Offside (Pro-U Book 2) (14 page)

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Chapter 24

Three Days Later




I got up extra early on Monday morning and stopped by the pizza place to install the electric dart game we had in the game-room at the frat house for my dad. He was going to be surprised by it, and hopefully the guys at the Omega house wouldn't throw too much of a fit over losing it. No one ever played with the damn thing anyway, and when we did, someone always got hurt, which lead to a fight.

The idea to have a Friday night cheap beer night coupled with a dart contest was brilliant. We were busy both Friday and Saturday night, and I held my father after we closed on Saturday as he cried in the office. I was grateful to have him threaten me within an inch of my life afterward if I told anyone he got emotional. I'm not sure who he thought I would tell. Emily already knew. She was right beside me, loving on both of us.

She's spent the night with Tasha the night before, which sucked to high heaven, but we probably needed to have a few breaks while we were figuring things out. I didn't want to go too fast and have things fall apart on us because we didn't set up a good foundation. Whatever the fuck that meant.

"Yes," I mumbled and moved back as the dart board lit up. I felt good about helping my old man, and his decision to tell Sheila to find someone else was one of the best things he could have done. He would find his Emily. I had no doubt. How could he not, seeing that he kept putting himself out there and trying over and over again? It was going to happen.

I locked up the door and got in my truck as I headed over to Layla and Aubrey's place. I had to meet with Coach Rhodes at nine, but I talked Layla into going with me. I wanted to check on her, and I was running a week behind schedule on doing just that. If someone was beating up on my closest gal pal, I was going to open a can of holy hell whoop ass. I almost looked forward to it.

After texting her that I was there, she walked out, looking perfectly normal.

I smiled over at her and tugged at a long strand of her pretty blond hair as she buckled up.

"Hey, handsome."

"Hey, squirt. What do you know?"

"That you're five minutes late. Let's grab something at the coffee shop on campus on our way to the athletic building. Coach Rhodes isn't someone to mess with. If you're not on time, you can fucking forget it."

"Really? She's the cheerleading coach for god-sakes." I snorted and waved my hand around. "Don't tell Emily I said that."

"She's also the volleyball coach too, and I heard she's going to help out with swimming."

"Oh, damn. I didn't know that."

She smiled and reached over to push at my shoulder. "You really going to date someone for more than a day or two?"

"Yeah. I think I am." I pulled up to the coffee shop beside the business building and pointed to the large pole out front. "Look at that thing. It's fucking huge."

"Yeah, so?"

"You would have to be total dumb-ass to run into that thing, or not know it was there." I got out of the truck and walked to the front before turning to face her. "And the last time I checked, you aren't a dumb-ass, and you're well aware of that pole. What happened?"

"Really? Come on, Jacob. I thought we were going to grab something to eat and catch up. That's what you said to drag me out of the comfort of my bed where I was dreaming of Jayce in a sexy thong."

"Ugh. Fuck. Come on already." I gagged and turned to walk toward the coffee shop. I opened the door and gave her a hard stare. "You're going to tell me what's going on. I wouldn't keep anything from you, right?"

"No, but you don't understand. It's not that easy." She brushed by me and walked to the counter.

"So break it down. Make me understand." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and studied her before she pulled away.

"I got in the middle of some shit that I shouldn't have gotten involved in, alright?"

"Are you in danger?"

"Yeah, of people finding out that I know you." She snorted, but I didn't give her an inch.

"I'm serious." I turned to face her and forced her to face me too. "You know you're like a little sister to me."

She wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her cheek to my chest. "I know. I appreciate you caring about me. It means a lot, okay?"

"Yeah, but you keeping shit from me means that I have to waste time digging around everywhere to figure out what the fuck is going on. You could just tell me and save me the drama."

"How about this." She glanced up at me. "What I got in the middle of is over now. No more problems or issues. It's all fixed, and I'll never have a problem with it again. That good enough?"

"Is that all I'm going to get, isn't it?"

"Yep. Forgive me, but this is just too personal to talk about."

"Does Aubrey okay?" I moved up to the counter to order.

"No, and I'm not telling her either."

"Alright. I'm here if you need me." I wasn't going to push seeing that she wasn't showing signs of physical abuse anymore. If that changed at all, I was going to push until she broke down and told me what the fuck was going on.




"Wait. You want to do what?" Coach Rhodes brushed her long blond hair over her shoulder and glanced over at Layla and back to me.

"I wanna pay off the debt that Emily Campbell has for her cheerleading stuff for this upcoming year. It's around a grand, right?"

"Yes, but does Emily know you're doing this?"

Layla shook her head, grabbing the coach's attention. "No, and he doesn't want her to know."

"And why are you doing this?"

"She's my girlfriend. Sort of." I felt like an idiot trying to explain myself. Why couldn't the woman just take the damn money without peppering me with fifty questions? With my luck Emily was going to walk through the door behind us any minute and I would be busted.

"Hmmm..." She sat back and studied me. "Wow. I'm impressed."

"How so?" My shoulders stiffened. I had no doubt that she like every other coach on campus had been warned about me being a trouble maker. With all the shit that had happened at the Omega house in the last few weeks it was a shock that my scholarship wasn't in jeopardy.

"Because when Coach Diaz came over here, investigating some of the stuff that was facing you, she took the heat and claimed to be your alibi for the night, even though all of us knew she was dating Brody Jackson. I was a little blown away by her loyalty to you, but now I see why. You guys love each other."

"Well, love is a bit of a strong word." I glanced over at Layla, who just smiled.

"I don't think so." Coach Rhodes sighed softly, smiled and pulled out a receipt book. "Alright. Let's do this."

"Please make sure you don't tell her it was me."

"I make no promises, but I'll do my best. She's the best cheerleader we've had in years, and it's finally her turn to take the leadership role. I can't wait to see her try out later this afternoon."

I handed over the money as my stomach turned. "This afternoon? What time?"

"Around three." She worked on the receipt and handed it to me as Layla reached out and rubbed my arm.

"What's up? You need to be somewhere today?"

"Yeah. We're having the first game for my summer league. They told us if we weren't there today, not to come back." I growled softly and stood up. "Are families and friends encouraged to come to the try out, or are we not allowed in?"

"Oh no, we make a huge deal out of it. Everyone is welcomed and most of the student body that stays on campus will show up. It's a fun event." She put her hands on her hips and nodded. "I was wrong about you, Mr. Wright."

"I'm not so sure you were, but thanks for the help." I smiled and walked out into the hallway of the athletic building as indecision raced through me.

"Dude. You can't miss your game today." Layla stopped in front of me. "You know good and damn well that Emily wouldn't want that."

"I know, but I wanna show her that I'm serious about us."

"By losing your chance at the pros? Fuck that. I'll tell her that you couldn't make it. It's not-"

"Hey." I reached out and pressed my fingers to her lips. "Stop talking for a minute. I want to think through this. It's not about what I'm giving up, Layla. It's about what I'm trying to get across to her. We had a rocky start three years ago, but this time I'm going to make sure things go differently. This isn't my only chance to be seen by a scout, and I'm almost positive that if I explained myself to the FC Boston coach that he would let me slide this one. I'll call him after I drop you back off at your place, okay?"

"I don't like it." She turned and walked out of the building with her head held high and her shoulders back.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Girls. Crazy no matter what day of the week it was.

All I had left to do beside calling my coach was to grab some flowers. Man were the guys going to make fun of me. As if I cared.




I took a deep breath before calling the coach for my summer league and tried to think through whether I was going to be honest, or tell a lie. It wasn't as if playing during the summer was going to affect my senior season in any way. It wasn't, but I loved taking advantage of any opportunity to play my favorite sport regardless.

The call went to voicemail, and I left a quick message and went with the truth. It seemed trite that I would fuck up an opportunity like the one I had with FC Boston, but being with Emily on a day that mattered to her was more important.

My phone buzzed in my lap, and I half thought that it was my coach getting back to me. The unknown number had me answering immediately.

"This is Jacob."

"Jacob, it's Coach Diaz. How are you man?"

"I'm good coach. What's going on?"

"A couple of things." He cleared his throat. "I think we finally put the situation at the Omega house behind you. Between the testimonies of a few close friend and Emily Campbell, we're going to wipe the slate clean."

"Oh thank God." I let out a long sigh and reminded myself to cover Emily in kisses for lying for me.

"I will tell you this. From one fraternity president to another... you need to figure out who's fucking with your house. Someone is letting things happen that are going to end up getting you shut down. That's a horrible thing, not just for you, but for all the guys you have under your guidance. Sniff him out, or better yet, get Micah to do it. He's not the type of guy anyone would expect to be looking for a rat."

"How do you know anything about Micah?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I interviewed him for the situation with you and with the stuff at Omega. He tracked down the blond that said you raped her and helped to get her to rescind her story. I guess she was pissed you didn't sleep with her."

"Most girls are." I rolled my eyes and realized how that might sound. "I mean-"

His turn to laugh. "I understand. Just keep your nose clean and I think everything should be fine."

"I appreciate it. What was the other thing you called about?"

"I just got off the phone with Coach Rhodes and she told me what you did for Emily."

"Oh shit. She was supposed to keep that to herself."

"I know, but we all talk about who's the most deserving of scholarship monies and things of that nature."

"I get that, but there isn't a scholarship available for Em. I'm sure she's already checked a million times."

"Right, but there is an extra one that I can use for you. I know you're playing for Coach Lee up in Waban this summer."

"Wow, you guys are worse than a bunch of old ladies on the back pew at church on Sunday."

He chuckled. "He's called a couple of times. The old bastard is going to try and recruit you to come play for him in Maryland."

"Not happening." I scoffed. "I'm staying here for the next year, and after that? Who knows?"

"I'm glad to hear that. I sent over the money to cover your summer league. It's all paid for. Thanks for being the kind of man I can be proud to support."

"Of course coach." I didn't have any volume left to my voice as we ended the call. I'd set out to make sure Emily knew she was cared about, and it had come full circle in less than an hour. Words couldn't have described how I felt sitting there.

People weren't shit, I was just jaded... or I used to be.

No more.

Chapter 25




"It's going to be fine. It's going to be fine." I paused outside of Coach Rhodes office an hour before the try outs and started to pace the floor. What if there wasn't an option for me to delay or defer the costs? What if I was going to be stuck with having to pay them now, or not play at all?


I almost jumped out of my skin as Coach Rhodes leaned out of her office and smiled. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I just came by to see you, but... I don't know." I ran my fingers through my long hair and started to pace again.

She chuckled softly and reached out, grabbing my upper arm and pulling me toward her office.

"Get in here kiddo. We've been together for a while now. There shouldn't be anything you can't talk to me about. I pride myself on being a good teacher and a good coach because I am willing to listen. This door is always open to you."

I glanced back at the door as if checking to make sure it was open. "God, I'm so scattered right now."

"Then take a deep breath and explain what's going on." She leaned back in her chair and smiled. "Seriously chill the hell out and relax. You're making me jittery."

I forced a laugh and took a deep breath. "I know try outs are today, but I came by to tell you that I won't be trying out."

"Why is that?" She was far more calm than I expected. Maybe I wasn't her top pick for the captain position. Maybe one of the other girls from another college had pulled ahead of me somehow.

"Because I can't afford the bill this year. My family is going through a lot of stuff, and unless I can put together a payment plan or get an advance on one of my scholarships, it's just not going to happen."

"What have you done to try and make the money to help pay off the debt?"

I nodded. It was a good question. Anyone in leadership would have made some type of conscious effort to make the money to take care of the debt.

"I got a job at DeAngelos pizza place, but it's only ten dollars an hour, and I'm not getting more than a handful of hours a week, but... I will get another job if there is a way to make this work."

"And you want it to work out?"

"What?" Confusion filled me. "Of course I do. All I have is cheerleading."

"I doubt that's true, but you are one of the best cheerleaders I've had the pleasure of working with over my long career." She clasped her hands over her stomach and smiled. "It's taken care of. Someone came in today and paid off your senior year costs. You're all paid up."

"What did you say?" My brain worked hard to catch up with the reality that I was going to be fine. Someone had come in and taken care of the bill?

"Someone stopped by, said that he loved you and wanted to take care of your fees. They're all paid. You need to go warm up and get ready, because I'm pretty sure that same guy is going to be on the field today watching you try out." She stood up and bounced on her feet, full of far more energy than I had at the moment.

"Who was it?" Tears filled my eyes. No one loved me. "Please just tell me that it wasn't Brody Jackson. I can't take anything from him."

"Oh heavens no. Someone much better for you." She winked and pointed to the door. "Go. I expect to see you being the best you can be tonight. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." I turned and walked numbly into the hallway. There was no way in hell that Jacob had picked up the bill for my cheerleading fees. It was a thousand dollars, and I knew that he still owed the money for his summer soccer season.

It couldn't have been him. Rhodes said that the guy would be at the try out, and I knew for a fact that Jacob had to be in Waban around the same time. I pulled out my phone and considered calling him, but I wasn't so sure what I would say.

If I asked if it was him, and it was, I would just get mad at his generosity, which was a shitty way to say thanks. If he wasn't him and I asked, I would feel like crap for letting him know that some other guy took care of me.

"Seriously?" I grumbled and walked down the hall to gym. Several cheerleaders I knew, and a handful I didn't were practicing their flips and individual cheers. I had an advantage for the group cheer because it was our school cheer we performed for touchdowns at the football games. I had those down pat.

"Hey Emily!" Jasmine walked up and gave me a warm smile. "You ready for this? Need me to spot you or critique you before we get in front of the real judges?"

"Hey." I dropped my bag on the floor and gave her a quick hug. "No, I'm good, I think. What are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to support everyone. I wouldn't miss this for the world. You're the crowd favorite. There is already a group of hockey people out there chanting your name with signs and noise makers."

"Really?" I took a shallow breath as the room spun. Did I really have people in my life that cared about me? Obviously so.

"Hey. You don't look so good. You alright?" She reached out and grabbed my arm.

"Yeah. Just having one of those personal wake-up moments." I brushed my hair back. "I need to get my head in the game. I want this so bad."

"And it's going to be yours. Come on, stop being shy and let me see your individual cheer. I'll help you make it better if that's at all possible."

"Okay." I took a deep breath and ran through it three times while Jasmine walked around me.

She clapped her hands and laughed. "You're going to fucking kill it. I can't wait."

I couldn't either. The sooner it started, the sooner it would be over and I could get out of there. I was going to find a ride to Waban, or borrow someone's if I had to. Jacob Wright had to have played a part in making the day possible, and I was going to make sure he knew how much I cared about him either way.

My new life started today, and the one person I wanted in the center of it was him.




"You're up next, Campbell." Coach walked by me as I stood with my back against the wall of the gymnasium.

I took a long drink of my water and closed my eyes to say a quick prayer. If I was meant to be captain, I would be.

"Hi beautiful." The sound of Jacob's voice shocked me.

"What are you doing here?" I pushed off the wall and moved into his arms, kissing him several times before he gripped my shoulders and pulled back.

"Wow. I like that greeting, but turning me own isn't going to be good for me having to make the walk of shame back to the stands.

I laughed and pressed forward. "I thought you had a game this afternoon."

"I did, but I found out this morning, from someone other than you, that today was a big day. I didn't realize they invited the whole damn campus to come watch you guys. How unnerving is that?"

"It's all part of the deal. We cheer in front of these people all year, so being under pressure and performing-" I paused and moved up to kiss him a few more times. "You forced me to change the subject."

"What was the previous subject?"

"Us." I wrapped my arms around him and studied his handsome face. "How am I already starting to fall in love with you?"

His expression softened as he brushed his nose by mine. "You started to three years ago. This has officially been the slowest and most fucked up courtship ever."

I laughed and kissed him again as the announcer called my name over the loud speaker.

"Up next, we have a Providence University junior. Miss Emily Campbell."

"Wish me luck." I took a deep breath and tried to still my racing heart. I wished it had more to do with being nervous over the tryout and less to do with wanting the man in front of me to turn into my forever, but it didn't.

"You don't need luck. You have talent." He kissed the tip of my nose and squeezed my ass. "Get out there and win this thing."

"What do I get if I do?" I pulled away from him and walked backward toward the field.

"I'm pretty sure I still owe you a doggie-style night of fun."

"Shit," I mumbled and turned as my cheeks burned. Of course he had to be nasty about it.

He was the biggest whore on campus, but he was mine, and that's all that mattered.

Time to go take my place as the next captain of Pro-U’s cheerleading squad.


The End


Please don’t forget that I’ll be writing a 34-35 page novella covering the end of the summer tournament that was referenced in Offside.

If you’d like to get a free copy of this exclusive material, just jump on my Insiders list. It should be out by the end of July via e-mail. Thanks!!


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