Neptune's Ring (9 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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They shared a delicious meal of grilled
chicken kabobs and wild rice and then relaxed on the love seat to
let their meals settle.

Simone was tucked into Del’s body, her head
resting on her shoulder as they listened to music on the sound
system. Simone’s left hand slipped beneath the fold of Del’s robe
as her lips brushed her neck. Del laid her head back against the
wall as Simone’s fingertips drew circles around her nipples and her
teeth lightly grazed her neck.

“Are you ready for dessert?”

“I am still a little hungry,” Simone said, as
she pinched Del’s nipple.

“Stand and take your robe off,” Del said.

Simone stood and took the robe from her body
and tossed it onto the loveseat. She watched as Del’s hands opened
the front of the robe, revealing the strap on already in place. Her
hand disappeared into the pocket and she offered the tube of
lubricant to Simone.

Simone smiled and took the lubricant, pouring
it into her palm. She placed the tube on the table and knelt
between Del’s legs. She wrapped her hand around the base of the
dildo and slid it up the length of the shaft coating it with the
silky lube. The motion of her hand placed pressure on the harness
straps and Del felt her clit begin to swell with arousal.

The dildo pressed into Simone’s cleavage as
she leaned forward to take Del’s left breast in her mouth while her
hand gently squeezed her right breast. Her teeth lightly bit her
nipples as Del’s moans filled the room.

Del pulled Simone up to her mouth for a
hungry kiss as her hand moved between their bodies to find Simone’s
wetness awaiting her fingers. She slid two fingers deeply inside
her while Simone’s tongue went wild inside her mouth. Satisfied
that Simone’s body was well lubricated, Del took the tip of the
dildo and slipped it between her lips as she pulled Simone’s hips
into her lap.

Simone’s body lowered onto the dildo as she
moaned deeply into Del’s mouth. Her hips began to grind slowly into
Del’s lap as the toy disappeared deeper into her body. Del’s hands
guided Simone’s hips as she raised and lowered them, impaling her
body with the dildo on each downward thrust. The base of the
harness mount ground into Del’s clit with each movement and Del
broke the kiss in search of a breath as she and Simone came
together with violent shudders.

Simone collapsed onto Del and Del circled her
waist with her hands and carried Simone to the bed. Still buried
deeply inside of Simone, Del placed her hips on the edge of the bed
and began slowly stroking into her body. Simone’s orgasm had just
ended, but she felt another begin to build as Del fucked her

“Oh yes, Del,” Simone purred.

Del was pleased to know that at least Simone
got the name right this time as she increased the speed of her
hips, driving deep into Simone’s body as her hands spread her
thighs wide. Simone would forget Levi ever existed in her world
after tonight, she promised herself as she slammed her hips into
Simone’s body while she screamed out in pleasure.

Sweat was rolling down her back as Del
withdrew the dildo from Simone’s shaking body and she walked to the
loveseat just as her knees began to buckle. She collapsed onto the
seat, gasping for air as the blood rushed back into her quivering
legs. She reached for a glass and took a long drink of the water,
cooling her overheated body as her eyes met Simone’s. The hunger
still burned in them as she glared back at Del.

“Come here,” Del said.

Del stood and pushed the food tray onto a
nearby chair. Simone stood in front of her and Del guided her upper
body to lie across the table.

“Spread your legs wide,” Del growled as she
took the tip of the dildo and entered Del. “You want more, I will
give you more,” she said as she thrust her hips into the cheeks of
Simone’s ass.

Del grabbed the sides of the table, using it
for leverage as her body slapped into Simone’s ass with each
forceful thrust of her body. Simone’s howls of pleasure rang in
Del’s ears as until she climaxed and passed out from the intense

Del fell backward and caught the edge of the
loveseat with her hand to steady her body. She unfastened the dildo
allowing it to fall to her feet as she collapsed onto the loveseat.
Del closed her eyes and used her mind to slow the pounding of her
heart as her body trembled in exhaustion. She sensed rather than
heard movement and when she opened her eyes, Simone was on her
knees in front of her. Simone draped Del’s right leg over the arm
of the furniture and covered Del’s wetness with her mouth as her
hot tongue plunged in and out of her body. Simone’s face was coated
with Del’s wetness as she buried her face in Del’s body. Her palm
rubbed roughly across Del’s clit and Del’s consciousness faded away
as her body erupted with pleasure.

When she awoke, Simone had collapsed with her
head in Del’s lap. Del mustered enough strength to stand and lead
Simone onto the bed as they fell into an exhausted sleep.


Levi got up with Vanessa and drank coffee
with her while Vanessa dressed for work. Vanessa was so incredibly
handsome in her crisply creased white uniform that Levi’s heart
swelled with pride.

“Good grief, you look good enough to eat,”
Levi said, as she watched Vanessa fasten her belt.

“You keep talking like that and this cruise
will be delayed,” Vanessa said, as she leaned down to kiss

“Go back to sleep and call for room service
when you are ready for breakfast,” Vanessa said. “We should be out
of the port and safely underway by one if you would like to join
Killian and I for lunch in the control room.”

“I will be there,” Levi answered, as she
watched Vanessa walk to the door. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Levi,” Vanessa said and
walked out the door.

Levi slumped back down in the bed and covered
her face with Vanessa’s pillow. She was so completely in love it
almost scared her. She relaxed in the comfortable bed, but sleep
eluded Levi. She climbed out of the bed an hour later and walked
naked through Vanessa’s cabin. She sat at her desk and looked at
the pictures of Vanessa, Killian and various other crew members
which framed her heavy oak desk. Vanessa looked so happy in the
pictures and Levi was glad she saw the same sparkle in her eyes
whenever Vanessa looked at her.

Levi slipped on Vanessa’s robe and walked to
the balcony with a cup of coffee. She leaned against the edge of
the balcony and looked down at the mass of women who were boarding
the ship. The sun burned brightly as she watched the noisy crowd
disappear into the ship.

Levi returned inside the cabin and walked to
the bathroom and turned on the shower. She hung the robe on the
wall and stepped into the warm shower. The water caressed her skin
as she stood motionless under the flow of the water. She stepped
back and washed her hair before reaching for a sponge and a bottle
of liquid soap. Levi bathed her body with the silky soap and she
had to giggle as her nipples grew hard under her touch. Vanessa had
her body so alive, the slightest touch made them grow erect. Levi
closed her eyes and imagined the hands on her body were Vanessa’s.
She was amazed at how excited she became and when her fingers
entered her body, she was slippery with excitement. She leaned back
against the shower wall as her fingers brought her intense pleasure
as she dreamed of Vanessa. Her body shuddered with release and Levi
rinsed the evidence of her self induced pleasure down the

Levi stepped from the shower and heard the
blast of the horn as it signaled time for departure and she felt
the ship begin to move as she toweled her body dry.

Nat woke when she felt Liz’s weight on the
bed as she sat down beside her lover.

“Good morning,” Liz said. “Are you ready for
some coffee?”

“Morning Sweetheart, yes, coffee sounds
great,” Nat said, as she sat up in the bed and propped against the
pillows. “Thanks,” she said as she took the coffee from Liz.

“Did you sleep well?” Liz asked.

“I barely remember crawling into bed,” Nat

“Aww, just another day before Levi gets
back,” Liz said.

“Not a moment too soon either, her absence
reminds me that I am not young anymore,” Nat said.

“You are still plenty young enough, Baby we
have just gotten spoiled by Levi.”

“That is so true. If we take on a new resort
things will have to change again,” Nat said.

“We had just started discussing that last
night, when we got busy,” Liz said. “What is in that plan of

“I really think someone needs to be there to
oversee things, but I am not willing to be apart from you for any
length of time,” Nat said.

“That is sweet. So who do you have in

“Well Vanessa has the cruise line, so I think
she is not an option, which only leaves Levi. I suggest we place
her on salary and replace her as the bartender here and send her to
the island to monitor the progress.”

“How do you think she and Vanessa will feel
about that?” Liz asked.

“That, I don’t know,” Nat said. “Levi could
live in the owner’s house while on the island and she could fly
back here when Vanessa is in port,” she suggested.

“What if the island is really haunted?” Liz

“Do you really believe that it could be?” Nat

“I don’t want to rule anything out
completely,” Liz said, surprising Nat.

“I didn’t think you believe in ghosts, baby,”
Nat chuckled.

“Do I need to remind you that Simone didn’t
believe in curses either and look what has happened to her,” Liz

“You know I could have gone all day without
the mention of Simone,” Nat said.

“I am sorry, but it is a prime example.”

“Ok Baby, as usual you are right,” Nat

“If we think the island is really haunted
then we will not enter into the venture,” Nat said. “I would never
put Levi in a situation where she was in harm’s way.”

“I know that, Sweetie,” I am just thinking
about all the variables.

Nat sat her coffee cup beside the bed. “That
is part of what I love about you, My Sweet,” she said as she kissed

Del woke and dressed quietly and left the
suite leaving Simone purring away in her sleep. She collected all
her clothes and headed back to her room, placing the do not disturb
sign on the door. She showered and dropped naked into her bed,
determined to sleep the day away.

Levi dressed and left the room. It was still
over an hour away from the time she agreed to have lunch with
Vanessa and Killian so she walked around the ship until she found
herself in the casino. The ladies were already crowded around the
card tables and slot machines as she waded through the crowd. Levi
found a vacant seat at a slot and pulled a twenty out of her pocket
and slipped it into the machine. She pulled the arm down and
watched the wheel roll and land on a non-winning line. She laughed
and placed her next bet and pulled the arm again, now the victim of
the entrancing slot machine. She made several pulls before she hit
her first winner. Levi doubled her bet and continued to play,
storing her winnings as credits. When she pulled the handle on the
last of her twenty dollar investment, Levi had four hundred
credits. When the wheel fell on a losing line, Levi pushed the cash
out button and listened as the coins made a clanging sound as they
struck the steel bin. Levi scooped the coins into a plastic cup and
walked to the cashier’s office. With a fresh new hundred dollar
bill tucked safely in her pocket, Levi left the casino to continue
her tour.

She climbed up to the top deck and found the
pool area already crowded with women. Cory was behind the bar,
pouring drinks as fast as she could when Levi took a stool at the

“Hiya, Levi,” Cory said, as she looked up to
see her sitting at the bar.

“Hey Cory, they are starting off hot and
heavy aren’t they?” Levi said.

“The first day is always a crush as the
ladies let their hair down and new connections are made or romances
rekindled,” Cory said. “What can I get you to drink?”

“How about a cherry coke when you have a

A very attractive brunette was sitting next
to Levi and heard her order. “I would gladly buy you something a
little stronger,” she said with a charming smile.

“Thanks, but I think I will stick to being a
lightweight for a while,” Levi said.

“Levi, please meet Cass,” Cory said from
behind the bar. “Cass is one of our frequent guests,” she

“Very nice to meet you, Cass,” Levi said.

“Levi is the hot new bartender at the resort
I am sure you have heard about,” Cory said, making Levi blush.

“So you are the creator of Tropical E and now
the Slow Grind,” Cass stated.

“I guess you have heard,” Cory said with a

“Yes, those are my creations,” Levi proudly

“I haven’t had a Tropical E yet, but the Slow
Grind is very tasty,” Cass said, as she raised her glass in salute
to Levi.

“Thanks, it is a bit more potent than the
Tropical E,” Levi said, as she lifted her glass to meet Cass’s.

“A pleasure to meet you,” Cass said, “and the
offer of a drink still stands.”

“Thanks, I may take you up on that offer
later,” Levi said.

Kiki, the activities coordinator picked up a
microphone and made a shout out to the crowd.

“Are we having fun yet, ladies?”

“Hell yeah,” came the roar from the

“I can’t hear you, are we having fun yet
ladies?” she asked again.

“Hell yeah,” was the response, much louder
this time.

“That was so much better that time ladies. My
name is Kiki, and I am your activities coordinator for your Sappho
One Cruise,” she said. “It is my personal responsibility to make
sure each and every one has a fun filled trip with us,” she
explained. “If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up at
any time. Are we ready to dance?” she asked.

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