On Fire

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #Erotic, #fire, #lust, #Series, #fireman, #sex acts, #curves, #firemans carry, #serve and submit series, #size 14

BOOK: On Fire
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On Fire

Serve and Submit Series

Book #2



Copyright © 2014 Tory Richards

All Rights Reserved.

Published by Tory Richards

Smashwords Edition



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Tory Richards:

Email: [email protected]



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s
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‘Author’s note: All characters depicted in
this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.’



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Comments about Pulled Over

A decadently sexy afternoon delight that
will leave your hormones racing!
Jody F.

Really liked it and boy was it hot!
Kara G.

Chapter 1



When my best friend Shelly and I arrive home
from work each night we head straight to our own rooms. We’re lucky
in that we have our own private baths. I knew she was getting ready
for a hot date, and could tell she was in a hurry. She still had a
couple of hours before meeting her current boyfriend Chris, and
when she went out she dressed to the hilt, which took hours. Shelly
was always on the lookout for her next boyfriend, in case things
didn’t work out with the one she had.

I shut my bedroom door and threw myself down
on the bed. Another lonely night at home, just me, Tootsie, and Mr.
Big. I really needed to think about replacing Mr. Big, he was more
than just broken in, he was broken up. I laughed, thinking about
the tape I had to use to keep the batteries from sliding out. Plus,
there was a good sized split in the cyber skin phallus that I
supposed made it a little unsanitary, not to mention painful when
it tugged at the occasional pubic hair. But it was the closest
thing to having a real cock inside me, and I could count on him
being there whenever I needed him.

I was pathetic!
My mind drifted to our
hot neighbor Dean. I must have imagined the blatant interest in his
eyes the other day while sun bathing out by the pool. Even now I
grew uncomfortably warm thinking about the way his eyes had branded
every inch of me. Knowing his gaze was on me I’d reached up to undo
the back of my bathing suit top, and then lifted up just enough so
he could see my large breasts, minus the nipples.

If he’d truly been interested wouldn’t he
have made a move? The too quiet hunk hadn’t done anything more than
toss me a crooked smile and a wave.
He wouldn’t know a
good piece of ass if it was staring him in the face. I laughed,
realizing that if I was that good, I wouldn’t be alone now.

Maybe he was just shy or something. Lord,
please don’t let him be some nerdy bookworm! Why would God waste
that dynamite body on a geek? Crap, why was I even worried about
it? Except that I was horny as hell and every time I saw him I just
wanted to jump his bones. I grabbed my pillow and closed my eyes.
I’m glad Shelly seemed to be having some luck with Chris, they’d
been going hot for a whole month, almost a milestone where Shelly
was concerned.

I sighed, trying not to think about sexy Dean
with his muscular torso and his long legs encased in those faded
jeans, but it was too hard getting his handsome face, and smoking
hot body out of my mind…




“Faith! Faith!”

Gradually the pounding on my bedroom door
dragged me from the yummy dream I was having. “What?” I mumbled
into my pillow before turning onto my back and stretching against
the rumpled bedding.

“I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving

“Come on in.” I tried to keep my eyes open.
It wasn’t easy because I wanted to return to my feel good

“You were sleeping?” Shelly asked with
disbelief as soon as she entered my room. “Why don’t you come with
us? You might meet someone there.”

“No way, I’m too young to become the third
wheel. Besides, knowing the way you feel, you’ll be dragging Chris
back here early.” She laughed, but didn’t deny it. “And do me a
favor, don’t tell me if you happen to see Dean there.”

She made a tisking sound. “Why don’t you just
make the first move for goodness sake? He’s only two doors down, or
are you afraid he’ll say no?”

I shrugged, and sat up. “Maybe he has a
girlfriend that we don’t know about. He’s only been here a couple
of weeks.”

“Well, it’s his loss,” Shelly said. “But you
won’t know until you try. How do I look?”

“As breath-taking as usual.” She did. Shelly,
in my opinion, was model material.

“Most likely Chris will be coming home with
me tonight.” Shelly winked. “Try to be quiet with Mr. Big.”

A chuckle burst from me. “Bitch!” I knew that
was impossible, the whole building had to know when I was having an
orgasm. Thank God there was two of us living there so they couldn’t
possibly know which one of us was wailing like a banshee on her
last breath. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating just a little. All I
knew was that I sounded loud to me. “Have a good time, honey.”

“What are your plans?”

“The usual. Shower, dinner, and a movie.” She
raised a knowing brow and waited, causing me to break into a
reluctant smile.

I shrugged. “Mr. Big.”

“That’s my girl! Okay, see ya later.”

I waved her off, getting to my feet. Time for
that shower. I stripped my clothes off as I went, letting them fall
to the floor, and flipped on the radio that was sitting on the back
of the toilet. By the time I turned on the shower I was naked. Once
the water was adjusted to the way I liked it I stepped inside and
pulled the curtain closed.

I liked long showers. Besides, with the
length and thickness of my hair it took a while to make sure all
the shampoo was out. I was at the tail end of rinsing off when I
thought I heard a sound above the loud song playing on the radio. I
pulled the curtain back and listened for a second, deciding it was
nothing, and went back to rinsing off. I started to sing along to
Shout it Out Loud when a deafening, sonic-type boom rattled through
the whole apartment building. I nearly jumped out of my skin, and
reached for the tap to turn off the water.

What the hell?

I heard a muffled sound outside my bathroom,
was someone actually pounding on the door? I thought Shelly had
left, soon realizing that it wasn’t her voice.

“Faith! Open the door!”

Before I could think to respond the door
crashed in and slammed against the wall. I screamed, and peered
around the shower curtain, afraid of what I was going to see. My
eyes fell on Dean, standing in the threshold in nothing but a pair
of unsnapped, low hanging jeans. I know my mouth dropped, and my
gaze was automatically drawn to the opened V like a magnet. Some
part of my stunned brain acknowledged that he’d kicked the door

I had a habit of locking my bathroom door
when I knew I was alone in the apartment. Especially after watching
too many Syfy movies, where a lot of bad things seemed to happen in
the bathroom, especially in the shower. I also had a vivid


“There’s a fire in your kitchen! You need to
get out now!”

“Fire?” I repeated dumbfounded. I was trying
to wrap my head around what he was saying, glancing past him to see
black smoke drifting into my bedroom.

“You need to come with me now!” His voice was
laced with heavy impatience. “The fire department is on their

I was still hiding behind the curtain.
“There’s no way I’m going anywhere with you naked! I–”

I didn’t get to finish. His face turned red
and he said something about not having time for this. He grabbed my
hand and yanked me out of the tub. As soon as my foot hit the floor
my leg shot out from under me. I would have gone down if it hadn’t
been for Dean’s rock hard body stopping my fall. I let out a cry,
he swore some more, and in a heart beat my breasts were smashed
against his chest. I was instantly engulfed in a smoldering heat of
lust as my momentum pushed him backwards into the wall.

“Fuck!” He hit it with jarring contact. Our
faces were close, we were both breathing heavily but for different
reasons. I was very aware my nipples were hardening against his
warm skin. “Not very good timing,” he finally said, looking down at
me with amusement in his eyes.

I didn’t pretend not to know what he was
talking about. Now was my time to reveal I was just as interested.
“Maybe some other time?” His mouth twitched with a slight smile and
he nodded, then pushed away from the wall, and I was forced to step
away from him. “I’m still not going anywhere with you naked.” I
could hear the fire alarm ringing from out in the hallway and knew
there would be other tenants evacuating the building.

The next thing I knew he ripped the shower
curtain off the hooks, folded it around my body a few times, bent,
and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed, feeling myself slipping
as he stood. “I’m falling!” I tried to wiggle my arms free but he’d
wrapped me up like a cocoon.

“Hold on!” He managed to bounce me back into
position, and wrap his arms around my upper thighs. I felt my face
flush, ever conscious of my size fourteen curves, although he
didn’t seem to mind. I thanked God the shower curtain was red and
not clear because my ass was close to his face.

“I can walk, damnit!”

He ignored me, and turned quickly to walk
into my bedroom, through the smoke filled apartment, and toward the
opened front door. We were almost there when I remembered

“Wait, my cat!” I began to squirm.

“My first priority if getting you out of

His first priority?
I was more
confused than ever. “But she won’t come to you!”

We reached the door just as three firemen
burst into the apartment. I glanced up from my undignified position
long enough to take in that they were dressed in full uniform and
weighted down by the various tools of their trade. One of them
smiled at me and I lowered my head with a groan.

“What have we got?” One of them asked.

“Looks like an electrical, check the stove,”
Dean replied, surprising me. “The fire is contained in the kitchen
right now.” He moved around them and headed down the hallway. “Far
as I can tell this is the only apartment affected.”

“What’s up with the fireman’s carry ?”
Another firemen yelled out as we moved down the hallway. I could
hear the amusement in his tone.

“Uncooperative female,” Dean responded,
receiving loud guffaws in return.

“Dean!” I wanted to die of embarrassment. I
could hear the shuffling and mumbling of my neighbors as they
vacated their apartments and headed toward the stairs. “Where are
you taking me?”

“Some place safe for the time being. Until we
get your apartment fire under control and assess the damage.” He
came to a door and opened it.

“Are you a fireman?”

“Yes ma’am.” He set me down on my feet. “I
was returning from the mailbox when I noticed smoke coming out from
beneath your door. I pulled the alarm and the rest you know.” He
turned to leave.

“Wait a minute! You can’t leave me like

His gaze moved down my curtain clad body. The
only thing visible was my neck and wet head. If he left me and I
fell to the floor I’d lay there like a helpless slug until his
return. The corners of his mouth lifted, as if he was thinking
something similar.

“I guess it won’t hurt to turn you

He located the ends of the plastic and slowly
spun me around as if I was a ballerina on top of a music box. Every
turn left him with more curtain in his hands until I was standing
completely naked before him…

Cool air touched my damp, exposed skin, but
it was the hot interested look in Dean’s eyes that made me shiver.
I ran my gaze with deliberately slowness over his chest, arms and
abs, pausing at where his jeans were slightly open.
God, he
makes me hungry!
Remembering what it had felt like when my
breasts were crushed against him didn’t help. When I raised my gaze
to his, I realized he was looking me over just as thoroughly.

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