Read Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy Online

Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #vampires, #erotica, #paranormal, #sex, #sexy, #hot, #bdsm, #multiple partners, #hot read, #menage a trios, #new concepts publishing, #tracy st john

Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy (25 page)

BOOK: Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy
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I moaned as ticklish heat bloomed under
his touch. I was barely aware Dan watched my face as he made me
take the delicious pressure. Oh heaven help me. It felt so good,
and I moved to increase the friction. The heat built swiftly to a
boil, bubbling higher and higher. I hurtled up that peak where
thought ceased and desire ruled all. My mouth fell open, and I
warbled little cries of anticipation. The fuse lit, and I was ready
to blow. Ignition in five … four … three … two … one…

Dan’s hand lifted away, stopping the
countdown. I hung at the trembling edge of explosion, my insides
coiled tight as they could be without snapping.

I forgot myself for a moment, forgot I
was a good little submissive who did as she was told to please her
master. My hands moved towards Dan’s, and my lips moved to start a

One look from his cold, dark eyes
reminded me in a hurry. Though my body quaked with need, I made my
arms move back to their position over my head. I bit my lip to
quiet the objections that sought escape from my crowded

Dan’s mouth quirked at one corner.
“Problem, baby girl?”

You bet. Your hot body, your talented
hands, and your mouth. Problems galore, and I have a feeling my
troubles will multiply before you’re done with me.

What I said was, “No, Sir.” It came out
between clenched teeth, a childish whine.

He grinned. “I’ll tell you when you can

Oh heck. If I ever wanted to cuss, it
was now. “Yes Sir.”

Dan’s gaze left my face to slide down
my body. He used the fingers of both hands to spread my sex wide
for examination. “So pretty,” he commented, rubbing wetness all
over my pussy lips. “Sweet and pink. But not nearly ready for me.
Not by a mile.”

I bit down on the whimper that wanted
to be voiced.

Dan then worked on my sex the way he
had my breasts. His fingers ran about the outside of the sensitive
lips and circled my clit, not quite touching that aching nub. He
teased and played, making me tremble all over. It felt as if I
pumped juices out by the gallon. God, he was killing me.

Then his mouth fell on me, his tongue
darting deep within. Feeling that velvety appendage working in and
out of my core brought the ticklish burning even higher. Dan
withdrew his tongue to lap all over my quivering pussy, like a cat
enjoying cream. He continued to avoid my straining clit, drawing
tight circles all around it with his tongue. I jerked helplessly,
trying to get direct contact. The pleasure was torture, and I
thought I might go insane with need if I didn’t come.

Dan straightened, his grin pure
deviltry when his gaze met mine. He pressed a palm down on my mound
again, this time avoiding the clit. Holding me down like that, his
thumb took up where his tongue had left off; tracing slow,
agonizing circles around and around that needy cluster of nerves.
His other hand went between my legs, wetting his fingers in the
thick honey that seeped from my font.

He thrust two fingers in me with a
sudden strength that would have made me arch into the air had he
not been holding me down. “Ah!” I yelled in shocked pleasure at the
abrupt penetration.

Dan’s fingers beat in and out of me at
a furious pace, and I twisted on the sofa. The pressure on my
mound, his thumb swirling so close to my clit, the hard, fast way
his fingers pounded my sex … he took me to the edge of orgasm, and
there I hovered in elated misery, unable to back away and unable to
come. Worse still, he found the spot on the front wall of my sheath
where the deepest, most heady pleasure was to be gained. Dan curled
his fingertips every few strokes to tease my body until it clenched
down, ready to release apocalyptic orgasm, then he backed down to
deny me over and over.

“Please.” My voice was strangled by the
torment he gave.

“You’re getting nice and swollen, baby
girl.” His eyes had gone very dark now, staring at my pussy, at how
he tortured it.

“Please, Sir.” Tears rolled from the
corners of my eyes.

“Your clit is all the way out of its
hood.” A third finger joined the other two. The air filled with
moist sounds

“Please.” I was stuck on that one word.
My universe had narrowed to my lower body and the desperate need
that pulsed there.

“So red and wet,

“May I come, Sir?” I sobbed

“Did you know you’re shaking all over?”
His thumb, so close. His fingers found the sensitive area inside
once more.

I screamed. “Please Sir!”

“Come, Brandilynn.”

His thumb and finger slid over my clit,
and he pinched it hard. The world disappeared in a white-hot flash,
my body going nuclear in a rush of burning sensation that sizzled
right to the ends of every strand of hair on my head. The next
climax detonated just as devastatingly, flinging me far and wide
before dissolving every molecule into the blinding void.

Time and space ceased existence. Only
rolling pulses of delicious sensation poured through the cosmos,
saturating the space where my body had once existed.

When I came back, slowly settling into
sweet, mundane Earth once more, Dan’s strong arms enfolded me. He
watched my face as I made my gradual return. You’d never seen a man
so darned pleased with himself.

“You okay, baby girl?” he

I blinked slowly, trying to figure out
how my lips worked so I could speak. Finally I managed to croak,
“I’m here.”

He laughed at that. “I’m glad you are.
Let me know when you’re ready to start up again.”

Again? Heavenly saints, save me from
this man. He really was going to kill me. Oh wait, I’m already

My wits gathering around me
reluctantly, I said, “When Sir wishes, this sub is

“You’re sure?” The crinkles at the
corners of his eyes deepened. Dan enjoyed himself way too

“I’m sure.”

I was wrong.

Dan gripped his cock, swirling the head
in my wetness. Still insanely swollen and sensitive down there, I
groaned as my body re-ignited. Maybe I should have asked for a few
more minutes before he took me. Maybe a few days, even.

He didn’t give me the chance. Dan’s
thrust was hard and swift, and I thought my head would blow right
off my shoulders. Still engorged, still tight from the Orgasm From
Hell that he’d given me, my sleeve yielded as reluctantly as a
teenaged virgin’s. I shrieked in mingled pleasure and pain as his
thick cock invaded.

All hunger and brutal need, Dan gave me
no mercy. His hips beat a primitive tattoo against me, our flesh
slap-slapping in rhythmic fury. My insides gathered in a ball once
more, twisting tighter and tighter, readying for another

“Noooo…” I strangle-screamed as my
belly twirled in a tight spiral, curling in on itself until the
tension broke, and I shrieked bedlam once more.

As I jerked in a convulsive fit of
rapture, I was dimly aware of Dan losing his rhythm. His bellow
joined my screams, and his cock jerked hard within me. My pussy
spasmed and grabbed at him, milking him for every precious drop it
could gather. It greedily drank him down, and he groaned my name
three times before collapsing over me.

Pleasantly crushed beneath him, I
slowly settled down, riding each dwindling wave like an
obsessive-compulsive surfer. My arms circled around his neck, and I
twined my legs in his. Heaven help me, he felt so right. More right
than any bloodsucking vampire could possibly be.

Maybe one man could find a way to make
me his and his only. Maybe I would learn to trust. But the fear
remained and was joined by a new terror.

I really cared for Dan. I was maybe
even falling in love. But knowing myself so well, I didn’t fear
just for me and my bruised heart. Now I thought I’d end up hurting
Dan in the long run.

Darn him for being so

Chapter Fourteen

I knew day had dawned when Tristan
appeared in the head librarian’s office door. He stared at me and
Dan. Dan was engrossed in some Walt Whitman poetry that had just
appeared on the shelves a few hours ago. Apparently, the deceased
writers and poets only had to wish their works into the places
where the literature-starved dead gathered. Sort of like how the
King George Hotel’s chef fed us his memories of delicious cuisine.
The netherworld was magical when you got past the morbid aspects of

I wallowed in frustrated enjoyment of a
nearly-impossible Sudoku puzzle. Doing battle with grids of numbers
proved a pleasant way to pass the time once Dan and I had exhausted
our more wanton urges for awhile. Now my mind wanted a

I began to see the possibilities for
the next several hundred years or so. Languages I could learn, the
books to be read, new knowledge to be gained. Dan had told me he
liked to, excuse the pun, haunt the local college and attend the
lectures. Surely I could put off the boredom that afflicted so many
of the earthbound dead for several centuries.

The movement at the office door filled
me with dread. Somehow I knew it was Tristan before I looked up. I
didn’t want to look at him, not after I’d seen him and Patricia go
full predator. I’m like Lot’s wife though. I just have to

Tristan stared at me, his too-handsome,
too-human face worried. And darn if my heart didn’t go pitter-pat
at the sight of him. It was like he was a set of twins; one all
scary and evil, the other a disheveled angel.

I sighed. When Tristan wasn’t a
vampire, I felt as gooey for him as I did Dan. Maybe he and I
didn’t sing the same tune, but only because his nighttime persona
freaked me out. If not for the bloodsucking side of Tristan, I’d be
equally besotted with him as with my Marlboro Man.

I’m a smart enough girl to realize that
my interest in Tristan kept me in Dan’s arms though. If Dan had
been my only option for romance, I’d be running for the hills,
unable to deal with the terror of putting my trust in one man. I
also realized that this situation was terribly unfair to them

Knowing something and being able to
change it are two entirely different things.

I stood, putting my puzzle down. I
noticed how Dan kept his eyes on his book as I walked past the desk
on my way to speak with Tristan. I went into the office, and the
vampire closed the door behind me.

Without preamble, Tristan said, “I
could kill Augustus for making you watch that. I know he has his
reasons for what he does and they’re usually very good, but that’s
not how I wanted you to see me.”

I studied him. He stared at me with
those dark, almost black eyes. He looked so tormented. Ashamed. To
see Tristan’s cool confidence stripped away like that startled me.
I had the feeling he didn’t let many people see this unsure

I fought off the urge to throw my arms
around him in a comforting hug. “I guess being a vamp isn’t so
great sometimes?”

Tristan considered my question. I
appreciated that he gave my words such weight. To so many men, I’m
just a Barbie doll, all form and no substance. I’m not slighting
them; I put myself in that position. But I sure enjoy it when I’m
taken seriously.

When Tristan answered, most of his calm
self-assurance had clicked back in place. “Being a vampire has its
good points. I’m not going to lie in order to sound nobler than I
am, Brandilynn.”

“Honesty makes for nobility,” I
offered. I leaned against the desk behind me, strangely excited to
get a more accurate picture of Tristan Keith.

He folded his arms over his chest. “I
like the power that comes from being a vampire. I like sitting on
top of the heap. I worked for powerful men when I was alive, but I
didn’t have the money or social standing to claim that world for

“You like the challenges being a
vampire has opened up for you.”

Tristan nodded. “I won’t pretend I
don’t enjoy taking the risks and maneuvering around the obstacles.
It’s a game I love to play.”

Men. Whether it’s over women or status,
they just have to beat their chests. My smile for Tristan was pure
affection. “Hey, I worked for those kinds of men in my own way.
Ambition doesn’t put me off.”

He grinned back, the relief evident.
“Good because I enjoy your company.” He glanced over his shoulder
at the closed door behind him. “You care about Dan. I can

A pang of guilt went through me. But
I’d been up front with Dan. He knew what the score was. Still, I
felt the urge to remain true to him in words at least. “Dan’s
wonderful. He means a lot to me.”

Tristan’s eyes were as sharp as a
hawk’s. The eyes of a man who takes whatever he fancies. “What
about me? I’m someone who easily gives up what I want. I’ve never
desired a woman as much as I desire you, Brandilynn.”

Even making myself imagine Tristan
swinging from a vine with a wild Tarzan yell couldn’t keep me from
shivering at his dark, possessive stare. I tried to remember him as
he’d been when feeding on his little blood bank the night before.
Nope, that didn’t cool my jets either.

BOOK: Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy
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