On the Run (2 page)

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Authors: Paul Westwood

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love, #adventure, #private detective, #sex, #detective, #mafia, #mob, #desert, #stranger, #hitchhiker, #straight

BOOK: On the Run
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“Here we are,” she stated. Without a further
word, she opened the door and slipped outside. With the
disappearance of the sun, it was remarkably colder.

I said loudly, “Any chance I could get one of
your blankets?”

The back doors opened and the van rocked as
she got inside. “Sure, it’s no problem. I have plenty.”

We spent the next few minutes preparing to
sleep: the call of nature and I even had a chance to use a bottle
of her mouthwash. When everything was said and done, Cat shut the
back doors and clambered onto her little bed. I was sitting up in
the passenger seat, trying to find a comfortable position on the
worn vinyl..

A few moments of time crept by. I was acutely
aware that there was a beautiful woman only a few feet behind me.
As she wrestled with the covers, I could feel her every movement. I
could hear her breathe. I could smell her odor: sweat and sex. I
could tell this was going to be a long night of frustration and
thoughts of what could have been.

I was about to get up and walk outside; a
chance to collect my thoughts before returning to the warmth of the
van, when she spoke.

Her voice was low and sensual, the words
dripping out like honey. “Can’t sleep?”

“No,” I replied, my throat felt constricted
as if filled with gravel.

“Then why don’t you turn around and

The moon had risen, sending a weak, pale
sheen through the windows. I craned my head past the headrest and
looked through the metal grate that separated us. Cat had the
blanket pulled down, exposing her breasts. In the light of the
moon, they looked perfectly white and smooth, except for the raised
and hardened nipples. She was a well-endowed woman, but not
overripe. As I watched, she pushed the blanket further down,
revealing the taut stomach of someone who danced for a living. I
could feel my heart beating in my chest and hear the sound of blood
rushing in my head.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked, her
voice serious, but with a playful undercurrent.

“Very much,” I replied. I was afraid to say
too much in fear of breaking the spell. When moments like this
come, they are special. If you do something wrong, the moment can
be forever broken. This was one bit of magic that I wished could go
on forever.


She gave a little smile before pulling the
blanket aside. Now I could see all of her: the lovely hair that
practically shone in the moonlight, the graceful neck, the chest,
the lovely arms, the flat stomach, the small triangle of pubic
hair, and the long, toned legs.

“Would you like to come here?” she asked.

I felt the animal urge flowing through my
loins, destroying any other thought in my mind. “Yes,” I said,
louder than I intended.

“Maybe I will let you,” she said with a
laugh. “And maybe I won’t.”

“Please,” I croaked out, feeling as if my
lust would break my body in half.

She gave another laugh, but not one that was
cruel. “I was just kidding, James. The backdoor is unlocked.”

I was out and onto the ground, moving as
quickly as I could. In a few long strides, I was at the back doors,
which thankfully swung open. I pulled myself inside, shutting the
doors as I went.

She was there on her knees to greet me. Her
arms wrapped around my waist and her face upturned to meet mine in
a kiss. As we embraced, it seemed as if her body was on fire;
that’s how hot the skin seemed compared to the cold of the night
desert air.

We kissed. At first her lips were cool and
remote. But after just a few pecks, she parted her mouth and slid
her tongue against mine. It felt like an electric shock. In the
meanwhile, our hands explored each other’s bodies. Her body felt as
good as it looked – taut and well-muscled, but still with more than
enough femininity to keep me aroused. Within moments Cat was
grappling with my shirt and pulled it over my head. She then did
the same to my pants, leaving me with only my underwear on. After
that, she pulled me down onto the bed, pulling the covers over the
both of us.

A few more lingering kisses and then Cat
disappeared under the covers. She kissed my neck and then my chest,
inching lower and lower. I wriggled with pleasure, my hands running
through her hair which brushed lightly against my skin. After
kissing my stomach, she paused above my pelvis, as if tantalizing
me further with the possibility of what would happen next. She
suddenly pulled down my underwear and began to suck on my hard

Cat was an expert, licking and sucking the
tip while keeping a constant stroking motion going on my shaft with
one hand. The other hand gently caressed my balls.

The pleasure was so intense that I tensed my
legs, expecting to come any moment. When she sensed this she slowed
down, making sure I lasted a little longer.

Cat suddenly stopped. “Now, now,” she
breathed out, “Save some of it for me, darling.”

I nodded, breathing hard. “Yes, ma’am,” I
managed to say between gasps.

She let out a little laugh and then whipped
the covers off. Before I could say or do anything, Cat had turned
around, lowering her rear on to my face. She proceeded to suck on
my cock again while I was confronted by her pale backside that was
only inches away. I stuck my tongue out and began to lick the lips
of her pussy. It tasted surprisingly sweet with only the faintest
flavor of sweat. I slipped a finger inside, moving it slowly and
rhythmically. She moaned, which only made me work harder and
faster. Her body gave a shudder that rocked her body so hard that
Cat had to stop her own work.

She suddenly twisted around yet again, her
mouth close to my ear. Now she was the one breathing hard. She
grabbed my shaft with one hand and guided it inside of her. With my
hands on her ass, Cat began to ride me up and down, moaning gently
as she went. She was so good and so tight that I felt as if I was
going to climax right away. Once again, Cat somehow sensed this,
perhaps by my own labored breathing and the way I gripped her
buttocks. She slowed until we both regained control of our

Each time of passion was bringing me closer
and closer to the brink. I wanted to finish the job but I also knew
that this moment was special. If I came now, then perhaps I could
never make love to Cat again. Our meeting had only been a twist of
fate, and it would only be a matter of time before we would be
separated. It could be in another hour or another day, so I had to
make this moment last as long as I could. With a burst of animal
strength, I pushed her off to the side, forcing Cat on her

I slipped inside of her, working slowly and
surely. She stared deep into my eyes as I gently made love to her,
savoring every second and every minute. As she came again, her
nails raked my back, combining my pleasure with a twist of pain
that made me gasp in wonderment. I had made love to several women
before, but never felt anything like this before. She was so damn
good and so vivacious that in comparison, everyone before seemed
terribly lifeless as if the whole matter was just physical
exercise. Cat, on the other hand, reveled in her sensuality and

I pulled out, and pulled her up, surprised at
my own strength. We kissed gently. With my hands, I felt her
breasts, the heaving of her chest, and the hardness of her nipples.
I then shifted back on my knees and with easy motions, turned Cat
over. Her lovely buttocks were below me. With one hand clasped
around one of her breasts, I entered her wet pussy from behind. I
thrusted inside, moving quickly and surely. She moaned so loudly
that the sound of her voice echoed against the steel walls. The
sounds of her pleasure were amplified within the confines of the
vehicle, which made me only work harder and faster.

The sensation of pleasure rolled down my
spine and hit my pelvis like a bolt of blue electricity. As I came,
the orgasm shook me so hard that I could only breathe and hold on
to her. Before coming inside, I pulled out and let my seed splash
on her buttocks. When I was done, I collapsed to my side and
gasped, trying to suck in whatever air I could find. I felt
complete. I felt whole. Every moment before this felt false. I had
found what I wanted with this wonderful woman.

Cat let out a little laugh. “My god,” she
said, “That was wonderful. You were wonderful.”

“Thank you,” I managed to say, each word a
battle with exhaustion.

I could feel the mattress shift as she
crawled off to the side. I heard her rummage through the trail of
clothing we had left behind.

“You made quite the mess on me,” she said
playfully. “I’ll have to wipe it up with my shirt.”

I felt proud of myself. I was about to say
something in reply when the back doors burst open. Before I could
see who was there, my face was hit with the bright beam of a
flashlight. Hands reached for me and pulled me out of the back of
the van. I was naked and confused, wondering what was going on. And
then it hit me: while I was busy screwing, Adrian Salvatore’s men
were hunting for me. Someone had made the connection with the van
and my disappearance. It must have taken them some time to find
where we had driven off the road. And now they were here.

“Is this the man?” someone grunted.

“That’s him,” another answered. This voice
was oily and smooth, with the slow, practiced enunciation of a

“What do you want?” I blurted out, covering
my genitals with my hands.

“We’re looking for a picture, mister. A
picture that you took of me, Adrian Salvatore, talking to someone.
When my wife threw those pictures of that slut stripper in my face,
I got to thinking that there could be more of them. That meeting I
had was off the cuff, but very important. The man I met with is
very concerned that picture could get into the wrong hands. I’m
here, personal like, to be sure that doesn’t happen. Now where is

I was trapped and helpless. My gun was in the
duffel bag up in the front of the van. I couldn’t see what the two
of them were carrying, but I bet it wasn’t a dozen roses. I didn’t
have any choice but to give in to their demands.

I finally said, “The picture, it’s on the
floor of the passenger seat. There’s a side pocket on my duffel bag
that has an envelope. The picture is in there.”

“Go look, Tommy,” Salvatore said.

It only took a few seconds for his henchmen
to return. Salvatore pointed his flashlight down Tommy dumped the
contents of my duffel bag out. My few bits of clothing, along with
my gun dropped out. Then a manila envelope fluttered to the

Tommy reached for it. He was a big man who
grunted while reaching for it. He opened the seal on top and handed
the photograph to Salvatore, who looked it over with the

He said, “We already searched your office and
got the hard drive and camera with the original image. Now this
here will put an end to the problem. It would have been simpler if
you had just given us this copy instead of making us run all over
the country.”

I said, “I’m afraid I don’t trust a man who
sent two goons with guns. I would have dealt with you if you hadn’t
gotten rough from the very start.”

Salvatore let out a little laugh. “You don’t
recognize who this is in the picture?”

I shook my head.

“You’re not a very good liar. This here is
our esteemed congressman, Ted Sanford, making yet another deal with

“I don’t follow politics much,” I stated. It
was true. I didn’t know who the man was, though I remembered the
name from the last election.

Salvatore shook his head, the motion just a
smudge of black against the backdrop of the moon. “He’s in so deep
with me that he’ll never get out. He is also my biggest moneymaker,
getting me a cut of the action for every bit of government work
that comes into Miami. Now a picture like this could ruin his use
to me. I can’t have you running off and yapping your mouth to

“You can be assured that I won’t tell
anyone,” I said. “In fact I don’t plan to return to Miami.”

Salvatore turned and looked inside the lit
confines of the back of the van. Cat was there, hiding her body
behind a blanket. He said, “So you got a piece of tail and you’re
in love and all that. Of course a man like you doesn’t have a
bankroll, and a woman like that is going to want whatever money she
can get a hold of. Brother, let me tell you about women – you’ve
already met my wife. So in the end, you’re going to try and
leverage that information against the esteemed Congressman Sanford.
And that won’t do. Tommy, take care of the both of them. Bury them
deep in the sand.”

“Yes, sir,” the henchman replied with a flat,
uninterested tone. You could tell that he had killed before and no
amount of pleading would give Cat and I our lives.

“No!” I shouted. I dove for my gun where it
rested on the ground. The black metal was just a gleam in the
moonlight. I knew I was going to die, but it was better to go down
fighting than to be executed like a coward. My hand touched the
butt of the Browning, but I was going to slow. It would only be a
split second before one of them fired and killed me. And then the
gun would be turned on Cat and the job would be finished.

Two shots rang out. I flinched, expecting to
feel a blossom of pain spreading along my back. Instead I felt
nothing but the stones digging into my stomach. I turned with my
pistol at the ready. Both Salvatore and his henchmen were on the
ground, gasping in pain. It was only a moment before the both of
them stopped moving and were dead. I turned to look at Cat. She was
standing in front of the open doors, still nude, holding that
little Colt in her hands. She had saved me.

“We have to get out of here,” I said as I
gathered up my clothing and stuffed it back into the duffel bag.
“Get the keys!” I then ran to the van, getting inside to drive.

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