infested at harvest time,

covered with webbing and brown material                            Navel Orangeworm


Leaves tied with webbing and eaten in spring                            Leafroller


Tiny black spots on husks turning into black

areas that are soft, nut meat still OK                                          Walnut husk fly


Leaves covered with honeydew and black

sooty mold, nuts become sunburned                                          Walnut aphid
































Many, many, many years ago farmers used to hang toads in the doorway of their grain storage facility to keep the bugs out. The toad had a string around its leg and would eat the bugs that tried to get in to get the grain. I am sure if we tried this now we would have animal rights people all over us, so best to forget this type of bug repellant.

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