Now and Again (17 page)

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Authors: Brenda Rothert

BOOK: Now and Again
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“Like this?” she asked innocently. Ben’s hot breath hit her ear as he laughed and smacked her ass lightly.

“Behave,” he growled. “I don’t want anyone else watching you do that.”

Layla suppressed a smile as she let him guide her fingers around the cue. When it was her turn, he leaned behind her and showed her how to shoot. His warm body against hers was bliss, and she hoped he’d stay right where he was while she shot.

“Damn, you always smell so good, woman,” he said in her ear softly. The heat of his body moved away from hers and she wanted him to return. She blew out a breath, trying to focus on the game.

Shoot the ball, Layla. Keep it on the table. Don’t make a fool of yourself.

She didn’t put enough muscle into it, and her first shot barely moved the balls on the table.

“Dammit,” she swore, smacking the bottom of the cue against the floor.

“Don’t worry about it, we’re partners and I’m not bad,” Ben said, grinning. “I’m starving so I ordered us some pizza. Got you some of that wine you like.”

“Okay.” Layla’s inner voice wanted to be irritated that he’d ordered for both of them, but surprisingly, she liked it. Knowing he had considered her felt … intimate, and maybe even sweet.

Ben studied the table methodically when it was his turn, and Layla admired his bright blue eyes and the lines of his arms and chest beneath his t-shirt. She wanted to get her hands on those lines, and all his other ones, too. It was finally Ben’s two weeks, which meant the torturous wait for sex was over.

“Hi, I’m Baxter,” a powerful-looking man with sandy hair and brown eyes said, extending his hand. “I’m in Investigations, too.”

“Hey,” she said, shaking his hand.

“You and Big Ben together?” he asked, his fingers lingering around hers.

“I don’t know … not technically,” she said, scrunching her face in confusion.

“Cool. You want a drink?” Baxter asked.

“I’ve got one coming.”

“So what do you do, Layla?” He stared at her breasts as he waited for a response.

“I’m an attorney.”

His brows shot up. “Really? Never would have guessed that.”

“What, attorneys can’t have big boobs?” she challenged.

“No … I mean, yes. I don’t know what I mean.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin as he looked at her and grinned.

Layla felt Ben’s solid form against her back and she glanced up at him as he snaked an arm around her waist.

“Did we win?” she asked.

“Not yet. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yeah.” She trailed behind him as he held her fingers lightly in his and led her through the loud, crowded pub. They pushed through a line of women waiting for the bathroom in a narrow hallway and Ben opened a dark metal door that led outside to an alley.

The muggy summer night air warmed Layla’s bare arms and legs as soon as she stepped outside. Ben’s arms swept around her before she realized what was happening, picking her up and pressing her back to a brick wall. Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and excitement as her feet dangled uselessly in the air. She was pinned; at his mercy.

His face was dark as he glared down at her. “I don’t like you flirting with other guys,” he said.

“I wasn’t!”

“You were smiling at him and you told him we’re not together.”

“We’re not – are we?” Hope flooded her as she looked up at him.

“We are for now. And while we are, don’t showcase the goods like that.”

“It’s a tank top and shorts!” She rolled her eyes.

“The rookies were staring at your tits when you were shooting and I don’t fucking like it.”

“I’ve got big boobs, I can’t help it,” she said, touching the side of his neck to console him.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered. She complied, squeezing her body into his, loving the way his eyes closed for a second. His hard cock ignited her desire for him to take her right here in the alley.

“Ah…” She pushed her head back against the wall, surprised how arousing her lack of control was. Though their bodies were pressed together, she shoved her hips into Ben’s, desperate for more contact with him.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” he said in a low, husky tone.

“Yes,” she whimpered, unable to form other words.

His palms pressed against the underside of her thighs, his large fingers creeping beneath the line of her shorts. “
—” He thrust himself against her so hard she cried out again, “—is only for you, Cupcake. So your body needs to be just for me. Is that too fucking much to ask?”

“No.” She wound her fingers into his hair, willing him to thrust against her again. “But it is, Ben. There’s no one else I want. I was just talking to him.”

He closed the inch of distance between their lips with a kiss that started slow and quickly became demanding. Layla was overwhelmed by the heat of his mouth and the force of his body holding her against the wall. She wanted him to take her home.

“Ben,” she said, breaking away breathlessly. Was he going to make her ask? Didn’t he want to take her home?

“Just remember you said that,” he said, cupping his palms over her ass to lower her feet back to the ground.

“What? Did I say something?” she asked, dazed.

“You said you were just talking to him.”

. You take this jealousy thing to a new level.”

Ben took Layla’s hand and led her back through the door. The din of the pub washed over her as soon as she stepped in. Cackling laughter, shouted conversations and the blare of music from a jukebox assaulted her ears as they made their way back to the pool table, where Cody and Peak waited, cues in hand.

Layla adjusted her shirt before her turn, trying to avoid flashing too much when she bent over.

“You hittin that?” Baxter asked Ben in a low tone.

No, he’s not, Baxter. I wish.

“Fuck off,” Ben said dismissively.

Layla recognized the waitress with curly red hair who approached with a large silver tray of pizza.

“Hey, Sarge,” she said, flashing a bright smile at Ben.

“Kelsey,” he said, smiling warmly back at her. “How are you?”

“Good,” she said, her cheeks flushing pink. “I haven’t gotten to talk to you in so long.”

“I know, where you been?”

“Oh, you know …” She giggled. “I’m here a lot. Is there anything else I can get you?” She bit her lip and held Ben’s gaze.

“Our drinks?” Layla said, her tone hot with aggravation.

“Oh, you didn’t get the drinks?”

“No. Bring us some shots, too, would you?” Ben said. “That hot cinnamon stuff.”

Kelsey disappeared and Layla glared at Ben.

“You think that’s cute?” she snapped.

“What?” He feigned an innocent look. “I was just talking to her.”

Layla scoffed and shook her head. “If you want to prove men are basically jerks whose attention is fleeting, I already knew that.”

“Sarge, you’re up!” Cody called. Ben turned away and grabbed his cue, bending and smoothly pocketing the balls. Layla couldn’t look away from him. The flex of the muscles on his long arms and the concentration on his face was mesmerizing.

Kelsey returned with Layla’s wine, water for Ben and two shots, not looking at Layla as she sat them on the table. Ben returned right after she left.

“We won,” he announced, reaching for one of the shot glasses and handing it to her. He raised the other one and tipped it against hers gently. “And you’ve got my full attention for as long as you want it, boss.”

The alcohol burned going down, but Layla swallowed it all, glad for an excuse to not respond to Ben. What could she say? That what had started as a game to relieve her sexual tension was growing into much more? She and Ben didn’t communicate best with words. She wanted him to take her home so she could show him what she was feeling.




She didn’t know if Ben had just read her signals of if he’d wanted to leave early, too, but Layla was thrilled they were leaving O’Malley’s at 9:30. Enough heavy flirting. She’d been eager to sleep with him since she first laid eyes on him a month ago. Not that she wanted him to know that. No, this would come off as something she was doing because
wanted it.

“So …” A slight smile turned up his lips as they neared his car. “Wanna go to my place?”

“It’s up to you. I figured we would since you probably work best on your home turf. Am I joining the Ben’s Babes club tonight?”

He backed her against the passenger door of his car with his body, making her heart beat a little faster. He didn’t touch her, but God, she wished he would.

“No more insinuating I’m just trying to get a quick lay out of you,” he said, agitation lowering his voice. “Have I made you feel cheap and meaningless?”

“No.” Her sarcasm had gotten her in trouble again. She was dying to know if this was the night, and he’d taken it the wrong way.

“I don’t take women to my place, so the fact that I want to take you there means you’re … different, okay?”

“Yes.” She reached up to his cheeks and stood up tall to reach her lips to his for a kiss.

“Do you wish you were still calling the shots?” he asked, sliding his hands around her hips.

Layla thought about lying, but didn’t. “No. I’m … excited about tonight.”

He smiled, looking a little smug. “Me too. Let’s not waste any more time.” He reached for her door handle and she moved away from the car so he could open it.

Ben’s hand roamed up her thigh on the drive to his apartment, his fingertips sliding under the frayed hem of her shorts. She was too nervous for chitchat, so they rode in silence.

The parking spot he chose was on a busy street, and Layla eyed it skeptically. It was tight, and if she’d been driving, she would’ve passed it in search of another one. He moved his hand from her leg to the head rest behind her seat, looking out the back windshield as he turned the steering wheel.

The car slid into the spot, and he grinned at her. “You didn’t think I was gonna make that, did you?”

“Never doubted you.” She smiled wryly. “Is this close to your building?”

“I’m right there.” He pointed to a tall, narrow red brick building and Layla studied it in the darkness. It was plain, but neat. The small wood front porch had a lawn chair on it. Ben led her around to the back, where he unlocked a separate entrance that led them down a flight of stairs.

When he flipped a light switch, Layla was surprised how bright the basement apartment was. Recessed lights illuminated an open space with a black leather couch, a television and a weight bench. A queen size bed with a dark comforter caught her attention on the other side of the room.

“You’re so neat,” she said, slipping her shoes off.

“Not really. I knew you’d be coming over, so I cleaned up.”

“Ah. It smells very manly in here.”

He quirked his brows at her. “What’s that mean?”

“I smell coffee and cologne and leather. I like it.”

Ben approached and Layla felt the warmth of his body next to hers. He bent to kiss her and she melted into him, letting him pull her body against his. His warm, soft mouth on hers was so good, and she wanted more of him.

He tightened his arms around her back and pulled her up. Layla squealed as her feet left the carpeted floor and he walked her to his bed. When he let go of her and she fell into it, she smiled up at him, her body ready for this long overdue night.

His gaze stayed on her as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and climbed into bed, supporting his weight on his forearms as he kissed his way from her chest, up her neck and to her mouth. Layla let her body take over, not even thinking as her legs wrapped around Ben’s thighs and pulled him against her.

“Tell me what you want,” she whispered, desperate to please him.

“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll get what I want.” His voice was raspy as he lowered his mouth back to her neck. “You’re eager tonight.”

“I want you,” she said. He pressed his hips into hers and she moaned in response. “God, yes . . . clothes off.”

Ben pulled her tank top off, reaching around to unfasten her bra and toss it aside. “God
, you’re hot,” he said, gazing down at her. He lowered his lips to tease one of her nipples, licking and sucking until Layla arched her back toward him. She wrapped her legs around him tighter as he moved to the other one, pulling his body down against her.

When she said his name, it came out as a moan, and he groaned as he ran a hand up the back of one of her thighs, his hand sliding beneath the back of her panties while her leg was wrapped around him.

His touch made her feel teased and satisfied at the same time. The burn of desire throbbed between her legs, and she writhed beneath him, needing more. Ben kissed his way down her stomach, pulling her panties down, and she cried out from the sensation of his warm breath on her inner thighs.

When his lips brushed against her, the stubble that tickled her skin made Layla pull away. The tension and sensations were agonizing, and she didn’t think she could take it. Ben gripped her hips with his powerful hands, forcing her to allow his tongue and lips to continue exploring.

“Ben! Oh, God, that’s fucking good . . .” she reached into his hair and pulled hard, crying out again from the vibration his groan sent through her. “I’m gonna come really fast. I’m already close.”

His lips went back to her thighs, and she threw her head back, her burning need becoming intense. When he grabbed her hips again, he flipped her body on top of his in a fluid motion, and she looked down at him in confusion.

Why was she straddling him when he was in charge? When he pushed his rock hard bulge against her naked body, she decided not to ask. A pulse of satisfaction rocked through her and she ground her hips against him, needing more.

“I want to watch you come,” he said, his eyes dark as they held hers. “Like this.”

Like this? He still had his jeans on. Layla felt like a shameless high schooler as she rode him anyway. It would be enough. In fact, it wouldn’t take long. The lust on his face, the tight grip his hands had on her hips and the friction from his hard cock would send her over the edge quickly.

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