No Other Life (28 page)

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Authors: Brian Moore

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I knelt down by the unmarked grave but not to pray. I touched the muddied earth in a useless caress as though, somehow, he would know that I had come here. I wept but my tears could not help him. There is no other life.


The little boy, Frédéric’s youngest child, stood by the mule as I came back down into the yard. He was trying to feed it a handful of grass. He looked up at me. ‘Take me for a ride,
Mon Pe

I put him on the mule’s back and walked the mule around the yard. His sisters watched us from the window but did not come out.

When I went to lift him off, he cried. ‘More! More! Take me down the hill.’

. Stay here.’

was born in Belfast. He emigrated to Canada in 1948 and then moved to California. He twice won the Canadian Governor General’s Award for Fiction and has been given a special award from the United States Institute of Arts and Letters. He won the Author’s Club First Novel Award for
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for
The Great Victorian Collection. The Doctor’s Wife, The Colour of Blood
– winner of the Sunday Express 1988 Book of the Year – and
Lies of Silence
were all shortlisted for the Booker Prize. Six of his novels have been made into films –
The Luck of Ginger Coffey, Catholics, The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, Cold Heaven, The Statement
Black Robe
. Brian Moore died in 1999.

By the Same Author


The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne

The Feast of Lupercal

The Luck of Ginger Coffey

An Answer from Limbo

The Emperor of Ice Cream

I am Mary Dunne



The Great Victorian Collection

The Doctor’s Wife

The Mangan Inheritance

The Temptation of Eileen Hughes

Cold Heaven

Black Robe

The Colour of Blood

Lies of Silence

The Statement

The Magician’s Wife

First published in Great Britain 1993


This electronic edition published in 2011 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


Copyright © Brian Moore 1993


The moral right of the author has been asserted


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Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP


Bloomsbury Publishing, London, Berlin, New York and Sydney


A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library


ISBN 9781408828915


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