Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress (8 page)

BOOK: Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress
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She wakes to feel the shag tentacles of the carpet tickling her lips. It is almost nightfall and her vitality is wholly restored, making it ripe for her to assume her place. A finishing seal around the entrance, and she hustles right to the lift, in plain view of anyone who wishes to chase the delicate echo of her fluttering down the corridor. She braces herself mentally for a likely confrontation with internal security, and ups her intention to escape safely onto the clearing. The lift makes a single stop, but no one is there, then it continues on downward and retracts, revealing a muscular man carrying a loaded belt. As she dares to press on, concentrating to conceal her angst, the guard pushes his hand forcefully forward, and firmly signals her to halt. Panic sets in. She is trapped in a cage in a building that wants her. Were he to compare her imprint to previous records, he would find something highly suspect, which could reveal more than what she is prepared to, at this juncture.

Just as she appears to agreeably step one leg back, with open fists innocuously poised and slightly uneven over her head, yet covertly selecting an effective strike point, the cause of his advance whizzes by her. The cleanerbot is doing its rounds, and if she had stepped out, she would have surely tainted it with her blood, a fate much worse than getting caught. She ceremoniously thanks her valiant knight for saving her ankles and rouses her singular, sweet, penetrating smile that never fails to disable the knees of men as he traces her curves with his eyes. Unexpectedly, she wields a provocative kiss as a diversion and uses his weakened body as a shield, while she visually shadows three officials heading to the medical lab. She then swiftly flees from the lobby, out the main gate and off the island, swooping amidst the shadowy walkways as the darkness beyond the setting sun nips at her heels.


Day 3: Late Evening

here. I'm done for the night. I should head back before they lock up, right, Eli?"

"Well, it's about time! We didn't leave prison to live cooped up in a tiny dorm together, Keet." In all honesty though, it feels scary to me as well. This is the first time we'll be apart since forever. He looks hurt. "Besides, I don't want to be around when you bring a girl home, yuck!" That should lighten his mood a bit. Good. A chuckle.

"You mean, juicy!"

"Ugh. That's just wrong." We share a much needed laugh. The visual on that one still weirds me out though.

"I'll leave my journal here for the night, if that's ok. Just until I get a protector set up. You should get one too. You're safe from outsiders, but you never know what your neighbors are into. I certainly don't want—"

"No one is going to steel your journal, pup. It's not like they can trade it for credit." They'd be more interested in Mother's jewel. But it's safer here. The university has several protectors stationed in each building, so for tonight at least, keeping our valuables in my dorm is our best choice.

"Just the same. It's important to me." His tone has changed.

I take his hand and reassure him. It's been really difficult for him growing up without her, so he relies on me for comfort. But it's time to let go now or I'll smother him like Father has me. We exchange a warm hug, he hesitates, and then fills me with pride.

"Maybe it's time to stop calling me pup."

Indeed it is. I lean over and kiss his check. "Good night, Keet." He smiles and leaves me alone with my thoughts.

Come on, girl. He's less than ten minutes away. But I still can't stop the tear rolling down my cheek. Well, it's a dry night tonight anyway. It could use a little humidity. Sigh. "Ok then, time to figure out how the sleep surface works." Well, that didn't take very long. I'm already talking to myself. Now where's the controller. Let's try this. Maybe not. In the dark again. Ok. Turn them back on. Good. Now how about this. Aha! Oh. Wait! No no no! Stop! Ouch. There it is. Phew! Caught it before his journal got baked. Why does Keet insist on using such a Neanderthal system anyway? Slippads are so much more practical in my opinion. No need to fuss with those key and lock things, like… Juicy! The matter beam pulled the clip out. I wonder what…

Don't you dare, girl. It's not right. That's an invasion of privacy, and if his constant babble is any indication of what goes on in his brain, then I don't even want to know. So where am I going to put this; the virtabed replaced the virtadesk. There has to be a place in here somewhere where I can store solid stuff. Beside the window. The shelf box is real, isn't it? Let me check. Crap! I guess not. What a mess! Well, at least the floor is smart. It's a little unnerving to have a floor that catches things, but I guess I'll get used to it. "Thanks." Did I just talk to a carpet? I have to get out of here and go find some people. It's good enough. I'll put the journal here and just make sure I don't click the shelf off again. Even if I do, at least I know my friendly mat is on the case. Maybe I'll need to strap the binding though. Wouldn't want Keet's secret life story to fall into the prying hands of some shag now, would I? Hehehe.

Before I go, let me give Keet a quick comm just to make sure he made it back to his crypt ok.

"Miss me already, eh?"

Oh, just let it ride. "I see you haven't been thrown in the dungeon and tortured by the likes of Father's creepy friends, yet."

"Rip! The walk was uneventful. Just the way I like it. You off to dream now?"

That made me queasy. "In a bit. The room is a tad too lively for me at the moment. I'm going to check out the shared space for a change." Something's wrong. "What?"

"My journal."

"Don't worry. The wall box has teeth." Seriously, it does. "Nobody's going near it. I'll bring the controller with me." Lost a pup and gained a cluck.

"Juicy! You have to show me how it works later."

That'll keep his mind occupied. He'll spend all night researching it and showing
how to use it. Works for me. "Talk to you in the morning then."

"Sure." He sounds pretty ok. Not that I'm being clingy and all. Just making sure he's loose.

I have quite a nice view from here. The field is so green, and look, there's a pond over there with stems, some benches, a few I-don't-know-whats. I'll check them out in the daylight. Time for some exploring now. Ouch. Oh yeah. Forgot to clean up the avalanche. The flashes. Just a quick peak before I go. Stick one in the viewer and...nothing. Crap! The viewer is burnt. I really have to figure out this furniture. Life in the highlands may have been backwards, but it sure was simpler. Meanwhile, I also need to find another viewer. Maybe the shared space has something I can borrow. Ok. The secure band, the controller, and a flashpack and I'm out.

"Hey lo." Hmmm. That was awkward. Do I have three heads or something? Here's someone else. Let's try again.

"Hey lo." Stop. There's a reflection. "No. I don't have three heads." Someone found that funny.

"Hey lo. New here?"

And they look at
funny? What's with the head mop. Is that hair? Ewww. I don't even want to ask. Come on, girl, say something. But I can't stop staring at his… "Eek!" Not exactly what I had in mind, but it's something.

"Sorry about that, lass. It's a bit of a jumper the first time. Hey...lo? Zafarian."

Oh. He's greeting me. I think. So hold out my arm like this and whoa. What the? Did he just touch me? Yep. That's nice. Sure. Ok. I really didn't want to feel his squiggly stuff against my cheek, but I asked for an adventure, so here he is. Friendly smile at least, not like the two flatfaces over there. He's kind of cute too in an odd, freakish sort of way, like a snotty-nosed kid who knows how to wipe, but still hasn't figured out how to put his clothes on, or what is actually considered clothing for that matter. And the shoes. Wow! This boy's got a style of his own! I haven't actually said anything intelligent yet have I. Um. "Your hair." Well, at least it's better than

"Yurheir? Funny name."

Why does he keep smiling at me like that? Maybe I should just keep walking then. Really, girl, get a grip and say something smart.

"No. I mean. Your
? It's…it's, well, moving."

"Yeah. Trip, ya fig?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Long trip. Just got here this evening." Ok. Now he looks confused. But still smiling. I'd better smile back and introduce myself. "I'm Eli. And you're name again?"

"Zafarian. But my friends call me Stitch or Zaf. You choose."

"Ok, Stitch." Couldn't have been more fitting. "So where on earth did you get a name like Zafarian, right? I mean, it's pretty bizarre." Well, he's pretty bizarre.

"Yeah. I'm trip with that. I swear my parents were smoking weed when they named me."

"Smoking? Weed?"

"It's a plant they used to grow on the roof and it smells like piss. That was before the garden police caught wind of it...quite literally." He smiles again.

"The garden police?" Maybe this guy's been smoking it too. And why would someone smoke
, especially something that smells like a toilet?

"Yeah. That's what my man called the neighbor. It's like this guy never saw a vegetable before, my man used to say."

Vegetables? Who is he kidding? Even our circle doesn't grow those. They haven't been around for centuries. Every kid from the highlands knows that. "And
dad did? Come on."

He starts to laugh and pokes me. "You're cute."

"You're strange." He laughs even harder.

This is getting a little awkward. What do you talk about with someone who smokes pee, wears random pieces of everything stitchable, and whose hair can't lie still? Hehehe. I can just image what Keet would be thinking right now.

"And yes. Now the ice has been broken, it has. Shall I give you the grand tour then?" He offers his arm, but I'm not falling for that again. I'll just hang on to this elbow rope thing. He laughs even harder and walks me down the first hall.

"You're in branch J. Remember that. Up there in the corner is where you'll see the marking if you get lost. I'm down four levels and across three branches. It's a bit bending at first." He taps his secure band and then heads towards a dimly lit tunnel. "I was just heading over to the viewing room. My man sent me some flashes of his new garden. Always planting stuff, yeah. It's across two links then straight down. Section V. Watch out for the sentinel." He is pointing towards the archway, but I don't see anything.

"Ahhh! Hey! Help me down! Stop laughing!" He is completely hysterical, and I'm dangling in mid air by some… Ohhhm gee. "Stitch! Get over here and do something! The thing has eyes, big eyes, and I don't like the way they're looking at me."

"Pica trip! So that's how they work. Pass me your arm. Whoa!"

And what's that stench? Oh oh. Something's wrong. He's not laughing any more, in fact he looks pretty serious and it looks like his hair is trying to peel back off his head.

"Ok. That won't work. Ummm. Try to tap that button on your band. It doesn't look too keen on letting me help you, so you'll have to reach it on your own. Just tap it once. Oh rat. Hurry!"

I can't reach it. It's swiping at my other arm. Hey, something's grabbing my band. Ouch. Juicy! On the floor in a puddle of… Ewww. Is that…? "Whoa! The thing was about to eat me?"

"Not quite. Just hold you for a while."

A stern-looking man is standing right above me and scowling at my new freaky friend. "The sentinels are not pets." He helps me up and checks my band. "Miss Elize." He turns around and seals the arch with a tap of his belt and the beast disappears. Just his eyelashes are faintly visible through the ceiling.

"And Mr. Zafarian!" Right. I didn't like that tone. Sounds like Stitch might be a little too familiar with this guy. "I'm not surprised to find you involved in this little incident." He's taking a slippad from his belt now and writing something. "Miss Elize. I see you are new here. First night in fact. Well, now you know to use that pretty little bracelet on your arm, am I right?" The man hands me back the band and Stitch gives me a visual nudge.

"Yes, sir. I'll be more careful." Then off he goes without another word and heads into the lift shaft. I hear Stitch laugh again and I turn to him in disbelief. "Mr. Zafarian!" Oh, do I ever owe him for that one. He set me up!

"Hey lo, miss Elize, lass." And he howls even louder. "You should have seen your face. Pica trip!" He comes over to poke me. "You're cute."

"And you're bent." I am definitely not amused.

"Welcome to Monster Hall." He leans over and whispers in my ear. "I wouldn't have let anything bad happen to you anyway." He pulls away again, smiles, and stretches one hand out towards me, palm up. "Chumbuds?" I am confused.

He grabs my hand and lays it face up like his, then he makes a fist with one hand, slams it onto mine and covers it with his other hand palm down. Hehehe. Looks like a knuckle sandwich. He notices my mood lightening, then holds out his hand as before. First fist. Then slap. I hope that doesn't mean we're now bound or something.

"Trip! Back to the tour?" Just like that? No apologies? What would Keet say just about now. Oh yeah. Frodo's not in the Shire anymore.

"My rump is covered in slime, Stitch. I'm going back. Maybe later."

He leans over. Creeps, those things are moving again. "Tomorrow after reg then? I'll pop up threeish. You trip?"

"Ummm, yeah. I guess." Another big flash of teeth and he's off, shadow dancing.

Sure. Can't wait. Keet just has to meet this dweeb. Should be fun to watch.

Quickly, back to my space. Enough adventures for the day, please. Better tap this button here and run, just in case. Nothing stays still in this place. Funny. Just like me. There. Back in the sanity of my own cell. There should be an instruction slip or some sort of welcome to the twilight zone package for newbs. I need my wits about me, especially out there.

Freeze. Lights off. There's something moving by the bench. Oh no. It's looking at me. Hide. Stay hush here for a while. That's it. Just bring that heart rate down. Don't let it happen. Ok. Count. One. Two. Three. Breathe. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Again. Just a peek. Nice and easy. You hick! Nothing's there. I must be suffering from sleep deprivation. I'm starting to jump at trees now. It's this wobbly city that's jiggling my brain around with its obnoxious walls, slobbering doorways, chomping book shelves, sassy rugs. Yeah. I'm talking to you down there. Honestly. As if the voices weren't enough, now I'm seeing things too.

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