Once a Ferrara Wife... (17 page)

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Authors: Sarah Morgan

BOOK: Once a Ferrara Wife...
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‘No, you haven’t. But I’m confused as to why you didn’t just ask me to come in your message? You said my name in such a desperate voice and then wished me luck. I was left playing guessing games.’

‘I’d forgotten about your meeting. When the test result was positive I panicked and phoned you. I was so desperate to speak to you and then when the phone went through to
voicemail I remembered where you were and what you were doing and that of
you would have switched your phone off.’

‘I didn’t switch my phone off. I must have been on the phone to Santo when you called.’

‘I hadn’t thought of that. I realised I was being unfair to you so I just muttered something stupid about good luck.’

‘I listened to the message again and I heard the difference in your voice between the moment you started to speak and the end.’ He breathed deeply. ‘I’m so pleased you called me.’

‘You’re pleased I’ve blown the most important deal of your career?’

‘That isn’t important. What is important is that you were in trouble and you turned to me. And not only that, you did it without thinking. That’s good news. And now for our other piece of good news—’ he placed his hand on her stomach and gave a slow masculine smile. ‘Did I or did I not warn you that I would make you pregnant again? I am super-virile, no?’

Her face was still damp with tears but a tiny smile broke free. ‘Super-arrogant.’

‘I am simply looking at the facts. I
made you pregnant.’

Laurel sniffed and punched him lightly on the shoulder, laughing as he’d intended. ‘I suppose you think I’m a lucky woman.’

‘That goes without saying.’ His grip on her tightened and his voice was husky. ‘And I am a lucky man because you gave me the greatest gift you could give anyone. You turned to me. You trusted me.’

‘And you came.’

‘I will always come. I will always be here for you and for our family. From now on I am dedicating my life to standing between you and stress. You won’t need that inhaler because you have me.’

Her eyes stung again. ‘Overprotective.’ ‘Sicilian.’ Unapologetic, he kissed her gently. ‘And completely crazy about you.’


terrace was filling up with people and Laurel watched from the master bedroom as a steady stream of expensive cars came down the long drive that led to the
The dips and potholes had long since been smoothed away, the wildness of the almond orchards tamed in readiness for this celebration.

Virtually the only thing that was in its original form was the old rusty key he’d given her.

She kept that in a drawer by her bed.

‘What are you doing in here?’ Cristiano’s deep voice came from behind her. ‘They’re waiting for you on the terrace.’

‘I came up to find Elena’s stuffed bunny and then she fell asleep on the bed. The excitement has worn her out.’ Her expression softening, Laurel turned to check on their little daughter, now splayed like a starfish in the centre of their huge bed in the pale yellow dress that Cristiano’s mother had given to her as a gift. At the foot of the bed the two dogs lay guarding their little charge, refusing to budge. ‘I’m trying to keep her clean for the party.’

‘An uphill battle, I should think,’ Cristiano drawled, well aware of his daughter’s adventurous nature. ‘Dani and Raimondo have arrived with Rosa. She’s desperate to see her cousin. All she can say is “Lena”.’

‘Elena is excited about seeing her, too. They’re the best of friends.’

‘And talking of friends—’ Dani virtually danced into the room, looking delighted with herself as she hugged Laurel. ‘I predict they’re going to be celebrating their birthday together for the rest of their lives. Another one of my perfect plans. Why are you all hiding up here? You should be downstairs greeting your guests.’

‘I’ve delegated that task to Santo—’ Cristiano kissed his sister and then stooped and retrieved the stuffed toy from under the bed. ‘Is this what you were looking for?’

Woken by the sound of her father’s voice, Elena opened her eyes sleepily and Laurel felt her insides melt with love as she watched him scoop the child into his arms along with the bunny.

‘Rosa?’ Yawning widely, Elena looked round the room hopefully and Laurel smiled.

‘Come on then. Let’s go and find your cousin and get this party started.’

‘Oh, please let me take her—’ Dani stretched out her arms and prised her niece away from Cristiano. ‘We’ll see you downstairs when you’re ready, won’t we Elena? Your cousin Rosa has already found the chocolate fountain so I hope your
doesn’t expect this dress to stay pale yellow for long.’

Laughing, Laurel kissed her daughter’s smooth cheek. ‘Happy Birthday, sweetheart. Go with your aunt. We’ll be there in a minute.’

Elena’s cheeks dimpled and then she was wriggling out of Dani’s arms and running out of the door in search of her cousin with her aunt and the dogs in hot pursuit.

‘Can you believe she’s only two? She’s so confident and happy.’ Laurel watched her go, knowing that the reason her daughter was so secure was that she’d always been surrounded by close family and Cristiano confirmed that with his next words.

‘She’s confident because she knows how much she is loved.’

Laurel turned and saw the file in Cristiano’s hand. ‘What’s that?’

Slowly, he put it down on the bed and took her hands. ‘It’s what we’ve been waiting for.’

Her heart skipped. Nerves danced in her stomach. ‘Really? It’s actually going to happen? I didn’t allow myself to think it. I didn’t even dare ask about progress in case I jinxed it.’

‘Everything is signed and approved. It’s done.’

It had taken two years, unbelievable amounts of red tape not to mention Cristiano’s power and influence, but they’d persisted and it seemed that finally that persistence was to be rewarded.

Somewhere in a children’s home in Italy, a lonely girl called Chiara was spending her last night with no family.

Laurel felt her eyes fill. ‘When can we fetch her?’

‘Tomorrow.’ Frowning slightly, he lifted his hand and gently brushed away her tears. ‘You know this isn’t going to be easy, don’t you? I’m worried you’re expecting it to be smooth and I’m expecting significant bumps, at least at the beginning.’

it won’t be smooth. Life isn’t smooth, but it’s the bumps that help us find out who we are. And it’s handling the bumps that gives us courage.’ She looked up at him, marvelling at how much she’d changed in just a few years.
Because of him,
she thought. He made her feel safe. And the knowledge that she was truly loved gave her the courage to express herself freely. ‘For a while I was worried that because we’d managed to have Elena, you wouldn’t want to go through with this.’

‘Not once did that thought cross my mind.’ Moved, she leaned her head against his chest. ‘Do you ever wish we could have had more children of our own?’

‘Honestly? No. I couldn’t put you through that again and frankly I couldn’t put myself through it, either. The worry almost killed me. I’m just relieved that you and Elena are safe,’ he groaned, pulling her against him and hugging her tightly. ‘We have a beautiful, healthy daughter and each other, and another daughter on the way. I always quit when I’m on a winning streak.’

Laurel heard the sounds of happy, excited children playing and tilted her head. ‘Listen.’ Above the shrieks and giggles, Elena’s little voice floated across to them. ‘Do you know what that is?’


Laurel smiled happily and took his hand. ‘I could be wrong, but I think it’s the sound of a happy ending.’

‘Either that or it’s a bunch of children about to destroy the tranquillity of our infinity pool.’ But his hand tightened on hers as they walked towards the terrace to greet their family.

All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.

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First published in Great Britain 2011
by Mills & Boon, an imprint of Harlequin (UK) Limited.
Harlequin (UK) Limited, Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road,
Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

© Sarah Morgan 2011

ISBN: 9781408926338

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