Old Man's War Boxed Set 1 (24 page)

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“No, sir,” I said. “But I have one request.”

“Not the usual thing,” Keegan said, after I had finished. “And in other circumstances—in both cases—I would say no.”

“I understand, sir,” I said.

“However, it will be arranged. And some good might come out of it. Very well, Lieutenant. You’re dismissed.”


Harry and Jesse met me as soon as they could after I messaged them. I told them of my assignment and promotion.

“You think Jane engineered this,” Harry said.

“I know she did,” I said. “She told me she had. As it happens, I may actually turn out to be useful in some way. But I’m sure she planted a bug in someone’s ear. I’m on my way in just a few hours.”

“We’re being broken up again,” Jesse said. “And what’s left of Harry’s and my platoon is being split up, too. Our platoon mates are getting assignments to other ships. We’re waiting to hear our own assignments.”

“Who knows, John,” Harry said. “We’ll probably be back at Coral with you.”

“No, you won’t,” I said. “I asked General Keegan to advance you both out of general infantry and he agreed. Your first term of service is done. You’ve both been reassigned.”

“What are you talking about?” Harry said.

“You’ve been reassigned to CDF’s Military Research arm,” I said. “Harry, they knew about you snooping around. I convinced them you’d do less harm to yourself and others this way. You’re going to work on whatever we bring back from Coral.”

“I can’t do that,” Harry said. “I don’t have the math for it.”

“I’m sure you won’t let that stop you,” I said. “Jesse, you’re going to MR, too, on the support staff. It’s all I could get you on short notice. It’s not going be very interesting, but you can train for other roles while you’re there. And you’ll both be out of the line of fire.”

“This isn’t right, John,” Jesse said. “We haven’t served our time. Our platoon mates are going back out to fight while we’ll be sitting here for something we didn’t do.
going back out there. I don’t want this. I should serve my time.” Harry nodded.

“Jesse, Harry, please,” I said. “Look. Alan is dead. Susan and Thomas are dead. Maggie is dead. My squad and my platoon are all gone. Everyone I’ve ever cared about out here is gone but you two. I had a chance to keep you two alive and I took it. I couldn’t do anything for anyone else. I can do something for you. I need you to be alive. You’re all I have out here.”

“You have Jane,” Jesse said.

“I don’t know what Jane is to me yet,” I said. “But I know what you are to me. You’re my family now. Jesse, Harry. You’re my family. Don’t be angry with me for wanting to keep you safe. Just
safe. For me. Please.”


was a quiet ship. Your average troopship is filled with the sounds of people talking, laughing, yelling and going through the verbal motions of their lives. Special Forces soldiers don’t do any of that crap.

As was explained to me by the
’s CO when I came on board. “Don’t expect people to talk to you,” Major Crick said as I presented myself.

“Sir?” I said.

“The Special Forces soldiers,” he said. “It’s not anything personal, it’s just we’re not much for talking. When we’re by ourselves, we communicate almost exclusively by BrainPal. It’s faster, and we don’t have a bias toward talking, like you do. We’re born with BrainPals. The first time anyone ever talks to us, it’s with one of them. So it’s the way we talk most of the time. Don’t be offended. Anyway, I’ve ordered the troops to speak to you if they have something they need to get across.”

“That’s not necessary, sir,” I said. “I can use my BrainPal.”

“You wouldn’t be able to keep up,” Major Crick said. “Your brain is set to communicate at one speed, and ours at another. Talking to realborn is like talking at half speed. If you’ve talked to any of us for a great deal of time, you might notice we seem abrupt and curt. It’s a side effect of feeling like you’re talking to a slow child. No offense.”

“None taken, sir,” I said. “You seem to communicate well.”

“Well, as a CO, I spend a lot of time with non-Special Forces,” Crick said. “Also, I’m older than most of my troops. I’ve picked up a few social graces.”

“How old are you, sir?” I asked.

“I’ll be fourteen next week,” he said. “Now, I’ll be having a staff meeting tomorrow at 0600. Until then, get yourself set up and comfortable, have some chow, and get a little rest. We’ll talk more in the morning.” He saluted and I was dismissed.

Jane was waiting in my quarters.

“You again,” I said, smiling.

“Me again,” she said, simply. “I wanted to know how you’re getting along.”

“Fine,” I said. “Considering I’ve been on the ship for fifteen minutes.”

“We’re all talking about you,” Jane said.

“Yes, I can tell by the endless chatter,” I said. Jane opened her mouth to speak, but I held up my hand. “That was a joke,” I said. “Major Crick told me about the BrainPal thing.”

“It’s why I like talking to you like this,” Jane said. “It’s not like talking to anyone else.”

“I seem to remember you talking when you rescued me,” I said.

“We were worried about being tracked then,” Jane said. “Speaking was more secure. We also speak when we’re out in public. We don’t like to draw attention to ourselves when we don’t have to.”

“Why did you arrange this?” I asked her. “Getting me stationed here on the

“You’re useful to us,” Jane said. “You have experience that may be useful, both on Coral and for another element of our preparation.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“Major Crick will talk about it tomorrow at the briefing,” Jane said. “I’ll be there, too. I command a platoon and do intelligence work.”

“Is that the only reason?” I asked. “That I’m useful?”

“No,” Jane said, “but it’s the reason that got you onto the ship. Listen, I won’t be spending too much time with you. I have too many things to do preparing for our mission. But I want to know about her. About Kathy. Who she was. What she was like. I want you to tell me.”

“I’ll tell you about her,” I said. “On one condition.”

“What?” Jane asked.

“You have to tell me about you,” I said.


“Because for nine years I’ve been living with the fact my wife is dead, and now you’re here and it’s messing me up inside,” I said. “The more I know about you, the more I can get used to the idea that you’re not her.”

“I’m not that interesting,” Jane said. “And I’m only six. That’s hardly any time to have done anything.”

“I’ve done more things in the last year than I did in all the years leading up to it,” I said. “Trust me. Six years is enough.”


“Sir, want company?” the nice young (probably four-year-old) Special Forces soldier said as he and four of his buddies held their meal trays at attention.

“The table’s empty,” I said.

“Some people prefer to eat alone,” the soldier said.

“I’m not one of them,” I said. “Please, sit, all of you.”

“Thank you, sir,” the soldier said, putting his tray on the table. “I’m Corporal Sam Mendel. These are Privates George Linnaeus, Will Hegel, Jim Bohr, and Jan Fermi.”

“Lieutenant John Perry,” I said.

“So, what do you think of the
sir?” Mendel asked.

“It’s nice and quiet,” I said.

“That it is, sir,” Mendel said. “I was just mentioning to Linnaeus that I don’t think I’ve spoken more than ten words in about a month.”

“You’ve just broken your record, then,” I said.

“Would you mind settling a bet for us, sir?” Mendel said.

“Does it involve me doing anything strenuous?” I asked.

“No, sir,” Mendel said. “We just want to know how old you are. You see, Hegel here is betting your age is older than twice the combined ages of our entire squad.”

“How old are you all?” I asked.

“The squad has ten soldiers in it including myself,” Mendel said, “and I’m the oldest. I’m five and a half. The rest are between two and five years old. Total age is thirty-seven years and about two months.”

“I’m seventy-six,” I said. “So he’s right. Although any CDF recruit would have let him win his bet. We don’t even enlist until we’re seventy-five. And let me just say, there’s something profoundly disturbing about being twice as old as your entire squad, combined.”

“Yes, sir,” Mendel said. “But on the other hand, we’ve all been in
life at least twice as long as you. So it comes out about even.”

“I suppose it does at that,” I said.

“It must be interesting, sir,” Bohr said, a little down the table. “You had an entire life before this one. What was it like?”

“What was what like?” I said. “My life, or just having a life before this one?”

“Either,” Bohr said.

I suddenly realized that none of the five other members of the table had even picked up their forks to eat. The rest of the mess hall, which had been alive with the telegraph-tapping sounds of utensils hitting trays, had also gone largely quiet. I recalled Jane’s comment about everyone being interested in me. Apparently, she was right.

“I liked
life,” I said. “I don’t know that it was exciting or even interesting to anyone who didn’t live it. But for me, it was a good life. As for the idea of having a life before this one, I didn’t really think about it at the time. I never really thought about what this life would be like before I was in it.”

“Why did you choose it, then?” Bohr asked. “You had to have some idea of what it was like.”

“No, I didn’t,” I said. “I don’t think any of us did. Most of us had never been in a war or in the military. None of us knew that they would take who we were and put it into a new body that was only partially what we were before.”

“That seems kind of stupid, sir,” Bohr said, and I was reminded that being two or whatever age he was, was not conducive to tact. “I don’t know why anyone would choose to sign up for something when he really had no idea of what he was getting into.”

“Well,” I said, “you’ve also never been old. An unmodified person at seventy-five is a lot more willing to take a leap of faith than you might be.”

“How different can it be?” Bohr asked.

“Spoken like a two-year-old who will never age,” I said.

“I’m three,” Bohr said, a little defensively.

I held up my hand. “Look,” I said. “Let’s turn this around for a minute. I’m seventy-six, and I did make a leap of faith when I joined the CDF. On the other hand, it
my choice. I didn’t have to go. If you have a hard time imagining what it must be like for me, think about it on my end.” I pointed to Mendel. “When I was five, I hardly knew how to tie my own shoes. If you can’t imagine what it’s like to be
age and joining up, imagine how hard it is for me to imagine being an adult at five years of age and knowing nothing
war. If nothing else, I have an idea of what life is like outside the CDF. What is it like for you?”

Mendel looked at his companions, who looked back at him. “It’s not anything we usually think about, sir,” Mendel said. “We don’t know that there’s anything unusual about it at first. Everyone we know was ‘born’ the same way. It’s you who are the unusual ones, from our perspective. Having a childhood and living an entire other life before you get into this one. It just seems like an inefficient way to do things.”

“Don’t you ever wonder about what it would be like not to be in the Special Forces?” I asked.

“I can’t imagine it,” Bohr said, and the others nodded. “We’re all soldiers together. It’s what we do. It’s who we

“That’s why we find you so interesting,” Mendel said. “This idea that this life would be a choice. The idea that there’s another way to live. It’s alien.”

“What did you do, sir?” asked Bohr. “In your other life?”

“I was a writer,” I said. They all looked at each other. “What?” I asked.

“Strange way to live, sir,” Mendel said. “To get paid for stringing words together.”

“There were worse jobs,” I said.

“We don’t mean to offend you, sir,” Bohr said.

“I’m not offended,” I said. “You just have a different perspective on things. But it does make me wonder why you do it.”

“Do what?” Bohr said.

“Fight,” I said. “You know, most people in the CDF are like me. And most people in the colonies are even more different from you than I am. Why would you fight for them? And with us?”

sir,” Mendel said. “No less than you are.”

“Given the current state of my DNA, that’s not saying much,” I said.

“You know you’re human, sir,” Mendel said. “And so do we. You and we are closer than you think. We know about how the CDF picks its recruits. You’re fighting for colonists you’ve never met—colonists who were your country’s enemy at one point. Why do you fight for

“Because they’re human and because I said I would,” I said. “At least, that’s why I did at the start. Now I don’t fight for the colonists. I mean, I do, but when it comes down to it, I fight—or did fight—for my platoon and my squad. I looked out for them, and they looked out for me. I fought because doing any less would have been letting them down.”

Mendel nodded. “That’s why we fight, too, sir,” he said. “So that’s one thing makes us all human together. That’s good to know.”

“It is,” I agreed. Mendel grinned and picked up his fork to eat, and as he did, the room came alive with the clattering utensils. I looked up at the noise, and from a far corner saw Jane staring back at me.


Major Crick got right to the point at the morning briefing. “CDF intelligence believes the Rraey are frauds,” he said. “And the first part of our mission is to find out if they’re right. We’re going to be paying a little visit to the Consu.”

That woke me right up. Apparently I wasn’t the only one. “What the hell do the Consu have to do with any of this?” asked Lieutenant Tagore, who sat directly to my left.

Crick nodded to Jane, who was sitting near him. “At the request of Major Crick and others, I did some research into some of the other CDF encounters with the Rraey to see if there’s been any indication of technological evolution,” Jane said. “Over the last hundred years, we’ve had twelve significant military encounters with the Rraey and several dozen smaller engagements, including one major encounter and six smaller engagements over the last five years. During this entire time, the Rraey technological curve has been substantially behind our own. This is due to a number of factors, including their own cultural biases against systematic technological advancement and their lack of positive engagement with more technologically advanced races.”

“In other words, they’re backward and bigoted,” Major Crick said.

“In the case of skip drive technology, this is especially the case,” Jane said. “Up until the Battle of Coral, Rraey skip technology was far behind ours—in fact, their current understanding of skip physics is directly based on information provided by the CDF a little over a century ago, during an aborted trade mission to the Rraey.”

“Why was it aborted?” asked Captain Jung, from across the table.

“The Rraey ate about a third of the trade delegates,” Jane said.

“Ouch,” said Captain Jung.

“The point here is that given who the Rraey are and what their level of tech is, it’s impossible that they could have gone from being so far behind us to so far ahead of us in one leap,” Major Crick said. “The best guess is that they didn’t—they simply got the tech for skip drive prediction from some other culture. We know everyone the Rraey know, and there’s only one culture that we estimate has the technological ability for something like this.”

“The Consu,” said Tagore.

“The Consu indeed,” agreed Crick. “Those bastards have a white dwarf yoked to the wheel. It’s not unreasonable to assume they might have skip drive prediction licked as well.”

“But why would they have anything to do with the Rraey?” asked Lieutenant Dalton, down near the end of the table. “The only time they deal with
is when they want a little exercise, and we’re far more technologically advanced than the Rraey are.”

“The thinking is that the Consu aren’t motivated by technology like we are,” Jane said. “Our tech is valueless to them much in the same way the secrets of a steam engine might be valueless to us. We think they’re motivated by other factors.”

“Religion,” I said. All eyes shifted to me, and I suddenly felt like a choirboy who has just farted during a chapel service. “What I mean is, when my platoon was fighting the Consu, they started with a prayer that consecrated the battle. I said to a friend at the time that I thought the Consu thought they were baptizing the planet with the battle.” More stares. “Of course, I could be wrong.”

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