Read Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy Online

Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #vampires, #erotica, #paranormal, #sex, #sexy, #hot, #bdsm, #multiple partners, #hot read, #menage a trios, #new concepts publishing, #tracy st john

Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy (4 page)

BOOK: Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy
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Tristan bent his head to my breasts,
sucking hard on one pert nipple, then the next. I made myself hold
very still despite the trembling that started from deep in my core.
His tongue rubbed like rough velvet over each tip, bringing the
rosy nubs stiff. When he had them distended he seized one between
his teeth. He applied cautious pressure, bringing sharp, delightful
pain before repeating the torture with the other nipple.

My insides quivered. I felt keenly how
I belonged to him to use in any way he deemed fit. It excited me,
as submitting to a strong, confident male always did. Dan stood a
little off to one side, watching the action. His fists clenched and
released, clenched and released. I could tell he enjoyed the show,
and I got a little bit of a thrill being watched. I’d been watched
before doing scenes at the leather clubs in Atlanta, but

performing for one man instead of to a
crowd felt incredibly intimate. It was almost as if Tristan
demonstrated me for an interested buyer.

Tristan stepped back and looked at my
swollen distended nipples with a satisfied air. Fire engine red
from his attentions, they pointed brazenly at him. He slapped one
fat mound with a stinging open palm and I jumped. Again, the
sensation went zapping straight to my clit, warming my nether
regions as effectively as the smarting skin itself. A slap to the
other breast. Hot. So very, very hot. Honey flowed from my shaved
mound, turning my inner thighs slick. Another sharp slap. My fair
skin turned pink where the punishment landed. I panted.

“You really enjoy that?” Dan

When I hesitated, Tristan said, “You
may answer him, sub. Treat him equal to me. You are as much his as

I nodded my acceptance and replied to
Dan. “It’s giving myself over that excites me, Sir. The feeling
that he has all the control and I must surrender everything to

I gasped the words as I explained. I
was that turned on. Tristan was a very powerful Dom. Authority
oozed from him. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d enjoyed
handing the reins over more. Now if we could just get Dan to play

Tristan’s hand went to my labia and
stroked the secret folds. I shuddered and went weak all over to
feel him touch me there as if it was his right. The caress lasted
only a moment. He held up his drenched fingers for Dan’s
inspection. “You see? She’s enjoying herself a great deal. This is
a purely consensual arrangement. That’s our mantra in BDSM: safe,
sane and consensual.”

Dan licked his lips. “What’s the word
I’m supposed to listen out for?”

My nether regions flexed in
anticipation. My sexy Marlboro Man was in. “Sharkbait.”

“All right then.”

Dan stepped close to me. Grabbing a
handful of my hair, he pulled my head back, putting me in the
perfect position for his kiss. His mouth closed over mine and
worked my lips apart. His warm tongue plunged into my mouth,
tasting me as deeply as he could. The force of his lips was
bruising and I moaned at the possession.

Tristan went back to my breasts, his
mouth mauling me as his fingers found my secret flesh once more. He
investigated the petals of my sex, tracing delicately over the
folds. I couldn’t help but respond to his educated touch. My hips
jerked as I instinctively rubbed against the delightful

With a sharp crack, stinging pain
warmed my backside, radiating to heat my inner regions. “Stay
still,” Tristan warned.

Dan jerked away from our kiss at the
sound of the slap. He stared into my face, waiting to see how I
would react to the discipline.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” I whispered,
softening even more as the smart made my insides tumble. Tristan
was very powerful indeed. It made me feel safe.

At the husky excitement in my voice,
Dan’s wariness disappeared, and his eyes darkened. His mouth
descended on mine again with greater force than before.

Tristan’s fingers teased at the opening
to my womanhood while his thumb traced lazy circles around my clit.
A deep, wonderful throbbing joined the jolts of desire pulsing
through my core. I trembled, but kept still for my masters’
pleasure. It wasn’t easy. I ached to run eager hands all over the
strong bodies before me, to rub myself against Tristan’s
knowledgeable hands and make him touch me where it felt best. Need
grew by leaps and bounds, suffusing every molecule of my

When Dan’s kiss ended, leaving my lips
swollen and throbbing, Tristan commanded, “Lie on your

I did so, feeling the table’s hard
wooden surface beneath my body. Both men were now naked, and my
gaze raked over their very delightful topographies. Tristan’s
smooth body boasted lean muscle, as gorgeous as any Chippendale
dancer who ever graced a stage. Dan looked just as yummy; slightly
bulkier with a sprinkling of dark chest hair. And below the
equators, each man sported all a girl could want. Much more than a
mouthful, thick and ready for pleasure. I couldn’t wait to be
filled by both.

“I’d like to continue to explore her
here,” Tristan told Dan, bending my knees up and out. “Hold
yourself open for me,” he ordered me.

I gripped my legs below the knees,
exposing myself for their inspection. I whimpered as the vampire
leader spread the lips of my slit.

“She’s so wet.” Dan licked his lips.
“You’re gorgeous, Brandilynn.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“I think I want to feel that mouth on

“Oh yes, Sir. Please, Sir.”

They arranged me to their satisfaction,
with my head dipped backwards off the edge of the table so Dan
could take advantage of my mouth. Tristan leaned over the opposite
edge, easily able to bend his face to my mound, should he so

“Let’s see what you can do, baby girl,”
Dan whispered as he brought his groin near my face.

Tristan’s hands were already busy on my
sex again, bringing all my senses alive as I whirled my tongue over
the purpled head of Dan’s cock. He rewarded me with a bead of salty
fluid, which I promptly accepted. I rolled the salty sweetness over
my tongue before swallowing it with a sigh of pleasure.

Tristan ran a finger up and down one
side of my clit, teasing it unmercifully with the lightest of
touches. I couldn’t stop the lower half of my body from shuddering
in reaction.

I mouthed the head of Dan’s cock,
whipping my tongue back and forth across and over the opening,
trying to coax more of his honey out. I sucked hard on his flesh,
my cheeks caving in with the effort. He groaned.

With a tiny flick as light as a
fluttering moth’s wing, Tristan brushed the tip of my clit. I
jerked in reaction to the warm cascade of exhilaration, but he only
chuckled and slowly stroked the other side of the hood. Sadistic

Dan’s hands closed over each side of my
head, positioning it just so. I knew what was coming, and I relaxed
my throat in preparation.

“Let’s see how much you can take, baby
girl,” he growled and pushed his length into my mouth slowly. I
closed my eyes as he filled my mouth with his hard thick length,
relishing the feel of silky skin over iron. Further and further in
he traveled, the tip of his cock entering my throat. I felt no
fear. I had done this many times before, and as they say, practice
makes perfect. I accepted every inch of him until I had him encased
in my needy mouth.

“Look at this, Tristan. She’s

“Talented girl, all right.”

I shivered in contentment at their
praise. I pleased them, and it made me happy.

Dan slid back, and I only realized then
that I didn’t need to pull in a breath. Well, that made taking him
orally a lot easier. Pleasure suffused me since Dan was one of the
better endowed men I’d deepthroated. The ability to be so
thoroughly possessed lit fireworks as surely as what Tristan did to
me down below.

When only the mushroom head of Dan’s
penis remained in my mouth, Tristan chose that moment to plunge a
finger into my sheath. The other hand still engaged in cruelly
taunting my throbbing clit, and I moaned as my secret flesh
clenched tight around his finger. After pumping his finger in and
out of me a few times, he added a second. I convulsed around the
digits, my clutching sleeve trying to draw him in as deeply as

“Greedy little girl,” he chuckled. He
pushed in and out slowly while still circling my pleasure

Dan leaned over as he thrust into my
mouth, his hands closing over my breasts. Tristan matched his
rhythm with his fingers, sending me closer to realized bliss. I
discovered I absolutely loved being with two men at once. I’d never
felt so owned.

If only Tristan would rub my clit
instead of all around it! My sex felt engorged and needy from his
teasing attentions. As if divining my thoughts, the vampire leader
said, “Your pussy lips are red and swollen, little girl. I guess
this is a good time to tell you you’re not to come without

Darn him, I thought even as I felt the
warm pull of surrendering to his every demand. I should have known
he’d be that controlling. The heat in my sex doubled.

Dan enjoyed himself too, to judge by
his panting breath. He slipped in and out of my accepting mouth
slow and easy for a few strokes, then he jerked faster, his bearish
hands clenching my breasts hard. I loved the sweetish salty taste
of him almost as much as the feel against my tongue.

Tristan’s hands left my poor, desperate
sex, and I groaned with loss. He slapped one butt cheek then the
other, warming me nicely. “Was that a complaint, sub?”

I said nothing, having my mouth happily
full at the moment. But then, he didn’t really expect an answer.
Just obedience.

I felt him climb over me. “Keep those
legs open,” he said. The prod of his hard cock nudged my

Condom, I thought and then remembered I
was dead. Oh yeah. No pregnancy or STD’s to worry about. Being
deceased sure took a lot of worry out of living.

Tristan thrust hard and fast, burying
himself to the hilt in one shove. I cried out around Dan’s cock as
brutal pleasure exploded in my belly. Orgasm suddenly loomed on the
horizon, waiting for another ungentle plunge to explode.

But he didn’t move. Instead Tristan
stayed buried deep inside me, letting me feel him sheathed tightly
within, but refusing to give the delightful friction that would
send me over. Darn it, he knew exactly how to torture a sub. But
then he’d had a hundred years of experience too.

Lucky me.

Once my helpless trembling quieted, he
stroked slow and sure, matching Dan’s now sedate pace. Feeling the
two men inside me, taking all I had to offer, was divine. I gloried
in their possession of my body, in serving such strong,
authoritative men who were confident to take what they wanted. It
kept my arousal at the edge of the precipice without flinging me
into space. Sweet, languorous torture that I couldn’t do anything
to end. All I could do was lie there and take it.

If a better heaven than this waited
somewhere out there, I couldn’t imagine it.

Tristan moaned softly, and his hips
moved faster. His balls slapped against my rear in meaty thuds. My
belly felt as if it expanded, a thickening pleasure bloating me,
growing too big to contain. But he hadn’t given me permission. I
wasn’t allowed to claim the pleasure that wanted to explode like
fireworks within me.

I sobbed an inarticulate plea against
Dan’s driving length. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t beg while he used
my mouth. And I wanted to beg. I wanted to scream at the top of my
lungs, Please Sir, may I come? Please Sir, please,

I’d never been so desperate to shriek a
word as badly as I wanted to shriek that humble little

Tristan jackhammered against me with
brute lust, and I thought I might die from the need to climax.
Ecstasy clawed at me to be realized, impatient to be born. My
control slipped; I was in danger of disobeying my Master’s

His hand slipped over my mound, fingers
closing over the sides of my clit. “Come now Brandilynn!” he
shouted, and pinched the erect nubbin hard.

Elation blew apart my body. Blinding
lightning ripped the world apart, and I disappeared in the
cataclysm. I lost myself in that shattering explosion.

When I returned to the library, I found
Dan sitting on the table top next to me, looking down on me in
amazement as he fondled my breasts. Tristan kneeled between my
legs, his eyes half-closed and a satisfied smile warming his
handsome face.

“Very nice, little girl,” he said, his
voice full of praise. I thrilled to hear his approval.

Then a thought occurred to me. “Did you
— I mean, since you’re a ghost, Sir, can you?”

Tristan chuckled. “Don’t ask me to
explain, because no one to my knowledge has figured out the exact
whys and wherefores. But yes, I reach climax and if I’d come in
your mouth, you would have tasted my juices.”

I remembered the taste of that one
sweet drop Dan had given me. “It’s like we’re still alive, but on a
different plane or dimension.”

BOOK: Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy
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