Nothing to Do With Pride (3 page)

Read Nothing to Do With Pride Online

Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Romance eBooks Erotica Total-E-Bound eBooks Books Romance

BOOK: Nothing to Do With Pride
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Dennis cringed. What the hell was he thinking? They weren’t even really on a date. KC

was only buttering him up to get him to look at some construction issue he had. Dennis’

coyote had other ideas, though. He wanted to claim the fox shifter and gnaw the leg off anyone who disagreed.

He waited for KC to correct him but the other man just turned to the waiter. “You’ll have to forgive Dennis. He gets cranky when he’s hungry.”

The waiter gave Dennis a cautious smile but had the sense to quickly scratch down their order and rush off. Smart boy.

“Sorry.” Dennis gave KC an apologetic smile. “I don’t know why I said that.”

“Well, I don’t know what your coyote is like, but my fox wants to fuck you and claim you as mine.” KC gave a casual shrug as if he’d not just sent Dennis’ world spiralling.
“What do you think it means?” A cold chill went through him as he realised what it probably meant.

KC gave him a long look. “I think we both know what it could mean, but foxes can’t truly identify a mate unless we have sex.”

“Same with coyotes.”

Dennis looked into KC’s eyes—his heart pounding so loud, he wondered why everyone didn’t turn to locate the source of the sound.

“You don’t want a mate?” KC asked the words slowly as if he were trying to understand them as they came out.

Dennis took a sip of water, now wishing he had ordered something stronger—like whisky shots followed by vodka. “It’s not that I don’t want a mate. What shifter doesn’t want a mate?” he stalled. After all, if this beautiful man truly was his mate, he didn’t want to scare him off forever. “Let’s just say I have a lot of issues I need to resolve before I let someone else into my life.”

Major issues like finding a psychotic sister and being jobless, essentially homeless and unworthy of such a kind, gorgeous mate.

“So it’s not me, it’s you.” KC struggled to smile but Dennis saw the sorrow in his eyes.

He reached over and took KC’s hand in his own. “I’ve got a lot of problems right now, honey. I can’t take care of a mate.” There—he’d put it on the table, his unworthiness out there for his mate to see.

KC yanked his hand from Dennis’. “Who said I needed to be taken care of?” His anger made his eyes glow, showing Dennis a flash of the untamed animal living deep inside. “I’m not looking for a sugar daddy. I’m looking for a partner.”

Dennis leant forwards. “Don’t you see? I can’t be a partner. I don’t have anything to offer.”

“Who says you need to offer anything? I’m here to help, not add to your problems,” KC

snapped. “I need a partner, not a caretaker.”

Before Dennis could respond, the waiter returned with their plates of food. Thick steaks with fluffy potatoes and beautiful green vegetables were set before them.

KC gave the waiter a wide smile. “This looks wonderful.”

“Can I get you anything else?”
KC shook his head. “Not for me.”

“I’m good,” Dennis agreed.

“Well, let any of us know if you need anything further.” He looked like he wanted to say something else but Dennis gave a growl and the man scurried off.

“Shame on you, scaring that nice hawk,” KC reprimanded, but since he was smiling, Dennis didn’t take it to heart.

“I warned him about staring at you.”

“He was just doing his job.” KC laughed.

“He can do it elsewhere.” Dennis cut his steak and took a bite. Flavours exploded across his tongue. “Oh, so good.”

“Mm hmm,” KC agreed. “I should’ve taken them up on their offer before but I never had anyone I wanted to share a meal this good with.”

Dennis smiled as a glow of pleasure filled him at KC’s words. It felt good to be important to somebody.

They finished the meal talking of inconsequential things. Neither of them discussed their respective families or the possibility of their mating. Dennis learned KC had built an eco-friendly home of rammed earth and tyres into the side of a hill, which had taken the fox shifter three years to create. Unfortunately, a recent mudslide had cracked a ceiling support beam during a shift in the hill, and KC wanted a second opinion about the viability of the beam. The fox didn’t want to talk to the sheriff about the problem because apparently KC

hadn’t exactly built it to local building ordinances. The more KC talked about his home, the more Dennis wanted to see the unusual habitat.

“Can I get you gentlemen some dessert?”

KC gave the waiter a charming smile. “Can we get some cheesecake to go?”

“Of course.”

As soon as the waiter left, KC put some money on the table.

“I thought the meal was free?” Dennis asked.

KC blushed. “Oh, it is, but the waiter did his job. He should receive a tip.”

The waiter returned a few minutes later with a bag neatly tied at the handles. “Here you go, sir. Thank you for coming.”

“You’re very welcome.” That damned bird returned just as they were standing to leave.
“Everything good, KC?” Garrett gave Dennis a taunting smile.

“Excellent.” KC patted Garrett on the back. “Thanks for the great meal.”

“Anytime, sweetheart. You call whenever you want, and we’ll make sure there’s a table.

You can even bring your puppy.”

KC grabbed Dennis’ arm and dragged him out of the restaurant.

“I was only going to maim him a little. Maybe break an arm so it’s hard to fly,” Dennis protested.

They walked back to the sheriff’s station and KC poked his head in, thinking he’d say goodnight.

“Oh!” KC’s mouth went dry and his cock hardened. Damn, they looked good together.

Lou’s dark head bent over James’ golden one as he devoured his mate’s mouth in a carnal kiss. A soft whimper from the lion shifter pulled one out of KC.

The men broke apart and with identical glazed looks of passion, turned towards KC.

“Umm, I’m gonna go home now,” KC said, holding back a moan.

Lou licked his lips as if trying to capture every last bit of his mate’s flavour. “Night.”

KC thought James might have responded, but as the bear shifter took that moment to recapture James’ lips, he could’ve been wrong.

Hard and wanting, he walked back out of the station. While still adjusting himself, he almost ran into Dennis.

The coyote scanned KC’s body with his hot gaze. “Sheriff’s stations make you horny?”

“Only if they contain a sheriff about to fuck his mate against the wall.”

“Oh.” Dennis swallowed and looked longingly at the entrance. “Are they naked?”

KC laughed. “Only kissing, but damn, they were really into it.”

Dennis gave a soft growl. “I bet that was sexy.”

“So sexy. Come, let’s go back to my place and have dessert.”

“Is that a code?” Dennis’ eyes flashed with amusement.

“Yes. Cheesecake is super-secret code for ‘come back to my place and fuck me’.” KC

shook his plastic bag. “So you want to come have some cheesecake?”

Dennis smiled. “I would love some cheesecake.”
Chapter Three


Dennis’ jaw dropped open as he walked into KC’s house. While the fox shifter had said his home was made of tyres and dirt, he hadn’t mentioned that that was only part of the story. The half of the building that was outside the hill had a smooth stucco finish and a glass front reflecting a clean modern style.

He’d never seen such a beautiful structure. It wasn’t a house…it was a piece of art.

Dennis held his breath as KC opened the door and they entered a home filled with smooth, curved walls and rich, wooden beams.

“In the daytime this place must be stunning,” he said in awe.

KC blushed. “I like to think so.” He flipped on lights, bringing to life a home filled with soft fabrics and vibrant colours. Bright wool blankets covered the dark leather furniture and plush carpets splashed across the colourful concrete floor. Dennis crouched down. “Where did you get these?” He asked poking at some glass pieces embedded in the concrete.

“I ordered them online.”

Dennis looked around. “You have internet?”


“Huh. No television?”

KC shook his head. “It takes up unnecessary energy. I produce my own electricity with solar panels on the roof and a small backup generator. If I want to watch a movie, I use my laptop, which I recharge with my solar charger. And if I really want television there’s always one on at the Pride house.”

Dennis nodded. “Those cats like their TV. How did you build this?”

“I got some books and I lived in a tent for two years. I bought the land cheap with some small contract projects, and I’ve been working on it ever since.”

“Why was it so important to you?” As Dennis walked through the house, he touched the surface of the walls, the colourful hanging art, and the bits of glass and tile randomly pressed into every surface. Turning, he looked at the entrance. Stained glass surrounded the door. “That couldn’t have been cheap.”
KC shrugged. “I took some classes at the community centre in town.”

“You did that?”

“Yeah. It’s not perfect, but I liked the idea of having made it myself.” KC paused. “I built this because when my father kicked me out, I didn’t have any place to go. I never want to be homeless again—it was the most hopeless feeling I’d ever had. I wanted to make something of my own that no one could take away.”

Dennis fought the compulsion to hunt down KC’s father and beat the crap out of him for causing the wounded look in the smaller man’s eyes.

“Where is that beam you wanted me to look at?” The thought of the entire place coming down on KC’s head didn’t sit well with Dennis. He could tell by the pride shining in the fox’s eyes that if he lost this house, it would break his heart.

“In here.” KC led the way to a tiny kitchen that held a gas stove and oven, a mini refrigerator, a small table and little else. Dennis thought it was probably the most charming kitchen he’d ever seen…and the tiniest. “That one.”

Dennis followed where KC pointed and saw the beam in question. A hairline crack burrowed through the wood. Looking at the other solid beams surrounding it, Dennis relaxed. “I don’t think it’s a true problem. I’d keep an eye on it, and if it gets wide or the wood starts to separate, we should replace it.”

“We?” KC gave him a tentative smile.

Dennis sighed. “Fine. Put the cheesecake in the fridge, and I’ll check out the beefcake before me.”

KC laughed until tears wet his cheeks. “Oh, fuck, that was bad.” Nevertheless, he slid the dessert into the refrigerator then took Dennis’ hand. “Come on…the bedroom is this way.”

The bedroom was exactly what Dennis expected from what he’d seen of KC’s home so far. Smooth walls, bright colours and a comfortable looking sleigh bed made Dennis want to curl up on the big mattress and cradle the pretty fox shifter. He quickly learned KC had other plans.

Turning, he found KC already stripping off his shirt. The fox shifter saw him staring and frowned. “What? Strip.”

“What? No flowers?”
“If you get undressed and fuck me right now, I promise to get up at the ass crack of dawn and pick you flowers from the forest. Now strip!”

Dennis laughed. He pulled off his shirt then slid off his socks, shoes and pants. By the time he’d finished, KC lay naked on the bed—the red curls that surrounded his rigid shaft beckoning him in closer. Dennis’ mouth watered at the sight.

Eyes on the prize, Dennis climbed up on the bed and wrapped his lips around the mushroom head of KC’s cock. His eyes rolled back in his head at the flavour. The coyote growled his pleasure at the taste. He wanted more…needed more. Sliding his head down further, he heard KC give a squeal. Unable to smile, he settled for swallowing KC down. He grabbed the fox shifter’s hips to keep him still and prevent his wiggling further.

“Please, please, please, Dennis, I need to come. Suck harder.”

Dennis pulled off.


“We’re not going to discover if we’re mates by me sucking you off. I need to fuck you.”

“You can do that after you get me off.”

Dennis shook his head. “If I taste you, I’m going to lose control.”

“Then you can fuck me later.”

“Where’s your slick?”

KC gave a cute growl as he flipped over and crawled towards his nightstand. Looking at that tight muscular ass made Dennis give a growl of his own. For the first time he wished he were a lion. The felines knew by sight when they met their mate. He didn’t tell KC his rush to mate now was because it would break his heart if he spent the night in the fox shifter’s arms…and then found they weren’t mates.

Dennis had survived losing his job, his apartment and probably his sister, but he knew KC could be the straw that finally broke him.

“Hey, you okay?” KC’s golden eyes watched him with concern.

Dennis shook off his melancholy. “Yeah. I’m good, babe.”

KC growled. It would’ve been menacing if the man growling wasn’t so fucking cute.

“Don’t call me babe.”

Instead of arguing, Dennis took the lube from the fox shifter’s hand. “Roll onto your back. I want to see your face when I enter you.”
KC’s smile glowed in the dim light. “You’re such a romantic.”

Dennis smiled back. “I’ll spread cheesecake on you and lick it off later. How does that sound?”


“Hmm. Hopefully they’ve put strawberry sauce in the box.”

While KC made a face at him, Dennis plunged two of his lubed fingers into his lover’s hole.

“Ahh,” KC sighed.

Dennis moved his fingers until they easily passed in and out of KC’s tight hole. With patience and careful stretching, he added a third finger with more lube.

“Come on, now!” KC whined.

“Relax.” Dennis knew he was stalling. His greatest fear was that he’d join with KC…then discover the beautiful redhead wasn’t his.


Dennis kissed the fox shifter’s demanding mouth—nibbling and kissing until the other man melted beneath him. He added lube to his cock then wrapped his hands beneath KC’S

hips and pushed inside. Once inside, he paused in his movement until KC began to wiggle and fuck himself on Dennis’ cock.

“Impatient,” Dennis scolded.

“I wouldn’t be if you fucked me properly.”

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