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Nicholas chortled in surprise. "Oh, I do believe you have it bad, Mr Taylor."

"I do, sir," he murmured in reply. "I have it very bad indeed …"

And they were parted, not to meet again until they were suited and groomed, and ready for the ceremony.

Dave got dressed in Charlie's room, under Denise's supervision. She was stunning in a dress of heavy silk that looked as if it had simply been draped snugly around her figure but might slip off again at any moment. It was coloured the grey-green of eucalyptus leaves. She'd had a shirt made for Dave in the same material, along with dark grey linen trousers with a slightly rough weave.

There was also a silk waistcoat of a hazy dark green-blue. It was a simple design, without any collar and with rather discreet buttons, but it was nicely fitted - and a step or two more formal than Dave was really comfortable with.

"You don't have to wear that," said Denise. "Just the shirt, trousers and proper shoes are enough."

"Nicholas would like it, though," Dave responded. "Wouldn't he?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Okay, then." Dave had had his way about the morning suits, after all, so he could make a gesture in return.

Charlie, meanwhile, was dressed in the same kind of trousers, and a shirt of the same silk but coloured a dusky version of pink eucalyptus flowers. He looked absolutely magnificent.

"Jeez …" Dave complained. "Just as I'd gotten used to being the centre of attention for once, you two decide to go and look, like,
times more gorgeous than me!"

"As if," Denise returned.

"And it's
wedding day, thank you very much!"

"Don't worry about it, mate," Charlie said with some fervour. "You look about as beautiful as a white fella can."

Which made Dave turn about as pink as Charlie's shirt - and then he went red as Denise pressed a kiss to his cheek that was warmer than any she'd bestowed on him since they'd broken up.

And maybe she'd done that deliberately, for he didn't manage to raise a protest as she fixed a buttonhole corsage to his waistcoat. It was made of creamy-white eucalyptus flowers and leaves. "How d'you manage that?" he asked in a subdued kind of voice.

"They're silk," she replied.

And there it was again: silk. Dave sat down on the nearest chair, and tried very hard to pretend that he didn't feel rather dizzy.

Charlie was shrugging into a grey-green silk waistcoat, which unfortunately toned down the effect of the pink, but it did turn them into a proper coordinated wedding party. Dave shook his head, thinking that Denise had worked some kind of miracle - and praying that Nicholas recognised it as such. There was a buttonhole corsage for Charlie, and then a silk shawl and a wrist corsage for Denise - all in pinks. And they were done.

Denise was considering the three of them with pride. "Not too shabby for a bunch of colonials, if I do say so myself!"

"It's marvellous, Denny," Dave said.

Charlie was beaming happily. And then Vittorio came in with Zoe wrapped in a carrier across his chest, and told everyone how wonderful they looked - though it was true his gaze lingered longest on his wife. Which was as it should be, Dave figured.

"They're bringing the cars around now," Vittorio continued. "Nicholas said he'll be away in about five minutes, and then if you follow when you're ready."

"This is it, then, Davey," said Denise.

He had to clear his throat before he could speak, but that was just the expected jitters. "I'm ready," Dave said. "I'm ready now."

Simon drove Dave, Denise and Charlie to Beaconsfield in the Rolls Royce Silver Cloud. When they got to the old courthouse and parked behind Robert's Renault Espace, Dave was amused and touched to find Frank there in his full chauffeur uniform, despite the fact that he knew Robert had done the driving. Apparently Frank felt the need to also give Nicholas away, or shine up the cars, be available to deal with any breakdowns, or some such thing. Dave went to shake his hand, and received a solemn nod in return.

Then Dave headed inside with two of his very best friends at his shoulders. His third best friend gaped in wonder for a moment on seeing him - and then beamed more brightly than he'd ever smiled before. Nicholas strode across the lobby to meet Dave, and to take both of Dave's hands in his own. "God, David - you look - you look

"So do you," he offered perfectly genuinely. Nicholas wore a grey morning suit as if it had been designed for him, for his tall, lovely figure with his slim waist and strong shoulders. There was a creamy-white rosebud on his lapel, and under the grey suit was a sage-green waistcoat, an ivory shirt, and a dusky-rose cravat. Dave was grinning at his husband-to-be for the sheer delight of seeing him, but he was also beginning to see that between them Nicholas and Denise had come up with a genius solution to the clothes problem. The away team were certainly far more casually dressed than the home team, but the shades of grey, pink and green - while very Australian on one hand and very English on the other - made the whole thing work together perfectly. "God, this is brilliant!" Dave exclaimed.

"Denise," said Nicholas in heartfelt tones - though he didn't let Dave go. "Thank you.

She was happy, too. "My pleasure, Nicholas."

"And as for you, Charles," Nicholas continued. "How gorgeous are you in pink! You almost make me wish I hadn't seen David first."

Charlie guffawed under his breath. Richard and Robert had come over by then, and each shook Charlie's hand, and kissed Denise on the cheek, with much murmured admiration. Robin was standing there looking somewhat overawed by the whole thing - and also utterly charming in a perfectly tailored morning suit of his own.

Dave, who'd been dreading so many aspects of this day, found himself declaring, "I can hardly even wait to see the photos!"

Nicholas laughed. "Hey, let's get married first, though, eh? Seeing as we're here."

"Yes, let's," Dave agreed. And they turned, and walked together hand-in-hand into the Disraeli Room and down the aisle, with their beloved friends and family following along behind.

"I declare that I know of no legal reason why we may not register as each other's civil partner. I understand that in signing this document we will be forming a civil partnership with each other."

Those were the formal vows, such as they were. Even Dave thought they lacked poetry. But then they each said a few words of their own, and they exchanged rings.

Nicholas said: "From the first day I met you, David, you made me feel safe. You made me realise that I could unfurl my wings and be myself and simply live. I'm not afraid any more. I'm not afraid. No matter how long or short a time we have together, I want you to know - I want you to always remember - that no one has ever been happier than how I am with you. David, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

And Dave replied, "Then that's what we'll do."

Dave said: "We were friends first. Even though I turned you down, and it took me ages to realise what we could be together, you were a real friend to me, and I was a friend to you. We took care of each other, right from the start. And we still have that, that's still the bedrock, even though we have so much more as well now. We take care of each other, and we'll go on looking after each other for all the years to come. And that means the world to me. Nicholas, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

And Nicholas replied, "Then that's what we'll do."

Everyone was so happy, and the whole thing felt so charged. Robin finished off the ceremony by reading out a poem by A.A. Milne called
Us Two
. Dave had originally thought Winnie-the-Pooh a rather bizarre choice for a wedding ceremony, but hearing it on the day, when they were already bubbling over with joy, he felt it was absurdly apt.

Even then, though, he wasn't quite done because there was something more he had to say - now, for the record, and with witnesses. Just as the registrar was about to call time, Dave said for them all to hear, "I love you, Nicholas. I

And Nicholas said, "I love you, too, David Taylor."

And they were married.



Dave and Nicholas spent their wedding night in an old manor house turned hotel about a half-hour drive from the Goring family home. Their room was large and seemed to date back centuries. It was all rich worn reds and wood panelling, tapestries and velvets, with an enormous four-poster bed. The en suite bathroom seemed to date back no later than yesterday, though the style of it all was old-fashioned.

Dave didn't take much of this in, however. They were both quiet, and only had eyes for each other, though Dave was growing more and more bashful at the thought of what was ahead, while Nicholas seemed to be calmer and more confident by the moment. They ate a very light supper in the hotel restaurant - both drinking plenty of water with lime juice, which seemed to be becoming a firm habit despite all the teasing about Dave being at risk of forfeiting his Australian citizenship.

Soon it was time to head upstairs.

The room was dark and mysterious now, with only a bedside lamp glowing and a wood fire burning in the large fireplace, throwing light and making the shadows dance. Dave wandered in, feeling a little lost, while Nicholas locked the door securely behind them.

Then Nicholas was there before him, taking his hands, and pressing a gentle kiss to Dave's mouth. "I thought I'd go and have a shower. Or do you want to go first? I want to be - perfect for you."

"You go first," Dave managed to whisper.

Another kiss, and then Nicholas headed off, humming to himself quite happily.

Dave sorted through the gear in his overnight bag, and then just sat on a chair and waited. It felt like forever and like not long enough, but then Nicholas reappeared, damp and flushed and dressed only in his favourite blue robe. "Your turn," Nicholas said brightly.

Dave grabbed his gear, and headed for the bathroom without a word.

The Big Day

He said 'I love you' today. Is it weird that we hadn't said that before? It's not like we didn't know. If there were any doubts, then him coming to England pretty much put those to rest.We got married today, and he said 'I love you'.He's in the shower now, and when he comes out -Well. I have so much to write about, what with the ceremony and the reception. So many photos to share. Our wonderful family and friends. Thank you. If you were a part of today, and you're reading this: Thank you. It was astonishing.

But I think I'll keep this post short. I am just about to have better things to do …

He said 'I love you'.

Dave took somewhat longer getting ready than Nicholas, though eventually even Dave got impatient with himself, and he cautiously opened the door and stepped through into the bedroom.

Nicholas was waiting for him, sitting on the side of the bed. A lovely smile dawned on Nicholas's face as he took in the sight of Dave's new cream silk robe. Dave just stood there, pinned by Nicholas's gaze. After a moment, Nicholas asked in quietly appreciative tones, "Is that silk you're wearing for me … ?"

Yes. He couldn't find his voice, so he just nodded.

He knew his cheeks were glowing pink, and not from the heat of the shower.

"Come here, you gorgeous thing …"

He walked a little closer and then tilted his head away, not wanting to refuse. But wanting to get this over with. He took a breath, and then lifted a hand to the robe's belt; pulled at one end, and let the knot fall away. The robe sighed open, and revealed what he wore underneath.

Nicholas gasped, and fell to his knees on the floor, staring.

It was only a plain slip in the same cream silk, though shaped - on the bias, Denise said - to be slightly snugger around his waist. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make Dave feel exquisitely self-conscious.

…" Nicholas lifted reverential hands to shape around the front of Dave's thighs. Staring. Still staring.

Dave wasn't quite sure how much Nicholas could see, but the slip was barely long enough, and he thought his cock must be peeking out below the silk hem. He felt more naked than naked.

He let the robe slip back off his shoulders and down his arms while Nicholas watched, and then he let it go so it slid right down and pooled on the floor about his feet.

"You are so very beautiful," Nicholas said in hushed tones. He pressed his face in against Dave's cock and balls, caressing them through the silk, his hands slipping around to Dave's rear.

When Nicholas sat back on his heels again and looked up, Dave offered the gold silk ribbons he'd held clutched in one hand. "I didn't know - "

"Oh, my darling man …" Nicholas pressed a kiss to Dave's hand and took the ribbons - after a moment he tied one around Dave's right thigh, about midway down, finishing it off with a bow. He pressed a kiss just above it. "All right?" he asked.

Dave nodded. He felt … adorned. He felt as if he were worth adorning. Worth adoring. Such a notion had hardly even entered his head before.

Nicholas took another ribbon, and tied it around Dave's left wrist, taking up the long ends and tying bow after bow with them until the ribbon became a golden corsage. Then Nicholas put the other ribbons aside, and simply spent forever and forever suckling at Dave's balls and rubbing his nose at the base of Dave's cock until it stood proud, jutting out from under the silk - until Dave himself only remained upright in the warm haze of pleasure because of Nicholas's hands firmly holding onto his hips, and his own hands resting on Nicholas's shoulders.

"Come to the bed," Nicholas eventually said. He stood, bringing the ribbons with him, and he led the way despite it only being a few steps. He climbed up onto the sheets, kneeling there and carefully bringing Dave after him, carefully laying him down, arranging him there on his back with his knees bent. Nicholas showed Dave the ribbons. "I'll tie you down, if you like - or you could promise me not to move unless I say so."

"I promise," said Dave, his voice as rough as if he hadn't used it all day. He wasn't sure it was a promise he could keep, but he was already dealing with enough without being bound as well. "I promise I'll try."

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