Now and Forevermore (8 page)

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Authors: Minx Charmer

BOOK: Now and Forevermore
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Charles sighed in lazy abandon and nodded. “Yes, I have it all there as I have told you for the hundredth time. Now when do you intend to get this thing going? I am tired of your pestering ways.”


Edith ignored his nasty mood and smiled with venomous eyes “The moment they are comfortable my dear brother. That will be the best time to act. Now mingle with the crowds a bit more and then we will sneak away.”








Summer’s table spread an array of delectable delights. She baked turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, steamed vegetables and ripe plantains. For desert she prepared a double layer chocolate cake and a sparkling fruit punch. She discovered a silver piece with tiered dishes and she used that in the center of the table. It revolved so it could be turned to serve without having to reach over and pick up each dish. The crystal wine glasses added a delicate touch and the desert dishes were porcelain.


As they talked about mundane matters of no consequence, Summer’s heart filled with joy. She did not know she could feel such happiness, and she touched Malcolm on the hand to tell him exactly what it felt like. “I just want you to know again how happy I am that you showed up in Mr. Neely’s library. If it wasn’t for that I would never have met you.”


Malcolm chuckled and shook his head “I don’t think so. You would have found way to call me I suspect, but I do have an inquiry about the whole ordeal.”


Nonplussed, she asked “Call you? I didn’t call you. Why do you say that?”


Malcolm grinned. “Of course you did, and there is something I would like to know.”


“Later, leave the inquiry for later; let’s just enjoy our meal right now and then we will have a wonderful desert. And did I tell you that I have something for you, a present actually?”


“No you did not. Please tell me what it is.”


Before she could tell him, a rustled sound echoed on the roof and she looked up in surprise. A large bucket of cold water rained down drenching them both and ruining the food in an instant. The water carried the suspicious stench of rotten fish and the entire area became swamped with the scent. The sound of giggles followed a running Edith with a laughing Charles in tow.


Vivian appeared on the scene a moment later searching for her children. When she saw them laughing at a distance and Summer’ s tears along with Malcolm’s thunderous frown, she waved her hand in dismissal. “Carry on with your pathetic dinner Summer. I would think a bath would make a pleasant release from your sappy conversation and for heaven’s sake hurry up. There are dishes to clean.” With those words Vivian followed her children urging them to meet the other guests before they left.




Summer could not hold the tears at bay and she cried her heart out as Malcolm tried his best to console her. But no matter what he said she would not be comforted. That her family treated her with contempt she could deal with, that they hated her she could accept. But to make fun of the one good thing that happened in her life, could not be forgiven. She just couldn’t find a way to get over such a mean spirited act. Malcolm crooned and tried to speak of positive things, but his words had no effect. She had to be alone. With a heart wrenching sob she pulled away and ran as quickly as she could to her cave. Since the moon shone brightly, the illuminated path led the way. Once she got there she hobbled into a corner and curled up like a ball as her body racked with tears.


Mommy where are you?  I need you so much.








Malcolm watched Summer cry in despair. He sensed her keen disappointment and knew something needed to change. She could no longer stay in such a place with people that did not care whether she lived or died. If only he could help her, but how would he do that? He didn’t know how to live in her world, much less how to provide for her. The coin he received for his work at the manor provided adequately, but only enough for him. It would never provide for them both. He had two minds about the subject when his vision swam in a kaleidoscope of colors, and he doubled over short of breath.


Something squeezed the air out of his chest and he labored to breathe as drops of sweat peppered his brow. His nose felt aflame and his body began to burn. Struggling to stay alert, he became aware of Summer’s frantic cries as she tugged on his shoulder. He tried to respond, but the words could not get past his trembling lips. When the edges of his sight started to go dark he tried to hold her in his arms, but he did not have the strength to do so. When the blanket of oblivion descended he gave himself to its call, falling over in a dead faint.


Chapter 7




The Island hospital resembled a sprawling plantation like house, flanked by large white columns and staffed by local interns and mainland Doctors on different shifts. It laid behind massive iron gates covered in bougainvilleas and the stone driveway bloomed with white lilies. The serene look could be deceptive and the area might be viewed as a place for rest and relaxation instead of disease and distress. 


Summer sat next to Malcolm’s bed with her heart somewhere in the region of her mouth, the nightmare of the past few hours still fresh in her mind. She couldn’t believe that he labored on the brink of death and she refused to accept it. But his frail body and skin burned to the touch. His eyes had dark shadows and his breathing remained light. Her fear increased with each shallow breath and she felt as though she too stared death in the face.


It had taken a full week for his condition to get from bad to worse. What first had seemed like a seasonal cold, quickly progressed to something of a more sinister nature. When she convinced him to go to the hospital, the results of various tests remained inconclusive, and the doctors could not explain why a healthy man plunged near death’s door.


Summer did not care about the analysis of the ins and outs of medical mysteries; she only wanted Malcolm to get well again. But as each day passed and he grew to a weaker state, her heart lost its optimism and she could only see a dark road ahead. Aunt Vivian’s displeasure with the whole situation prompted her vocal condemnation of the entire affair. She constantly belittled Summer’s devotion to Malcolm, but her words fell on deaf ears.


The sound of approaching feet signaled the nurse and Summer turned with expectation “Ms. Mansfield, you should go home ma’am. You can’t do nothing for him now. It is in the Lord’s—“


“Don’t say that!” Summer’s vehement spilled out of trembling lips. “I am not going to lose him do you hear? He is going to be fine and if you don’t feel that way, come back into this room when you do.”


The nurse’s eyes reflected understanding, which only made Summer ashamed of her conduct. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. It’s just that I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do and I feel so helpless.”


“Is there no one you can talk to Miss? Your family maybe? Your dad?”


Summer shook her head in sorrow “He wouldn’t care.”


The nurse did not agree “If he sees your pain, he will care. I know he will now. You should run home and talk to him. Now is a good time and you will see that I am right. No one should have to bear their sorrows alone.”


Summer inhaled deeply and nodded. The nurse did have a point, and if her father saw her distress he might know what to do. Thanking the woman quickly and promising to return as soon as possible, she left the hospital after placing a quick kiss on Malcolm’s forehead.






Summer found her father relatively sober, seated on the balcony of his room as he overlooked the gardens of the manor. With a cry of relief, she ran up to him and fell at his feet with her heart on her sleeve “Father, please listen to me. The man I love is dying and I need your help. I don’t know what to do and I am grasping at straws to figure out how to deal with it all.”


The recoil of his gaze along with callous words pierced her heart and she stepped back in horror “Don’t ask me for help. You have been disrespectful to your Aunt Vivian after all that she has done for us. You should be ashamed to be a Mansfield and live in this beautiful home.”


 “Please Father, surely you loved my mother? I am her daughter and all of these years I have not bothered you or asked you for anything, but I am asking you now. Please help me to do something. I don’t want my love to die.”


When he jumped up, her heart welled with hope. Perhaps this time he would help. She watched him pace back and forth, as though fighting an inner war and then he stopped and looked into her eyes. His internal struggle reflected in his gaze until Vivian appeared. Her normal elegant look appeared off kilter, as she pointed to Summer “Good girl. At last you are here. I have searched for you since this morning. You have to get the ironing done. Charles is leaving in two days and his clothing needs to impeccable. He’s got an important meeting as soon as he gets back and I want him to look his best. Get a move on girl. What is wrong with you?”


“Malcolm is dying Aunt Vivian and I need my father to help me.”


“Matthew help you? Ridiculous nonsense. He can barely help himself. Don’t you know he’s sick and he needs to be under my protection, but you my girl? You are another matter. I have dealt with this situation now for too long. Leave the man to die and get City hall to bury him. After you make the arrangements you can return here to get that ironing done. Charles needs it as soon as possible.”


Summer’s face relaxed into somber repose and she gazed at both her father and aunt before she murmured “Do none of you care for me, not even a little?”


Vivian cackled like a hen giving eggs and Matthew gazed off into the valley as though searching for the meaning of life. When none responded Summer nodded. So be it. Without a backward look she left the balcony and walked away.




 On the drive back to the hospital she thought of a million things to do and none of them made any sense. What to do? What to do? When the answer came to her, she sobbed in relief. Mr. Neely. Mr. Neely would know what to do or maybe the books in the library would have a clue. Anything had to be better than nothing. With a jarring screech as she slammed on the brakes, swung around and made her way to the library.




Mr. Neely sat at his desk perusing a large bound volume, when Summer crashed into the door. His weathered face looked up with an engaging smile, until he saw her expression. “What is it my child, what is wrong?”


Summer flung herself into his arms and mumbled against his shirt “Mr. Neely, I need your help. Malcolm is dying and I don’t know why. Is there any ancient medicinal book that you have, anything that can help me please? I am so desperate that now I’m at wits end.”


The older man patted her back gently as he raised her face to his own “There, there girl. Calm yourself. All will be well. You will see.”


His calm tone helped to steady her nerves somewhat, but she still felt jitterbugs dancing around in her stomach. “I want to be calm but I can’t. Tell me what you have here for fever, headache, fatigue, fainting, shortness of breath and —“


“Not another word Summer. Leave it to me. I have just the thing for you. Look here”


‘Here’ referred to a large leather-bound book on the third shelf, with a silver lock in the outline of a heart. Mr. Neely pointed to the cover and told her to read as much of the contents as she could. Summer raised her hands in despair “I don’t have the time to read all of that. I have to get back to Malcolm.”


He wouldn’t take no for an answer “Nonsense child. You can be here for thirty minutes at least. It is early morning and it will not take away from the young man’s illness. Now read.”


With a firm push, he sat her down next to the table and placed the volume in her lap. With a heavy sigh she opened the first page and scanned through the information. As she suspected a large list of classification of flowers and trees, along with their medicinal properties dominated the first few pages. Then a blend of herbal recipes that would cure certain diseases and other information about the plants made up the second half of the book. But soon things took an interesting turn. When the first picture of a mirror presented itself, Summer gaped in confusion. She thought the book dealt with plants and herbal remedies. When she asked Mr. Neely what it meant, he replied “Read and then you will see. When you don’t understand then you can ask me.”


A glimmer of a smile lit her face and she returned to the book. Mirrors appeared on the pages in all shapes and sizes, some small and some big. And when the picture of the mirror that brought Malcolm to her world appeared, Summer caught her breath. It couldn’t be! She read the description in an undertone…


The Spectrum mirror, whose origins are unknown, is a gateway between two worlds. He who holds the mirror in his possession can travel from one time to another, but should the mirror be broken on either side, the traveler may become ill and fully trapped in a world not their own.”


Summer held her breath, fear for Malcolm’s life clawing its way into her heart. She continued further down the page…
“The mirror must be repaired and the traveler returned to their world within a fortnight. Failure to heed this warning will bring dire consequences.”


Summer leapt to her feet. She had to act but how long did a fortnight last? Before she could ask Mr. Neely quipped “Two weeks my dear, and since Malcolm is already ill, I guess you don’t have a lot of that time left.”


Summer counted her fingers in nervous anticipation. “Only two weeks? No I don’t have much time left. He’s been sick for over seven days now. But what am I supposed to do for heaven’s sakes?”


Mr. Neely sighed and pointed to the pages of the book “Did you the read the rest?”


Summer groaned.
Pay attention girl. What is wrong with you?
The writing continued:
“To save the life of the one that is loved, the spectrum mirror must be repaired and the traveler returned within the time stated beforehand.”


It finished off with a line that simply stated:
True Love can mend all ills.


Summer ran over to Mr. Neely, thrust the book into his hands and said “Does this mean that I have to go back to his world and fix the mirror?”


“It would seem that way.”


“But how is that possible? A broken mirror cannot be repaired. Even I know that.”


Mr. Neely shrugged and pointed above him “How is the world hanging on nothing in the sky?”


Summer shook her head “I’ll debate philosophy another day, but I guess I have to do something. I have to believe that this entire scheme will work, and I have to get back to Malcolm and tell him. Hopefully he can hold on until I get back. Although I don’t even know where back is much less how I will get
from there. And did I say that right or didn’t that make any sense? I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out later.”


With a quick glance, she spotted the mirror against the back door. “Don’t do anything to it Mr. Neely. That one cannot get broken. I’ll return as quickly as I can. Thanks a lot!”






Summer grabbed a backpack and stuffed as many things as she could for both Malcolm and herself. She pulled all of his items out of the bungalow, and moved them over to her cave, and she cleaned the entire area to ensure that nothing of Malcolm’s or hers would be left behind at Huntington Manor.


Just before she left, a curious Edith showed up with a morose Charles tagging behind her. Both of them watched her movements back and forth, but Edith asked “Where are you going Summer?”


After the disastrous night of the party, Summer avoided both of them like the plague, and now they wanted to see her. In reality she didn’t feel that angry at them. She accepted that they hadn’t learned any better and their mother never tried to teach them. “Thank you for your concern Edith. I am off to save the life of the man I love. Where are you going? That’s a nice pantsuit you’re wearing.”

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