Nightmare’s Edge (8 page)

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Authors: Bryan Davis

Tags: #ebook, #book

BOOK: Nightmare’s Edge
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Solomon cleared his throat and turned his attention back to Nathan. “We have been analyzing all the data, and we came up with a theory that might explain what’s happening, but we need the supplicant to do something for us before we can test it.”

While the others made their way inside, Nathan scanned the lobby, a room he had not yet visited. Polished terrazzo floors returned a skewed reflection of his body, and a huge crystal chandelier dangled about ten feet overhead. Earth-toned panels covered every wall, with photos of the observatory’s groundbreaking ceremony hanging at precise intervals, their wooden frames matching the panels perfectly. He tried to make out the faces of the people in the gatherings, but they were too far away. “What about Gordon Yellow?” he asked. “Is he around to help?”

Again Solomon led the way, this time along a corridor to the right, another unfamiliar area. “Since Dr. Gordon is the founder of Interfinity Labs, he is here, but we haven’t entrusted him with all we know.” He stopped in front of an elevator, much bigger than the one in the secure area, and pushed the call button. “Since Gordon Blue chose the path of greed, we can’t be sure Gordon Yellow wouldn’t do the same. I’m afraid he has a poor temper at times, so I decided to watch him for a while.”

A humming sound emanated from behind the double doors. Nathan eyed Kelly. Her firm chin revealed that her thoughts matched his own. Solomon was right. They couldn’t risk Gordon Yellow teaming up with Mictar. The combination had proved fatal for Nathan and Kelly on Earth Blue, and the image of the vacant eye sockets in their limp bodies still seared his mind. This time, Gordon’s unholy alliance with that vision stalker could mean the deaths of countless millions.

When everyone had piled into the roomy elevator car — Nathan and Kelly Red scrunching into one corner; Molly and Francesca Yellow pushing their strollers into the opposite corner, followed closely by Francesca Red, who couldn’t seem to take her eyes off baby Nathan; and Daryl and Amber crowding the middle — Solomon squeezed in and pushed the floor button. “Although this observatory will seem familiar,” he continued, raising his voice to compete with the elevator’s humming motor, “the two Simons have worked with Gordon Yellow to make some important enhancements that will come into play very soon.”

The elevator slowed to a halt, and the doors slid open, revealing a hallway. To their left, another door stood open, the tourist entrance to the telescope room. Directly in front of them on the opposite wall, two restrooms flanked a water fountain.

Tony pointed at the men’s room. “Mind if I go? I only had one beer, but that ride was enough to scare the — ”

“Tony!” Molly scolded. “Not in front of the baby!”

“Oh, yeah. Right.” He smiled sheepishly. “I forgot.”

Solomon nodded at the door. “It would be a good idea for everyone to go. We have no way to know when our next opportunity will be. But let’s hurry — interfinity won’t wait for us.”

Walking into the restroom behind Solomon, Nathan kept his eyes averted. He went through the motions at the farthest urinal while trying his best to be nonchalant and quiet. For some reason, being too familiar with this young version of his father seemed inappropriate, like he was prying into his father’s past without permission.

After washing up, he hurried back to the hallway. Daryl had already returned, rubbing her hands against her sweatshirt. “No towels. The others are using TP, but that just seems wrong. That’s reserved for . . . uh . . . other body parts.”

When everyone had returned, Solomon led the way to the tourist entrance, marching well ahead. He peered through the doorway before waving for the others. “It looks like everything is ready.”

Nathan glanced at Kelly and tried to transmit the mental question,
Ready for what?
With one eye narrowing as they neared the door, she seemed to have the same question.

As Nathan entered, light from the corridor faded. The telescope room was illuminated only by a candelabrum that sat on the floor near the telescope at the center. Flickering candlelight made the chamber seem like an underground cavern or a vestibule in an ancient castle — dark, cool, and mysterious.

He passed by a piano and hard-shell cases for cellos, at least three violins, and a viola. Apparently, they had been experimenting with various instruments.

With the mirrored ceiling reflecting only the flickering flames of six candlewicks, and the mounted telescope barely visible in the dancing orange glow, the place seemed an odd mix of medieval and modern, as if a caravan of mystified travelers had just strolled into King Arthur’s court.

Nathan looked again. Something strange in the mirror caught his attention. The candles stopped flickering. His fellow travelers slowed to a halt, and every sound, even the quiet buzz of nearby computers, fell to silence. A sense of heaviness entered his mind — grave and foreboding.

Someone new appeared on the reflective ceiling; a tall, pale man with white hair, walking through the doorway they had just entered.

Nathan shifted his gaze down and looked at the door. As expected, Patar came into view. He weaved around Tony and Molly, his scowl not quite as deep as usual. “You don’t seem surprised to see me, Son of Solomon.”

“Not really. When everyone stops moving, I kind of guess you’re around somewhere.”

With a hint of mirth in his expression, Patar drew within a few feet and stopped. “I come only when you need a gentle push in the right direction.”

“A gentle push?” Nathan rolled his eyes. “I’d hate to see one of your forceful shoves.”

Patar’s white eyebrows bent down. “If you continue ignoring my counsel, you might very well get the opportunity.”

“But you said we had to go to the observatory to get to the misty world,” Nathan said, spreading out his arms. “That’s where we are.”

“True, but the scientists here will not offer to send you to play the violin at Sarah’s Womb. They have other plans, and they will reveal only what they want you to know.”

“But what choice do I have? I can’t tell them what to do with their own equipment.”

“No, but you also do not have to follow their instructions. It is clear that you are mesmerized by Solomon Yellow’s presence. He is not your father, so do not allow him to tell you what to do. It is crucial that you follow my counsel instead.” Patar folded his hands behind his back and strolled past Solomon, looking at his rigid face for a moment before circling back to the piano. He set his fingers on the keys, played a scale effortlessly, and turned to Nathan with a haughty air. “The fools know so little about real music. They have no idea that passion must enhance precision to open the portals.”

Nathan pondered the strange words. “Why don’t you just tell them what to do instead of freezing everyone and giving me orders?”

He played an irritating set of chords. “One of them has a mind to kill my people. His hatred for my race is so intense, trying to persuade him to be rational would be impossible.”

“Okay,” Nathan said. “I’ll just have to take your word on that.”

“These self-proclaimed scientists,” Patar continued, “plan to transport you to the world of dreams, which fits well with my plan, because once you are there you may do as I tell you. You must find Cerulean’s new charge and give to her the Earth Blue mirror you brought. In the gifted one’s hands, Cerulean will be able to use it to send you where you need to go.”

Nathan looked at Kelly, frozen in mid step only a couple of paces behind him. She carried the photo album she had picked up in her parents’ bedroom, and the edge of the Earth Blue mirror once again protruded from the top.

“Who is Cerulean’s new charge?” Nathan asked. “And will I be able to find her in the dream world?”

“I have not yet learned who she is, and we are not even sure that she is a she. We only know that a high voice calls for help from the dream world, so it could very well be a male child. In any case, Cerulean seeks for her there. If you find her, she could lead you to her real-world form, and you could give her the mirror.”

“And if I don’t find her, then what?”

Patar began another stroll, this time focusing on Amber. With her arms stiff and her glow dissipated, she looked like a normal girl. As he circled her, his eyes glistened and his lips softened; he looked like an old, sad grandfather. “In the dream world, there is a way to enter Sarah’s Womb, though the violin is not within reach from that entry point.”

Nathan kept his stare locked on Patar. Whatever he had in mind, it couldn’t be good. Over and over, Patar had said to kill the supplicants, so his plans probably included taking that drastic action once they arrived.

“Look for a flaw in the wall of the dream world’s central core,” Patar continued. “It will take some effort, but Amber should be able to open it for you. Then . . .” From behind, he grasped Amber’s neck and lightly dragged his pointed nails across her throat. “You must slay this supplicant and cast her inside.”

“Coward!” Nathan took a hard step toward him. “I’ve seen how powerful she is. You wouldn’t dare talk about killing her if she wasn’t paralyzed.”

“Oh, how little you know.” Frowning, he stepped away from Amber. “If she knew there was no other way to save the worlds, she would gladly give her life. This is the lesson that you cannot seem to grasp — true sacrifice, a love that allows no obstacle to prevent its fulfillment, whether in deed or in word.”

“I know more about that than you think,” Nathan said, but the words seemed to wither in the air. Did he really know what he was talking about? Had he really done everything he could in sacrifice?

He gazed into Amber’s beautiful gold eyes. Even if he hadn’t done all he was supposed to do, he could never kill this amazing girl. It was time to change the subject. “What about Mictar? Is he still alive? Do I have to watch out for him?”

“Oh, he is very much alive, and he is still quite able to kill all your friends.” Patar reached out and touched Nathan’s forehead with his finger, as if anointing him. “But you have no reason to fear him yourself. Just leave him to me. After what he did to Abodah, either I or one of our children must see that justice is carried out.”

A whispered voice came from behind Patar. “Nathan?”

The stalker spun and backed out of Nathan’s way, a slight tremble in his legs.

Amber blinked and moved her limbs stiffly. “There is a strange power here,” she said. “I have not felt it in a very long time.” After blinking again, she stared at Patar. “What are you doing here? Has the time to dance arrived so soon?”

Patar tightened his jaw, squeezing his words into tense bullets. “No, it is not the time. I did not intend for you to see me yet.”

“When the time comes, will you be ready to dance with me?” She spread out her arms, now loose and graceful. “I will provide the music.”

Patar dipped his head low. “As long as my brother lives, I cannot dance with you. No harmony can be realized until justice is served.”

“You have spoken well.” Amber’s golden glow returned, casting her once again in a brilliant aura. “As always, there is no deception in your speech. Although I am not your supplicant, I will pray for your grieving heart.”

He gave her a brief bow. “I am grateful for your kindness.”

Amber’s eyebrow arched up. “Perhaps when we meet again, harmony will have been restored, and the music in the air will guide your feet into the liberating dance.”

“Perhaps.” Patar bowed again, backed away three steps, and vanished in a column of mist.

Everyone in the room instantly continued moving. Kelly bumped into Nathan, nearly dropping the photo album. “Whoa!” she said as she repositioned her load. “Your brake lights must be out.”

Nathan steadied her. “Sorry. We had another Patar event.”

“We did?” She looked around, her eyes wide. “What did he want?”

“Same as usual.” He glanced at Amber, who was now walking close to Francesca Yellow. “Need I say more?”

Kelly shook her head. “That creep needs a new song.”

A shadow passed through the candelabrum’s glow, short and hurried. Dr. Simon’s voice penetrated the silence, its familiar British flavor sounding strangely appropriate. “Another intersection will come around in moments. An especially strong dream is within reach.” Simon Blue’s bespectacled face and nearly bald head appeared as he drew near. “We should prepare everyone immediately.”

“Shouldn’t we take the time to explain what we’ve learned?” Solomon asked.

“That can wait. This is only an experimental journey to see if we can monitor their activity and use the findings to calibrate the dream viewer. It should be short-lived, and we can explain when they return. We might not get another intersection for hours.”

Solomon pressed his lips together and nodded. “I understand.”

“Have you asked the supplicant about penetrating the veil?” Dr. Simon stared at Amber, fidgeting.

“We thought we would wait until the last moment to introduce the gifted one to her supplicant.” Solomon took Francesca Yellow’s hand. “It could be quite a shock.”

“True enough.” Simon glanced back into the darkness. “And have you told your wife who else is here?”

“Not yet.” Solomon heaved a sigh. “I hope you’re right about this. I’m uncomfortable with keeping secrets from her.”

Francesca looked up at him, her expression curious and perhaps a little stung. “Secrets? What secrets?”

“You’ll find out in a minute.”

Nathan gazed at Francesca. The little girl he had known had changed. She was still sweet and lovely, but her face gave away a good deal of pain. Had married life dimmed her bright, precocious aspect?

“I expect that your decision will pay dividends,” Simon Blue continued. “The emotional upheaval from both meetings will serve our purposes.”

Solomon nodded toward the outer wall. “Turn on the engine. I’ll make the introductions.”

Dr. Simon waved toward the perimeter and called, “Begin the sequence.”

Instantly, violin music poured from somewhere in the darkness — sweet, vibrant, and alive with joy. Nathan searched for the source of the lovely sound — Vivaldi’s “Spring,” one half of the arrangement he and his mother had performed so many times before. As he mentally played his part, his wounded fingers flexing slightly with each note, another man walked slowly into view, an older gentleman with wispy gray hair, large ears, and a kind, wrinkled face. With a violin tucked under his chin, he smiled as he stroked the strings with fervor.

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