Nawashi (21 page)

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Authors: Gray Miller

Tags: #thriller, #action, #bdsm, #sex magic, #rope bondage, #kink, #graydancer

BOOK: Nawashi
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The fingers tightened behind her neck then,
and just as in the club, she felt her body held immobile, suspended
by his one hand at her neck.
Then she felt the tip of the blade begin to
trace along the edge of the ropes, and she screamed out her fear, a
rush of erotic energy surging out of both them, outward… .
Bec gave a sudden gasp as a wave of
sensation hit her. She was on her back, having been commanded by
Jake to masturbate for him. Her fingers rested on either side of
the hood of her clit, too delicate to touch directly, and she was
moaning as her fingers rubbed the hood quickly between them,
stroking the clit. It had been feeling good, but suddenly she had
felt an extra wave of warmth and support wash over her, like a
lighter version of an orgasm. Her legs, splayed out to either side,
had jerked up with the sensation, and as she let them relax, she
felt Jake moving up in between them. “I think you need a little bit
of help here, lovely Bec,” he said. “You want my cock in your pussy
while you touch yourself?”
She moaned and arched her back in answer.
“Yes, please, Sir, I want your cock deep inside me. Please!”
He knelt before her, his posture almost
identical to the seiza form Brian had assumed hundreds of miles
away. Slowly he stroked the latex-clad tip of his cock up and down
the length of her vulva, causing her to buck and twist, trying to
capture it inside of her. At the same time she was moving her hands
furiously, still suffused with the sensation that had passed over
her, the familiar sensation of…

Brian. Suddenly she knew
what she had felt. Somehow she’d felt the connection between Brian
and whatever his lover was doing. She didn’t think about the how,
she simply reached out again to try and find that connection… and
so was all the more open to the pleasure as Jake drove his cock
deep into her wet lips. The pulse of sensation flared between them,
and they both froze in a rictus of deep penetration for just a
moment, backs arched away from each other, breath stopped, and in
that moment, Bec made



Brian knelt over Sally, who was trembling
as he ran the blade around the ropes that bound her back, tracing
the outline of the patterns into slight red scratches on her skin,
the designs mirroring his own permanent marks. When the connection
hit them, Brian threw his hands up in the air like a preacher
invoking the holy spirit, his hand suddenly clenching the knife. In
that moment, he could feel the penetration of Jake’s cock into his
wife, feel both her joy at the sensation and her love for both of
them, from the sweet basic antinomy of loving his cock and missing
Brian’s at the same time to the deeper levels of the soul, where he
could not verbalize but could only feel, the immense gravity of the
desire, affection, and respect all rolling into one piece of
attraction between souls who have chosen to share lives
Into this spectrum of feeling he took
Sally, and could feel her trepidation at the magnitude of the
feeling between them. Physically he lifted her, pushing her astride
him, letting his cock gently rest against her slit, the pale color
of the condom hiding the thin strip of pubic hair that led into her
vulva. Her breasts pressed against him, and he wrapped his arms
around her, letting her feel the way the love for Bec was the
source of the deep affection that was forming for her. He took her
again into that powerful place, showing her the wonder of the woman
he had married, and showing his wife the deep bond that had formed
between Sally and himself, a reflection of her own submission to
Sally was crying now, openly, the joy of
the moment carrying her away, but her body had not forgotten the
lust in the heavy air that surrounded them, and her hips began
pressing into his cock, unconsciously matching Jake’s rhythm as he
pushed into Bec, her hands now a blur of motion around her clit.
Brian was able to send out a brief suggestion, and with a chuckle
Jake reached down and put a slowly increasing pressure on Bec’s
right nipple, pinching it harder and harder. She began to cry out,
her mouth in a wide “Oh!” as she felt the energy of her orgasm
build within her.
Sally’s rhythm slowed as she also felt the
building explosion, and she ground harder, stroking the cock more
firmly up and down the length of her vulva, her own cries a coarse
and rough scream growing louder with every thrust. She suddenly
froze, shuddering, in mid-stroke, and Brian grabbed her bound arms
and pulled her tight as she screamed out in release.
The scream travelled across the connection
and was echoed in Jake’s harsh roar as he thrust harder and faster,
Bec screaming “Yes! Fuck me!” over and over as her hands flew over
her clitoris, her back arching up into his hands which were
pinching both nipples now. With a final growling roar and
triumphant scream they came together, the feelings echoing and
reinforcing the glowing pleasure Sally had launched.
Brian growled on his own, half mad with
arousal, and turned Sally around, using the rope harness to lower
her to the floor, his hands grasping her hips as he slid ito her
with a quick thrust that threw her head up in a shout of pleasure
and shock at the depth. He first used his hands to pull her ass
back into him, driving his cock hard into her, but soon she was
pushing back into him, her back arching as she screamed “Yes!”
again and again.
As Brian felt the orgasm begin deep at the
base of his cock, he reached out, through the connection, letting
his awareness flow along it, to share the feeling of their
connection as the tingling burn grew, passing through his thighs
and up his center until he felt the energy explode through the top
of his head, his back arching, all of the energy between Sally and
himself casting his consciousness out into the lines of force their
love had created.
As a result, he saw the whole thing.



The Wrinkled Man frowned now nearly all the
His displeasure was affecting his sources,
using them up almost daily now. His skin was dry and mottled with
the scabs of the pieces he’d torn off in annoyed contemplation of
the Troublemaker.
The failure of his Tools and the loss of
his Mauls had forced him to reconsider the entire matter. He had
worked hard to organize the culture to support his own physical
nature, twisting the spirituality and sexuality of an entire
civilization to meet his own needs. There was not a chance that
this minor setback would actually threaten him.
At the same time, he had survived this long
through constant and complete attention to detail. He had never let
an adversary go unpunished, unchecked, and killed men, women, and
ideas with the same casual air that he would have swatted a fly,
had one been able to get into the featureless white room where he
This twisted Troublemaker, though, didn’t
fit into the picture he’d assembled of The Way Things Were. And
worse, he suspected that there was far more than simply the one
troublemaker behind this. He suspected that perhaps his strong
infrastructure that fed him might be infested with tiny parasites,
that had been crawling around behind the scenes while he was too
busy to notice.

there was this “nawashi” to deal with. Unusual in this
particular area, the Wrinkled Man thought, usually they are
concentrated on the coasts… and that is when he remembered. The

The wife was on the coast.
Suddenly the Wrinkled Man was smiling


Sally lay on the floor, weeping. Brian held
her, his head bowed, stroking her hair. It took Sullivan a moment
to realize that she was not weeping from joy, but in deep, wracking
sobs of anguish. “Wait—what happened?” He looked questioning at
Vashte, who was equally puzzled, and then back to Brian. “From
where we were, that looked beautiful. Fuckin’ hot, both you two and
the couple visiting from the coast.”
Brian looked up at his friend. His eyes
were not sad; there were no tears. But there was a hard
determination in them that had been hidden before.
“It was beautiful, Sullivan. The connection
was there. That’s how I know.” He looked down again at Sally, and
gave her a soft kiss on her head. “Remember how I said it didn’t
seem like enough?”
Sullivan nodded.
“It wasn’t, Sullivan. They have her.”
“The bastards have taken my wife.”







Preview of the sequel to Nawashi: Jujun


The music started, a driving anime
techno-pop from Japan, with overdriven guitars riding a popping
beat laid on thumping bass arpeggios. Brian let the beat carry him
up the stairs to the stage, twirling and spinning the clubs through
his fingers as he danced along the perimeter of the stage, getting
close to the audience, making eye contact with a mischievous grin.
Some familiar faces were there—Sullivan was front row, of course,
his arms around Alan on once side and some woman Brian didn’t
recognize on the other. He caught sight of Vashte up in the second
level seating, her teeth flashing whitely somewhere between a
predatory gleam and a merry grin.
Brian got them interested, catching their
eyes, then centered both physically and mentally on the stage, and
started juggling. As the mylar-covered pins began to travel through
the air, he got the soft murmuring “ooooh… ” wash up onto the stage
from the crowd, and a couple of people clapped. He did a couple of
double-spin throws, the pins whirling up into the reddish lights,
and as they came down he suddenly swooped one up and caught it
tight between his thighs. The handle jutted out like a phallus and
the cheers from the audience grew more raucous. He approached the
mic in a lewd waddle, letting the handle waggle back and forth as
though sniffing out the crowd. The laughter subsided into
occasional giggles as he moved his lips closer to the stand.
“Ladies and Gentlemen. I have to tell you
how excited I am to be here this evening!” He gave the club between
his legs an extra little thrust to emphasize the point, and the
giggles got louder. Sullivan hooted loudly, pumping a fist in the
“Yes, that’s right, I… I… ” A look of
concern crossed Brian’s face, wiping away the trickster’s grin. He
let his head fall, shoulders slumping, and loosened his thighs so
the club fell to the floor, rolling away. He made no move to
retrieve it, and let the silence grow until he could hear the hiss
of the speakers.
He let it grow uncomfortable for the
audience, feeling their confusion and worry grow, and just before
they would have started murmuring, he lifted his head.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m really, really sorry, folks, but I
just can’t do it. I had this whole raunchy juggling act set up,
lots of jokes about the size of my clubs and weight of my balls…
but I just can’t do it.”
He let his gaze travel over the crowd.
“I’ve had—and I’m sure you’ll agree with me—a pretty amazingly
crappy week.” A few nervous claps rang out, but the crowd was still
uneasy from his sudden seriousness.
“I mean, I look around at what’s going on,
and I find myself amazed at the union of opposites achieved by our
leerless feeder and his administration. Peace through war. Fighting
a deficit by cutting taxes. Sex education by enforced ignorance.
Supporting our troops by cutting vet benefits.” He shook his head.
“It really makes no sense, y’know?”
“But I have found a way. I have found my
own path that unites the opposites, and I’m here tonight, brothers
and sisters,” his voice took on a deeper, more rounded tone,
approaching the evangelical. “I’m here tonight to share that way
with you. You, my brother,” he pointed suddenly at Sullivan, who
stuck out his tongue, “and you, my sister” he pointed at Sally, who
lifted her eyebrows and sucked harder on the lollipop in her mouth,
cheeks hollowing as she pumped the stick in and out lewdly, “can
also find your way on this path. It is the path of… ”
“Deliverance. Thru. Bondage.” There was
another nervous chuckle from the crowd. “And like so many of our
esteemed President’s cabinet, I am going to borrow from the
traditional values of the states in the southern portion of our
country, and start you out on this path with the phrase… ” His
voice lowered, and he moved his lips until they were almost
touching the microphone.
“Get a rope.”


to be continued




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