Not Another Vampire Book (24 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Gannon

BOOK: Not Another Vampire Book
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could one normal, reasonably smart book editor do so many stupid things?

wiped at her eyes again and tried to focus on locating Slade.  At least, she
could fix
that had gone wrong and get him back on Melessa’s
scent.  He shouldn’t be hard to find.  Just look for shrieking fangirls.


took her about five minutes to see that Mr. Popularity wasn’t there, yet.  No
doubt he was off swashbuckling somewhere.  Stupid unpunctual Vampire.

consoled herself in the time honored way of eating.  The ball had a full
buffet.  It was the first bright spot in her day.  Calories didn’t count when
you were depressed and angry and about to get your heart broken by a sorcerer.  She
polished off several thousand of them.

Lynn.”  Damien came up beside her as she finished some kind of pastry thing.  He
looked more grim than normal.  “I...”  He stared down at her and seemed to lose
his train of thought.  Ebony eyes roamed her face and hair.  “I’m sorry.”  He
finally murmured.  “I found you too late to be the man you deserve.”

glowered at him, losing the remained of her appetite.  If Vlad was really
planning to dust off the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech she might not give
Slade a chance to kill him.  “Changed your mind about sleeping with me already,
huh?  I told you it was a bad idea.”

were right.  I have been selfish.”

She opened
Eternal Passion at Sunset
mainly because it gave her something
to do besides drown him in the punchbowl.  “We were late for the ball, you
know.  Shouldn’t you rush off to hunt To’kel, before he turns into a bat and flies

party was in full swing, full of French Revolution style dresses and disco
balls suspended from the solid glass ceiling.  It made Kara nostalgic for her
senior prom and she’d hated her senior prom.  Her idiot date had gotten drunk
and vomited on her shoes.  Still, she wished that she could will herself back
to that gym floor, right now.  Anything would be better than listening to
Damien let her down gently.

made an aggravated sound as she flipped through the manuscript hard enough to
rip one of the pages.  “Kara Lynn, stop.”  He took hold of her arm and guided
her towards a more secluded corner of the vast room.  No one else was getting
too close to him, anyway.  Damien’s dark aura was more pronounced than ever.  The
guy was like party kryptonite.  “Must you do that?”

what?”  If something was bugging him, she was about to make it her new hobby.


book.  Must you continually turn to that damn thing, instead of listening to me?”

She scanned some random paragraph.  It was chapter seven again, Slade and
Melessa in the graveyard.  Nice and cheery.  As she pretended to read, the word

’ jumped out at her.  Kara frowned in surprise.  She’d
she’d seen it before, but she hadn’t really noticed its context.  Why would
she?  Now though, she was a heck of a lot more interested.

knelt by the grave her delicate hand fingering the carved words as she read.  “Joseph
of Jasmina.”  She glanced up at him.  “You killed this man?  But, he had a
wife.  Someone who loved him.”

a second...

blinked, rapidly, her irritation fading into shock.


Her voice sounded far away.  “What does that mean?”  She held it up for him to
see, her fingernail tapping the incriminating section.

flashed the page a distracted look and then did a visible double take.  His
face got taunt.  “It means Slade killed Joseph.”  He muttered, warily.  “I’m
not surprised.  He killed many...”

cut off the evasion.  “What does
mean?  What’s the exact



hesitated for a long beat.  “That is the literal meaning, yes.”  He finally
reported, sounding resigned.  “The word signifies more, though.  In my language

’ is what we call our mates.  Humans would say ‘husband’ or ‘wife,’
but that’s not the real meaning.  It would be more like ‘other half.’”

swallowed.  Hard.  “But, you’re just calling me that as an endearment, right?”

black eyes fixed on her with a flat expression.  “No.”

jaw sagged open, as she tried to get oxygen to her lungs.

calling her his Eternal-One was idiotic.  Just about the stupidest thing ever

deciding that she was his other half wasn’t nearly so funny.  In fact, it did
crazy things to the inside of her chest.  Where was he getting this?  It certainly
wasn’t part of Tanya’s script.  Why would he think Kara was this special
he’d been waiting for?

was going on?

not right.”  She squeaked out.  “Something’s not... No.  I’m just not... I’m
not her.  I’m just not.”  Kara Donnelly hadn’t been made especially for
not anybody like Damien.  She barely even dated and
he was... magic.  No, no, no, no, no.  “There’s been a mistake.”

watched her silently.

has.”  Kara bobbed her head.  “Seriously.  Slade was mistaken about my
Eternal-oneness and now you’re confused, too.  Me being here had crossed some
wires.  You want a different girl.  Thinner, with better hair and who’s from this

you wish to invoke

phrasing was very calm and formal.  She had absolutely no idea what it meant.  “I
don’t know.  Do I?”  Her mind was buzzing and Damien was being no help at all. 
He just stood there with his jaw locked, like he didn’t care what she had to
say.  “What is Carrie-Nah?”

where I let you go.”  He wasn’t looking at her, now.

breaking-up, you mean?”  Understanding dawned.  “Wait, you’re trying to

face grew tighter.  “You would be free.  It would be best for you, Kara Lynn.”

now that was just insulting.  “This is unbelievable.  One minute we’re almost
having sex, then
we’re cosmic soul mates, and now you’re dumping me?! 
Your mood swings give me whiplash.”

bit-off a series of words that could only be Wizard Warlock oaths.  “I am
Kara Lynn.”  He shook his head.  “You have no idea how hard I’m trying to be
your mate right now, and give you what you need.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, completely unimpressed with his self-
sacrificing tone.  Kara should be glad
he wanted to end things.  Getting
in any deeper with this jackass was
a bad idea.  “Ya know,
didn’t try to dump me two seconds after announcing I was his It Girl.”  She
snapped, anyway.

got a reaction.

course, he didn’t!”  Damien’s calm mask slipped and beneath it he was
out-of-control furious, edging into despair.  “Slade’s never cared about you or
anyone else!  He would take you for himself, no matter what the costs!  He’s a selfish,
oblivious oaf, but
your hero.  So fine.”  He waved a disgusted
hand.  “Go be with the fucking Vampire in his fucking palace.  When I kill him,
you’ll at least get the ruby furniture and a nice crown.”  Damien plowed a palm
through his hair and turned away, like he wanted to put distance between them.

he lost his mind?  “Damien.”  She cut off his escape, stepping in front of
him.  “Why are you suddenly doing this?  After what happened in the cab, do you
really want me to go with Slade?”

He roared.  “I don’t fucking
it.  But, if I die and you are my
you would be alone.  If Slade dies and you are his Eternal-One, you will be
safe on the Vampire Isle.  It would be better for
to be with him.”

blinked at that reasoning.  “So, when I asked you to give up your vengeance,
what you got out of the conversion?”

were right.”  His mouth barely moved.  “I must see you cared for, after I am

.  “Only I won’t
here.  If all goes as
planned, I’m going home, so you don’t have to worry.  You’ll be dead and I’ll
be back in reality, writing Tanya’s rejection letter.”

lips compressed, like she’d just made him even angrier.  “And if I
die, will you still think to go back to your ‘reality?’  Your own time?”

will die, Damien.”  And it would kill her.  Not that he cared.

don’t know that.”  He insisted stubbornly, but he clearly believed it, too.

I do.  You’ll have died in some big showdown, just how you want it, and I’ll go
back home, just like I want.  A happy ending, all around.”  It made her want to
cry just thinking about it.

don’t want to die and I don’t want you to go back to the future!”

of the braver waiters had been edging towards them with glasses of champagne. 
Damien’s bellow had him executing a quick U-turn and scurrying away.

barely noticed.  “Really, McFly?”  She challenged.  “What
you want,
then?  And don’t say vengeance or so help me...”

, Kara Lynn.”  His voice was low and bleak.  He scrapped a hand
through his hair, looking defeated.  “I need you.”

started up into his tortured gaze… and realized she was completely in love with
this moron.  She listened to those short, desperate words and surrendered to
the inevitable.  She’d known him such a short time, and her life was upside
down, and he would break her heart…

there was just no point in fighting it.

doomed and stupid as it seemed, she was completely in love with this
aggravating bastard.  “Oh God.  I’m such an
.”  She pressed her
palms into her eye sockets and fought the urge to laugh hysterically.  Falling
for Damien was so utterly insane that Kara nearly went back to wondering if she
was just imagining this whole misadventure.  Maybe she was locked up in a
padded cell somewhere for her own protection.

was she
It was hopeless
to love a supernatural villain
from a romance novel.  Especially one who claimed he couldn’t feel any emotions
beyond revenge.  He wouldn’t love her back.  Not ever.  And ‘ever’ was a pretty
long time for someone immortal.  Damien was hardly going to want to plan a
dream wedding with some tiny life-spanned, mostly boring,
ranking-consistently-second-to-all-things-vengeance human from another
dimension of space and time.

could possibly come from this except misery?

just so damn
”  She whispered that for her own benefit, but Damien
apparently agreed with her assessment.

jaw ticked.  “I know.”  He started to stalk off, then turned back with a curse. 
“You still need to say it.”  He snarled.

was close to hyperventilating.  “Say what?”  She asked, blankly.

you’re invoking fucking

No.”  She still wasn’t sure what
.  No way in hell
was she trusting his judgment about invoking it.  Not when he was acting like
this.  What if he tricked her into doing something she couldn’t take back? 
Kara wasn’t capable of making any decisions at the moment.  She was thinking
six million different thoughts.  “I’m not saying anything, right now.”

opened his mouth and then closed it, again.  “But, you have to.  You don’t
understand.  If you don’t do this, I would still be your mate under the Wizard
Warlock’s laws.”

a tragedy for him.

what?”  Jesus, that was the least of her problems.  “There’s only one of you
guys left, anyway.  Who’s gonna care about your laws?”

”  He shouted, looking wild.

nearby partygoers flashed him concerned looks.

glowered at them, then turned back to Damien and lowered her voice.  “I thought
you didn’t care about anything except your vengeance?”  She challenged. 
“Remember that part?”

blinked, his face going blank in shock.  “I don’t.”  He sputtered.  “I can’t.”

Kara sighed and wondered when that waiter was coming back with the drinks.  She
had the sudden urge to get plastered.  “Look, I don’t even think I
.”  She was a pragmatic person.  Unrequitedly in love or not,
she knew she wasn’t Damien’s predestined bride.  There was no way he was right
about that.  “So, it’s all kinda moot.”

claiming we
mates?  That fate is wrong or that I am lying?”  Now,
he sounded incensed.  “I’m a doctor.  I assure you, I know enough about biology
to definitively prove you’re my
, if you think to test it.”

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