Night Heat (15 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: Night Heat
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The breath rushed out of him when he realized he was beginning to feel something for the woman he held so close to him. She had the ability to fire a need within him that he hadn't felt in years, if ever. And it wasn't all sexual, although he did have this vivid mental image in his mind of how wonderful it would be to have her in his bed to play out all those fantasies and dreams he'd had of her lately. Thinking about them only made him want her more. Being here with her, dancing with her, holding her in his arms while her cheek rested on his chest, seemed as natural as breathing, and a satisfying sensation skittered all the way down his belly.


He barely heard her whisper his name. “Yes?”

“Can we go somewhere else?”

Her request heated the desire he felt through his entire body. “Where do you want to go?”

“You decide.”

And with a low growl, he did. He took her hand in his and led her off the dance floor and out of the nightclub to a place where they could finish what they had started.


“You're beautiful.”

Bas whispered the words the moment he stepped into Jocelyn's hotel room and swept her into his arms. The heat that had been simmering within her
all day had escalated during the ride in the elevator and what seemed like a long, endless walk down the hall to her room.

“If I'm beautiful, then you are, too,” she said truthfully. There was just something about him that stirred her blood, awakened desires within her and sent rushes of heat thrumming all through her.

Jocelyn had stopped fighting the feeling and was willing to surrender to the inevitable. Since that day in Jason's office the attraction had been great, bigger, it seemed, than both of them. She hadn't planned for anything to happen between them this weekend; it was to be fun on her terms. She had gone through life without intimacy with a man, and she assumed she could certainly go on in the same way a while longer. But hadn't Bas warned her about assuming anything?

“Let's dispense with all the compliments,” he said, moving toward the sofa instead of the bed. He saw her confused look and gave her a sexy smile that touched her all the way to her toes. After he'd sat down with her cuddled in his arms he said, “I won't go that far until I'm certain our definitions are the same, Jocelyn.”

She frowned. “They are,” she said, her voice raw and thick.

“I've got to be sure it's not just the night.”

Her frown deepened. It
the night but that wasn't all it was. “I don't understand.”

“When you wake up in the morning I don't want you to have any regrets.”

“And you think I will?”

“Not sure. All I know is that when you left Newton Grove this morning you had no intentions of sleeping with me.”

“Can't a girl change her mind?”

“Yes, but I have to know it's for the right reason. I won't assume anything.”

He saw the flicker of disappointment in her eyes and his lips curved into a seductive smile. “If only you knew how much I want you, how much I want to be inside you, take you with every breath in my body, while replaying every dream I've had of you since the first day I laid eyes on you, you'd know how much not making love to you is killing me.”

“It doesn't look like you're dying to me,” she said with a bit of sting in her voice as she broke eye contact with him. She just couldn't figure men out. They wanted you when you weren't willing and didn't want you when you were.

As if he read her thoughts he reached out and placed a finger at her chin to lift her gaze back to his. “This is not a game I'm playing, Jocelyn. I want you so much I hurt, and to show you just how much, I'm going to leave you with something to remember me by tonight.”

And then he kissed her with a demand that had her
body shuddering all at once. He entered her mouth with a force that claimed it as his, totally, irrevocably. She felt him shift her body in his lap and ease the jacket from her shoulders while not breaking contact with her lips. And then his hands were on her, caressing her through her blouse, and then slipping his fingers beneath it to cup her breasts. He slowly stroked his thumb in the center, across her bra-clad nipple and captured in his mouth the ragged sigh that escaped from deep within her throat.

He eased his mouth from hers. “I want to taste you all over,” he murmured. “I've been fantasizing about doing it since the first time I kissed you. You have a unique taste that drives me wild. It makes me want to savor every single inch of you.”

Before Jocelyn could pull in her next breath Bas brought her to her feet to face him and in seconds he was pulling her blouse over her head, then tossing it aside to join her jacket. He released her long enough to slide the jacket off his shoulders and throw it aside, as well.

He took one look at her, standing in front of him in her black lace bra, before leaning over and covering his mouth with hers once again. Sexual sparks crackled, tore into her when she felt his fingers release the clasp of her bra, and then he broke the kiss long enough to strip it off her.

“I've got to taste you here,” he whispered, seconds
before capturing her around the waist and lowering his face to her chest. His mouth immediately latched on her breasts, kissed them until her nipples ached. He knew exactly how to flicker the tip of his tongue across them, lave them in a circle motion that drove her wild, made her panties wet. She was grateful for the strong, solid arms holding her upright or else she would have crumpled to the floor from the shockwaves that were tearing through her.

He slowly pulled back, got down on his knees and began working at the snap of her jeans. He glanced up, held her gaze while he eased the denim down her hips, pausing to help her step out of her shoes before taking the jeans completely off her and tossing them aside, leaving her standing in front of him in just a pair of black lacy boxer-style undies.

He leaned back on his haunches, and she wondered if he had changed his mind after all. Seconds later she knew he hadn't when he reached out and slowly eased her panties down her hips, inhaling deeply while doing so.

“You smell good,” he said in a tone filled with so much desire it made her body tremble. He leaned forward, held her gaze and whispered, “I need to taste you. Now.”

He trailed hot, wet kisses across her belly before moving lower, and with the palms of his hands he gently eased her legs apart. Jocelyn stopped breath
ing, anticipating his next move. He didn't disappoint her. He leaned closer and gripped her hips, then buried his face in her. When he slipped that same hot, wet tongue inside her, she released a moan that came from so deep in her throat she actually felt her knees buckle beneath her.

But his solid grip held her in place while his mouth made love to her, tasting, devouring, feasting. He was unashamedly greedy, intent on getting his fill, making her dig her nails into his shoulders. Unable to control the shudders racking her, she threw her head back and forced air through her lungs before screaming out his name.


Her entire body shook, came apart with the force of the climax. Never had she encountered such a fierce, powerful reaction, an earth-shattering explosion. She held his shoulders tight and writhed helplessly against him, while his tongue did things to her no other man had ever done.

And as she continued to soar to a place she had never been before, she knew that Sebastian Steele was more than a troubleshooter and a problem solver. He was the epitome of what female fantasies were made of. He was temptation at its finest, a man who delivered with action, a man with one incredible mouth, a man who knew just how to pleasure a woman.

And at that moment, while aftershocks slithered
down her spine, she was blinded by the staggering realization that if she didn't stop herself, she could fall deliriously and passionately in love with him.


“Umm.” With a deep, satisfying moan Jocelyn shifted her body in bed as delicious dreams continued to filter through her sleep-induced mind. Strong, firm hands parted her thighs, and the urgency that filled her with profound emotions made her body brace for a joining she needed, one she craved and one that had every inch of her braced in anticipation for—

The sharp ringing of the phone had her bolting upright. She rubbed her hand across her face and snatched up the phone then hung it back up. It had merely been the hotel's wake-up call.

She settled back in bed and remembered her dream. Some of it had been a dream and some of it reality. She closed her eyes, remembering the part that had been real, and the memory wrenched a serious moan through her lips. Bas had kissed her all over, devoured her, made her come, then he'd picked her up, carried her over to the bed and tucked her in. Before leaving, he had kissed her, sending shudders through her body long after he'd left. And then she had drifted off to sleep, only to finalize in her dreams what he had refused to do during her wakeful moments.

Still, she felt wonderful.

Sighing deeply, she forced herself up in bed again and ran her fingers through her hair. They were supposed to meet downstairs for an early breakfast before heading back to Newton Grove. How was she supposed to face him knowing what he had done to her last night? What she had let him do? But she had no regrets. The pleasure she still felt was too intense for her to be repentant. He had wanted her and she had wanted him; yet he had maintained his control, assumed nothing and had given her pleasure while withholding his own.

As she slipped out of bed she released a long-drawn-out sigh. Aftershocks of passion surged through every part of her body. Her blood felt hot, her body hotter and more than anything she wanted him to finish what he'd started. But she'd get her chance this coming weekend to prove that although neither of them should assume anything, some things were a gimme. What Leah had said a couple of weeks ago was right: when Bas finished what he came to do he would be gone. There was nothing to hold him in Newton Grove, and she had to remember that.

But for now she wanted to enjoy whatever he was offering, and when he did leave she wouldn't have any regrets.

Chapter 12

eah glanced up from her book when she heard the sound of a drill outside the house. Pushing out of the chair, she crossed to the window and gasped when a man's face came into view.


She clutched her chest, wondering what on earth he was doing outside her window. Not
window exactly. She had driven over to Jocelyn's house to finish doing laundry when her dad's washing machine had suddenly gone on the blink.

Reese had seen her through the window at the same time she'd seen him and through the glass she could
read his expression. His frown spoke volumes. He wasn't happy at seeing her and within minutes he had made his way to the front door and was knocking hard.

She crossed the room and snatched it open. “What are you doing here, Reese?”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “I could ask you the same thing.”

She decided biting each other's heads off wouldn't accomplish anything so she said as calmly as she could, “Jocelyn went away for the weekend and when Dad's washing machine broke down I decided to come over here and use hers. And I thought she mentioned that you and your brother were going to the races in Kentucky this weekend.”

He leaned in the doorway, apparently annoyed. “Little Danny got sick so Daniel wanted to hang around.”

“Is little Danny okay?”

He resented hearing the concern in her voice. “Yes, it's just a stomach virus but Rita almost went bonkers because he's rarely sick. Since the trip was cancelled I decided to fix that floodlight outside that's been giving Jocelyn trouble.”

“Oh. Then don't let me keep you.” She was about to shut the door when he stuck his foot out, halting it from closing.

“You think you can just dismiss me like that?
After all these years don't you think you owe me some type of explanation, Leah?” he asked angrily.

Leah breathed in sharply. Coming face to face with Reese again a little more than a week after their first encounter wasn't good. There was nothing she could tell him, nothing she could say to make things right, so it was best not to say anything at all. “No, I don't owe you an explanation.”

She made an attempt to close the door on him again, but in anger he shoved it open. She took a step back when he stormed in and slammed it shut behind him. “The hell you don't,” he roared as if all the anger he'd been holding inside him had suddenly snapped.

“Have you lost your mind, Reese?”

“I lost my mind years ago since I must have been crazy to get mixed up with the likes of you in the first place,” he said, anger seeping out of his every pore. “You are one ungrateful, selfish, self-centered human being.”

“Get out!”

“Make me. I won't leave until I've had my say.”

“I won't listen.” She turned away and walked toward the kitchen.

He was right on her heels. “Oh, you'll listen. When I think of all the time and love I put into this place for you and for you to treat me like dirt and—”

She turned around, almost coming nose to nose
with him. She stared at him in shock. “What are you talking about?”

“This house, damn you, was supposed to be ours. I built it for you and was going to surprise you with it on your birthday but you hauled ass. You left without looking back, letting me know I was nothing more to you than a trinket to play with. You cared nothing for me. All your words of love were nothing but lies!”

Leah went completely still, frozen in place. She blinked her dazed eyes. “What do you mean you built this house for me?”

“Look around, Leah. This house has everything you always said you wanted in a home. I built it with my own hands for you. I worked with your dad during the day and worked here late at night, sometimes past midnight, and on weekends, sometimes tired to the bone, just to give you what you wanted, or what you claimed you wanted—a place to live with me as my wife, to raise our children. But you never meant any of it.”

His words were too much. She hadn't known. No one had ever told her about the house. How could Jocelyn and her father not tell her? Just as the hold on his temper had broken earlier, so did the flood-gates of pain she had held within her for five years. She wanted to scream and fisted her hand into her mouth to stop from doing so, but that didn't stop the fierce tremors that racked her body.

“What the hell's wrong with you, Leah?”

Reese's temper cleared enough for him to see that something strange was happening to Leah. It was as if all the coloring had left her face and she was shaking. He reached out and touched her and she pulled back from his touch. She resembled a creature gone wild and began backing away from him, looking at him as if she didn't know who he was. She had a crazed look in her eyes. He took a step toward her. “Leah, what's wrong?”

“No, don't touch me again. Don't come near me. No! No! Please no.”

He swore and took a step toward her, concerned. “What's the matter with you, Leah? Tell me what's wrong. Why are you looking at me that way? I wouldn't hurt you, you know that.”

“No! Don't come near me. Don't you dare touch me again. I belong to Reese and you can't do that to me. I won't let you. I hate you!”

Reese wasn't entirely sure what was going on here but he knew Leah had gone into some kind of shock, as if she was reliving something bad that had happened. The thought of what that could be was like a punch in his stomach.

“Who do you think I am, Leah?” he asked quietly, deciding to use another approach. “Who do you think I am?”

“I know who you are, Neil. And I won't let you hurt me again. You won't ever force yourself on me again.”

Reese frowned. The only Neil he knew was Neil Grunthall, but the man was dead. In fact, come to think of it, he had died around the same time Leah had disappeared. His eyes flamed as a thought entered his mind. It was one he didn't want to consider but was forced to, knowing what a bastard Neil Grunthall had been and how the man had hated his guts. “Did Neil touch you?” he asked with deadly calm.

It was as if she hadn't heard him. She kept backing up and when he walked toward her she picked up a vase off Jocelyn's coffee table and held it high like a weapon, ready to throw it at a moment's notice. “You come near me and I'll kill you. I couldn't defend myself before but I can now.”

“Oh, Leah.” Her words, spoken in such a heart-wrenching and tortured tone, broke everything inside of Reese and there was no way he could not go to her at that moment.

“No! I said not to come near me!”

When he got close she made good on her threat and threw the vase at him. He ducked out of the way, and it shattered on the hardwood floor. The sound made her jerk and that was all the time Reese needed to close in and grab her.

“No, Neil, let me go!” she cried out. “I belong to Reese. Don't do this. Don't hurt me again. I love Reese. Please let me go!”

She fought him, kicked and bit the knuckle on his left hand, but his arms wrapped around her like steel beams, refusing to let her hurt him or herself. “It's okay, baby. I'm Reese and you do belong to me,” he whispered quietly against her struggles. “Neil is dead, Leah, and he won't hurt you again. He won't hurt you again.”

He said the words over and over before he finally began getting through to her. When he did, she broke down and began crying in earnest. The tortured sound, similar to the sound of a wounded animal, tore at his heart and brought tears to his eyes. “It's okay, baby. It's okay.”

When she went limp he picked her up and walked over to Jocelyn's spare bedroom. Shoving open the door with his shoulder, he carried her over to the bed and placed her there.

He drew back and gazed down at her. She refused to open her eyes and look at him. “Leah,” he said gently, “rest and we'll talk.”

She turned away from him and faced the wall. “No, please leave,” she said quietly, sounding defeated, humiliated and embarrassed. “I want to be alone.”

Her words tugged at his heart. There was no way in hell he would leave her alone. He remembered Jocelyn saying that she would be returning to town around noon that day and he intended to stay put
until she got there. “I'm not leaving, Leah. I'll be in the living room if you need me. Try and get some rest.”

He then turned and walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him.


When the car came to a traffic light Bas glanced over at Jocelyn. They were about to get on the interstate to head back to Newton Grove. She had the seat reclined to a comfortable position and was resting with her eyes closed. At least he thought they were closed but he couldn't tell beneath the dark sunglasses.

During breakfast she hadn't had a whole lot to say and had avoided discussing what they'd shared last night. But with all the memories flooding his mind, he couldn't think of anything else.

She looked different this morning. More rested and relaxed. Her hair fell in glossy curls around her shoulders and the lime green of her skirt and matching sweater made her dark coloring that much more beautiful. He remembered last night and how she'd stood there while he'd loved her with his mouth. He hadn't regretted anything about what he'd done and wondered if she had. There was only one way to find out.

“You okay?” he asked quietly.

She glanced over at him and smiled. “Yes. Is there any reason why I wouldn't be?”

He shrugged. “You've been quiet this morning.”

She sighed and stared ahead. “I've been thinking.”

“Oh. You want to share your thoughts?”

She glanced back over at him. “I was wondering how to convey my thanks to you for giving me something really special last night.”

He felt a rush of pleasure that she didn't have any regrets about what they'd shared. “Conveying your thanks isn't necessary because you gave me something special, as well.”

She raised her brow. “What?”

“A chance to savor a special part of you.”

Heat sizzled her skin and a yearning erupted in the pit of her stomach when she thought of how he had done so. “Yes, but you took things a step further when you exposed me to your incredible experience and masterful skills.”

He chuckled. “Did I do that?”

She angled her face toward him. “Yes, you did.” Moments later she said, “And I've decided to go to your brother's party with you after all.”

He smiled then, pleased with her decision. He glanced over at her when the car came to a stop at another traffic light. He wished she didn't have her sunglasses on because he wanted to look into the depths of her dark eyes, see if they held some clue as to why she'd made that decision.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Mmm, I was just thinking that you have such a pretty face.”

She laughed. “Thanks, and if you keep saying such nice things, I might want to keep you around.”

He grinned. “That's what I'm hoping.”


An angry Reese paced Jocelyn's living room, getting angrier by the second. Why hadn't anyone told him what had happened to Leah? How could they keep something like that from him? And to think that for five solid years he had hated her, despised her, tried to eradicate her from his memory…his heart.

The scene that had played out in this very living room less than an hour ago had his stomach in knots. Neil Grunthall had forced himself on Leah! The thought of her defenseless against Neil made Reese's entire body shake in rage.

He sighed, trying to recall what Jocelyn had almost let slip the other day when she'd come to Leah's defense. She was certain her sister wasn't pregnant because, according to Jocelyn, he was the last man Leah had been involved with. What she hadn't said was that someone had forced himself on her.

He doubted he would forget for as long as he lived the crazed look in Leah's eyes when he had touched her. Hell, he could just imagine what had played out in her mind. He'd watched a special episode on rape
victims on CNN once and according to the reporter, some women never fully recovered from such an ordeal and were encouraged to seek some type of professional counseling. He wondered if Leah had done so.

Had that been the reason she had left town all those years ago, he wondered. Considering the timing of everything, a part of him knew that it had been. Why hadn't she come to him and told him what had happened? It would have given him sheer pleasure to kill Neil Grunthall with his bare hands. If the man wasn't already dead, there was no way he would be living now.

But hating Neil wouldn't undo what he'd done to Leah. The woman he loved was now his main concern and yes, he loved her. He had never stopped loving her and he vowed then that if her spirit was still broken from all of this, he intended to repair it.

More than anything he wanted Leah to know he would always be there for her, no matter what.


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