Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) (34 page)

BOOK: Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)
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Chapter 12



see a man running out the back, but I hear Callie screaming. Tequila, my
cousin, takes off after him. As soon as I enter the kitchen, I see Grandma Sue
in a small pool of blood. Dad goes to her side. I run up the stairs two at a
time trying to get to Baby Girl. I hear what she is screaming now, “Bubba!
Bubba wake up. Please Bubba, wake up.” I see the bloody prospect but I know he
is dead. No one loses that much blood and still breathes.

kick open the door and then jerk it closed looking behind it. I run over to
Callie and check her for wounds and then I see him. Tommy. No not Tommy. I hold
Callie close but she is fighting me. She is trying to get to Tommy. Then I see
Chaz and my blood runs cold. This could only mean one thing. He was sent by
T-Bone and Karen.

trying to hold Callie but she is so squirmy I lose my hold. I don’t want to
hurt her. She grabs Tommy and is holding on for dear life. She has blood all
over her. “I promise Bubba never ever! I promise no one will ever hurt you
again if you’ll just wake up! Please Bubba open your eyes!  I’ll keep you
safe…” she is hysterical.

reach down and try to find a pulse but we are too late. Tommy, my best friend,
my brother, he’s gone. Dead. I pick Callie up and go to her dresser and get her
some clothes and I leave. I leave the man I respected most in this world cold
and alone on that floor. I know he’ll understand. Baby Girl needs to be taken
care of. She was always his first priority and he left her for me to take care
of and love. That is exactly what I will do. It was my last promise to him and
I will die before I let him down.

return to the kitchen. Ever since we went down the stairs Callie has been
perfectly still. I look at her face and I know she will never be the same.
Tommy and Callie had such a deep connection. More of a child and parent than
brother and sister. He knew when something was wrong with Callie instinctively.
She clung to him like he was her lifeline. How do I repair her seeing him

comes over and I shake my head so he knows. I see Doc is working on Grandma
Sue’s head. She is alert, but I could see the devastation in her eyes. She
knows one of her children was taken from this world tonight.

goes up the stairs to check everything out. He comes back down and he is
shaking his head. He looks to me and I see how Tommy’s death has put a dark shadow
in his eyes

swear to you all, Tommy’s death will be avenged. Mom do you know who was with
Chaz? Who shot him? Tommy?” Dad is trying to be tactful but Callie still hears

“Grandpa Whiskey will you get the bad man who hurt Bubba? Why won’t Bubba wake
up? I shot the man who hurt Bubba’s back.” What did this sweet child just say?

“Callie, sweetheart, what do you mean?” Dad is asking hard questions but I know
he needs to know.

“No dad. Baby Girl don’t need to talk. She needs to stay calm.” I have to put
Callie first. That’s my job now. It’s always been my job. I love her as much as
I do my own child. She will be mine.

Callie looks at dad. She leans into me and hugs me and then she crawls out of
my lap. I try to keep her in my lap, but she is having none of it. “I want to
go find the other man that shot Bubba. I promised never ever would anyone hurt
him again. I shot the man who hurt his back. When Bubba and the first man was
fighting I went in the hall to find something to help Bubba. I saw the gun the
boy in the hall had in his jacket. I took it. It was like the one Uncle Cam
showed us and I pointed like Uncle Cam showed me and I shot. The man fell. I
went to help Bubba and the other man came in with a gun. Bubba put me behind
him and took the gun and they shot each other. The other man ran out of the
room. We could hear the motorcycles. Bubba won’t wake up but I am going to help
find the other man who hurt him.” I couldn’t take anymore. I had to get Callie
out of here and explain it to her. Tonight Whiskey will have to take care of
the club, I need to take care of my girl and Grandma Sue.


Chapter 13



is just lying there staring at the ceiling. Her tears dried up but now she is
scaring me. I rented a nice hotel suite for the time being. I know none of us
will be able to live in that house again. I talked to Rye a little while ago
and we are going to stay at his house for now. Just until I find something

Sue is at the hospital being cared for and will come here later if they let her
leave tonight. I called Layla and asked her not to say anything to Ty about
this and to keep him away from anyone that would until he comes home tomorrow.
Home?  I mean the hotel. Later tomorrow or maybe the next day we will go out to

is handling clean up with the club. He’s going to contact Mr. Hankins for me
tomorrow, too. I have to make sure Tommy’s wishes are carried out. Tomorrow morning,
we will have to make arrangements for Tommy. Burial arrangements. How can that
be? How could his life just be gone? How do I make Baby Girl understand? Well
hell, I don’t understand it and then I have to tell Ty.

watch Callie and she’s not moving, just staring. I will need to get her into
some kind of counseling. How does someone so young grasp what has gone on? She
has been listening to everything going on around her. She shot someone tonight.
She watched her brother get killed protecting her. How will she ever come back
from that? The only way is love and patience. We’ll all be there for her.

The anger I feel inside for the loss of Tommy is beyond words. I will have my
revenge. I know Chaz had no reason to do this. He was sent. I know T-Bone and
Karen are behind this and they will be dealt with.

has reached out for my uncle’s help. Everyone is looking for those two. Grandma
is going to be ok, but no one messes with the BlackPath’s women and children.
Blood will spill over it.

go over and lay down on the other bed so I can keep an eye on Callie in case
she needs something or starts to cry again. It’s not long before my eyes feel
heavy and I watch as Baby Girl crawls over her bed and walks over to mine and
crawls in next to me. I snuggle her up like I used to when she was a baby when
she couldn’t sleep. She relaxes but she is holding on for dear life. Then I
feel her body go limp and her breathing even out. She’s asleep at last. Maybe
she can find a little bit of peace in her sleep, but I don’t let her go in case
her nightmares come. Tommy and I have done this so many times in her young
life. Now it is my place to do and I do it with all the love I have for Baby


Chapter 14



days later we laid Tommy to rest. Callie cried and I had to leave the grave
yard early with her and Ty. I don’t know if I did the right thing letting her
be there, but he was her brother and I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know a
lot these days. Grandma Sue has kept us all going. I lost my best friend and
the hate I have for the people that did this is consuming me.

Hankins, Tommy’s attorney, filed the paper work for me to keep Callie legally.
If Karen shows up to dispute them, we have her. She can’t be that stupid. Mr.
Cross, the club attorney, has filed paper work to sever the parent/child
relationship. I am going to adopt Callie. That way we never have to worry about
Karen coming and trying to take her. Dad said he would get her to sign the
papers to relinquish rights but we can’t even find her.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts by Grandma Sue, “Where is Callie? She’s not in
her room. Have you seen her Cam?” Callie was in her room. She can’t be gone. We
just moved into Rye’s old ranch style home. Maybe she’s in another room.

thought she was in her room. Ty have you seen Baby Girl?” I am getting nervous
as we go from room to room searching. She’s not answering and we can’t find

looked everywhere and no Callie. I called for help. I’m scared out of my mind.
I have already let not only Callie down, but Tommy, too.

hear Whiskey and Trent’s bikes out front and I run for the door hoping they may
have heard something. I see Blake’s truck behind the bikes and then I see Blake
taking Callie out. I can finally breathe again. I rush to Blake and take Callie
into my arms. I squeeze her so tight I hope she can breathe.

was she? How did you find her? Who took her?” Everything comes tumbling out of
my mouth.

Trent takes Callie from me and then starts for the house with her, Blake right
behind him. “Where are you going?” That’s all I can think of to ask.

need to talk to you and that little girl needs to sleep. She’s seen too much
and she’s exhausted. Doc is on his way to come see her. She’s not hurt, she
just needs some rest and Doc can help with that. Now we need to talk.” Whiskey
is leaving no room for argument. He’s pissed and not trying to hide it.

“Son, you have to get your shit together. Callie walked all the way back to the
graveyard. That’s where we found her. It’s not that far, but she’s only six.
She was lying on top of Tommy’s grave crying and saying never ever. Do you know
what the hell that means?” He’s right. I have been consumed with my own grief.
I have to pull myself out of this and do what has to be done.

ever is what Tommy used to promise Callie when Karen would hurt her. We would
tell her Karen would never ever hurt her again.” This is going to be difficult
for Callie to deal with. More so than I thought.

“She told Trent she wanted to hurt whoever hurt her Bubba. She is hurting. Time
is the only thing that is going to help. I got the papers signed and Cross is
going to do whatever he can to get this pushed through. We all just have to
give that girl extra love.” I’ve never heard Whiskey talk this way about anyone
except Ty. Trent and I never got this when we were growing up.

“How did you get the papers signed? Did you find Karen? This has to be legal
and on the up and up. I won’t take any chances.” If he has found Karen, I want
my hands around her throat. I know she is behind this.

“No I haven’t found Karen, but I’m not looking anymore.” Whiskey has got to be
kidding me. I will do this myself.

the hell not? Do I have to do this myself?” I am beyond pissed.

don’t explain myself to no one, but I will tell the deal I made with T-Bone.”
Why the hell would he be making deals with T-Bone? There has to be more to

“I’m listening.” I know Whiskey is not going to like my hostility but right now
I just don’t care.

boy, you may not give me respect as your dad, but you will damn sure give it to
me as the President of the BlackPath MC. Now just shut that anger down.” My
patience isn’t the only one’s on edge.

had a sit down with T-Bone right before you called for help. He brought the
papers I had faxed to him signed and notarized. He won’t give me Karen. He
wasn’t there when Tommy was killed. I saw him on surveillance tape at a strip
club. I had it checked out and no tampering. He said Karen didn’t, but has no
proof of it. She’s as dirty as sin. She signed the papers that gives you a
clear path for adoption in exchange for we don’t go after her, but if she is
seen back here she’s ours. We leave T-Bone alone until we link him to the
murder. This is my thinking. Karen has to stay gone, therefore you can get the
adoption finalized in the shortest time possible. After that is done we can dig
back into it. T-Bone thinks he is free so we can keep digging there and if we
get info he’s history. T-Bone wants to know who took his brother out. I told
him we didn’t have answers.”

isn’t how I want to handle this, but it may be the best way to keep Callie safe
and get the adoption done. After the adoption we can get our vengeance.

“Tell T-Bone it was me who killed Chaz. No way does he find out it was Callie.”
If he found out, he would then go after her.

“Are you sure? I have already told him Chaz killed our prospect and we killed
Chaz.” That makes it better. An eye for an eye. I know T-Bone won’t stop
digging until he has a name.

am asking you to give him my name. I can take it with a target on my back, but
not Callie’s. And after the adoption is over I will have vengeance for Tommy. I
swore it on his grave. Baby Girl cried it on his grave. It will be done.” I
won’t sugarcoat this for no one.

agree. Tommy’s death will be revenged.” Trent has come up behind us and he has
the same hate in his voice as I do.

“Me, too. Tommy was our brother and Callie is everyone’s Baby Girl. If it takes
my until last breath, they will burn.” Blake speaks up.

be it then. We are all here for whatever you need Cam. The club included.
Settled.” Whiskey has put his stamp of approval on it.



So the first part of Never Ever stops for now.

Never Ever pt. 2 will be in the back of Catching Forever.


& Mason’s story will unfold and how Cam becomes Chief. Until then…….

















know as I write this novella I am going to catch grieve for some of the content
in it. I respect your point of view, so please respect mine. If there is
something you need to express to me about anything I have written, I will
listen. I believe everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it.

respect all social workers, though I did not convey that in my story. I believe
they are over worked and under paid just like our teachers.

This story is purely fictional. That’s all.

Thank you to everyone who has bought my book or read it.



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