Nina's Got a Secret (15 page)

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Authors: Brian W. Smith

BOOK: Nina's Got a Secret
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“Cindy, those shoes and that purse are fierce,” said Nina.

“Thank yoooou!” Cindy replied, with a surprised look on her face. “The purse is by Marc Jacobs and the shoes are Jimmy Choo. I noticed your shoes, too: Jimmy Choo?”

“No, BCBG. But, girlfriend, let me take you into my room and show you my Jimmy Choo collection. Sharrard, you don't mind if I steal your date for a few minutes, do you?”

“Nah, you good. Y'all go ahead and talk that girl stuff.”

The group began to disperse and mingle around the elegant décor as Nina and Cindy walked toward the master bedroom. Sharrard's eyes were fixed on Nina's perfectly shaped butt. Her jeans were so tight they looked painted on. Either she wasn't wearing any panties or she had on the thinnest thong ever made. Sharrard's hormones were raging. He decided at that moment that he was going to get a piece of Nina, no matter what it took. His lustful thoughts were interrupted by Larry.

“Man, I wouldn't let Cindy go with Nina. She's going to come back and want you to take her shopping once she sees all that stuff Nina has.”

“Shiiiit, it don't matter what Nina shows her; I'm dumpin' her ass after tonight anyway.”


“Yeah, dog, I gotta cut her.”

“What happened?”

“Ain't nothin' happen; she just ain't my type. Man, you know me; I need a freak.”

“She ain't a freak?”

“I thought she was, but somethin' ain't right about her. I tapped that ass the first day I met her, so I figured she was gonna be a nice little freaky white dime piece to add to my stable, but . . .”

“So she tricked you?”

“Hell yeah! She ain't freaky enough for me. I want somebody who'll let me fuck 'em in the ear, the nose, and any other place I want to stick it. That's the first white girl I've ever messed with that actually wants a nigga to put in work.”

“Ha, ha.” Larry chuckled. “I know that threw you off.”

“Ha, ha, my ass! When she started tellin' me she was savin' certain shit for her wedding night, I knew she had to go. Besides, I'm a real nigga; you know I ain't tryin' to ‘wife' no white girl. If I'm gonna step away from the sistas, it's gonna be for somethin' finer than a white chick. Now, if she was Puerto Rican, maybe I'd reconsider, because dem Puerto Rican bitches be bad.”

“That's true; J.Lo is fine,” Larry replied.

“Shiiit, nigga, J.Lo is fine, but I'm talkin' about somebody like Rosario Dawson.”

“Is she Puerto Rican?”

“Fuck if I know. I know she looks Puerto Rican, and she's as fine as they come.”

“Yeah, she is fine,” Larry agreed. “But, she ain't as fine as the ultimate Puerto Rican chick.”

“Who is that?”

“Do you remember Rosie Perez from the Spike Lee joint?”

“Yeah, she was off the chain!” shouted Sharrard.

“I'd drink her damn bath water. Yeah, dog, the more I think about it, I might have to piss some sistas off and marry a Puerto Rican chick. But a white chick, I don't think so.”

“I don't know, dog, some of these white girls are fine as hell these days,” Larry commented.

“That's true, dog; I can't lie. I swear to you, white girls these days be havin' asses like sistas,” Sharrard replied.

“I don't know what they're eating these days, but you're right,” Larry said.

“I believe it's somethin' in that damn fast-food. I know sistas get mad when a brotha hooks up with a white girl, but even sistas gotta admit: white girls these days got crazy booty.”

“Hmmm, you better not say that too loud.” Larry looked around the room to make sure no one was standing close enough to hear their discussion.

“Oh, I ain't stupid. I'd never admit that shit to a sista. You say somethin' like that to black women and they'll wanna tie a rope around a brotha's nuts and hang him from a tree.”

“You ain't lying.”

“Dog, the day I met Cindy, a group of sistas walked past us and looked at me like they were ready to slice my dick off. I'm tellin' you, when they see you in public with a white girl, they assume you're dissin' them.”

“That's the way sistas see it,” Larry said as he shrugged his shoulders, implying that he understood the black woman's viewpoint. “They figure that a black woman gave birth to you so a black woman should be good enough to be your mate.”

“Man, we ain't tryin' to diss them!” Sharrard said with an annoyed look on his face. “Most niggas just wanna fuck, period. The woman could be white, black, purple, or green. Sistas automatically assume all athletes and brothas with a little money want to marry a white chick.”

“You don't think there's some truth to that?”

“Hell no! Now don't get me wrong; you do have some cats that gravitate to them white chicks once they get a little cash, but not everybody.

At that point, a voice other than Larry's and Sharrard's could be heard.

“If that's the case, you should have no problem ditchin' little Ms. Paris Hilton and gettin' with a real sista,” said Val, as she stood behind Sharrard looking sexy and curvaceous in her Apple Bottom jeans.

Larry peered over his shoulder. “Oh, hey, Val, we didn't see you standing there. How much of that conversation did you hear?”

“I heard you talkin' about some fine-ass Puerto Ricans,” Val replied with a sly grin. “Don't worry; I'm not going to tell Nina how you were talkin'. Besides, I happen to agree with you. I like Puerto Rican women, too.”

Both Sharrard and Larry got a rise out of Val's comment. The image of an intimate session with Val and a Puerto Rican dime piece was enough to make Sharrard smile.

“Ahhhh, I'm gonna let the two of you talk,” Larry said. “It seems like y'all have some things to iron out.”

Sharrard watched Larry walk away. All the while he looked at Larry, Val's eyes stayed glued to Sharrard's upper torso. He wore a thin, white, form-fitting shirt. His huge pecs looked like they'd been sculpted by Michelangelo as they stuck out like two miniature mountains. Val wanted to rip off his shirt and suck on his nipples until he screamed.

Val didn't have time to revel in her perfectly timed interruption because she saw Nina and Cindy coming back into the room. She immediately grabbed Sharrard's hand and led him outside so that they could talk.

“So, what's up, Sharrard?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. You've been actin' funny all night. Just because you're in here with ya little white friend, you don't have
to act like you don't know me. I thought we hit it off when we first met.”

“We did hit it off. I didn't speak because I thought you were actin' stank.”

“Why'd you think that?”

“Ahhh, let's see; maybe it was the way you rolled your eyes at me when we sat down to eat.”

“I think you're seeing things.”

“You think?” Sharrard replied sarcastically.

“Yeah, that's what I think. I also think that you're passin' up on a great opportunity.”


“Yep, you said you want a freak; someone that'll let you stick it wherever you want to. Well, you're talkin' to the one woman who's probably a bigger freak than you. The great thing about me is that I'm not tryin' to have your baby or latch on to you. I just want to kick it with you—no strings attached.”

No bigger lies have ever been told. Val's primary goal was to snag Sharrard, by any means necessary. If that meant getting pregnant intentionally, then so be it. She even had a safety pin close by in the event the opportunity to have sex with Sharrard presented itself. Val planned to put so many holes in the condom pack that it would look like a fly swatter when he pulled it out.

Sharrard leaned against the huge white column and looked Val up and down. He was considering everything Val said and contemplating all the ways he could utilize her friendship. “So, you're a freak?”

“Did I stutter?”

“Anything I want?”

“Is that all you see me as, a sex object?”

“I ain't sayin' all that, but you said no strings attached.”

“Yes, I did. But damn, can a sista get a little conversation . . . maybe a date or two?”

“Of course; I have no problem with that. Shit, I'm not opposed to sponsorship, if you take care of me.”


“Did I stutter? I said sponsorship . . . on one condition.”

“What's that?”

Sharrard looked around to make sure no one could hear. Val looked around as well, although she had no idea what he was about to say or do.

“Here's the condition. I want a threesome.”

“Excuse me?” Val asked. Her tone bordered on disgust. “Are you that sprung on that white girl that you gotta throw her in the mix?”

“I'm not talkin' 'bout her.”

“Well, who?”

Sharrard leaned forward and whispered, “I wanna hook up with you and your girl, Nina.”

Val wasn't expecting that. She was trying desperately to move from out of Nina's shadow. She wanted bragging rights; something to throw in Nina's face. Now she'd have to share Sharrard. Things would never be right if she allowed the person she wanted to outshine the most have a crack at the man she wanted the most. Besides, Val knew that Nina was going through a sexual drought. She suspected that Nina might actually jump at the chance.

Sharrard could tell from the look on Val's face that she wasn't doing flips over the request. Still, he wanted Nina, bad. He also knew that Val wanted him, bad. Val might frown and pout, but in the end, he had the most leverage. He had the money, the lifestyle, and the penis; Val had an hourglass figure, big dreams, and a low bank account. In this case, the leverage was definitely on Sharrard's side.

Sharrard grabbed Val's chin and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. He made sure to nibble on her bottom lip just before he pulled away.

“I can take care of you. I can move you out here and set you up nice, but ain't nuthin' in life free. You need to hook that up.”

“What about Larry?” Val asked.

“What about him? Are you gonna tell him? Besides, that nigga works for me. He makes his money off my money.”

The negotiations were interrupted by the opening of the front door.

“Sharrard,” Cindy called out. “What are you doin' out here?”

“What's happenin', baby? I'm just talkin' to my friend, Val. Val, this is Cindy.”

Cindy extended her hand to shake Val's. Val looked at her extended hand and rolled her eyes so hard that it was a miracle she didn't get dizzy. She walked past Cindy's extended hand like it didn't exist and gave her a shoulder bump that nearly knocked Cindy down.

“Sharrard, did you see that?” Cindy asked. “She nearly knocked me down. What's her problem?”

“Nothin', baby; she's havin' a hard night. I'll be back in a second. I need to let Larry know we're leavin'.”

Sharrard walked in the house and looked for Val. The other guests could be heard talking and laughing in the media room. Larry was in the kitchen talking to two other agents. Just as he was about to walk over and say goodbye, he looked up on the second floor and saw Nina and Val walk into the guest room.

“What's so important that we had to talk now, Val? I gave you all the time with Sharrard you needed. If you can't work something out with him, that's your problem. There ain't nothin' else I can do. The rest is on you.”

“Don't get it twisted! I can handle my business.”

“Good. So we're even?”

“We're even when I say we're even. I did get a chance to speak with Sharrard. He and I are going to get together, but he asked me to set somethin' up first.”

“What's that?” Val paused for a second as she searched for the focus needed to say the words. Nina was getting more irritated by the second. “What do you have to set up, Val?”

“Sharrard wants a threesome, and he wants you to be in it.”

“What?!” Nina shouted. “Oh hell no! I hope you told him no. I'm not getting caught up in y'all little sex games.”

“You gonna get caught up in whatever I need you to get caught up in. I want that man and you're gonna help me. If that means lettin' him tap that ass, then that's what you have to do.”

“I don't have to do shit!”

“Bitch, please! You'd better take that bass outta your voice. If you blow this for me, your ass will be on that stripper pole back in New Awlins by this time next week. I'ma tell Larry everything I know. I told you I'd back off when you helped me get Sharrard. This is a part of the arrangement.”

As they walked out of the room and downstairs, they both saw Sharrard standing there waiting. Nina rolled her eyes and walked past. Sharrard immediately turned and looked at Val.

“Come back later on tonight around one o'clock in the morning. Call me when you get outside and I'll come down and let you in,” Val whispered.

“What about Larry?” Sharrard asked.

Val led Sharrard over to a corner and told him the plan.

“He goes to bed early. It's almost nine o'clock now, so I figure everybody should be gone tonight by eleven o'clock. If you come back after midnight, he should be sleep. He sleeps real hard so there shouldn't be a problem.”

“Is Nina down with it?”

“Don't worry about Nina. I already handled that. You just remember our conversation outside.”

“Trust me, boo, if you pull this off for me, I'll have you set up in an apartment out here by the end of the month.”

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