New Species 10 Moon (10 page)

Read New Species 10 Moon Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 10 Moon
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“Don’t, 466. You’re making my stomach hurt.” She had a musical voice. Soft. Sweet. Sexy. His dick hardened instantly, nearly drawing his focus away from her to fixate on the sexual hunger it stirred.

Her hands dropped flat on the desk and she leaned in, still smiling directly at him. “You made that up to see how gullible I am.” He wanted to kiss those lips. The urge to lunge at her, grab and pin her on the flat surface was strong. Her clothes were thin, easy to tear off. “We’re supposed to be telling each other the truth, remember? That was funny but fiction.”

“Maybe.” The emotion attached to that word came through. Amusement. He was playing with her. “The truth is I actually lay in bed last night thinking about you.”

Her features shut down all emotion. “Don’t.”

He moved around her desk and crouched, so close he could pick up the scent of her arousal. His fingers itched to free her hair to see how long it would be.

“Did you think about me? Did you touch yourself?” He hoped she’d say yes. He wanted to be the one to touch her though.

“Go take your seat.”

She was shutting him out and he didn’t like it. He turned the chair despite her attempt to stop him by gripping the edge of the desk. Her strength was no match compared to his and the sight of her legs in that short skirt was something he hadn’t expected. They were smooth, shapely, and beautiful. She gasped, her eyes widened, and her breathing quickened.

“I’d rather share yours.” He reached out after releasing one side of her chair, his fingertips gently stroking her knee.
So soft.
He inhaled and knew his senses weren’t deceiving him. She wanted him too but she wouldn’t admit it. “Spread your thighs. Let me in.” He licked his lips. He could eat her up. Wanted to. Needed to.

“You know we can’t do this.” Panic flashed in her eyes. “Please don’t.”

He sniffed—no fear. No, she wanted him too. Why wouldn’t she give in? He’d make it so good for her, for them both. She brushed off his touch, locked her knees together and reached for the buzzer on her desk.

“Don’t make me push the alarm. Please, 466.” It was the pleading desperation of her tone that stopped him, made him straighten and step away.

Rejected. Again.
It hurt. He hurt. His dick ached from the need to take her. His body responded to the emotions and feelings that surfaced with the memory.

Agony shot through him and the haze returned. He howled, prowling the confines of the cage. Rage built. He needed out.
To run.
He needed…
No. Someone

He tried to remember who but couldn’t. A snarl tore from his throat.

Chapter Four


Joy studied Moon as he paced his cell. He was distracted, snarling and agitated. A howl had fractured the quiet of the room when she’d stepped out of the elevator. He immediately focused a viciously angry gaze on her before he turned and ignored her completely. She swallowed, slipped off her shoes, and slowly approached.


He didn’t even glance her way. It made her wonder what had happened since she’d left. Did he remember grabbing her throat? Threatening to kill her? Maybe he thought she’d come for retaliation in some form. Mercile employees would have.

It would be suicide to get too close to him at the moment so she walked to the chair Rusty had brought and sat. She crossed her arms over her chest as she watched him, hoping he’d calm or grow tired. The guard upstairs had told her that Moon had eaten an hour before. The new chains attached to his arms and legs dragged on the floor. That factored a lot into his state of mind. She’d bet her career on it.

“Can you understand me?”

He didn’t even pause his back-and-forth pacing. One arm shot out though the bars and the chain attached to it slammed into them. The sound made Joy wince.

“They had to do it. Do you understand? Everyone here is trying very hard to help you.”

Moon ignored her but he snarled again and paused, shaking each of his legs to make the chains jangle. Her focus fixed on the restraints when he held still. It appeared the Species had wrapped leather bands around his wrists and ankles then placed the metal shackles over them to protect his skin. He began pacing again, dragging the chains, and let out a tormented howl.

The sound was haunting yet terrifying at the same time.
So much rage.
Joy didn’t blame him. He’d been locked inside a cell in a dimly lit basement. She’d argued to have the lights turned up but the officer had shaken his head.

“He gets worse if we make them brighter. He seems to like the dark better. It’s the predator inside us.”

Joy couldn’t argue with that logic and had let it drop. Moon had shed his humanity after the dart attack. The animal side of him would prefer darkness if he couldn’t run free. There wasn’t any good news yet from the medical staff either. No cure had been found and the doctors were still clueless about what drug concoction had caused him to turn feral. Whatever his attacker had done, it hadn’t dissipated. She had hoped it would wear off and he’d return to normal but it hadn’t happened.


He continued to pace, yanking on his chains every few feet, and threw out the other arm. The chains hit the bars. It was obvious they were making his condition worse but Justice North had made the decision and he was in charge.

Joy rose to her feet, trying to gain Moon’s attention. She crept closer. His nostrils flared as he sniffed loudly but he still refused to stop the back-and-forth trek inside the small cell. She did however note that with each turn, his gaze flashed her way. He watched her but did it on the sly.

Five feet from the cell was close enough. She brushed at her skirt, wishing she had a pair of pants. She hadn’t expected to stay at Homeland when she’d received the call from the NSO. They’d brought her some spare clothes but no pants. She had T-shirts, some gym shorts, and two skirts.


His head snapped her way and his upper lip curled back to reveal straight, white teeth and sharp fangs. He snarled but stopped pacing. His dark eyes narrowed as he glared at her. If looks could kill, she knew she would be dead at that moment.

Her fingers shook slightly as she unbuttoned her shirt.
His gaze locked on her chest and heavy breathing replaced the angry sounds he’d made. She parted the silky material enough to give him a better view of her push-up bra and cleavage. It also showed him her bare waist to the waistband of her skirt.

“Now I’ve got your attention.”

He glanced up and held her gaze a moment before dropping his focus to her breasts. A soft rumble came from deep within his throat as he stalked closer to the bars and gripped them.

“Can you understand me? Nod if you can, Moon.”

His fingers clenched the bars tightly enough that his knuckles whitened.


He stared into her eyes and she watched him. He pointed to the area in front of him.

“You want me there? Talk to me. Let me know you’re not going to hurt me.”

“Come.” His voice came out inhumanly deep.

Goose bumps broke out over her skin.

One step closer and she paused. It would encourage him to keep trying to communicate with her, she hoped. She wasn’t willing to allow him to put his hands on her until she could get a better fix on his state of mind.

“Here.” He pointed again.

“Not yet.”

Her heart pounded. Moon had always intimidated her with his sheer size and strength. That had been when he’d been her client and in full control of his mental faculties. He’d only gotten more muscular and bulky since he’d left site four.

Anger flashed in his eyes. “Now.”

Three words.
Joy was keeping track of everything he said. “Do you know who I am?”

Confusion clouded his expression. It wasn’t the response she was hoping for.

“I’m Joy.” She pointed to herself. “Joyce. Dr. Yards. We used to know each other. Think, Moon.” An idea came to her. It might make things worse but she really didn’t see how it could get much worse. “466? I need for you to talk to me.”


He wanted the female to come to him but she stayed out of his reach. It incensed him. Rage swirled in a red haze inside his mind. Then she spoke and called him 466. Some of the fog thinned enough for a memory to surface. He tried to concentrate on it. It was something important…

Delicate pale hands with long red fingernails became clear in his mind. He wondered how they would feel against his skin, on his back particularly, since they weren’t real. Humans wore fake nails. It seemed curious to him that the females would do that. He stood, closed the distance, and grabbed hold of her wrist. It was delicate too. He could easily crush the bones if he wished. His gaze lifted at the sound of a feminine, soft gasp.

“What are you doing? Let go.”

There was a hint of fear in her pretty eyes and it pissed him off. He ran the pad of his thumb over the tip of her fingernail.
Smooth, not sharp at all.
He doubted she could break skin with them. He bent forward and she drew back in her chair but couldn’t get too far away with him refusing to release his hold.

“I’d never hurt you, Joy.”

“Joyce,” she corrected. “I mean, Dr. Yards.”

He laughed. “Why do you have these, Joy? What is their purpose?”

The question appeared to startle her. “Um, they look good and I guess they remind me of my feminine side.”

His gaze swept over as much of her as he could see with the desk blocking his view. “Everything about you is female. Why would you need a reminder?”

He couldn’t resist sliding his thumb over her palm. Soft and smooth. He wanted to feel the glide of it across his skin too. Preferably while she was naked under him. He’d even take her facing him the way humans preferred. He’d never tried that position but then again, he’d never wanted to mount one of them before.

She didn’t attempt to jerk out of his hold but she didn’t seem happy either. “It’s a human thing. Um, women like to feel pretty and they wear makeup and get their hair and fingernails done.”

He studied her face. “You don’t wear makeup.”

“I do.”

That surprised him. He sniffed, leaning closer until he was bent over the desk, hovering near her face. “I don’t see or smell it.”

“I don’t wear much.” She finally tugged weakly, trying to free her hand. “Please take your seat. You know the rules. You’re being ornery today, 466.”

His humor surfaced. “I want you. I’m curious about your body.”

“Curiosity killed the cat,” she whispered.

That amused him and he laughed. He liked to ruffle her and get responses that weren’t expected. He loosened his grip and she pulled away. Relief washed over her expression but then he leaned over the desk so far that the edge pressing against his hips was the only thing stopping him from falling over. He carefully gripped her face with both hands to avoid bruising her skin and she gasped again.

“Good thing I’m canine then.”

He went nose to nose with her, breathing in that wonderful scent that was hers alone. He loved how Joy smelled. Her lips parted. He knew it wasn’t her intention but it was an invitation he couldn’t resist. He tilted his head and tried to kiss her.

Panic widened her eyes a split second before she twisted her head, surprising him enough to allow her to escape. His lips brushed her cheek instead. He wanted to snarl but managed to control the impulse. The last thing he wanted was her fear.

“Kiss me.” He whispered the demand. “I won’t get you with my teeth. Trust me, sweetness. I want you to enjoy it.” His dick hardened so fast he flinched at the pinching sensation where it was trapped inside his jeans. He wanted Joy too much and wouldn’t be denied much longer. “Let me in.”


He barely heard her soft rejection. A grin surfaced as he eased back a little, releasing her. “You will soon. Look at me.”

She turned her head hesitantly, so close every breath she took teased his lips. Their gazes fused. The urge to grab the desk and throw it out of the way made him fist his hands to prevent following through. He’d be on her in a heartbeat, take her to the floor and fuck her.

His dick suddenly throbbed painfully and felt as if it had its own heartbeat. The idea of her bare under him, her legs and arms wrapped around him as he pounded into her body was enough to test his ability to remain still. She’d be soft, sweet, and hot.

It was too much. He straightened, skirted the desk, and dropped into a crouch. Her eyes widened when he forced her chair to turn, moving in closer until her knees were pressed against his belly. He forced her legs apart to fit his between hers.

“466? Don’t!”

Her voice trembled but it wasn’t fear he saw in her eyes. He inhaled, the scent of feminine arousal enough to drive him insane. She wanted him too but wouldn’t admit it. Frustration rose. Why did she keep denying their mutual attraction with her words when her body revealed the lie?

“I’ll hit the alarm.”

The silent plea in her eyes was clear. She didn’t want to do it but she would. It was always the threat she used to keep him at bay. He was tired of it.

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