Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)
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Chapter 42


breakfast this morning was an extra bonus. Callie looked beautiful even after a
night like last night. We made it back to the BlackPath MC clubhouse and I am
waiting with some of our club family for this thing to begin. Kim didn’t make
it, but I didn’t think that man of hers would let her. I need to take care of
that matter as soon as things are back to normal.


has gone back to be with Callie. Ty and Driller are greeting everyone for their
family. Ma and Keifer are taking care of our family. Dad is staying by my side.
I don’t know why I am good with this wedding. For some reason this wedding
seems right. Callie is going to be mine and it seems natural. Almost as if we
were meant to be. We will be good together.


ol’ lady, Kizzy, showed her face not long ago and he needs to keep her in
check. She’s throwing back drinks like she is on another bender. Keifer has his
eye on her and ma will put her out of here if she steps out of line. As soon as
she sees how ma likes Callie there will be trouble. I need to warn dad.


walk up behind dad and nudge him. He turns to me and I tell him in a whispered
voice, “You know as soon as Kizzy sees how ma treats Callie, there is going to
be trouble. She sees that ring on Callie’s finger and she is going to go
postal.” Ma slighted Kizzy by not letting Keifer give it to her at their
engagement but ma is ma. She’s never liked Kizzy or her sister Brianne. They
were both club girls before they were claimed. Made no difference to Ma they
were claimed. She will always see them as club property. “Did Keifer tell her
about me giving the ring to Callie?” I hope my brother had enough sense to warn


don’t know son, but I will find out now. If he hasn’t, I will get him on it
before the ceremony which will be starting shortly. Is Hacksaw here yet? He’s
the only one left standing with you I haven’t seen?”, dad has been keeping an
eye out for everything that could possibly go wrong. He’s even got people
watching the airport in case that Mason decides to show his face in town.


Hacksaw is outside. He had to have a smoke break.” I let dad know and then he
was gone and was making his way over to Keifer.


see Keifer shaking his head at dad. I knew he wouldn’t let Kizzy know about the
ring, but Kizzy is a loose cannon and you can never tell how she is going to
react, especially when she has been drinking. I see Kizzy approach them and I
see the second they tell her. Her eyes come straight to mine and I can see the
hate. I can tell she is going to make a scene. Keifer tries to grab her but she
jerks away and goes straight for ma. I try to get to ma first but someone
blocked me. Dad and Keifer are hot on her heels but she reaches ma and there is
going to be a face-off.


could you let him give her the family ring when you know she is just a
substitute for my sister? Do you really think they will last? Do you think I
would let them be happy?” Kizzy spits out. She is letting everything come out.


will be my daughter-in-law and you will stay away from her or I will end you.
Are we clear Kizzy?” My ma gives it right back to her. “That ring was given to
me and I can give it to who I deem appropriate, once my son proposed. You are
nothing but a slut, and Keifer will tire of your crap and get smart and rid
himself of you one day. Callie will make a perfect daughter-in-law. She is
people like us. She doesn’t spread her legs for any man that will give her the
time of day. She will give us strong grandkids. She is a good person. Now
either sit down and shut up or get the hell out and go home. One more word from
you and I will have Callie’s family put you out and deal with you when we get
back home.”


is infuriated. I’ve never seen her so mad. Dad is behind her and a crowd has
started to gather. I see Ty and Driller moving towards the inner circle and I
only hope Kizzy sees the trouble she has created and shuts it down.


is responsible for this woman, because we don’t know her and she needs to leave
now. This is Callie’s wedding and no one is going to interrupt it so get her
the hell out or I will and I mean now!” Ty is not going to tolerate any of


is she with you? She needs to leave now. Either see her out and she stays out
or I go and get Chief and he’ll deal with the person responsible for disrupting


comes from Driller and I know Chief will be here next so I cut it off. “Keifer
get her out now.” Keifer grabs her arm and takes her out the front door. “What
the hell was that about? What was she talking about?” I think fast and I know I
have to keep it close to the truth but I don’t get the chance.


Keifer’s mistake of a wife and ol’ lady. She’s jealous because I gave the
family ring to Callie and I wouldn’t let Keifer give it to her. She’s just a
jealous bitch that shouldn’t have been here anyway.” Ma gave it to them. That’s
all she knows, so it rings with the truth we need and they accept it. Now if
Keifer can just calm her down and keep her gone.






Chapter 43


am left in this room waiting. My hair is done, make-up done, and I have my
dress on. Everything is a go. Then I hear my friends come in and they are
carrying gift bags.


girlie, gift time.“ Fe says and I go over to them and sit and they stand before
me with small bags.


know I love gifts. But I have something for all of you, too. You each get a gift
card from Kelsey’s shop for the works and then you all also get photo albums
from today. The photographer will call all of you when the proofs are ready so
you can pick the ones you want. Pick as many as you want for your album. Dad is
paying. It’s his splurge since he saved on the wedding.”


know this was his way of being able to hire a professional photographer. No
telling how much he is having to pay on such short notice.


our gifts are from Devil and Kat but we are presenting. First something blue.”
Sarah says and hands me her blue bag.


open it and there is a beautiful sexy garter. It’s simple but dainty and I love
it. But there is two and a note. It simply explains it is from Kat and one is
to throw and one is to save.


is something borrowed.” This is coming from Hanna and she hands me a white bag.


look inside and it is a beautiful handkerchief with a note. It is really very
nice. It is embroidered with initials and it has a lot of lace but it is very
small. I read the note and it is from Kat and it says it was her mom’s and one
day she hopes Kim will use it at her wedding. This woman is going to make me

have the something new and it is from Devil.” Fe gives me a pink bag.


look inside the bag and there is a jewelry box. I open it and there is an
amazing pair of diamond tear drop earrings and they are gorgeous. I take out
the ones I have in my ears and replace them. My hair is up in back but it falls
down around my face is soft wisps, so these will look amazing in my ears. I
read the note. He says he didn’t have to buy me a ring so he splurged on these
earrings. They are perfect.


is smiling and oohing and awing over everything when my dad walks in and he
tells everyone to clear out he needs a few minutes. Hanna comes back and hands
me a penny with my birth year on it and tells me to put it in my boot. Ok, I
can do that. Another superstition.


dad comes over and sits beside me and I know I am going to cry. It’s the
serious look on his face. He takes my hand and faces me. “Baby girl you have
always been my heart. Since the day I held you in my arms at the hospital. I
know you have said you are sure about what you’re doing but I want to make sure
one more time. I will get you out of here no questions asked. I will take care
of everything.” My dad is having a hard time adjusting to me leaving and I hate
it, but it has to happen.


I am sure. I have to do this and I really like Devil and his family. Dad, you
know I have never believed in forever with one person. I accept what Devil is
offering. Whole heartedly. Please try to understand. When Mason did what he did
it just screwed my head up more than what it was before. I can accept honesty,
loyalty, and commitment as a relationship. I will embrace it. As long as I have
that I will be ok.” I kiss the top of his head as he has done so many times to
me. I want to be reassuring to him.


I have to accept it then. So I have your something old.” He brings out a small
box and puts it in my hand and as soon as I open it I remember it. It is a
necklace. It has a new chain but it is the horseshoe charm Tommy always wore
around his neck. I had forgotten about it. How could I forget something I had
seen on him every day?

you put it on me? Where has it been?” I ask him stupid questions, I know, but
it is what comes to me.


put it up for this day. I purchased a new chain and put it in my safe. It was
the only thing Tommy had left from his dad and it meant a lot to him. I knew he
would want you to have it and I knew on this day it would make him seem closer
to you.” He takes the necklace and puts it on me. He’s right, as soon as it is
on I feel Tommy here in the room with me.


you, dad. It means the world to me.” I know I can do this now.


not done yet.” He takes a comb out of his pocket and the minute I see it tears
spring to my eyes. It had belonged to grandma. She wore it for special
occasions because it had diamonds in the intricate designs and had been in
their family for many generations. “Grandma told me or should I say made me
promise, I would give this to you on your wedding day. So now you have part of
both of them here.”


start to cry. I can’t help it. Dad has made this day perfect in an imperfect
situation. I feel complete. Dad pulls me into his arms and hugs me. “You are
never too old to come to me. Never. You will always be my baby girl and you
remember that. Now dry your face up and let’s get my baby married before I
change my mind and lock you in your room until your old and gray.” That’s dad’s
way of getting control of his feelings again and I love my big bad biker dad.


dad. Kelsey will kill us both if I mess up her masterpiece, as she called me.”
I don’t want mascara running in my pictures. “Ok daddy let them know we are
ready to start.” I look in the mirror and everything is ok. I make sure
everything is where it should be. “Let’s do this dad.” I take his arm and we
join my friends in the hallway.

Chapter 44
Callie & Devil



are cordially invited to the nuptials

Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black to

“Devil” Damien Steel.


standing at the end of the aisle they have formed with my dad, Keifer, and
Hawkeye beside me. They are the three closest people to me and the only people
I would have standing beside me at this time.


dad is the man I respect most in this world. He gave me life and he is not only
my dad, but my brother in our Feral Steel MC. Keifer is my blood brother and my
club brother. Hawkeye has been my friend for the last ten years and he is a club
brother. These three men are with me through everything. Right now they are
just helping with the nerves of getting this thing done. It’s time now. I hear
the music begin and the doors have opened.


down the aisle is her friend Felix. He seems nice enough and he keeps those
three females grounded. Behind him is Hanna. She is the one who has had the
least amount of contact with us. She seems ok, but Tito said she is being kept
at arms length from them right now by her mom. Something to do with her mom and
Chief. Keifer has kept an eye on her the last few hours. Apparently him and
Kizzy are calling it quits again. Nothing new. I told him hands off.

there’s Sarah and when she comes down the aisle I see Tito wears nothing but a
smile. Definitely something going on there.


it is Callie’s time. I wait. Then the doors reopen and I get my first glimpse
of the woman I am marrying. She is absolutely stunning. She did not go for the
traditional dress but a knee length dress with cowboy boots. Damn, if she isn’t
beautiful the way she is. I see the earrings in her ears I bought and I want to
beat my chest and say mine. Chief brings her down the aisle to me.




and I made our way down the aisle to where Devil is and he looks gorgeous in
his pressed dress shirt with his cut over it and his starched jeans. The
perfect specimen of a man. I see his mom sitting behind his side and she is
crying.  Kelsey and Chelsea are crying, but I just feel at peace. I thought I
would dread this, but I don’t. I want this. For once, I chose this. I chose the
direction for my destiny to take and it feels freeing. It feels like I belong.
Now to get on with the rest of my life with Devil.

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