Not Always a Saint (27 page)

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Authors: Mary Jo Putney

BOOK: Not Always a Saint
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Author's Note
Yes, there really are a (very) few peerage titles that can be inherited by a female. I used the same plot device, a barony of writ, in my early traditional Regency,
Carousel of Hearts.
It's great fun to turn the male hierarchy on its head!
Medical practitioners were classified differently in Regency times. Physicians were gentlemen and well educated, and they were called “Doctor.” Surgeons were descendants of barbers and butchers and other vulgar folk who used knives and handled human bodies. They were not considered gentlemen and were called Mister, though by the Regency, schools of anatomy existed to train surgeons. In Britain, surgeons are still called Mister even though they're highly trained medical school graduates. Tradition!
Certainly it was possible for one person to have a range of medical skills, particularly if they lived in an isolated area and there was no other source of medical aid available. My Lost Lords midwife, Lady Julia, had become such an all-purpose practitioner in her remote village in Cumberland in the far north-west of England. The same is true of Daniel, since he would always do his best to help someone in need. I usually call him a doctor for the sake of reading simplicity.
Cottage hospitals began to appear in this period, and establishing more of them is an activity that will suit Daniel right down to the ground as he proves that he can be a doctor as well as a lord. And now, by the power invested in me as a writer, I grant Daniel and Jessie happily ever afters!
You are cordially invited—to fall in love . . .
Mary Jo Putney
Jo Beverley
Joanna Bourne
Patricia Rice
Nicola Cornick
Cara Elliott
Anne Gracie
Susan King
Christmas 1815.
Upstairs and downstairs,
Holbourne Hall is abuzz with preparations for a
grand ball to celebrate the year's most festive—
and romantic—holiday. For at the top of each
guest's wish list is a last chance to find true love
before the New Year . . .
A chance meeting beneath the mistletoe, a stolen glance across the dance floor—amid the sumptuous delicacies, glittering decorations, and swell of the orchestra, every duchess and debutante, lord and lackey has a hopeful heart. There's the headstrong heiress who must win back her beloved by midnight—or be wed to another . . . the spinster whose fateful choice to relinquish love may hold one more surprise for her . . . a widow yearning to glimpse her long-lost love for even one sweet, fleeting interlude . . . a charming rake who finds far more than he bargained for. And many other dazzling, romantic tales in this star-studded collection that will fill your heart and spice up your holidays this October!
ZEBRA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2015 by Mary Jo Putney, Inc.
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ISBN: 978-1-4201-2717-1
eISBN-13: 978-1-4201-2720-1
eISBN-10: 1-4201-2720-9

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