On Ice (30 page)

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Authors: J. D. Faver

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Thrillers, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: On Ice
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I was telling him I thought he should come back to school, at least part-time.” Rene was startled to see the frown on Brett’s face.

Are you joking? Kipp is an assistant crew leader. He has a great future with the company.”

But, surely you agree that he should complete his education?” Rene stared up at him, ignoring the scowl.

It’s okay, Miss.” Kipp said. “Really, I need to work for my family.”

Hi, folks.” Ben and Honeybee approached the group. Honeybee’s hand was tucked into the crook of Ben’s arm. Rene and Honeybee embraced warmly.

You were right,” Honeybee said. “We talked.” She and Ben exchanged a shy smile. “He really does feel the same way I do.”

That’s great! I’m so happy for you both.”

Would someone mind letting me in on the secret?” Brett asked, his irritation still apparent.

I’ll fill you in later. I don’t think it’s a secret anymore,” Rene said.

How’re you kids?” Honeybee asked. “Is everything okay at the house?”

We’re okay, Miss Honeybee.” Rick said.

I worry about you, you know?” She tousled his hair fondly. “Where’s my little Jilly?”

Here I am!” Jill came running over and clasped Honeybee around the thighs. “I’m going back to school tomorrow,” she announced, tilting her head back but retaining her grasp on Honeybee.

That’s great.” Honeybee turned to Rene. “You’re feeling better, then?”

Yes, much better. We were just talking to Kipp about coming back to school on a part-time basis.” She shot a quick glance at Brett.

That’s wonderful,” Honeybee said. “It was a bad idea to quit. He was a very good student.”

We can’t afford it,” Kipp insisted. His miserable expression tugged at Rene’s heart.

I can help you out a little,” Honeybee said. “I’ve told you that.”

Me, too,” Ben offered. “I’ve got a little put by.”

Yes, I know, but--” Kipp, sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

Let’s see if we can come up with a solution. Father Paul is checking with the diocese for additional funds. We’ll ask him what he finds out.”

As Brett drove them home, a silence settled over the foursome. Since they were to return to school the next day, they opted to eat at the cabin allowing Rene a chance to rest. Mrs. Jolly prepared more food than they could eat so she could nuke them an acceptable meal that evening.

Thank you for taking us to church,” Rene said as Brett helped her from the Hummer. “I appreciate it.”

It was my pleasure,” he said, his voice gruff. “I’ll pick you and the kids up tomorrow morning for school.”

Aren’t you having lunch with us?” she asked.

You look tired. I’ve got some things to do so I’ll just be leaving now.” He kissed her on the forehead and departed, leaving her staring after him.

What is this? Pouting?
She would almost rather endure Mark’s temper than Brett’s aloof silence.

It snowed again that night. Rene stared out the window at the powdery flakes falling to earth. The full moon cast a silvery glow over the whiteness, contrasting against the dark of the trees. She shivered, contemplating her aloneness. She thought about Brett’s home, so snug and secure. What was he doing now? Was he staring out the window, thinking of her? The lonely howl of a wolf broke the stillness of the night.

She pulled on her jacket and boots and stepped quietly onto the porch. The crisp, cold night air tingled against her cheeks. The wolf howled again. Rene crunched out into the snow, taking in great lungfuls of the chilled air. It only hurt a little now. Throwing her head back, Rene answered the wolf, howling mournfully. The sound resonated, creating a hollowness when it died away. The eerie silence was broken when the wolf howled its reply.

Mom?” Seth held Sara’s mittened hand as they watched her from the porch. They wore warm down-filled jackets, their breath sending cartoon-like balloon shapes from their mouths. “Are you okay?”

I’m fine. I was just keeping the wolf company.”

The wolf?” he asked.

As if on cue, the wolf’s howl cut into the icy night.

The wolf.” Rene held her arms out to the children. They ran to her, still holding hands. She embraced them, and then holding their hands, danced them around in circles. As she danced, Rene howled to the wolf. Sara threw back her head and let out a shrill, wolf-like howl. Seth and the wolf joined in.

Let’s go in,” Rene said. “It’s cold and we have to get up early tomorrow.”

Rene slept well, but dreamed a strange jumble of dreams. She was dancing in the moonlight. First, she danced with the children, then with Brett. Then it was Mark. She ran as Mark changed into the wolf and chased her. She stopped and turned on her pursuer. Rene became the bear. Rearing up on her haunches, she growled and slashed her powerful claws at him. Waking suddenly, she lay in the dark listening to her heart thudding against her ribs. She smiled in the darkness, feeling powerful and secure.






Miss McCann.” Terrence’s voice almost caressed her name as he spoke into the phone. “What can I do for you?”

This must be Terrence,” she said.

That it is.” He chuckled, visualizing her pretty face.

What’s so funny?”

Nothin’ funny. I’m just glad to hear your voice.”

Oh.” She paused, as though surprised. “I called to report in to Mrs. Sanders. Is she available?”

Aye. Let me get her for you.” Carrying the phone with him, he loped up the stairs, his long-legged stride taking them two at a time. He knocked at the Sanders bedroom door. “Mrs. Sanders? T.J. McCann on the line for you.”

Thank you, Terrence,” she called.

He hung up, feeling a strange sense of loss.

T.J.? Have you found out anything?” Maddy said.

Oh, yes. I found him.”

You found Mark? Where is he? How did you do it so quickly?” Maddy felt her pulses quicken.

T.J. laughed. “Which question would you like me to answer first?”

Any of them.”

It wasn’t hard. I tracked him through ATM withdrawals. He isn’t using credit or writing checks, but he has taken cash from the same location several times. I staked it out and followed him to a seedy hotel off Montrose. He’s keeping a low profile but he does keep you under surveillance. He’s driving a dark green Ford Taurus.”

Amazing!” Maddy breathed.

Not so amazing.” T.J. said.

It’s amazing that you located him so quickly when the police couldn’t.” Maddy felt almost giddy with relief.

They could have found him, but they must not have been looking very hard. Now what?”

I don’t know. I’ve been so frightened I haven’t gotten that far.” Maddy took a deep breath. “We should call the police, but I wonder why they didn’t look for him. Has he paid someone off? Probably that insolent detective.”

My thoughts exactly.”

I don’t know what to do.” She sighed, considering the possibilities. “Ted will be home soon. Why don’t you come over? You can give Terrence a thrill.”

Terrence? What does the big Scot have to do with me?”

Not enough. For a detective, you’ve got a lot to learn about observing the opposite sex.” Maddy laughed.

I guess so. Hmmm. I’ll be there in about an hour. I’ll have to put on some lip gloss.”

No taking unfair advantage. Be merciful.” Maddy hung up the receiver smiling but then abruptly frowned as she thought of Mark. Had he gotten to the dead-pan cop?



Rene was tired after her first day back in class. Brett hadn’t been particularly talkative when he dropped them off that morning. Several students waited for her to open the school so she didn’t have time to think about his silence. The children were so happy to have her back it made her appreciate her position all the more. Nadine and Cindy both came to help after lunch. Nadine cut out shapes with the youngest children, while Cindy ran a spelling bee. Rene finished with a science lesson and let the children out early. They played outside under Gunnar’s supervision.

Ready for a nap?” Cindy asked. “I am and I haven’t been injured.”

I’m whipped,” Rene said. “It’s good to be back. The kids were so sweet.”

Sweet!” Nadine snorted. “Their parents probably threatened them with permanent time out if they ran the teacher off. I know I did.”

Cindy and Rene laughed. Even Nadine cracked a smile.

Nadine will drive you home,” Cindy said. “I’m taking her kids home with mine. I think she got the better deal.”

Brett’s not coming?” Rene felt abandoned.

He had errands to do and won’t be back until dark,” Nadine said. “Now, that dark is coming earlier and earlier.”

Did you two have a fight?” Cindy asked.

Not really,” Rene said uncertainly. “I mean, we sort of disagreed about something on Sunday. He’s been a little short since then.”

Ooh, I hate that!” Cindy said.

Me, too.” Nadine pretended to spar. “I’d rather have a knock-down, drag-out than get the silent treatment.”

At least the silent treatment doesn’t bruise anything, but your feelings,” Rene said. Her friends exchanged a glance. She’d said too much.

As Nadine pulled away from the school, Rene asked, “Could we make a detour?”

Sure. Do you need to go to the store?” She turned down the main street.

No, Mrs. Jolly has been shopping for an army. I’d like to drive by the garage. I want to see the truck.”

Whatever for? It’s a mess.”

Because, I’m the only one who hasn’t seen it.”

Nadine pulled into Ernst Schrader’s driveway. Rene stared silently at the wrecked truck caked with dried mud. She climbed out and peered into the truck’s broken window. She pulled the collar of her down jacket up around her ears. The temperature was dropping as the sun set early.

Mommy!” Sara said, from the back seat. “You were in there?”

Yes, honey. I was lucky not to have been hurt any worse than I was.”

Seth climbed out. “Wow, Mom.
It’s a goner!”

No, son.
It’s mostly der body dat’s damaged.” Ernst came to stand behind them. He wiped his greasy hands on a red shop towel. “Und she needs a new radiator.” His thermal underwear was visible under his blackened coveralls.

Is it fixable?” Rene asked.

Ev’ry ting’s fixable, but der cost is very much.”

How much is very much?” she asked. “I don’t have much money.” She thought of her bank account as her escape fund. She lived frugally. Except for a few comfort items for the cabin and a splurge for warm clothing, she made few withdrawals.

Vell, I don’t know. Mr. Brett didn’t tell me if he vants it fixed, so I don’t figure it out.”

I’m the one who was driving it,” Rene said. “If you can tell me how much you think it will cost, I’ll see what I can do.” She shoved her gloved hands down in her pockets. The wind was coming up. “Get in the truck, Seth.”

Gif’ me a few days. It’s such an old truck it won’t be easy to find der parts.”

At the cabin, Rene thanked Nadine for the ride. The children ran inside, but Nadine kept her for a moment.

If you’re in trouble, you know I’ll always be in your corner.”

Why? What makes you think I’m in trouble?” Rene’s stomach tightened as she gripped the door handle.

Because you’re here and you’re scared. I can tell. It’s like you’re looking over your shoulder all the time.” Nadine’s red eyebrows knotted in a line across her forehead.

Rene searched Nadine’s face, but couldn’t comment.

It’s okay, honey,” Nadine said. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I just wanted you to know that Sam and I will back you up if you need us.”

That’s good to know,” Rene said. A tear ran down the side of her nose and slid over her jacket’s water-proof finish, falling to her lap.

Oh, honey.” Nadine spread her arms. “Is someone chasing you?”

I thought I didn’t have to tell you?” Rene giggled through her tears as she let Nadine enfold her in a hug.

I lied.” Nadine burst into her own fit of giggles.

Rene sniffled and laughed against her shoulder. “How about if I just say, you’re right and leave it at that?”

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