Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You (91 page)

BOOK: Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You
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Famous for its role as a mosquito repellant: as well as a base for many insect sprays. Do not use on oil-based trees such as a pine tree. It is best to use the essential oil from a health food store.



Contains an extract derived for citrus peels called “limonene.” Very effective: when combined with any number of natural pest remedies. Do not use more than 10 drops per gallon of water, if using the extract. The weak strength is very effective against most soft-bodied insects. The spray can be used on most plants and vegetable gardens. The spray will control flies, larvae and many chewing insects. The oil may kill some of the beneficial insects as well. It can be purchased as Citra Solv™ in most garden stores.



The seeds are powdered and made into an infusion, then used in a sprayer to repel many chewing insects.



Cucumber and cucumber peelings have been used for hundreds of years as an insect repellant. The seeds are the most potent part and should be ground into a powder and used to make an infusion. They will repel worms, fleas, ants and some beetles.



In some countries curry is made into a paste and painted on the trunk of plants and trees. When made into a liquid it is used in a sprayer.


Place the curry into a blender to liquefy then use 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water.



Purchase dill oil for the best results and mix it with water to be used in a sprayer to repel flying insects.



It is best to add a small amount to almost any infusion to be used in a sprayer. It is capable of killing numerous soft-bodied insects on contact or will at least repel them. Works best when used with Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap™.



Purchase as an extract and make a spray adding 1 drop of fennel, a dash of a very hot sauce into 1 gallon of water. Effective: on almost all chewing insects.



This is a spray composed of a very hot sauce and is very effective on many insects. It is sold in many garden supply houses.



All parts of the plants can be juiced and used as a concentrate to be added to water. For a potent spray use 1 cup of garlic juice to 1 gallon of water and allow it to remain for about 45 minutes before using, then use immediately and discard the balance.


If you are purchasing the extract only use 1 ounce per 1 gallon of water. Garlic pellets can be purchase and placed in the ground around plants and trees to keep animals from damaging them.



This is one plant that very few insects or burrowing animals will eat. If you can purchase an extract made from the roots, place 1 ounce in 1 gallon of water and use as a spray against most insects.















Hyssop has been used for centuries and is about as powerful as pyrethrum. It is best to try using it as an infusion to get rid of most insect pests.



It is best to simmer them and make an infusion to repel aphids and especially whiteflies. If you add a dash of a very hot sauce to the infusion it will be more effective.



The seeds need to be crushed and made into an infusion. Best to just purchase a strong Chinese mustard and place 1 tablespoon into 1 gallon of water. Allow the mixture to settle then strain well and add a drop or two of Ivory Liquid Soap™ to the mixture before placing it into a sprayer. This mixture can also be painted on tree trunks to keep critters and insects away.



This is one of the best anti-fungal oils that will also repel a number of insects. It tends to kill many insects on contact including the beneficial ones. This is one of the more commonly used natural pesticides.



Very effective in controlling many insects and critters! It is best to use strong onions and juice them. Use ½ cup of onion juice in 1 gallon of water.



Produced in Thailand and is sold as Hot Peanut Sauce™ in many garden shops. To be used mainly to repel deer, rabbits and raccoons.



Purchase as an extract and add only 1-2 drops per gallon of water that has already been made into a spray. Has the ability to kill most insects and when used in herbal powder form will repel spiders. Pennyroyal will works synergistically with almost all other herbs to make them more effective.



Mix 5 tablespoons in 1 gallon of water for the best results. It will kill most insects on contact.



This is one of the best methods of natural pest control. It will repel the insects as well as the critters. Chili peppers are the best source of insect repellant and can be used as a powder; however, concentrates are available in health food stores. Chili pepper oil can be purchased in Asian markets and only 5 drops are needed in 1 gallon of water to be effective.



Peppercorns from India are usually the hottest and can repel most critters that will frequent your garden. Grind them into a dust and dust you garden to keep most insects and pest away.



It is best used only on ants and will kill on contact by just placing 1 drop of the concentrate into 1 quart of water.



Make up a pot of potato soup, strain it well and add 3-4 drops of Tabasco Sauce™ to it. Spray the plants to control chewing insects and beetles.



Produced from the pyrethrum flower and considered a very strong insecticide. However, it will kill all insects even the beneficial ones. Try and find natural insecticides that will not kill all bugs. When small amounts are added as a synergistic it improves the effectiveness.



The bark and chips have an excellent level of insecticidal properties when used as an extract. Do not use on fruits and vegetables. The chips need to simmer for about 3-4 hours then add a small amount of a very hot sauce and place in a sprayer.



Use the leaves and make an infusion adding a small amount of a very hot sauce like Tabasco Sauce™. This will repel most chewing insects, ant and whiteflies when sprayed on the plants and may also keep rabbits away.



A plant related to the lily family. The seeds need to be ground up and made into a tea. After the tea cools, strain the mixture and add a dash of Tabasco Sauce™, mix thoroughly and use in a spray. The powder can be used and is very toxic to insects since it affects their nervous systems.


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