Night After Night (2 page)

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Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #David_James

BOOK: Night After Night
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Sean had spent his entire adult life charming women. With a flirtatious wink or a slow smile he made them putty in his hands. Soft, warm, and willing. Sometimes he seduced them for fun. Other times, for pleasure.

Today, it was all about business.

Standing in front of a recently vacated storefront located in the promenade area of the Onyx Hotel & Casino, he watched as Zoe Russo approached their mutually agreed-upon meeting place for their two o’clock appointment. The grainy photograph in the case file Caleb had given Sean had completely missed the mark in capturing Zoe’s true beauty. She was much prettier in person, with silky shoulder-length blond hair and side-swept bangs that framed her soft, feminine features.

His gaze quickly swept the length of her, summing up the entire enticing package in a single glance. She wore a pair of white jeans and a butter yellow one-shoulder-style summer blouse. The material draped loosely over her full breasts and was cinched around her waist by a gold chain belt studded with sparkling crystals, which matched the long, multi-strand crystal necklaces swaying in cadence with her purposeful walk. Every step she took in her designer heels was accompanied with an air of sensual sophistication that drew appreciative male stares as she continued toward the empty boutique where Sean waited for her.

Or maybe it was the woman walking beside Zoe who was attracting a good deal of the curious stares being sent their way—a tall, slender redhead with an abundance of spiral curls who was rocking a form-fitting teal minidress. He couldn’t see the woman’s face since she was wearing a huge pair of sunglasses, but there was something vaguely familiar about her that eluded him at the moment.

Probably because his main focus, and interest, was on Zoe. Not a good thing considering he’d been assigned to this case to discover what she knew about her father’s shady dealings as a con man.

Hell, for all Sean knew, Zoe was just as crooked as her old man. Sean’s own personal experience had taught him that the apple usually didn’t fall far from the tree, and he was jaded enough to believe that scenario was possible with Zoe.

Regardless of her guilt or innocence, he had a job to do, and procuring Zoe Russo’s trust was the first thing on his agenda. While the ability to coax secrets from a woman had always come quite easily to Sean and was an essential skill for any con man, he had to mentally push aside the twinge of guilt that reminded him of the potential of someone getting hurt.

Sean exhaled a deep breath and reminded himself that he wasn’t using Zoe in a con—just as a vehicle to locate her father. No harm, no foul, as far as Sean was concerned.

The duo stopped a few feet in front of him, and that’s when he noticed that the guy following the two women from a discreet distance halted as well. The big, muscular man crossed his arms over his wide chest, his expression intimidating as he kept a sharp eye on the people walking around the redhead and Zoe.

Zoe extended her hand and smiled, the friendly sentiment reaching her bright green-gold eyes. “Hi. I’m Zoe Russo. Are you Sean O’Brien?”

“That would be me,” he said with a nod. “The retail leasing agent for the shops here at the Onyx.” A temporary job title until he got what he wanted from Zoe; then it was back to the trenches of bartending.

Responding to her smile with one of his own, he shook her hand. Her skin was supple and warm against his palm, like soft silk, and he hated letting go.

She slowly pulled her arm back, and he didn’t miss the hint of awareness in her gaze. “I hope you don’t mind, but I brought my best friend along to take a look at the shop, too. She’s familiar with how I intend to lay out the store with my merchandise, and her input is important to me.”

“That’s fine.” He forced his attention to the beautiful woman by Zoe’s side. “It’s always good to have a second pair of eyes to make sure the square footage is what you have in mind for your counters and displays.”

The woman finally slipped off the big sunglasses encrusted with crystals, revealing her entire face and surprising Sean with her identity. There was no mistaking who Zoe’s
best friend
was—a pop-star sensation and GRAMMY Award winner who was currently taking the music industry by storm.

“I’m Jessica Morgan,” she said unnecessarily.

“You certainly are,” he replied, his tone wry as he shook her hand. Now he understood who the guy hovering behind them was—her bodyguard. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Zoe looped her arm through her friend’s and grinned enthusiastically. “Jessica is the face for my newest Zoe Russo collection out this fall. Am I lucky, or what?”

“Extremely.” And he meant it. Considering Zoe was still an up-and-coming designer who was on the cusp of making a big name for herself, getting a star and a trend-setter such as Jessica Morgan to kick off her fall campaign was equivalent to striking gold.

Between Jessica’s flashy sunglasses, her blinged-out purse, and the pair of crystal earrings she wore, it appeared that she was already taking her role as spokesperson for ZR Designs very seriously.

“Let’s take a look at the store.” Sean withdrew the key to the shop and sent Zoe one of his irresistible smiles. “Hopefully it’s exactly what you need.”

“I’ll keep an open mind,” she returned.

The promise in her soft, husky voice sent a jolt of unexpected desire through Sean. Not quite the reaction he’d anticipated having toward her. Bitterness and resentment because she was her father’s daughter, yes. Fascination, hell no.

But he recognized the signs, the spark that went deeper than just professional interest. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t hesitate to pursue their attraction, but he wasn’t there to cajole her into his bed, even if that thought did appeal to him. He had a job to do, information to unearth, and a scam artist to find.

Her father.

With Sean’s mind back on his objective, he unlocked the door and pushed the sliding glass panels open for Zoe and her friend to enter the vacant boutique. Zoe walked past him, and the delectable scent of fresh, sweet peaches filled his senses.

Damn. He loved peaches, especially ripe, juicy ones, and he couldn’t help but wonder if she tasted as good as she smelled.

“I have to say I’m still a little surprised you contacted me about this store,” Zoe said, glancing around the open space before meeting his gaze and tipping her head curiously. “How did you even know I was looking for a place?”

He shrugged, refusing to give away his source—Caleb, who had the uncanny ability to find out just about anything on anyone. Pushing his hands into the front pockets of his navy trousers, Sean tapped into old but not forgotten bullshitting skills and his ability to adapt to any situation with finesse and ease.

“A good retail leasing agent always has his ear to the ground when it comes to cultivating new talent for his clients.”

Just as Sean had anticipated, she beamed at his well-placed compliment, but there were still questions in her gaze. “But you even knew I was seriously considering a boutique at Caesars Palace.”

“Yes, for half the space and triple the price of what the Onyx is offering.” Out of the corner of his eye, Sean noticed that Jessica was checking out the store, but she was still close enough to hear his and Zoe’s conversation. “I also know that you’re anxious to get a place before your fall campaign is unveiled, and our spot is available, while Caesars Palace misses the mark by almost a month.”

Zoe laughed and shook her head in disbelief. “How in the world do you know all that?”

“I never reveal my sources.” He winked at her. “Just know that the Onyx would love to have your flagship store here in the hotel, and they’re prepared to make you an offer you’ll find hard to resist. This really is a prime spot,” he went on, using the spiel the
leasing agent had instructed him to say. “It’s located across from the nightclub Taboo, which generates a good amount of foot traffic, and you’d be positioned between Coach and bebe. Those two stores, along with the club, are a perfect match for your targeted demographic of young, sophisticated women.”

“You really
do your homework,” she murmured, her eyes wide in amazement.

“It’s my job to know as much about you and your business as possible.”

impressed,” Jessica said as she came up beside Zoe. Jessica’s tone was sly, and there was a devilish gleam in her eyes. “It’s quite obvious that he wants you and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get you.”

Zoe’s cheeks turned pink in embarrassment at her friend’s deliberate double entendre. “He wants my
” Zoe clarified, jabbing Jessica in the side with her elbow.

Sean laughed. “That, too,” he teased, finding her bashful reaction a refreshing change from the bold and brazen behavior of the women he was used to dealing with as a bartender. “Why don’t you take a look around and see what you think of the space, and then we’ll talk specifics.”

While Zoe and Jessica strolled around the empty boutique and made notes for possible layouts for the display, racks, and counters, Sean stood by the door and gave them time alone to discuss pros and cons and ideas without feeling pressured in any way. While he’d been assigned to get close to Zoe for a case, the Onyx truly wanted her business. She was a hot commodity, and it would be a huge coup for the hotel that opened her first boutique.

As for Sean, the sooner he discovered what she knew of her father’s whereabouts, along with his involvement in stealing millions of dollars from unsuspecting investors, the sooner The Reliance Group could resolve the case they’d been hired to solve and give their client the justice he deserved.

Sean hated to think that Zoe might know about her father’s shady dealings or, worse, be a part of his deception, but it was a possibility he couldn’t discount. Which meant he had to tread carefully with her from this point on until he unraveled that particular concern.

His strategy with Zoe Russo had been planned out from the moment he first contacted her about the lease space at the Onyx. This first face-to-face with her provided him with the initial introduction he needed to establish a connection between them. The next step required a more personal involvement that would give him the opportunity to ask the necessary questions about her father in a casual, relaxed atmosphere that wouldn’t raise her suspicions.

So far, Sean was right on track.

Twenty minutes later, Zoe made her way back to him, her eyes lit with excitement. “Well, I certainly like the place. It has a lot of potential for what I have in mind.”

“That’s exactly what I want to hear.” He withdrew a lease contract from the leather portfolio he’d tucked under his arm and gave it to Zoe. “I took the liberty of drawing up an agreement based on the financial discussion we had on the phone.”

She took the papers and gave them a quick glance. “As much as I love the store, I’d like to take a few days to think about the offer and have my attorney look over the contract.”

“Absolutely,” Sean said with an understanding nod. “It’s a big decision.”

She slid the agreement into her purse. “I’ll definitely be in touch.”

Knowing if Zoe walked away now he might not have another chance to get to that all-important next step with her, Sean spoke up. “One more thing before you go…would you like to have dinner with me sometime this week?”

“She’d love to,” Jessica said before Zoe had the chance to reply.

Zoe shot her friend an
I’m going to strangle you
look that was tempered with affection. “Would you

Jessica shrugged, looking unapologetic. And very mischievous. “Hey, I’m just saying what your mind is thinking.”

Sean rubbed a hand across his mouth to hide a grin, though he appreciated Jessica’s support on his behalf.

“I don’t know,” Zoe said, the uncertainty in her voice contradicting the glimmer of desire in her gaze and the undeniable attraction between them. “I’ve got so much going on, with the fall collection coming out, getting a new Web site and store ready in time…”

Despite her busy schedule, he could see her indecision. Fortunately, he was a master at persuasion. “It’s just dinner, Zoe, not a lifetime commitment,” he said, injecting humor into his tone. “Leasing agents take clients out for meals all the time. You do eat, don’t you?”

“Occasionally, and mostly on the go,” she admitted sheepishly.

“Then it’ll do you good to relax for a few hours and have a healthy meal.”

Jessica nodded. “I have to second that.”

“You would,” Zoe replied, rolling her eyes at her meddling friend before glancing back at Sean with a genuine smile. “Okay. Sure. Dinner would be great.”

“How about Wednesday evening?” he asked, wanting to get a firm promise from her. When she agreed, he added, “And no pressure to talk business, unless you want to. I’ll make reservations and give you a call with the time and place.”

“I look forward to it.” She extended her hand in a too-formal, all-businesslike good-bye.

“Me, too.” He enveloped her hand in his and deliberately stroked his thumb along her soft skin in a slow, sensual caress. He heard her slight intake of breath and knew he had her exactly where he wanted her.

Oh yeah. It was just a matter of time before she was putty in his hands. Soft, warm, and willing to spill all the secrets that would lead him straight to finding Grant Russo and sending him to jail.

Chapter Two

So, what do you think?” Jessica asked.

Zoe settled into the back of the Town Car beside her friend, her mind already turning over all the creative possibilities of leasing the boutique at the Onyx. In comparison to the other places she’d looked at, the impressive square footage of the store was a designer’s dream come true, and would allow for strategic and optimal placement of her accessories without overcrowding.

“The store is ideal,” Zoe said as their driver pulled away from the hotel and gradually made his way toward the gridlock of Las Vegas Boulevard. “It’s open and spacious, with plenty of room for me to grow and expand, which is essential. And the monthly rent is well within my budget. That’s a big plus, since we’d like to make a profit at some point.”
being her and Jessica, since Zoe’s friend was her one and only silent investor.

“But, before I get too excited about the spot, I’ll have to see what my lawyer has to say about the Onyx’s contract and lease terms.”

“Yes, I agree with everything you just said,” Jessica replied with a patient smile. “But I was referring to the hunky
Mr. O’Brien,
not the boutique.”

Zoe laughed and shook her head, not at all surprised by her friend’s comment. “Of course you were.”

Jessica turned in her seat toward Zoe, her green eyes bright and engaging. “So do tell, what do you think of

The words
tempting, sexy,
heart-stoppingly seductive
immediately sprang to mind. Oh yeah, the man seemed to have the natural ability to make her feel weak in the knees. Between the slight dimples in his cheeks when he grinned, the deep timbre of his voice, and the hint of a bad-boy twinkle in his dark blue eyes, he was downright irresistible. He exuded male confidence, and she had a strong feeling Sean O’Brien was well aware of his effect on the opposite sex.

“He’s quite…”

“Delicious?” Jessica supplied before Zoe could find the right word to describe the man.

“Charismatic,” Zoe replied with a smile, though
definitely applied. “And I really didn’t need you meddling the way you did.”

“Yes, you did,” her friend insisted. “You’ve been working so damn hard this past year, and I know for a fact that you haven’t so much as gone out on a date with anyone. I just wanted to be sure you didn’t pass up a prime opportunity, considering there was a mutual attraction going on between you two.”

Zoe arched a brow. “Did it ever occur to you that my single status is by choice?”

“Who says you can’t be single and enjoy a night out with a gorgeous and supremely hot guy?” Jessica countered as she twined an errant auburn curl around her index finger. “And maybe more, if you’re lucky.”

“I’m not looking to get lucky.” Despite Sean’s hotness factor, Zoe had never been a one-night-stand kind of girl, and she didn’t do casual affairs, either. In this day and age of hooking up and friends with benefits, she sometimes felt like an anomaly in wanting to cultivate some kind of emotional attachment with a man before sleeping with him.

Straitlaced and old-fashioned
, her ex-fiancé, Ian Croft, had called her, even after they’d been intimate and he’d put a ring on her finger with the intention of her becoming his wife. He’d always say the comments in a way that made her believe he was teasing, until she’d been slapped in the face with the evidence of the double life Ian had been living. One that included another woman and made a complete mockery of everything Zoe believed in when it came to a committed relationship: trust, honesty, and fidelity.

Because of Ian’s betrayal, Zoe found herself questioning her judgment when it came to men and their sincerity. While she still believed in love and wanted it for herself, there was a wall around her heart and emotions that she knew would take a very special guy to break through. As a result, she vowed to be more careful before getting intimately involved with another man—definitely more aware and not so naïve.

But right now, she really didn’t have the extra time to dedicate to any kind of relationship when her sole focus was opening her first boutique and building a name for herself as a designer. The first boutique of many, she hoped.

“By the way, when was the last time
went out on a date?” Zoe asked, turning the tables on her friend.

Deliberately avoiding Zoe’s gaze, Jessica checked out her freshly manicured nails. “We’re talking about
here, not

“Yeah, well, maybe you ought to take your own advice,” Zoe said softly, but with heart and meaning behind her words.

“No time.” Jessica waved a hand in the air between them, the simplicity of her reply belying the deeper issues that kept her from allowing any man to be anything more than a friend. “It’s kind of hard to date anyone when I’m touring all the time. And right now, I have a new album out, music videos to shoot, and an insane schedule of interviews and guest appearances.”

All excuses, even if they were legitimate. “Okay, okay,” Zoe conceded, knowing when to back off of what was a touchy subject for her friend. “I get your point.”

Jessica glanced out her tinted window, and Zoe sighed beneath her breath. She and Jessica had been best friends since high school, and Zoe was the only one who really knew just how deep Jessica’s emotional and physical scars ran. Even though Zoe’s parents had gone through a bitter divorce during her sophomore year, she’d never doubted that her mother and father loved her—even if her mother hadn’t been overly demonstrative with her affection, verbally or physically.

In comparison, Jessica’s childhood had been unstable and filled with volatile situations, and the awful things that had happened to her had shaped Jessica into the woman she was now when it came to men.

Guarded. Cautious. Cynical.

There was so much pain in Jessica’s past, and she poured all her emotions into the songs she wrote and sang. Her soulful lyrics and the underlying theme in some of her songs told her life story—the good memories, the bad times, and the difficult choices she’d been forced to make. In that regard, she wore her heart on her sleeve, though she insisted in interviews that the words and verses in her songs were purely fictional.

If there was ever a woman who needed a white knight to sweep her off her feet and give her a happily ever after, it was Jessica Morgan.

“So, do you have anything fabulous to wear to dinner with Sean?”

Glad to see that things with Jessica were back to normal, Zoe played into her friend’s not-so-subtle change of subject. “Itching for a little retail therapy, are you?”

Jessica flashed her one of those dazzling grins that made her appear as though she didn’t have a care in the world. “What can I say? It’s my cure-all for everything.”

Unfortunately, tangible items didn’t make up for the love and affection Jessica needed and deserved, but Zoe wisely kept that thought to herself. “Sure, I’m up for a bit of shopping. I just received the samples for my new Eye Candy collection, and they’re stunning. I’d love to find a dress to show off the pieces.”

“Let’s do it,” Jessica said, then told her driver to take them to The Forum Shops at Caesars Palace, where they were bound to find the perfect outfit to complement Zoe’s new designs.

Fifteen minutes later, they were entering the upscale shopping mall. With it being a weekday afternoon, the place wasn’t quite as busy, but Jessica’s wild mane of hair and her rock-star quality were hard to conceal. It didn’t take long for heads to start turning in their direction as people recognized the celebrity in their midst. Jessica’s big, strapping bodyguard, Simon, walked close behind them, his intimidating presence and the firm show of his hand enough to keep fans from rushing up to her.

People stopped and stared, some pointed in excitement, and a few even shouted Jessica’s name. She smiled and waved, completely at ease with the attention while Zoe watched it all with a sense of relief that she didn’t have to deal with such an intrusive level of fame. The name of Zoe Russo was connected to her sought-out designs and accessories, not her face, which offered her a bit of anonymity unless she chose otherwise. Seeing what Jessica had to deal with on a daily basis made Zoe want to keep things that way.

As they walked through the forum of shops, a trail of people followed at a distance. When they stopped at Valentino, Carolina Herrera, and Roberto Cavalli to try on a few outfits, Simon remained by the front doors to keep any rabid fans from disturbing Jessica as she perused the latest fashions. Zoe felt like a zoo animal on display as the small group watched them through the shop windows, and for the most part she was able to ignore their stares—all but one, anyway.

Standing just off to the side of the crowd was an angry-looking man who seemed to be watching
Wherever she went, his narrowed gaze seemed to follow, causing an unsettling sensation to shiver down her spine.

She pushed off her unease when Jessica selected a summery halter top and asked Zoe to accompany her into the dressing room to give her opinion. Welcoming the chance to duck out of sight for a while, she joined her friend, and ten minutes later they were leaving the store with Jessica’s new purchase in hand.

As they stepped back outside, Zoe was grateful for Simon’s protection as the bodyguard fell into place behind them and easily kept the throng of people from invading their personal space. Zoe glanced around for the man she’d seen earlier. Unable to find him, she exhaled a relieved breath and relaxed.

“I can’t believe you haven’t found anything yet,” Jessica said as they passed other specialty shops. Then she grinned and pointed at a window display. “Check out that sexy off-the-shoulder dress at Michael Kors. It has your name all over it.”

“Yeah, it does,” Zoe agreed, attracted to the style and the gorgeous coral color certain to complement the rich jewel tones she’d incorporated into her Eye Candy accessories. “Let’s go try it on.”

Just as they reached the store, a trio of teenage girls came running up to Jessica, reaching her before Simon could step in and stop their enthusiastic approach.

“Oh, my God, it’s Jessica Morgan!” one of them squealed in excitement. “You’re so awesome!”

“I just love your song ‘Never Again,’” another gushed, her eyes wide with awe.

“Can I take a picture with you?” the third girl asked, and without waiting for a reply she wedged herself next to Jessica and handed one of her friends her cell phone. “My sister will never believe I met you unless I can prove it with a picture.”

Jessica leaned close to the girl and smiled just as the cell phone flashed, drawing even more attention to the pop star. Zoe stepped away as other people crowded around, asking for an autograph or a picture, even as Simon did his best to keep the fans from overwhelming Jessica.

“It’s okay,” Jessica told her bodyguard as she accepted a pen from a woman and signed the napkin she pushed in front of her. Friendly and kind and always aware of the fact that her fans were the reason for her success, Jessica posed for snapshots, graciously accepted compliments on her music, and autographed scraps of paper and even a few T-shirts.

Certain that Jessica would be occupied for a while, Zoe headed into Michael Kors, knowing her friend would meet up with her as soon as she was done. Inside the store, Zoe approached a salesgirl and asked about the dress in the window, and a few minutes later she was in the changing room trying on the outfit in her size. As soon as the dress fell into place, Zoe turned in front of the mirror and smiled at her reflection. She loved the off-the-shoulder neckline, the way the straight skirt hugged her curves, and how the coral hue complemented her skin tone.

“What do you think?” the hovering salesgirl asked, her voice drifting from just outside Zoe’s closed door.

“It’s perfect. I’ll take it.” Once Zoe had the dress off, she cracked open the door and gave it to the girl to take up to the register, then slipped back into her blouse and pants.

As she left the changing room, she glanced back out the front windows. There was still a small crowd around Jessica, and Zoe could only shake her head at the insanity of it all. She made her purchase, and as she was heading back out of the store, a red gathered top caught her eye. Just as she lifted the blouse to take a closer look, someone grabbed her arm in a tight grip and spun her around.

Startled by the rough treatment, she gasped, her heart lurching in her chest as she came face-to-face with the man she’d seen earlier. Up close, with his angry features, dark, glittering eyes, and short-cropped brown hair, he looked more menacing. A definite threat that had her pulse racing in her veins, especially since they were mostly hidden next to a rack of clothes.

“Where is your father?” the man demanded, his fingers still biting into her skin.

She shook her head, confusion and fear mingling inside her as she tried to make sense of his question. “My…my father?”

“Grant Russo,” the man said in a low, harsh tone. “Where the fuck is he?”

Wincing at the fury lacing the man’s voice, she tried to pull her arm away, but his hold didn’t budge. The dangerous glint in his gaze warned her not to scream or draw attention to them, and she swallowed hard, deciding she’d be smart to answer him. “He’s out of town.”

It was all she knew of her father’s whereabouts, that he was in Chicago working on a business deal—information his own secretary had given Zoe when she’d placed a call to her father’s office a few days ago to ask her dad out to dinner. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her father to be away on a trip, and she figured he’d give her a call when he returned, like he normally did.

The man gave her an impatient shake.

“I don’t think it’s any of your business,” she said, her own anger rising over this bizarre confrontation with a stranger.

He moved his face close to hers. “Yeah, well, I’m making it my business.”

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