Nora Roberts Land (16 page)

Read Nora Roberts Land Online

Authors: Ava Miles

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #small town

BOOK: Nora Roberts Land
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He scratched his cheek. “I won’t ask if you swear you won’t lie to me.”

She nodded.

“Then take some advice from an old man. Life’s short. All the stuff you think you have time to do suddenly evaporates like water boiled dry. You’re a young woman who’s put one life behind her and is trying to start a new one. Don’t dick around.”


“You think that’s a new phrase? It’s as old as dirt, just like me. I mean it, Meredith. Don’t squander time. You’re a beautiful young woman. You need a man who suits you. Someone like Tanner McBride.”

His wisdom was sweet, but his dating directives stunk. “I’ll go out with whomever I want.”

He stood up and reached for his cane, so she joined him. He still towered over her, even though his spine was curved with age. “Fine, be stubborn, but I see how you look at Tanner, Mermaid.” He kissed her cheek, his cinnamon candy smell comforting. “You sure didn’t look at the Bird Man that way.”

She glared at him.

“And I still think you have something on Rick-the-Dick that will blow up his bid for the Senate. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.”

He strolled away whistling “Dixie,” his cane tapping the floor.

Meredith sank down in the chair. Too bad Don’t Soy With Me didn’t serve liquor. She could sure use a shot of something, like a Red-headed Slut. Wasn’t that what everyone was calling her?

A Man Bender? Jeez, she was going to have to come up with a new plan.

Chapter 16

cold October wind howled outside, and branches scratched against the window like someone trying to crawl inside. Considering it was Halloween, Meredith glanced over to make sure there wasn’t a ghost or zombie or something out there. Shivering, she looked in the mirror again, wondering what Tanner would think of her Wonder Woman costume.

He’d seemed surprised when she invited him to go to a Halloween party with her. Jill was over the moon about it. And tonight, the rest of the town was going to see her out with him. Maybe if they hung out often enough, she could curb the Man Bender talk.

She almost reached for a Pepcid.

She’d thought about going as J.D. Robb’s kick-ass cop, Eve Dallas, going so far as to locate a long black leather jacket online similar to the one Nora wore in her author photo for the series. Who didn’t want to be married to Eve’s hot hubby Roarke? But the likelihood of someone identifying her costume seemed remote. And she really didn’t want to spread fake blood on her jeans like Nora’s heroine.

She pivoted in front of the mirror. Going as a superhero seemed the best alternative given her recent internal monologue with Divorcée Woman. After all, Wonder Woman would have worn red La Perla lingerie too.

“I wish you’d let me make you a cape embroidered with DW.”

Jill bumped Meredith’s hip, smoothing back her own wig. Her sister’s Little Bo Peep outfit was over-the-top adorable.

“No way.” Meredith turned as the wind blew in a perfect imitation of a train whistle. “We’ll freeze, but we’ll look good.”

“Oh, yeah.”

When Jill slapped her butt, Meredith punched her arm.

“I need to go,” Jill said, touching up her glossy pink lips in the mirror. “I was hoping to see Tanner, but you can tell him hi for me.”

“Are you ever going to stop gloating?”

“No way. You needed to be pushed. You’re like a tick that can’t be dislodged about some things.”

“That’s so sweet.”

She backed up and blew kisses. “You’d better have fun. Ta-ta.”

The wind slapped the door against the wall before Jill closed it. Meredith broke out in goosebumps.

“Oh, that’s hot,” she whispered to herself.

He won’t be looking at those bumps, trust me.

She was too excited and nervous to respond to her alter ego’s prodding.

Ten minutes later, Meredith opened the door and Tanner walked in, dressed as a dashing hero straight off a pirate ship.

His mouth curved. “Oh, man. Wonder Woman. Christ, that’s sexy.”

Told ya.

He stepped into Jill’s small entryway and shut the door, leaning back against it, all male nonchalance.

She ignored her alter ego and crossed her arms over her chest, suddenly shy as his intense gaze lifted from her red shoes to her dolled-up face. He hadn’t looked at her this way in weeks. Her invitation had changed their tacit agreement of just being friends. Her skin felt as tightly stretched as a newly starched shirt.

“You even have the lasso,” he said.

She gazed at his costume. He hadn’t bothered to button the white, billowy shirt all the way up, and it exposed the middle of his chest. With the black cloth tied around his forehead and the gold earring dangling from his right ear, he looked somewhat sinister.

And hot too. She wanted to fan herself.

Shiver me timbers,
Divorcée Woman purred.

Are you actually doing pirate talk in my head now? She almost pulled her own hair, but she didn’t want to disturb her wig.

“Did you hear me?”


“You can use that lasso to tie me up anytime.”

Lustful images of her wrestling him to the ground and tying him up swarmed her mind.

Oh my,
Divorcée Woman squeaked.

“Tanner?” She cleared her throat. “I want to be clear about tonight.”

He readjusted the fake antique gun in his leather-studded belt, drawing her eyes to his scandalously tight black pants. She looked at a point over his shoulder, telling herself not to look at his crotch.

You know you want to.

“I want to be clear that we’re only going to the party together.”

He sauntered forward, flicking back the black cloth brushing his shoulder. “Are you sure you want to set parameters this early on in the evening?”

Her breath hitched.

“You’re not starting a panic attack, are you?” he asked, his eyes wide.

She almost lied to make him back away. “Not yet, so let’s keep it that way.”

“If I were a real pirate, I wouldn’t be held off. I’d sweep you over my shoulder and carry you to my cabin and ravish you.”

God, the fantasy. Her heart pounded in her chest like a jackhammer. “That kind of talk is off limits tonight.”

He raised a brow. “Last time I looked, there was still free speech in this country. You might be able to set the terms on touching, but I can damn well say anything I want.”

This frustrated Tanner was new. Her growl nearly escaped, but Wonder Woman wouldn’t back down. “Not if you’re going with me.”

“Then why did you ask me to come?” The light in his eyes dimmed. “You’ve been getting pressure from Jill, haven’t you? Is this your attempt at appeasement?”

His ability to read her made her squirm. “Well, I…no.”

He scoffed. “That was believable. So let me get this straight. You invited me to go out with you because I’m probably the only man in town under fifty you haven’t already gone out with.” He snapped his fingers. “I’m right, aren’t I? It’s written all over your face.”

She fiddled with her wrist bands. “Well, I thought we could go out a little. Regularly. You know. As friends.”

He stepped closer, touching the tips of his black knee-high boots to her red ones. A strong musky smell tickled her nose. A pirate wasn’t supposed to smell that good. Where was the brine? The salt water? The B.O.?

“I was okay with taking a step back after what happened in your mom’s kitchen. I’ve tried to give you space. But I draw the line at being another one of your whipping boys, who isn’t supposed to act like a man.”

Her face flamed. “I’m not saying we can’t flirt. But I’m…playing the field.” So she was a red-headed slut after all, not to mention a coward. Maybe she should have worn a fraidy cat costume.

He chuckled low in his throat, sending her skin into a rash of goosebumps again. “Meredith, have you been practicing that in the mirror? If so, it needs more work, honey. You’re not the type of woman who plays the field. Any smart man can see that.”

So, he was smart, was he? She could feel her skin develop an angry burn. “Don’t tell me what I am.”

“Seems I need to make a point.”

He yanked her to him, finding her mouth. His lips caressed hers like an electric charge, making them tingle, the power growing stronger the longer the connection went on. And boy, did it go on, taking her on a slow descent into desire’s dark well. She moaned in her throat, her fingers digging into his shoulders. When he traced the seam of her mouth, she opened herself to him. Their tongues tangled, electricity racing down her spine and pooling in the center of her thighs. The kiss went deep, wet. Meredith pressed closer, the places their bare skin touched tantalizing. His hands gripped her hips, making her aware of his arousal. She whimpered again, angling her head for a deeper kiss. He tore her hands away and stepped back, panting.

what’s between us, Meredith.”

She pressed her lips together to stop the tingling. “What do you want me to say?”

“Meredith, I’m not going to be part of your endless male parade. I’ve been straight with you.” He looked away suddenly, but she caught his frown. When he turned back, his gaze pinned her in place. “I like you. I like spending time with you. But I want you, and I’m not going to be one of a dozen or so guys you date. If you want to spend time with me, it’s on an exclusive basis. We’ll take it slow and see where it goes, but I’m not going to agree not to touch you. I want us to touch each other as much as we can handle without killing each other.”

Her throat squeezed to the size of a straw.

Come on,
she heard Divorcée Woman lovingly whisper.
You can do it.

The fear towered over her like a black cloud. She stepped back from it.

“I…can’t.” Her eyes burned.

He gave a gusty sigh. “I’m sorry to hear that. I think we’d be good together, in bed and out. If you change your mind, let me know.”

“Tanner!” She realized she didn’t want him to leave. She’d never been so confused in her life.

“Why are you here?” he suddenly demanded.

“What do you mean?”

“Why did you come back to Dare?”

The desire to fidget was as tantalizing as a nicotine fix to a cigarette smoker. “I’m helping my family, remember?”

“Yes, but that’s not all, is it?”

She ran through some versions of the truth. “I want to find out if true love still exists. Okay?”

He flinched. “Oh, Meredith.”

His hushed tone had her stiffening. “Why are you here? This is about the farthest place from your usual beat.”

He looked down at his boots. When he raised his head, his clenched jaw and fiery eyes made her heart pound.

“Let’s just say I have to make good on a promise.”


“No, I think that’s enough for tonight.” He ran his tongue across his teeth like he was in pain. “Besides, you’re forgetting you don’t date journalists.”

Had she? She wasn’t sure she’d be able to open herself to him even if he
a journalist. The way he made her feel terrified her. Cold seeped around her as he opened the front door. She started shaking. “You’re right.”

“I’m mostly proud of what I am, Meredith. I’ve worked hard to get to this stage in my life.” The wind whipped the black cloth over his shoulder. “I’m not the fucking Cheese Man. Maybe you should remember that.”

The door slammed shut behind him. Maybe it was the wind, but her internal temperature had dropped twenty degrees. She struggled over to the orange couch on wobbly legs and unraveled the green afghan. Go out exclusively? He’d lost his mind.

Hadn’t he?

A fresh ache spread across the back of her skull. She thought about the way he’d looked when he told her he liked her. Her heart twisted like she’d fallen on a stake. If she’d dressed up as a vampire, it might have been fitting.

You’re an idiot. Who turns down Wonder Woman/Pirate sex?

What the hell was she supposed to do now?


Tanner kicked up snow as he walked back to his car with a hard-on he was sure could be seen in outer space. The tight pants he was wearing had to be the worst idea since pet rocks.

Christ, what did she think he was? He wasn’t some fucking wimp who would put up with her “playing the field” crap. Especially when she kissed him back like she wanted to devour him. Her hot skin, wet mouth, and tortured moans had almost made him lose control, pulling her onto Jill’s hideous orange couch.

He ripped open the car door. Meredith didn’t know what the hell she was talking about. If she was playing the field, she’d have slept with at least one of the men she’d been “going out with,” and he knew for a fact that she hadn’t. Dare had a betting pool on who could talk Meredith Hale into the rebound sack. He’d walked away from the group of locals when they’d asked him how much money he’d like to lay down.

He’d like to lay down all right.

And it wasn’t in the betting pool.

More like pressing his face into her red hair as he thrust himself mindlessly into her strong, slim body. With only a Wonder Woman crown on her head.

He had to stop thinking about it. His pants were squeezing him to death.

He slammed the car in gear. He’d lost all objectivity. He kept forgetting why he was here when he was with her. He turned into some horny, jealous boyfriend. Dammit.

Edge back a minute, McBride. He
need her to be exclusive if he was going to convince Sommerville he was making headway. He had jack-shit on that asshole and was getting in deeper with his “target” every day.

He hadn’t lied to Meredith about one thing, though.

He really did like her. A lot.

Her quiet admission about coming home to find out if love still existed had squeezed his heart.

They were both trying to be as honest as they could. He’d have to think about that.

It was all getting so complicated.

And he had a hard-on in tight pirate pants for Christ’s sake. Pirate pants!

He gunned away from the stop sign and fishtailed on the ice. Needing some outlet for his frustration and the anger he felt toward himself, he pressed on the accelerator. No one was on the street. What did it matter if he took out a mailbox? He’d pay for it.

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