Read Nessa's Two Shifters Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Romance

Nessa's Two Shifters (16 page)

BOOK: Nessa's Two Shifters
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He attacked before she finished the sentence, sending her squealing across the bed in the process.

“I’m hungry all right. I think I’ll have myself some honey. Get back over here, Nessa.” He pulled her by the ankle back across the bed so that he was kneeling between her legs.

She couldn’t stop her gaze from drifting from his handsome face down his wide shoulders and broad chest to follow the tantalizing trail that led to his very aroused and impressive cock. The beast sat nestled in a bed of dark curls, stretching out, looking heavy with need. A pearly drop of pre-cum formed in the slit as she watched. She couldn’t stop herself from licking her lips. She had yet to taste either one of them. Where before giving a blow job had been repugnant to her, now she desperately wanted to feel them pulsing in her mouth as they came.

“No you don’t, you little minx. Not now. Once we’ve gotten to the place where we can stand your wicked mouth on us without shooting off, we’ll let you take us. Right now, I want my taste, and you can come as many times as you like.” Jessup slid down and shoved her thighs wide to give him room to torment her already soaked pussy.

His tongue lapped at her juices as if he’d been thirsty for days. The feel of it against her sensitive pussy lips formed goose bumps up and down her arms. She squirmed above him until he placed one broad hand on her pelvis and held her still. Trapped now, she couldn’t wiggle away from his questing tongue. It tortured her as it explored her folds.

“Please, Jess. I need more. Make me come.” No longer too proud to beg for her orgasms with them, she pleaded using her sweetest voice.

“Not yet, precious. I’m enjoying myself too much. You can wait for your climax. You know I’ll take good care of you.”

She wanted to scream at him, but found herself growling instead. Immediately the sound stopped and she wondered if Jess had noticed. Was that normal? Before she could think more about it, he changed tactics by circling her clit then sweeping over it with the flat of his tongue. She felt her eyes roll back at the delicious sensations that coursed through her cunt. Even her nipples tingled with the feel of his mouth closing around the hard nub between her legs.

To her surprise, she climaxed just from his mouth on her clit, no fingering her G-spot or filling her with his fat digits. It helped to ease some of the tension but was by no means completely satisfying. If anything, it made the ache to be filled that much more pronounced.

“Give me your finger, Nessa.” Jess waited while she slowly lowered one hand toward him.

When he dragged a finger through her juices then licked them off, she groaned. His tongue felt so good wrapped around it as he sucked her juices from it. Then he ran it through her slit again, but this time, he pushed it toward her mouth instead.

“Taste yourself for me, Nessa. You’re like the sweetest of candy on my tongue.”

She placed her finger in her mouth and sucked her essence from it. The taste wasn’t unpleasant, but neither was it the candy that Jessup claimed it was. When she looked back at his face, it was to see pure, unadulterated lust. Seeing her lick her own juices from her finger had affected him in some way.

He crawled up her body until he reached her mouth, licking across it before plunging his tongue inside where he licked every tiny crevice inside before pulling back and lifting her legs over his arms and shafting his cock deep inside of her cunt with one thrust. She nearly cried out at the invasion but the brief discomfort left over from several very thorough and repeated rounds of sex the night before swiftly morphed into wonderful shivers of delight. Jess quickly built her orgasm to a feverish level then held her there by slowing down and drawing out each thrust of his dick until she wanted to strangle him. Instead, she caved and begged for release.

“Please, Jess. I’m so close. Please make me come.”

“I’ll take care of you, sweetness. Don’t we always take care of you?” He pulled almost all the way out then inched his way back in.

“You’re killing me,” she whined.

“No one has ever died of pleasure that I know of, at least not a wolf or a wolf’s mate.”

“Stop teasing me. Fuck me, Jess!”

As if that was what he was waiting on, her mate let go and pummeled her through one intense orgasm into another. Hoarse from screaming, she could only shake her head back and forth as he finally filled her with his seed, shouting her name with a fierce expression that appeared more painful than one of pleasure.

He slowly eased to the side, their bodies still joined. Nessa needed a nap after that. He’d wrung every drop of energy from her body. If they kept this up for much longer, she was going to be worthless as a mate or the lead female to the other female wolves.

“Time for a shower.” Jess’s voice reached her somewhere in her semisleeping state.

“Go away.”

He chuckled next to her ear, his hot breath blowing along her neck. “Sorry, precious, but we’ve got to get dressed and fix something for my brother to eat when he gets in. We’ll take a nap this afternoon to be rested for the meeting tonight.”

“What time is it?” she finally moaned.

“Nearly eleven.”

“Good Lord!” She shot up in bed and nearly collided with Jess’s head in the process.

“Easy, Nessa. There’s time.” He chuckled and ducked when she started to swing a pillow at his head.

They managed to shower together without having sex for once, not that Jess didn’t try. Nessa quickly dressed in jeans and a T-shirt but forwent shoes. She didn’t bother with a bra either as she was sure they would end up getting naked again before the meeting that started at eight.

By the time Joseph got in, they had soup and sandwiches ready. He eyed them with a knowing look when he sat down.

“Don’t try to look innocent, baby. I know my brother’s had his cock inside of you this morning. I can smell him on your body.”

For an instant, Nessa worried that he was mad about it, but then she caught the gleam in his eye and knew he was playing with them. He was actually joking around. It seemed so out of character that she nearly started crying. Instead she played along with him.

“Well, he was here and you weren’t. If you are going to leave me alone like that, I’m bound to get into trouble.” She gave him wide eyes and fought to keep her smile hidden.

“Bad girls get spanked, Nessa. Are you a bad girl?” he asked, staring hard at her.

She licked her lips in anticipation. Joseph in a playful mood gave her goose bumps. His intense stare and the way he seemed to make her his entire world in that moment had her already damp panties soaked in seconds. When his eyes dropped and his nostrils flared, she knew he’d smelled her arousal.

“I can be a very bad girl, Joe. Are you going to punish me?” She saw Jess stand up out of the corner of her eye.

Before it even registered, Joe had left his chair and closed the short distance between them to have her thrown over his shoulder in the blink of an eye. Instead of carrying her to the bedroom as she’d expected, he stalked into the living room where he dumped her on the couch, making sure she didn’t fall off.

“Strip, Nessa. Make it fast,” he said, a glint of something different in his eyes.

She quickly removed her clothes, glad she’d left off the bra and shoes since they would have slowed her down some. She caught a glimpse of something move in Joe’s eyes again. His wolf was close. Should she be worried? She glanced over to where Jessup stood having already removed his clothes. He was watching his brother as well.

When she focused on Joe again, it was to find that he’d freed himself of his clothes as well and was slowly stroking his thick cock. She couldn’t stop looking at the way he held his cock tightly in what she would have thought would be a painful grip.

“Over my lap, Nessa.” He sat down on the edge of the couch and waited.

She looked over at Jess before slowly lowering herself over his thighs. She had to squirm a little to get balanced. She felt him shift then his hand rested lightly on the small of her back.

“Have you ever been spanked before, Nessa?” he asked.


“It can hurt or it can hurt real good if done right. The thought of my handprint on your sweet ass has me harder than hell, babe. I can’t wait to fuck you with your ass pink for me.”

Nessa couldn’t stop the shiver that played over her skin. While she had to admit to being aroused at his words, a small part of her was uneasy. She knew deep inside that Joe would never hurt her, but part of the thrill was having that tiny seed of worry.

His other hand rubbed lightly over her buttocks then disappeared. She waited, expecting to feel the sting of his hand at any second. Time drew out, and she fidgeted, unable to remain still. The first pop of his hand against her left ass cheek stung, but he rubbed it lightly and the sting went away. The next one was to her other cheek, and again he rubbed it. Over and over his hand came down on her ass until now the stings were more like a burn that no longer centered on her ass but in her pussy and around her clit. The burning had her ready to scream for him to do something, but she kept quiet, not wanting to do anything that might stop the delicious fire licking at her womb.

Just as soon as it started, it stopped, and she found herself over the arm of the couch with her ass in the air and Jess’s thick cock at eye level where he knelt on the couch in front of her.

“Looks like I’m going to get that hot mouth of yours sooner than I thought, sweetness. Open wide for me.”

Nessa opened her mouth, eager to taste him for the first time. He slowly fed his dick to her until he touched the back of her throat. She fought the need to gag and swallowed instead. He didn’t force it down her throat and choke her. She relaxed and explored the shaft with her tongue. His swift intake of breath was music to her ears. He moved slowly in and out of her mouth, groaning as she sucked and licked all along his cock.

“Fuck, your mouth is dangerous, mate. That’s right, swallow my dick.”

She swallowed around him, enjoying the feel of him there. Then she felt Joe behind her as he ran his fingers through her pussy lips that were coated with her juices. He tested her readiness with two fingers and evidently felt she was ready because he slowly inched his cock inside. Her cunt sucked him in as fast as he gave it to her. She felt overfull with them both inside of her, one in her mouth and one in her pussy.

They stroked inside of her in unison with Joseph rubbing his hands lightly over her heated ass cheeks. It seemed to connect directly to her clit because she could have sworn that with each pass of his hand over her ass, one rubbed at her clit. Her orgasm built higher and hotter with each stroke of their cocks. She tasted Jess’s tangy pre-cum, letting her know he was close. She wanted more of the spicy liquid. Nessa focused on keeping her balance with one hand on Jess’s thigh and used the other to stroke and squeeze his balls as he moved in and out of her mouth in increasingly faster thrusts.

“Ah, hell, Ness. I’m going to come. Swallow me, precious.” Jess’s strained voice added to her own arousal as he stiffened in front of her and his cock pulsed in her mouth.

She moved her hand from his balls to grasp his ass as he filled her mouth and throat with his cum. His buttocks tightened beneath her hand as he strained with the effort of his orgasm. In that moment, she wished she could see his face, knowing it would be tight with concentration as he lost control for a brief few seconds.

When he cupped her cheek with his hand and began pulling from her mouth, Nessa let him go and licked her lips to remove all traces of him. This time when she looked up, it was to see pride and satisfaction on his face and in his eyes. He sat back on his heels and kissed her.

“I love you, Nessa, my mate. I love the way you make me feel and what you’ve done for my brother. Most of all, I love you for who you are.” He kissed her again before sitting back and nodding up at his brother.

“Hold on, baby. It’s my turn now,” Joe said from behind her.

Before she took another breath, he slammed into her, gripping her hips to keep her in place for his furious thrusts. He took her so hard that they moved the couch with Jessup still sitting on it. He chuckled as they slowly moved across the room until the couch reached the wall that wouldn’t be moved.

Nessa reveled in the wildness of her mate even as a part of her realized that had she not been changed in some small way he would be hurting her with his powerful thrusts. She threw back her head and howled when the friction of his pumping ground her clit against the arm of the couch, sending her into orgasm. Joseph joined her in the howl as did Jessup sitting in front of them. She felt Joe’s cum coat her cunt in warmth before she finally gave in and passed out.


* * * *


Joe collapsed on top of Nessa’s sweaty back, his chest just as wet as hers. His ragged breathing all but drowned out everything around him. He could hear his mate’s staccato heartbeat as well as her raspy breaths. When she went limp beneath him, he panicked and quickly pulled out to lift her off the arm of the couch.

“Jess, is she okay?” He held her up trying to see her face.

“She passed out, brother. You fucked her unconscious again.”

Joe could hear the smirk in his twin’s voice. “It’s not funny. I was too rough. Why didn’t you stop me? You were supposed to keep me from hurting her!”

“You didn’t hurt her, Joe. Calm down. I would have stopped you if you were hurting her. Didn’t you hear her howl? She fucking howled it was so good.”

Joe wanted to believe that she was okay, but he quickly checked between her legs to be sure she wasn’t bleeding. Finding only light bruising at her thighs, he relaxed slightly, picking her up and walking toward the bedroom.

“She did howl, didn’t she?” He carried her to the bed and gently laid her in it before climbing in to snuggle at her back.

“I think I heard her growl earlier, but I figured I wasn’t hearing right.” Jessup had followed him into the bedroom and was easing in the other side of the bed.

“She’s going to be strong, brother,” Joe said with pride.

“We better remember that when we do something to piss her off.”

BOOK: Nessa's Two Shifters
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