Omensent: Revealing the Dragon (The Dragon Lord Series) (39 page)

BOOK: Omensent: Revealing the Dragon (The Dragon Lord Series)
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"Have patience." The old wizard murmured, still concentrating of the ball of light.

The others watched as Damarius suddenly raised his staff into the air, causing the orb to float up and out over the open water outside of the harbor
, rapidly growing in size and brightness as it moved, until the orb finally blazed like a second sun over the gathered fleet.

"Look there!" Langsten po
inted to dozens of rowboats that were a hundred yards or so away from the harbor walls, filled with Etazk soldiers. "They're trying to sneak some men up to the outer walls!"

"Archers to
the ready!" Sly roared in a bellowing voice.

Hundreds of soldiers stepped forward with long bows and took aim at the suddenly terrified men inside of the rowboats.


Arrows instantly began to riddle the helpless
Etazk as the soldiers began to loose volley after volley at the tiny rowboats, which suddenly began to drift aimlessly.

"Hold fire!" The little man roared once he was sure that all of the Etazk were dead.

"I don't think they're going to be a problem anymore." Juco snorted, watching as one of the rowboats was dashed to pieces against the shoals.

"How long will that thing stay lit?" Garth asked Damarius, gesturing to the blazing orb.

"As long as we need it to." Damarius replied with a note of pride in his voice.

That'll prevent them from sneaking up on us during the night." Sly nodded approvingly. He turned and started to make his way down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Fedrio asked in confusion.

"I'm going to get a drink." The little man grunted not bothering to look back.

"What about the Etazk?"

"What about them? They'll still be there when I get back."

Buthat if they decide to attack?"

Sly sighed in exasperation, then turned around to look at
the gaunt faced man. "Right now the Etazk are too busy arguing about what strategy they are going to use with their next attack. They've already seen that we can defend ourselves quite effectively, and could destroy their fleet if they're not careful. They're not going to rush into their next attack."

"That's good," Ignan said enthusiastically. "Perhaps they'll hold off their attack long enough for Damion to arrive with the rest of the

"Let's hope he does," The little man grumbled, starting down the stairs. "I have the feeling their next attack is going to be a
harder to repel."


Chapter 17



"We should rea
ch Sevria by tomorrow afternoon." Damion sighed wearily, plopping down next to the fire in exhaustion. "Hopefully we'll find the city still standing."

They had been riding har
d for the last several weeks in an attempt to get their army to Sierra. After passing through Mercedia and leaving their injured behind, the army had been riding day and night, pushing the tribesmen and their horses to the very brink of exhaustion in an effort to cover as much ground as possible.

They had stopped
late that evening to allow the men and horses to rest, and set up camp in one of the fortified clearings the road crews had constructed for the caravans passing through the mountains. The army of horsemen, over fifteen thousand men and horses, stretched back up the trade road for miles, forcing most of the tribesmen to make camp directly on the road itself, though most were far too tired to complain.

"The fact that we haven't r
un into any Etazk yet is a good sign." Bativa yawned hugely, turning the chickens that they had sizzling over the fire. "If they had managed to take Sierra, we would have seen some of their advanced parties by now."

"Not necessarily." Raven murmured as she gently stroked
her daughter's hair. Leia had fallen asleep on her mother's lap as soon as they had settled down next to the fire, seemingly overcome by exhaustion. "They may be laying siege to Sevria."

"That's doubtful," The Deolan chieftain disagreed. "The first thing they would do after surrounding Sevria would be to send
out riders to patrol the road and watch for reinforcements heading towards the city. Since we haven't encountered any riders, I think it's safe to say they haven't reached Sevria."

"What are we going to do
about Leia?" Raven asked, looking down at her daughter fondly. "We can't take her into Sierra with us. It'll be far too dangerous."

"We'll drop her off in Sevria." Damion murmured quietly. "She and Slither can stay behind with
Dar, Shirk, and Lady Skie. She should be safe enough there."

"What?" Leia exclaimed in an outraged voice, sitting up so quickly that it nearly knocked Raven over. "You can't leave me behind
in Sevria! I want to go to Sierra with you!"

"I don't think so, young lady." Damion told her with a stern expression
, not surprised by the fact that she had been listening as she dozed. "It's going to be far too dangerous."

"You can't just leave me behind!" The young girl objected heatedly. "I'm your daughter, not some stray that started tagging along behind you!"

"And that's exactly why you're going to stay behind in Sevria." The huge warrior told her in a tone that clearly said that he had made up his mind. "You're our daughter, and it's our responsibility to make sure you're safe." Leia opened her mouth to argue, but he quickly cut her off. "No more arguments. You're staying behind."

Leia stared at him with
anger blazing in her eyes, then sat back down and crossed her arms, her tiny little face furious.

"Do you think th
at the dwarves managed to get the city sufficiently fortified?" Bativa asked, pulling the chickens from their spits.

"Undoubtedly." Damion assured
him, watching his daughter pout with a frown. "The dwarves are master builders. If anyone could get the city prepared for a siege, it would be the dwarves." He took one of the chickens from the tribesman and deftly sliced it in two with his dagger, then offered one of the halves to his daughter, who abruptly turned her back on him with an angry huff. "Add that to what defenses Damarius managed to dream up, and the Etazk are going to have to do something fairly significant to take the city." He tossed one of the chicken halves to Slither, then handed the other to Raven.

That's reassuring." Bativa grunted, tossing Damion another steaming chicken, which the huge warrior immediately began to devour. "Maybe we'll get lucky and we'll be able to hold them off indefinitely."

"I doubt you'll be that lucky." A woman's voice told them from the shadows.

Everyone was instantly on their feet, their eyes wide and their hands on their weapons as they scanned the darkness for the intruder.

has commanded them to take the city, and they will not stop until they do." An impossibly old woman stepped into the light of the fight, her wrinkled face serious.

"Gwynth!" Leia exclaimed with a smile, hurrying over to embrace the legendary old woman.

"Good evening, Gwynth," Damion greeted her respectfully
, settling back down and reaching for his chicken. "How have you been faring?"

"I am well, thank you."

"Gwynth of the Gods?" Bativa asked in an awed voice. "The immortal messenger of the gods?"

"It isn't as glamorous a job as it may sound." Gwynth told the tattooed chieftain
in a plaintive. "You can end up sitting around for centuries with absolutely nothing to do while you wait for one of the gods to need your service."

"What brings you to see us?" Raven asked curiously, laying her bow aside and settling down next to her husband.

"I have a bit of news that Estheryal has asked me to share with you." She smiled a youthful smile as she looked down at Leia, who had taken her hand and was leading her towards to fire.

"Another warning?" Damion frowned.

"Not exactly." The old woman smiled, leaning in closer to the fire to warm her hands. "I was asked to inform you that the Dragon God's new children shall no longer cause you any problems. Apparently the Serpent Mother was finally successful in convincing Him to abandon His plans, though She cautions you to be vigilant. Draco may attempt a different tactic to further His designs. The Dragon God isn't one to abandon His plans so easily."

"Then we
need to be concerned with the veiled dragons?" Raven asked in confusion.

"I don't think so." The elderly old woman shook her head. "Once Draco learned that little Leia could influence them, He told them He no longer had any need of them, and sent them away. I don't think
that they will be causing you any further problems."

"That's a relief." Bativa sighed, still watching the old woman will an awed expression. "It's been a little stressful knowing an invisible dragon could descend upon us
at anytime."

"Now we only have the Etazk to worry about." Damion murmured, tossing the bones from his chicken into the fire.

"How was Estheryal able to convince the Dragon God to abandon His plans?" Raven asked curiously.

"She pointed out a few flaws in His plans th
at He had somehow overlooked. Once He realized His mistakes, He agreed that they were doomed from the start."

"I'm glad to hear that He has failed once again."
Damion smirked in satisfaction.

"Don't gloat just yet
." The old woman warned sternly. "The Dragon God will surely try a different tactic in achieving His end goals, and that's almost sure to involve you somehow."

"I'm getting a little tired of being a pawn in the
Dragon God's games." The huge warrior growled in irritation. "Doesn't he have better things to do than to annoy those living in the mortal world?"

"Not really."
Gwynth chuckled in amusement. "The gods spend almost all of their time focused on the mortal world, devising ways to influence those that they need into accomplishing their goals for them. If they didn't spend their time focused on the mortal world, they would confront one another directly, and the universe would surely be destroyed in the process."

"We don't want that." Bativa declared fervently.

"What were these mistakes that Draco failed to notice?" Leia asked, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Gwynth started, staring down at the young girl with a serious expression. "The Dragon God realized that He had made a serious mistake when He used your blood to help create His new children. When He did, He inadvertently created a link between you and the new dragons, much like the link that tethers the scarlet serpents to the Dragon Gem."

"Is that why she is able to sense them when they get close?"
Raven still looked bothered by the idea of her daughter being linked to the veiled dragons.

"It is," The old woman confirmed with a nod, still staring down at Leia. "It's also why she was able to order them to leave when you encountered them back in the grasslands."

"But what will happen to the veiled dragons now that the Dragon God no longer has any use for them?" Leia asked, her tiny face concerned.

will probably go into hiding." Damion told her knowingly. "There are only twenty veiled dragons, ten males and ten females. They will probably go underground for a few centuries until they're able to build up their numbers."

"What can you tell us about the Etazk army?" Bativa asked the legendary old woman. "Have they reached Sierra yet?"

"They have. Their fleet arrived several days ago and is currently anchored outside of the harbor."

"They haven't tried to attack the city yet?" Damion asked in surprise.

"They have made a couple of attempts to get some ships into the city, but the city's defenders were able to repel their attempts fairly easily." Gwynth smiled. "That old wizard Damarius has come up with several brilliant designs that have made things quite difficult for the Etazk."

"That's Damarius for you." Damion laughed, shaking his head. "He's probably having the time of his life right now. He's always complaining that he never gets the chance to test out any of his theories or designs."

"So far they have managed to hold the Etazk at bay," The old woman continued with a frown. "but I don't think you can count on them holding out for much longer. Etaz is quite put out with you, and He will not be satisfied until He has crushed you and your army, and brought the southern continent under His control. He has virtually depopulated the entire western continent, packing them all aboard ships that are now currently anchored outside of Sierra's harbor. He's even sent the high priest, a repugnantly evil fellow by the name of Mohaad. He is the only man who has direct contact with the dread god." She fixed Damion with a grim gaze. "Take care when confronting him. His powers nearly rival your own, and he has had much more practice delving into the dark magic than you."

"I don't like the sound of that." Bativa scowled. "I can deal with be
ing outnumbered, but when they begin throwing horrors at you..." He shuddered. "Those demon wolves the Etazk had with them back in Kainpre will haunt my dream for the rest of my life!"

"Mohaad is capable of raising them, and far worse." Gwynth told the tribesman, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "He is a cruel, vile hearted man who revels in debauchery. He has personally sacrificed more of his own countrymen to Etaz than any ten priests combined, going as far as bath
ing in their blood as he offers their heart as tribute. He also has an entire harem of children that he keeps for..." She suddenly stopped, looking down at Leia with a doubtful expression. "Well, let's just says he keeps an entire harem full of children."

"That's horrible!" Raven cried, her hand flying to her mouth.

"He's a horrible sort of person." The legendary old woman agreed. "Mohaad has delved deep into the underworld in which Etaz dwells, causing him to become slightly unhinged." She suddenly looked thoughtful. "I don't think the human mind is capable of withstanding the horrors in the underworld. It seems that those horrors have taken their toll on Mohaad. His grasp of reality is quite tenuous."

other words, he's completely out of his mind." Bativa snorted humorlessly. "Anyone who would slaughter their own men and bathe in their blood is obviously deranged."

"I think that would be an accurate assessment." Gwynth agreed. "He has absolutely no respect for human life, and takes great delight in the sight of blood and gore.
Not to mention the fact that he is also responsible for the tradition of drinking animal urine." She shuddered in revulsion. "He believes it cleanses one's spirit. His men collect the urine from goats and horses, and they drink it religiously in purification rituals."

"That's disgusting!" Leia looked like she was going to be sick.

"The more I learn about the Etazk, the more I detest them." The tattooed chieftain growled with a nauseated expression.

"They're a detestable race." Gwynth agreed.
"But do not let the fact that Mohaad is insane distract your from the fact that he is still one of the most powerful sorcerers alive." The old woman cautioned Damion sternly. "You may have your own magic
the Dragon Sword at your side, but Etaz has blessed Mohaad with nearly unlimited power. He may be the most dangerous man in the world. Make sure that you are cautious."

"My father is the most dangerous man
in the world," Leia corrected her in a prim tone. "and that brain damaged piss drinker is the one who had better be cautious!"

"Leia!" Raven gasped, while everyone else laughed. "A lady should
use such language!"

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