Nightlord Lover (2 page)

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Authors: Kathy Kulig

BOOK: Nightlord Lover
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“Careful.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and
pulled her against his side. She didn’t resist. His cock stirred as her hip
rubbed against him.

“What’s his story? The ghost’s.”

“No one knows. Every once in a while someone will pick up a
hitchhiker along the highway. He looks like a college kid and asks to be
brought to New Hope to that bridge. When the driver stops the car to let him
out, their passenger is gone. He just vanishes.”

“Ooh, creepy.” Larissa rubbed her arms. “I like a good ghost

“You should take the ghost tour in the spring.” By then she
should be part of the Guild and under his protection. Garrick watched the two
immortals slip into the hidden entrance cut beneath the stone bridge. No, he
definitely didn’t want her down here at night. She wouldn’t last five minutes. “Let’s
have that drink.”

Sitting at a table at the Logan Inn overlooking the street,
Garrick warmed his hands around an Irish coffee mug. Larissa licked the whipped
cream from hers. His cock twitched and hardened as the tip of her tongue lapped
at the cream then his canines elongated. He had to look away to regain control.

Larissa eagerly took in the sights, the people and cars
rushing up and down the street. Most of the stores had closed but the bars and
restaurants were still open. “I love this town.” She smiled, sheer delight in
her eyes. “I’m so glad I moved here. I see old and young, those who seem stuck
in the hippie days with their tie-dyed clothes, people covered in tats riding
pimped-out Harleys, the gay population, the Goth culture and the city folk with
their pricy cars that cost more than most houses. And everyone coexists in a
unique sort of harmony. It’s so refreshing.”

“It is. I’m sure you’ll fit right in.” She had no idea that the
vampire culture was directly responsible for the harmony and prosperity.

Larissa stood up from the table. “It’s late. I should go. I
have a big day tomorrow. Thank you for the drink.”

“I’ll walk you back.”

“No need. Do you live far?” she asked.

“I have a house off Ferry Street. Not far.”

A few snowflakes swirled around the old-fashioned street
lamps. “If it snows I hope it doesn’t keep the customers away tomorrow.”

“It’s the Christmas season. Nothing short of a blizzard will
keep away holiday shoppers. I’m sure you’ll do fine. If you need help getting
customers, ask Jordan or Ramon. They’ll have a few suggestions.”

The door to Larissa’s store was open a crack when they got
back to her store. She stood in the doorway before walking inside. “I’m sure I
locked this when we left.”

He knew she did too. “Let me go in first.” He moved ahead of
her, sensing a presence, not a mortal one. Already the eager ones were hovering
around her. This was his property and his mark if he so desired. No one should
be entering through the tunnel without his permission. They were trespassing.
He flipped on a light and Larissa screamed.

Chapter Two


“I’ve been robbed!” Larissa held her hands up to her face as
she surveyed her shop in disbelief. All her beautifully arranged displays of
lingerie, bras and panties were tossed around or swept onto the floor in a
heap. Easels with sale posters and photos were knocked over. Drawers beneath
the display tables looked as if someone had opened them and yanked out everything,
merchandise strewn everywhere. She pulled out her cell phone and started
dialing 9-1-1.

“Hold off, Larissa,” Garrick said. “See what’s missing
first. Whoever was here is gone.”

She opened the cash register. There was only enough money to
get started in the morning and it was all there. “Odd, why didn’t they take the
cash? Let me check my apartment.” She ran upstairs with Garrick following her.
Her door was still locked. When she entered everything looked in place. “I don’t
own expensive jewelry or have valuables lying around other than my computer and
iPad.” She checked her bedroom and everything seemed there, including the
electronics on her desk where she’d left them.

“Anything missing?” he asked.

She shook her head then charged back downstairs. “Why would
they just mess up the place without stealing anything?” Her throat tightened. “It’ll
take me hours to straighten this up in time for opening tomorrow.” Tears filled
her eyes.

“Kids,” Garrick said. “The door probably wasn’t closed tightly
and the wind blew it open. I’ll have Ramon take a look at it.”

“I should still call the police. The store was vandalized.”

“Don’t. I know the police chief. I’ll mention it to him
tomorrow. If you call, you’ll only have a bunch of cars out here and the gossip
will spread all through town. You don’t need that kind of publicity.” He
started calling on his cell phone.

“Who are you calling?” she asked.

“Ramon and Jordan. I’m telling them to come over now to help
straighten up. Between the four of us, we’ll get your place in order.”

“But it’s so late.” Her words cracked.

“They won’t mind.” He hugged her. “You’ll see. We all work
together here.”

His embrace felt heavenly warm and safe, made her feel
protected and a little turned on. Heat rushed to her face, embarrassed by her
physical response to his touch. What was wrong with her? He was showing her
kindness and she was getting horny? She pulled away, avoiding his gaze. “Thank
you, Garrick. I’ll get started on the front display.”

Twenty minutes later Ramon and Jordan entered the store. “Ramon
Travere,” he said by introduction, taking her hand and locking his gaze with
hers with an obvious flirtatious up-and-down once-over. Ramon was striking and
hot. A few years younger than she with long blond hair that fell past his
shoulders. He wore leather pants and boots and a black T-shirt with a bright-yellow
smiley face with the addition of devil’s horns and tail attached.
Have a
nice eternity
was inscribed below.

If Garrick was the mysterious and muscular predator, Ramon
was the sleek and wild rock star.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding, Garrick,” Jordan exclaimed. “What
a mess. Any idea who did it?”

Garrick shot Jordan a glance and her eyes widened. “Doesn’t
matter. We’ll get everything ready for you, Larissa. Thank you for hiring me.
Garrick said you needed the help.”

Garrick’s expression revealed no clue as to who really
arranged the employment. For a college student, Larissa expected Jordan to be
younger but she had to be in her late twenties. Her blonde hair was fashioned
in a perfect French braid. Her clothes were casual but obviously pricy designer
wear and usually far out of a college student’s budget. There was no
rich-girl-entitlement attitude, Larissa knew plenty of them in her college.
Jordan appeared to be a pleasant, smart and polite young woman. “You’re
welcome. I’m happy to have the help. I’ll start you with a few hours and when
business picks up, we can add more. How does that sound?”

“Works for me,” Jordan said. “Tell me where you want me to

While Larissa, Jordan and Garrick put the merchandise back
in order, refolded and reorganized the displays, Ramon fixed the lock on the
front door. The shock and fear of having her new store vandalized eased—the
presence of the two men and even Jordan cast an aura of positive energy.
Everything would work out well for her first day. The business would thrive.

“Finished,” Ramon announced. “You have a new Schlage
deadbolt lock. If anyone tries getting in now, they’ll have to take down the
door and frame with it. Want me to add strobe lights and security cameras,
Larissa? I can rig some kind of metallic net to drop down and zap them.”

Larissa laughed. “No, the new locks are fine. Thanks. Send
me the bill.”

He shook his head. “Garrick will take care of that.”

“That’s not necessary.”

He ignored her. “What next?” He marched into the shop.
Jordan and Garrick were neatly folding panties on a display table. Larissa
couldn’t help smiling at the hunky Garrick folding delicate lace thongs.

“Almost done,” Jordan said. “These are gorgeous. I think I
need a pair in each color.”

“I know. Aren’t they great?” Larissa agreed. “I can finish
up in the morning. I appreciate all your help.”

“You’re welcome,” Jordan said. “I’ll come early tomorrow.
Nothing was stolen in your apartment?”

“No, my laptop and iPad were still there. And that’s the
only thing I own worth anything.”

“What about your television, furniture?” Jordan asked.

“I don’t have a TV and there’s not much furniture to steal.”

Jordan’s eyes widened. “No TV? Are you kidding me? Oh we’ll
have to find you one. I know people.”

Larissa gave a short laugh. “That’s okay. I don’t have time
to watch it anyway.” She didn’t know what Jordan meant by “I know people” and
didn’t want to find out.

“It’s no trouble. I’ll see you in the morning,” Jordan said,
heading to the door. It was after midnight.

Ramon walked up to her, took her hand in both of his and
locked his gaze with hers. “I left my card on your cash register. If you ever
need anything, just call.” His searing blue eyes had a mischievous glint and
his lips twitched ever so slightly. Larissa felt her stomach tingle as if she were
going down the big dip of a roller coaster with her eyes closed and didn’t know
if there was a bottom. Great, now she had the hots for two men? That had never
happened to her before.

She tried counting back to when she last had a date. After
four months she stopped counting. It was too depressing. No wonder she was
responding to all the hot guys in New Hope. Maybe she should consider dating
after her business got off the ground. After the holidays.

“Thank you, Ramon.” Her words came out in a breathy whisper.
His name rolled off her tongue. He continued to hold her hand and a wave of
dizziness passed through her. Closing her eyes, she hoped the sensation would
pass. But then a flash of detailed images drifted through her mind.

She was in a large living room, a place she’d never seen
before. Ramon stood naked before her in front of a blazing fireplace, the
flickering light dancing over his body, reflecting over every cut and angle of
his muscles. He was gorgeous and aroused, his cock hard and thick. His eyes
glowed with an otherworldly blue glow. He held out his hand to her and she
stepped forward, noticing that she too was naked. The heat of the fireplace
warmed her skin. She didn’t know why she wasn’t questioning the situation. She
only knew it seemed right and couldn’t resist.

Lie with me.
Ramon’s words entered her head but she
didn’t see his mouth move.

, she answered with her own thoughts as she took
his hand. Gently, he lifted her in his arms and laid her on a thick fur on the
floor. His body eased on top of her.
Yes, this is so good.

Spreading her legs, he nudged her slit with his cock.
Wetness coated her folds and his hard length. Teasing her, he slid his shaft
over her clit then pressed at her entrance. She tried raising her hips to drive
him inside her channel.

. Garrick’s voice called her from a distance.
The light from the fireplace highlighted his face. He was smiling despite the
darkness in his eyes.

She held out a hand to him, asking him to join them. He
nodded and the next moment he was naked and lying beside her too. Two men,
amazing. “Garrick,” she whispered as his mouth came down on hers at the same time
Ramon plunged his cock into her.

“Larissa!” Garrick shouted. She blinked and saw him standing
beside the door to the storeroom.

Images of the old house, the fireplace and Ramon and Garrick
making love to her vanished, yet her heart still raced. Her vagina continued to
contract on empty space and her nipples bore stiff points through her sweater.
She glanced at Ramon. Smiling mischievously, he stared at her through
half-lidded eyes. “Are you okay, Larissa? You look dazed.” His mouth twitched
in a wicked and mischievous grin.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I’m fine.”

“Everything looks in order in here,” Garrick said. “Please
check on her tomorrow. Make sure nothing is missing. You can go, Ramon.”

Ramon straightened and nodded.

“Thanks for your help,” Larissa said. Her heart continued to
pound and her body was still heated and aroused.

“My pleasure.” He turned to Garrick. “Night, Garrick.”

“I’ll be in touch,” he said. The moment they were alone,
Garrick’s gaze swept over her in a spine-melting look that made her nervous and
horny. “You still seem shaken. Don’t worry about the break-in.”

“I’m better,” she murmured. “I don’t understand why someone
would vandalize my store. Opening day will take my mind off it, especially with
all the holiday shoppers.”

“It was just some kids. Don’t worry. Lock the door after I’m
gone. I’ll stop by and see how business is going tomorrow. If you don’t do
well, I’ll have some suggestions.” His words rattled her. Why did he
automatically assume she wouldn’t have a great opening day? She didn’t know if
it was his delivery or the late hour.

“I’m always open to suggestions from a successful
businessman. Good night, Garrick.” As handsome and charming as he was, she didn’t
appreciate his arrogance.

* * * * *

“Kashia, Lazaro, get down here!” Garrick barged into Edmund
Manor around three a.m. Most of the residents of the manor were still out
meeting with their crimson swans either at their places of business or at
special invitation in the underworld chambers. Garrick had searched the
chambers and those he met from the colony said these two immortals had already
returned to the manor.

When he didn’t hear an answer, he started marching up the
stairs. “Please don’t make me disturb everyone in—”

“What’s all the excitement about?” Kashia stood at the top
of the grand staircase in a gothic red-and-black satin gown. Her long brunette
hair was up in formal fashion and she wore long black lace gloves. Kashia
sauntered down the stairs, moving her hips in the tight dress, her breasts bouncing
within the strapless bodice.

“Where’s Lazaro?” he demanded as Kashia passed him on the staircase
and walked toward a parlor. “And where were the two of you earlier this

“I’m here,” Lazaro said, from the top of the stairs, leaning
against the banister. Moving slowly, he made his way down the stairs, taking
his damn time, but Garrick didn’t allow the vamp to see his irritation. Lazaro,
also in formal attire—a long black overcoat, Victorian-styled suit and black
boots. His jet-black hair hung straight to his jaw, accentuating his sharp
cheekbones and piercing gray eyes. His skin was paler than any of the vampires
in the clan. It only added to his Goth look. He gave Garrick a bored stare as
he joined his companion in the parlor. “What are you all annoyed about this
time, Garrick?”

“You vandalized my new tenant’s store.” Why these two weren’t
eternal mates, Garrick couldn’t understand. They were so much alike, always
together, shared their crimson swans and sexual conquests. Somehow, despite the
trouble they stirred up in the colony among mortals and immortals, they managed
to gain favor with Bastian, the overlord. Kashia laughed and glanced down at
her dress. “We were at a party in Corydale all evening. We just returned.”

“That’s not quite right,” Lazaro interrupted. “We did go to
the chambers for some entertainment after the party. You know how Kashia likes
to tie up young men. And they can’t resist her.”

Kashia nodded. “Yes, I got my fill of blood and sex but I
didn’t mark anyone,” she said in her defense. “I think Lazaro’s interested in
your new tenant.”

“Shut up, Kashia,” Lazaro said.

Kashia glared at him. Usually she didn’t care how far her
conquests went. If her mortal offerings pleased her, or turned her on, why
should she care if she marked them? It only took a little immortal elixir.
Garrick believed she rather liked the deeper loyalty that resulted—physical,
spiritual and psychic.

“Both of you stay away from Larissa and the store.”

“Why won’t you sell that building, Garrick?” Kashia asked. “We’ve
offered you three times what it’s worth,” she said as she stroked his cheek
with the back of her fingers.

“We want out of Edmund Manor and that place would be ideal
because of the tunnels,” Lazaro added.

“There are other buildings in town with tunnels leading to
the underworld chambers,” Garrick argued. “And the Edmund Manor is quite
comfortable. You both have your own suites. My suite at the Beaumont House is
modest in comparison.”

“But you’re ward and guardian of the Beaumont. There’s a
difference,” Lazaro spat out. “Besides, I like the view of the river from your

“The shop on Main Street is not for sale,” Garrick stated.
He knew they had other plans for his building.

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