Olivia's Ride (Sawyer Brothers Book 4) (11 page)

BOOK: Olivia's Ride (Sawyer Brothers Book 4)
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Chapter Twenty-Two





I decided I loved Amber, and Bailey was a damn hoot. Neither one of them gave me a single second to feel unwelcome from the moment they saved me from the still scowling Ryan.

Even though Bailey was just dying to share the details she was harboring, I silently prayed the woman would just let it all go. But something told me I wouldn’t get that lucky.

After the girls closed down the bakery, we moved to the ranch. I had to admit it was truly one of the most beautiful places I had ever visited.

I was immediately swarmed by little kids the moment I exited the truck. Two little boys I instantly recognized as Rory and Rogan. Olivia had so many pictures of the two of them, and I overheard so many conversations with them, I felt like I already knew them.

Quickly I learned the sweet little girl with pigtails belonged to Bailey and Jackson, who I had yet to meet. But I had a feeling that would soon change, as I looked up to see a man with some pretty impressive arms exiting the barn and walking in our direction. Not to mention the way Bailey was salivating only assured me this was indeed the infamous Uncle Jackson. The guy was slightly intimidating. He looked fucking mean as hell.

He walked right past me and tossed Olivia over his shoulder as she squealed and kicked her feet. “Put me down, you damn gorilla.”

“It’s about time you showed up,” Ryan grumbled.

“What? I had shit to get done.” Jackson lowered Liv to the ground and wrapped his arms around her tight. When he released her, he kept one arm over her shoulder and turned to face Ryan. “It ain’t my fault you needed backup to find your balls.”

I chuckled as he spotted Amber and a wide smile spread out over his lips. “I found them,” he hollered out pointing in her direction, “Am has them in her hand.”

“Smartass,” Ryan said in return before flipping him the bird.

This entire family was like a comedy show. They went back and forth one minute and the next they were ganging up on one innocent party.

Like right now.

I was smiling at their banter until both men turned their full attention on me. And suddenly, the ranch that had hundreds of acres of space, felt as if it was closing in on me. I was fully on display with no hope of escaping.

“So this is Keeton.”

I looked to my left to see another man. I hadn’t even noticed him standing there.

“Yep,” Ryan replied.

“Honestly?” Olivia groaned as she stepped in front of me. “You three will be nice, and if not, I swear to you I’ll get your wives to put you all in place.”

“Oh, Liv,” Jackson said, with a smile I wasn’t sure I liked. “We just want to get to know the guy who…what was it?” He pretended to think and I suddenly felt sick. I had a feeling I already knew what he was remembering, and the conversation he overheard from Olivia was one I was positive I didn’t want her father to be a part of. “Oh, I remember,” he smirked. “The guy who made your toes curl and your body hum.”

“What the hell?” Ryan got up from his chair and my heart began to beat faster than it ever had before.

“I’m just messing with ya, Ry,” Jackson assured him, but the look he was giving me told me otherwise. I was sure a conversation would take place between the two of us later; that thought alone made me consider calling this trip complete.

“Will you three let that poor boy relax?” Olivia’s gran hollered from the porch. “I’m about to beat each one of you with a broom. You’re acting like a bunch of damn animals.”

She rescued me by whisking me away to the house where Duke was in the center of the kids as they played. He looked like he belonged, as if a kid using him as a pillow while they read a book was something that happened daily. One of the boys, I still wasn’t exactly sure which one was which yet, was cuddled up next to him flipping through a book, mumbling as if he was truly reading.

“They love him,” Olivia said as she leaned into my side. “I’m sorry about all that.”

I didn’t have to ask to know she was talking about her dad and uncles. “Sweetheart, you got nothing to be sorry for. They love ya, Liv, and in some weird way I find it comforting that they are so protective of you. It means the chances of you being hurt are less likely and that, pretty girl, makes me happy.”

Without even thinking I leaned in and kissed Olivia. I had spent months kissing her without a second thought, and when someone behind us cleared their throat I took my time pulling away. It was time I stopped feeling so intimidated by my love for Liv. They needed to understand I was here to stay, because nothing would keep me from this girl.

When I looked behind me, I found the guy I had not yet met, but knew had to be Uncle Noah. “I don’t think we got a proper introduction.” He held out his hand. “I’m Noah, and though I may not be quite as overbearing as the other two I do still hold that one right there—” he pointed toward Olivia, “—very dear to my heart.”

“I completely understand,” I assured him. “And I’m Keeton; it’s nice to finally meet you.” He shook my hand with a firm grip. “And I can assure you I have nothing but the best intentions when it comes to Liv and her heart.”

He seemed pleased with my response, even though I knew I had not convinced any of the Sawyer men that I was worthy of Olivia. That would take time.

Time I was willing to put in to prove I adored her. She had become a very important person in my life, and I would do whatever it took to show each one of them that I loved her.

I had only been in Livingston for a few hours, and already felt as if I’d been run through the damn ringer for weeks.




I woke up to Duke laying across the foot of the bed, staring up at me, panting. His ears were raised and his front paws were kicked out in front of him.

Last night after a very long and in-depth conversation with three grown men, who were, in my opinion, quite intimidating, I convinced Olivia to give in, and I stayed at the ranch. She went back to her childhood home with her dad, but she wasn’t pleased.

I did not intend to spend every night apart, but at that point I just needed a break from the interrogations I’d been receiving since the moment we arrived at the bakery. A peaceful night was what I needed.

I sat up in bed and Duke became even more alert as he rose too, sitting back on his hind legs. I could smell coffee brewing and what smelled like pancakes.

I immediately thought of the morning back at my place in Texas when I woke to Olivia cooking her favorite chocolate chip pancakes.

What I wouldn’t give to be back there in that moment right now. I wanted the freedom to hold her close and kiss her whenever the feeling struck. I fucking missed her and it had only been one night.

I slipped on my jeans and a t-shirt and made my way down the hall toward the amazing scents, and rounded the corner to find Olivia’s gran standing over the stove.

“Mornin’,” I offered as I walked further into the room.

“How’d ya sleep?” she asked without turning to face me.

“Good, thanks,” I replied.

“You don’t have to lie to me; I know you would’ve rather been snuggling up with my Liv,” she laughed. She placed the pancakes on a plate at her side before laying the spatula down and turning to face me. “My three boys can be hard to deal with sometimes, but that girl means the world to all of us and if we can save her from being hurt in any way, then that’s what we’ll do.”

“I understand,” I told her. I guess if I wanted this family to know just how much she meant to me I would have to give a little of myself to them too.

“I didn’t grow up with a family like Olivia did. In fact, I was pretty much on my own from a very young age. My father was a drunk and still is.” I took a seat on the bar stool as Olivia’s grandmother leaned back against the countertop, giving me her full attention as I continued. “My mother left because she just couldn’t take it anymore, and my brother turned out just like my father. I didn’t have someone to watch over me, or even care if I had food on the table. For the longest time I felt alone, and in reality I was. Until I met Liv, I had no idea how it felt to be truly loved, or to love someone without reservation. But she gives me hope and there isn’t a damn thing I would do to sabotage that. So if I have to spend the entire summer being put through multiple tests and having the three of your boys grill me on everything involving Olivia, then I’ll get through it. Because even that isn’t gonna scare me away.”

She reminded me a lot of Olivia, and with Tammy Sawyer I felt comfortable. More comfortable than I thought I would.

“I hate to think of any child or young adult having to deal with the things you have, but it shows me that you are a lot stronger than Ryan has you pegged for. But he’ll figure it out.” She placed a plate of pancakes on the countertop in front of me along with the syrup. “You better eat up, because the guys’ll be over in about thirty minutes to pick you up.”

I arched a brow at her and she laughed.

“A day of fishing,” she offered in explanation, but by the smirk on her lips I knew it was so much more than a simple fishing trip.

Let the tests continue. I had a day ahead of me and it called for sustenance. I had a feeling today would be a long, exhausting day.









Chapter Twenty-Three





I tilted my phone to the side so Trinity could see the message I got from Keeton about twenty minutes ago.

“Fishing?” she said with her nose wrinkled. “Since when do they just randomly take off in the middle of the week to go fishing? And why would they drive over one hundred miles away when they have four lakes stocked with fish sitting right outside their back doors?”

“Because this is much more than some fishing trip,” I replied. “They wanted to drag Keeton out to the middle of nowhere, without anyone around to tell them when they were all being asses. And more importantly, they wanted to get him away from me so I couldn’t stop them from drilling him for every last detail of our relationship and his plans for me.”

She didn’t say anything more because she knew I was right.

We drove up Gran’s drive in my Ford, slowing to a stop next to Uncle Jackson’s truck. There beside it sat my dad’s truck too. The only one missing was Uncle Noah’s old Avalanche, which they often used when they went on their guy outings.

I attempted to text Keeton multiple times, and the fact he had not yet returned one of those messages made my stomach tense with the possibilities rolling through my mind.

I quickly crawled from my truck and made my way toward the front door with Trinity hot on my tail. She was just another one who found the torment of Keeton humorous. They were all a bunch of damn kids running around in adult form. I felt as if they had all planned out the torturous events, and sat around coming up with the best form of intimidation.

The moment I opened the door I heard squeals and laughter. A house full of little people was common since Gran volunteered to babysit for everyone while they went off to work or whatever else they decided to do. Since my grandpa had died, she did all she could to avoid the silence.

Alena was hovering over Nora as she changed her diaper, Nora’s little legs kicking in all directions. She and Uncle Noah had struggled to get pregnant a second time after the miscarriage and the emotional loss they both suffered. It sure was a blessing they were able to move past that heartache, and the love they had was only stronger for it.

She looked up and smiled. “Hey sweetie,” she said in greeting. “I just got to meet that sweet man of yours.” She wagged her eyebrows and I couldn’t help but laugh. “He’s easy on the eyes.”

I smiled because I completely agreed. Keeton was unbelievably handsome.

“Did he seem okay?” I asked.

Bailey came running out into the living room, pretending to be chased by my brothers and Belle. The conversation sort of faded for a moment as we watched the three of them tackle her and she fell on the couch.

When the laughter stopped, it was then that Bailey noticed Trinity and me standing in the doorway.

“You just missed your boy,” she said as she smoothed her hair from her face.

“Yeah, I was just asking Alena if things seemed all right when they left.” I watched as the two of them exchanged some weird look before they turned back to me. I didn’t like the strange feeling I had. “What aren’t you all telling me?”

“Nothing,” Alena assured me, but I didn’t buy it at all.

“Keeton was fine,” Bailey said in a rush. “He even helped Jackson load the guns up in the truck before they left.”

“Guns,” I gasped. “Since when do you need guns for a fishing trip?”

“Since now, I guess.” Bailey shrugged and Alena hurried off with Nora in tow. I knew it was her way of avoiding the conversation.

“Gran,” I hollered as I stormed down the hallway. I immediately dialed my father’s number and when it went to voicemail, I moved on to the next Sawyer bullheaded ass. No one was answering and a panicked feeling ran through me.

“What darlin’?” she said as she exited her room, holding a basket of clothes.

“Where’d they take Keeton?” I asked, still dialing my phone, as if continuing to call would magically make one of them turn their phone on.

“They went fishing, sweetheart.” She brushed past me and I spun around on her fast.

“No they didn’t; that is only an excuse. They took him on some power trip. Three grown-ass men trying to intimidate a guy who has done nothing wrong. He treats me right; why the hell can’t they let it go?”

I flopped down on the couch with a defeated sigh.

“Baby girl.” Gran took the seat next to me while Trinity, Bailey, and Alena stood around the living room unsure of what to say. “They have always said that the man you choose would be one who they, too, would have to trust fully. Now, I know you don’t want to allow this, but sweetheart—you need to. Until this happens, you and I both know Keeton will not be accepted as the man who has won your heart.”

Damn it; I knew she was right, but I hated every last minute of it. My father better bet for this bullshit trip, he was gonna pay. I would make sure Amber knew every last detail.




I had been pacing the floors. Trinity had long ago caught a ride back into town with Alena and Bailey had taken Belle home to get dinner started.

Amber joined us and she tried to assure me everything would be okay. Even though her face told me something else—she was irritated and losing patience just as I was.

At the sound of car doors slamming, I jumped up from the couch and practically ran toward the front door. I could hear Amber and my Gran behind me but I didn’t slow down. I had lost my ability to remain calm. That ship sailed long ago and had been lost at sea.

The moment I saw Keeton, I placed my hand on his chest and he looked at me with a smile. “Hey, baby,” he whispered as he snuck in a quick kiss.

He appeared to be in one piece. No cuts or bruises.

“You’re looking at the boy like you thought he might not return.” Uncle Jackson chuckled and I looked to my side, scowling at him.

“What the hell did you need guns for, you jackass?” I snarled.

“Liv.” My dad said my name in an authoritative tone.

“Don’t ‘Liv’ me; you three took my boyfriend on a fishin’ trip that required guns. Guns, dad.” I still kept my hand pressed to Keeton’s chest.

All three of these damn Sawyer men stared at me with smirks on their faces. They thought my reaction was a damn riot.

“Amber’s waiting for you,” I returned the cocky smile. Almost instantly my dad’s smirk faded and he looked over his shoulder to find my stepmom standing on the porch with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Ah, damn,” he groaned as he walked off in her direction.

Uncle Jackson laughed so hard he fell sideways into his truck. “What the hell are you laughing at? Aunt Bay is at home, and she may have mentioned something about you sleeping on the couch for the next week. Alone.”

Telling Uncle Jackson he was sleeping alone without his wife was like telling an alcoholic you threw away all his liquor. He didn’t even pause long enough to say goodbye. Instead he jumped in his truck and backed down the driveway in a hurry to get home and fix his predicament.

“She didn’t say that, did she?” Uncle Noah asked.

“Nope.” I smiled. “But it sure got rid of him in a hurry.”

He just laughed and shook his head. “Well, I’m gonna head home,” he announced. “I had a good time, Keeton. You do know this is just their form of hazing?”

I looked between Keeton and Noah, and wondered what in the hell happened today.

“No harm,” Keeton assured him. He placed his arm over my shoulder. “It’s all worth it if in the end I prove just how much she means to me.”

Uncle Noah nodded as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss against my forehead. “Night, kid,” he whispered as he stepped around us and walked toward his Avalanche.

“What happened?” I asked still looking at my uncle.

“Just a lot of talking, sweetheart.” Keeton honestly appeared to be okay. He didn’t look strung out or worried. “And at the end of the day, they knew how much I love you,” he added as he pulled me in close and held me tight.

He may not want to tell me now, but I would find out what the three of them had put him through one way or another.

This had to stop and these knuckleheads would have to accept that Keeton was a part of my life.

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