New Species 10 Moon (30 page)

Read New Species 10 Moon Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 10 Moon
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He slammed his knee into a corner of her bed as he ran into the bedroom, almost tripped, but recovered as he reached her desk. The small room was littered with too much furniture for him to easily maneuver. He noticed that his hand was coated in her blood when he jerked up the phone and found the talk button. He dialed with an unsteady finger.

“9-1-1. Please state your emergency,” a calm female answered.

“My female has been shot by a human male.”

There was a few seconds of silence.

“Did you hear me? Send an ambulance. She’s been shot in the arm and is bleeding.”

“All right.” The female didn’t sound alarmed by the news. “You said a female has been shot by a human male?”


“Is she human too?”

“Yes.” He carried the cordless receiver into the bathroom to check on Joy. She sat where he’d left her, holding her arm. He was afraid she’d fall over so he pressed closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. She leaned into him. “Send help.”

“Sir,” the female on the phone sighed. “9-1-1 is for real emergencies.”

“This is one. A human male has shot my female. She’s in need of medical care.”

“Okay. I’m routing a patrol car to your location. The responding officers will be able to help you.”

“I need an ambulance.”

“I’m sure they’ll be happy to call one if you need more assistance than they can give you.” She paused. “Do you take medication?”

He growled. “You think I’m insane? My female is bleeding. The human male is tied up in the living room.”

Joy looked up at him and he hated the way she swayed before her lids lowered. He hoped it was her aversion to blood that made her woozy. He adjusted his arm behind her and shoved her fingers out of the way, hating to hurt her as he clamped down hard to apply pressure to the wound. It could be from the trauma of being shot or blood loss but he wasn’t going to take any chances with her life. She dropped her face against his chest and whimpered. He didn’t ease his hold.

“I’m not implying anything, sir. Officers should be there within a few minutes. Do you have a weapon? You said she was shot?”

“Not by me. It was a human!” Did they think he’d hurt Joy? It angered him.

“All right. As opposed to what? Aliens?”

It suddenly made sense. “I’m New Species,” he snarled. “I’m calling Homeland. They’ll send a helicopter to us if you won’t help.” He hung up and hit talk again. The phone beeped at him but he heard a dial tone. He called the NSO.

“You’ve reached the NSO. How may I help you?” He recognized the male’s voice.

“Book, this is Moon. I need help immediately.” He rattled off Joy’s address. “Scramble a team to this location and we need a doctor. My female has been shot. The human police are on their way.” All hell was going to break loose at Homeland but it didn’t matter. He’d face whatever punishment came his way. “I sneaked out to find Joy. Tell Justice and everyone that I’m sorry. You should call Harley too. I want him on that helicopter.”

“Shit!” Book snarled. “This isn’t a joke, is it? This is coming from an outside line.”

“No.” He lowered his chin to rest on top of Joy’s head, pressing her tighter against him. He hated feeling helpless. “Did you write down that address? Hurry. She’s bleeding. A human shot her in the arm.”

“Don’t hang up,” Book demanded. “I’m on this. We’re coming.” He put his hand over the mouthpiece but it barely muffled the sound of him yelling out orders to the Species around him. He finally spoke directly into the phone again. “Listen to me. You ready? I’ve got Justice on one line and Trisha on another. Fury just got on the line too. I can hear them but you can’t. I’m putting you on speaker so they can hear you.”

The other line kept beeping but Moon ignored it. It was probably the annoying operator trying to call him back. “I understand.”

“Tell the humans who arrive at the scene that you’re New Species. I’m sure they will see that but state it loud and clear so there’s no mistake. They have no jurisdiction over the NSO. They can’t arrest you but they could shoot you first from a distance if they don’t know what you are.” He paused. “Fury says they are contacting the local police to make sure they know you are Species and know the laws concerning us. We might be able to keep them from entering her home.”

“I brought a gun with me but haven’t used it.”

Book hesitated. “Don’t point it at anyone. Where is it?”

“Tucked into my pants in the back.”

Book hesitated again. “You’re allowed to carry it. Their laws don’t apply to us. Tell the humans you have it and where it’s located. Do not touch it. They might panic.”


Moon’s keen hearing picked up the sound of footsteps. “They are here. Someone is anyway. They just entered her living space.”

“Yell out that you’re New Species,” Book paused. “Now.”

Moon closed his eyes, his back to the door, not wanting to jar Joy. “I’m New Species!” he stated loudly. “I’m armed but it’s tucked into the back of my waistband. I won’t use the gun. I’m on the phone with Homeland.”

“Put me on speaker,” Book demanded.

“I don’t think her phone has that option.” Moon glanced at it. He didn’t see it on the face. “It doesn’t.”

He raised his chin, his sense of smell confirming what his hearing told him. He slowly turned his head, meeting the gaze of a uniformed human officer. The male had a gun pointed at him from the doorway but lowered it. He gripped the mic attached to his shoulder.

“It’s not a prank,” the male stated to whoever was on the other end of it. He cocked his head, listening to the device in his ear. “Confirmed. I’m looking right at him. He is New Species.” He released the mic and slowly holstered his weapon. “Easy.” One palm extended, as if he wanted to hold Moon back if he attacked.

“I’m not a danger to you.”

The male swallowed hard. “Sorry. We’re not trained, um, I’ve never met one of you before.” He glanced at the mirror behind Moon, eased a little to the left, and his mouth tightened into a grim line. “She’s hurt?”

“She was shot in the arm. The human who did it is in the living room. Joy is a shrink and he was her patient.” He wouldn’t ever be again if Moon had anything to say about it. He’d hunt down and kill the male first before he ever allowed him near his female again. “The NSO is sending a helicopter for us.” He held out the phone. “They want to speak to you.”

The officer hesitated but stepped closer, accepting it. He didn’t put the receiver up to his ear right away. “Can we send in help to her when the paramedics arrive?”


The cop pinched his mic again. “Send in the paramedics when they arrive. The situation is calm inside the bathroom. Evacuate the man in the front room.” He put the phone up to his ear. “This is Officer Ventino. Who am I speaking to?” He listened, making one-word responses before disconnecting. He warily regarded Moon the entire time.

Irritation flashed through Moon but he understood his fear. He was glad that they weren’t attempting to kill him or rip Joy out of his arms. He turned away, rested his chin on her head and closed his eyes. She was breathing but so slowly that he knew she’d lost consciousness.

“Please tell the ambulance to hurry.”

“Yes, sir,” the officer responded. “Maybe she’d be more comfortable on the bed?” He backed out of the bathroom. “I’ll clear a spot.”

Moon gently lifted Joy, keeping his hand in place against her wound. Her head rolled against his chest. He peered down at her and knew he’d lose his mind if she died. The officer stayed at least four feet away as he entered the bedroom. Moon watched him shove two heavy suitcases to the floor.

Moon sat with her in his lap. He ignored the officer watching him, barely paid attention to the noises coming from the other room while two more officers came to take away the bastard who’d shot Joy. It didn’t even make him smile, hearing his agonized protests when it jostled him to consciousness. He kept Joy as still as possible, every breath she took a relief.

“Is there anything I can do, sir?”

Moon opened his eyes and stared at the human. Compassion was reflected in the human’s eyes. Moon glanced at the male’s left hand, which sported a gold band. “You have a mate?”

“I’m married. Yes.”

“My name is Moon. I can’t lose Joy. Is there any way to get medical help here faster?”

Loud sirens drew closer. “They will have cleared the front of the building and another officer will hold the elevator doors open so they can get up here faster. There’s another one who will direct them right to the front door.” He stepped closer and bent, gripping the bottom of the blanket. “Let me help. She’s lost a lot of blood. We’ll keep her warm to help prevent her from going into shock.”

Moon was touched that the human cared. He noticed the way the male tucked in the blanket around Joy’s body as if he were a parent tending a child.

“I’m John.” The officer crouched. “Can you tell me what happened here, Moon?”

“I came to see Joy but her patient was here before I arrived. He had a gun on her and I kicked in the door.” He paused, not clarifying that he hadn’t known that at the time. “He tried to shoot me but Joy got between us.” It was purely unacceptable to show weakness in front of humans but tears welled in Moon’s eyes as the reality of it all slammed into him full force. “She did it on purpose.” He stared down at her beautiful face. “She could die because she risked her life for mine.”

“She must love you a lot and I can see how much you love her.” A hesitant hand patted his knee in an attempt to give comfort. “I don’t think it’s fatal, okay? I’ve seen victims in far worse condition make it. I’m sure she’ll pull through.”

Moon knew he’d lose his mind if she didn’t. A commotion drew their attention as a male in a different uniform slowly eased into the room. Fear was etched on his face. “I’m a paramedic. Can we come in?” His attention shifted from Moon to Joy. “We want to help her.”

A human female pushed against the male but he threw out an arm, holding her back. She met Moon’s gaze and paled, her fear apparent.

“Help her,” he rasped. “I’m not a threat.”

They eased into the room with their medical equipment. It was frustrating how fearful they were, as if he’d bite or attack them. It quickly became apparent that they wouldn’t get too close so he lifted Joy and scooted off the bed to lay her flat. He kept hold of her arm.

“I’ve been applying pressure.”

The female braved coming into contact with him first when she pressed against his side. “Please move your hand. I’ve got it.”

He hated the sight of their gloves as they took over Joy’s care. It reminded him of Mercile. He backed away until his ass hit the desk to give them more room to work when they tore open packages from their medical kits.

John drew his attention when he stepped to stand next to Moon. “She’ll be okay. They are starting fluids and will transfer her as soon as they stabilize her.”

“Transfer her to where?”

The human was tall enough to hold his gaze level. “She needs a hospital. The guy on the phone ordered me to keep you both here and said neither of you were allowed to leave. I know the NSO is sending a helicopter but if that were my wife, I’d wanted her treated as soon as possible. I’ll go with you both if you let them take her. We can ride with her in the ambulance.”

It made sense and he didn’t want Joy to suffer. “I stay with her at all times.”

“Nobody wants this to go bad, okay?” His voice lowered. “If they try to pull rank at the hospital, remind them that you’re New Species. I’ll back you up. We’ll say it’s a security risk if they attempt to ban us from following her into a trauma bay.”

Moon glanced at him.

John winked and raised his left hand, flashing his ring. “I get it.”

“Thank you. Let’s take her to the hospital.”

John gripped his mic. “We’re rolling with her.” He let it go to give orders to the paramedics. “You heard him. Get her stable and en route to the hospital.”

Chapter Fifteen


Joy had a hard time opening her eyes. Her tongue seemed swollen and it was tough to wake. She tried to roll but a big hand pressed against her chest to hold her in place. She was able to finally shove away the haze and peer up at a dim light above her. A fuzzy shape blocked it suddenly. She blinked and stared into dark, beautiful eyes.

She’d survived being shot by Douglas. The professional side of her wondered what had happened to him but she wasn’t naïve enough to question Moon about his fate. It had been a miracle she’d talked a Species out of killing someone who’d attacked with deadly intent. It only showed how much New Species had acclimated since their release. They’d learned to quash their tempers while using reason instead of acting on pure impulse.

“Joy,” Moon rasped. “You will be fine. They said the bullet passed through your arm but you lost a lot of blood. It missed the bone.” His voice turned gruff. “The doctor said you were lucky but I don’t agree. You were shot. Luck would have been if the bastard missed you completely.”

There wasn’t any pain but she chalked that up to really good painkillers when what he said struck her as hysterically funny. She laughed.

Moon scowled. “What is funny?”

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