Obediently Yours (13 page)

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Authors: Bella Jackson

BOOK: Obediently Yours
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Dear Baby Girl,
I am so pleased with your submission to me tonight. You are such a good girl and our time together has made me very happy. I am enthralled with your honesty and your commitment to this process. It has far exceeded all of my expectations. By far, this is the best online relationship I have ever had. Thank you, little one.
We just finished chatting and I am in great fear that I scared you by revealing too much, too soon about my feelings for you. I cannot explain it, but I feel incredibly connected to you. There is nothing I look forward to more than seeing that I have an email from you or being able to chat with you. Somewhere along the line, my feelings grew beyond our age play.
I know that we agreed to an online relationship and, if this is all we ever have, I will be forever grateful. However, there is a part of me that wishes to know you more. To know you as a person, a woman separate from what we are doing here. So, I am going to take a very big risk now. I am going to tell you who I am.
My name is Richard Connolly. As you know I am forty-five years old. I live in the Greater Boston area. I have two loving parents who adopted me when I was five. My birth parents were both killed in a car accident. My biological parents were good friends with Peter and Emily Connolly and they were named as my guardians when I was born, never imagining that they would have to raise a five-year-old boy. I have a brother and sister, both also adopted after my mother realized she could not have her own biological children. My father is a doctor and my mother is a garden designer. Eric, my brother, is a physical therapist and Mary, my sister, is in the fashion industry. We were raised to be good people, to give back to society, and contribute to the betterment of the world.
I am a doctor in a teaching hospital in Boston. I followed in my father’s footsteps as he instilled a love of science and medicine in me during my childhood. I am single and have never been married because I have never fallen in love. I work really hard, long hours so it does not leave much time for dating. I am 6′1, 180 lbs., medium build. I have brown hair and green eyes. I like outdoor activities like hiking and biking. I also enjoy cooking, golf, and traveling.
I have been in the BDSM community for over fifteen years now. I am originally from Chicago and this is where I was first introduced to the lifestyle. I practice safe, sane, and consensual BDSM play. I have never been arrested, I do not do drugs, and I am disease-free. I drink only occasionally, usually enjoying a glass of wine with dinner. I am healthy and relatively normal.
I realize that this email sounds like a profile for a dating service. I don’t know how you feel about moving beyond our online relationship. If you don’t want to, I can live with that and we can just forget I ever sent this email. If you would like to pursue meeting, I would love to take you out to dinner. I know so little about you as a person. Only what I have inferred from your emails and chatting. I want to get to know you better. So I have laid it all on the line in hopes that you might not be scared off. Email me. Tell me what you think, how you feel. I eagerly await your response.


Oh, my God. Tears are streaming down my face as I read his beautifully written email. He wants to get to know me as a person. He just told me who he is. For all he knows, I could be a masked murderer or psycho stalker, but he shared all of that information about himself with me. What on earth do I do? I want to meet him too. He sounds so wonderful. Almost too good to be true, which of course scares me. What if he is too good to be true? I’ll end up with a broken heart yet again. I don’t think I could take it. I love emailing and chatting with him. I would hate to lose that. Risk it to meet him.

What if he hates me? Or worse, isn’t attracted to me? I mean, he sounds gorgeous. I’m so average and plain. Overweight and unattractive. I can’t do it. I want him to imagine me however he already does. He won’t like me. I am sure of it.





Hello Richard,
I am using your name. You told me your full name and who you are. It is very humbling to me. You sound like a very handsome and successful man. How is it that no woman has snagged you yet? You said you have never been in love. Perhaps this is where I will start in my response.
I have been in love twice. Well, really only once. I was in a long-term relationship with a very nice man. This was when I was in my late twenties. We were going to marry but, in the end, we were better off as friends. The other relationship was painful. He was handsome and successful. He liked having a CEO on his arm. But he really did not love me. He reminded me every day that, despite my success, I was lucky that he stuck around. You see, Richard, I am a middle-aged, overweight woman. I am average, not attractive, and I never will be. I know you would be kind if we met, but deep down I know that you are out of my league. Even without seeing you, I just know it.
I don’t want to lose our relationship, dare I say friendship? I feel connected to you too. There is a part of me that would love to meet you, but I know you won’t want to be with me. Please just trust me on this.
What are the chances that we live in the same state? I live on the North Shore. I am one of six children. My father is also a doctor, although I have not seen him in several years. He is in Africa saving other people’s children. I don’t have the type of relationship with my family like you do with yours. I am relatively alone and live a fantasy life over the Internet. It’s just the way it is.
Richard, please let’s just go back to the way things were. I don’t want to lose you from my life. I want to continue our online relationship. Please tell me this is okay with you. Please tell me I have not lost you by telling you the truth about me.


I wake up startled, having fallen asleep on the couch crying myself exhausted. I fear I may never hear from him again. Richard. Daddy. The spark and thrill I have felt over these past few weeks will be forever extinguished when I read his response. If he even sends a response. I wander into the kitchen and make a cup of coffee when I hear the phone ring.

“Hello?” I answer, my voice still raspy from sleep.

“Siobhan, this is Richard. Please don’t hang up,” he says in a rushed manner, his voice deep.

Holy shit!


* * *


“R-Richard?” I ask, unbelieving.

“Yes, baby girl, it’s me,” he says. “I hope it is okay that I called you, Siobhan. After I read your email, I knew that I could not do another thing until I contacted you. I feel like we have much to talk about.”

“How did you find me?” I ask, still in shock that he is on the other end of the phone.

“Well, now that I know we live in the same state, and I know that you are the CEO of a non-profit organization, and knowing that the name Siobhan is not very common, I put all of that together in a Google search and found your agency’s website. How on earth could you say you are not attractive? I saw your picture next to your professional outline and you are absolutely beautiful.”

“Richard, I…I…” I stammer.

“Siobhan, take a deep breath, please,” he says. I follow his instruction and take a deep, cleansing breath.

“Good girl, now, just listen to me, okay? Last night I was overcome with my feelings for you after our play session. I sent you that email knowing I was risking so much, but I just had to tell you how I really feel. I care deeply for you, way beyond our online play. I find myself thinking about you during the day, wondering what you are doing, hoping that you are safe. The Dominant in me wants to take care of you. My feelings are intense, and the desire to take care of someone who I have not met in person is unfamiliar to me. But it is how I feel and I am at a point in my life where I have to be honest and follow my heart. My heart tells me that we should meet, Siobhan. What if this is the one-in-a-million chance that most people do not get?”

“Richard, what you are saying to me, it’s like a dream. I have deep feelings for you too and I don’t understand them. Your word, intense, is not a strong enough word,” I say, laughing. “Intense is an understatement for what I feel right now.”

He returns my laughter with his own. “Yes, Siobhan, intense barely describes my feelings too. Are you telling me you feel the same way about me?” he asks, hope in his voice.

“Absolutely, I feel the same way, Richard. I’m just afraid I’m not enough for you, that you will be disappointed when you meet me for real,” I say sadly.

“Enough, Siobhan!” he exclaims. “Please,” his voice softens. “I cannot listen to statements like that. The only disappointment I feel is that you say things like that to me. Please stop with feeling inadequate and give me a chance to meet you and decide for myself. I am sure that you are more than enough and that I will not be disappointed. On the other hand, you might meet me and decide to run in the other direction. It’s a risk, no doubt, for both of us. But it is a risk I want to take. Let’s meet. Have dinner with me. Let’s get to know each other better, please?”

“Richard, I want to take the risk and meet you, but I also do not want to lose what we have had with our age play relationship. I have never felt more alive and free than since you started dominating me online. It has become a very important part of my life. A part that I crave with every fiber of my being. I don’t want to lose it. I don’t want to lose you. I will only hope that we don’t regret this decision because I want to meet you too, so badly. When do you want to meet?”

“Is today too early?” he asks, laughing.

“Um, well, I’d be fine with meeting you for dinner tonight,” I say, unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

“Excellent, feel like Italian? How about we meet at Giuseppe’s on Route 1? Do you know it?” he asks.

“Yes, I certainly do, I love that restaurant. Italian sounds great,” I say.

“Fantastic! Siobhan, as far as your concerns about our online relationship, have you considered that we could move into a real-life Daddy/little girl relationship that would complement our Richard-and-Siobhan relationship?” he asks.

“Wow, already we have a Richard-and-Siobhan relationship? Richard, we need to get to know each other. Does the idea of real-life age play appeal to me? God, yes, with you, yes yes yes! However, I have never done any type of BDSM play in real life other than what I told you and that was nowhere near what you and I are interested in. I’m overwhelmed by all of this. I don’t even know what else to say.”

“Say you will meet me at 5:00 pm for dinner so we can discuss all of this in person.”

“Yes, I will meet you at 5:00 pm for dinner, Richard. I’m looking forward to it. By the way, you know what I look like, but how will I know you?” I ask.

“I will send you my picture via email after we hang up.”

“Okay, I will see you tonight then, Richard. Thank you,” I say.

“Great, 5:00 pm, I will see you then. I will be counting down the hours until we meet, Siobhan.”

“Bye,” I say, feeling the butterflies in my stomach.

“Bye, baby,” he says softly.

Chapter Six



I follow the hostess and walk toward our table. The hostess told me that my companion is already seated. I am so excited, I can barely stand it. I’m wearing my favorite dress; it is a light and flowy fabric that is black with little white flowers. Richard sent me an email with his picture as he said he would. My first thought when I saw it was, “Hello, gorgeous!” just like Barbra Streisand said in the movie
Funny Girl
. He is drop-dead handsome and sexy. Just his picture made me start to hyperventilate, so I cannot imagine what meeting him in person will do to me. I’m so apprehensive about our meeting tonight, but also incredibly excited and happy. It’s been so long since I dated and it’s been never since I felt as special as Richard makes me feel. Ironic, since we have not even met in person yet.

I wake up from my inner monologue and realize I am looking straight at him. My heart stops, my head feels light, and my stomach flutters—he is just so beautiful. There is no other word to describe it. Tall and fit with a full head of brown hair with silver streaks. His eyes are the most intriguing color blue/green I have ever seen. The color is so deep and brilliant. They are color of the ocean. He is wearing khaki pants with a cream-colored Irish cable knit sweater.

“Hello, Siobhan,” he says with a wide brilliant smile.

“Hello, Richard, it’s nice to meet you in person,” I say, smiling back at him, putting my right hand out to shake his. Looking at my hand, he leans in and wraps his strong solid arms around me in an embrace. I return the hug. We stand there, suspended in time for these moments. Nothing in my life has ever felt as good as this. I feel Richard’s head move and he kisses my right cheek softly. My head pounds as the blood rushes to it and I feel my face flush. I am also immediately aware of a certain familiar tingle down deep below, knowing full well that my panties are already very damp.

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