Notorious (27 page)

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Authors: Nicola Cornick

BOOK: Notorious
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The intense light in Dev’s eyes made her breath catch. “I am yours to command,” he said. He ran his hands into her hair, cupped her head and kissed her again, tasting, savoring, pent-up longing mingled with worshipful desire. It felt different, Susanna
thought as her lips parted beneath the demand of his, less driven but no less urgent, the edge of anger between them banished now by love.

The bed was swathed in pure gold and crimson as Dev drew her down to lie beside him. “I truly am yours to command,” he murmured, his fingers toying with the strands of black hair that now spread across her shoulders in silky abandonment. “Only yours, Susanna, now and always.”

“As ever you speak well,” Susanna said, smiling, as she stroked a lazy hand down Dev’s spine, enjoying the shudder of response her caress drew from him. “But can you match actions to words?”

They lay for a moment looking at one another, so close, almost touching, a mere hairsbreadth apart. She saw the amusement in Dev’s face change to taut desire then he rolled her beneath him and sheathed himself in her in one long thrust, taking her mouth with his even as he took her body. She gasped at the invasion, her breath lost in his, as his hands moved over her, evoking the most sublime pleasure. The spiral tightened, burning out the pain and misery of their lost years, drawing them together with desire now transmuted into love and tenderness. Susanna clung to him as the exquisite climax took them both together. She could feel the tears hot on her cheeks, felt, too, Dev shift slightly to cradle her in his arms as he brushed them away with gentle fingers.

“Darling…” He sounded shaken. “Please don’t cry.” He rolled over onto his side, drawing her with
him, still intimately entwined. “I love you,” he whispered against her hot skin. “I will love you always.”

“I’m only crying because I am happy,” Susanna said, smiling radiantly at him. “I love you, too, James Devlin. And I think,” she added, “that I will like being married to you very much.”

Dev started to kiss her again. “That’s good,” he murmured, “for we have a great deal of time to make up.”

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0894-0


Copyright © 2011 by Nicola Cornick

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