Once Upon a Mail Order Bride: Mail Order Brides: Book One (4 page)

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“You mean your father got his job at the railroad because his dad died? That’s so sad,” Carrow said quietly.

“I don’t think you understood. Daddy owns the B&B Railroad that runs through most of the state, he doesn’t work for them. He helps work with them.”

“Oh,” Carrow squeaked. And here she thought she would be the one bringing money to the union, but it was her husband who own the railroad here. If he was so rich, why did he dress like a worker?

Then again, why wouldn’t he. He had one of the nicest houses in town.

“Daddy didn’t tell you?”

“No, he didn’t. That makes two things he forgot in his letters,” Carrow grumbled.

“I’m sure he didn’t want you to money him for his money,” Sadie said quickly.

“Well I’m not poor by any means. As soon as we are married I get my inheritance. Part of the shipping company, half the land and half of everything else my Papa left us before he died,” Carrow teared up at the thought of him.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Sadie said softly taking Carrow’s hands. “I didn’t meant to make you cry.”

“It’s not that,” Carrow said with a watery smile. “Papa just hasn’t been gone long. Not even two months yet. All I have left is my twin sister and she getting married today.”

“Well no
w you have us,” Sadie said brightly and Carrow laughed a little.

“I guess I do, don’t I.”

“And from the look of things on that buggy Daddy thinks so too. I think he likes you,” Sadie suggested.

“You think? I hope so, otherwise
it’s going to be a long life with him.” Carrow sighed and thought back to their kiss, she
had been
rather out of line; she wasn’t even married to him yet.

Another knock sounded on the door and Sadie looked startled.

“Go hide in the closet,” Carrow whispered with a smile. Sadie nodded and hid. “Come in,” she answered to the door.

The nob turned slowly and Clayton stood in the doorway. He shifted slightly and nodded to her.

“You need something?” Carrow asked helpfully.

“I, um, just wanted to know how things are going.” He looked closely at her and she had been crying. He walked over to her and reached out but stopped. “Would it be okay, if I touched you?”

Carrow nodded slowly.

He scooped her up in his big strong arms and sat on the bed with her in his lap and he tucked her head under his chin. He held her tightly.

“What’s got you looking so sad? Did you change your mind, do you wanna go back east?”

“No,” she mumbled. “I was just thinking of my Papa and Mama. They haven’t been gone every long and I miss them.
They were all me and Emmy had.”

“Losing is always hard, trust me,” he said quietly.

“Will you tell me about her? Someday? I would like to know about the woman who stole your heart,” Carrow said softly.

“Yeah, I will. I just have to be ready.” He slowly pulled away from her and stood up.
“I’ll see you in the morning?”

Carrow nodded. “Th
anks for everything. Thank you for letting me be here.”

“It is my pleasure. Hey there
, Carrow?”

“Yeah,” she asked softly.

“Will you marry me,” he asked just as quite.

“Yes,” she whispered, gave him soft kiss and closed her door, leaning against it
with a smile on her lips. She could hardly wait until she could call Clayton, husband.



Chapter Six


The pastor was more
than happy to marry them the next morning, right after her own sister!

After the vows were spoken and the kiss shared a roar went up around the room of the closest friends and family to both couple
s, but no sitting in the buggy on their way back to the house Carrow was more than nervous. Sadie was going to stay over with Clayton’s grandma for the next few days to give them time alone together and that was the time Carrow was excited for yet scared witless about.

She was ringing her hands dry until they parked out front and Clayton pulled her hands apart to help her down.

She must have looked as if she was ready to bolt because he held one of her hands tightly. “Easy there,” he said warmly, “Where did you think you were off to?”

“I was going to make you some lunch. It’s almost noon, you know,” Carrow said with a quick smile and tried
to get away again.

It didn’t work. He pulled her back to him and leaned in until she was backed up against the front door. He smiled slightly when her green eyes the color of fresh grass widened and darkened.

Ever so slowly he leaned in and touched her lips to his. As if a spark lit to tender it began slow and grew quickly into something else. Soon they were both left gasping for breath, his arms wrapped around her and her fingers tangled in his hair. Her body pressing into his and their breath mingled.

Seconds ticked by and she began to notice that they were still outside the house and in broad
daylight. Panic raising she reached behind her and felt for the door knob, finding it she twisted it open and they stumbled inside. After a brief moment balancing herself she closed the door and glared at him from where he had tumbled to the floor.

“I don’t think we should be doing that to where everyone can see,” she quipped.

“There’s no one to see, everyone was either at work or the wedding,” Clayton drawled.

“And don’t you have to go to work?” Carrow asked, the question bothering her. Well it was their wedding day, why should he have to work?

He nodded and got to his feet. “I only have to go in for a little while to sort out some papers. I was hoping for an early supper and then some alone time with you.” He looked up at her from under those golden silky lashes, light jade eyes looking at her hopefully.

She melted when he turned that smile on her, it wasn’t fair, but her nerves settled and she smiled back.

He looked dazed for a moment.

“I’ll make you supper and give you the alone time you want
you hurry. My nerves can’t take too make waiting, the excitement alone could kill me.”

Carrow walked up to him and placed her hands on his chest. He was more
than a foot taller than herself.

you’re going to have to tell me what to do, as I haven’t the faintest idea of what will happen beyond that door.”

He blushed but stared deeply into her eyes and smiled. “Only if you’ll go easy on me. I’m a bit rusty.”

Her eyes widened. “You mean you haven’t…”

He coughed. “I have but
it’s been years since, well since…”

Her eyes were wide. “Years? Is that even possible for a man? How many years?”

“Well I was a virgin myself when I married Jenny and after she died well, I never looked at another woman who could stir my blood like you.” He blush deepened. “It’s been ten years, give or take.”

“Oh,” she breathed. “You are a man of great patience, I think.”

“Not today I’m not,” he growled before he attacked her lips again. This time she pinned
to the wall.

After a while he begged of
f gasping. “Woman, you make a man wish he could cut off his arm instead of going to work.”

She gazed at his now red lips and rumpled hair and outfit. “Do you have
to go
?” she breathed against his lips.


“Is this something that could wait until morning?” she kissed his jaw.


“How could you leave me like this?” she asked wondrously. Her hand holding his and traveling down her well-formed hip. “I yearn for something I don’t understand. My body asking for something it doesn’t know.”

She looked up into his eyes, they were almost completely black. “Will you leave me feeling so…so,” she paused to draw out the word, “needing?”

With an aroused growl he pulled her body to his so she could feel the hard plains of his body. “To hell with work, I’m taking you to bed!” he kissed her quickly, fiercely and then picked her up in his arms and head up stairs to his bedroom, their bedroom.

He took the stair
s two at a time and kicked the door closed behind them. Carrow slipped slowly from his arms not breaking their kiss and gave into the demand of his tongue and opened her mouth slightly to allow his tongue into dance with her.

She gasped slightly against his mouth in surprise, but was enjoying the delightful tingle dancing down her spine. Slowly she slipped her fingers under
his cotton shirt and felt his hard muscled stomach, he certainly wasn’t soft like the men she knew back in New York. They didn’t work hard like her man did.

He groaned as she raked her nails up lightly on his sides and he pulled her tighter to him.

“Careful there, you don’t know what you’re asking for, little lady,” he whispered against her lips.

“Oh I think I do, but you aren’t giving it to me, greedy man,” she giggled.

He pulled back. “Oh yeah?” Without waiting for her reply he picked her up and tossed her onto the king-sized bed in the center of the room. He made quick work of his hat, shirt and boots. When he stood mostly bare at the foot of the bed his gave her his best devilish smile.

She looked beautiful with her cheeks pink and her eyes so wide they could have seen the whole world. He watched as her eyes travelled down his
well-used body and pause at the washboard abs and then move on to the light dusting of gold hair from his navel downward to where it met his pants.

Carrow swallowed, unsure if she could handle so much man. Surely he would crush her, he look even larger without his clothes.

He grinned when her eyes widened even more when she saw the bulge in his pants. Blast the man!

“So…um, what do we do now. I know there’s more to it, but I’m not so sure what I should do,” she breathed.
“Maybe I should take some of my clothes off?” She reached around to undo her bust corset over her simple cotton dress, freeing her breast to be exposed by the loose ties at her lower throat. She raised up onto her knees and started to peel off her dress when another pair of larger hands tried to help. When her dress was tossed to the floor she shyly covered her breasts with her arms.

“Oh honey you don’t have to cover yourself, no need to be shy,” Clayton said as he tried to kiss her but she ducked and raised an eyebrow at him.

“I will show you
you take off your pants, it’s only fair,” she said with a smile.

He chuckled and rolled off the bed to undo his belt. He raised his eyes to her, “Are you sure? It might be a shock for you. Man, um ha
ve different bits then woman do.”

“Bits?” she howled with laughter. “I would hope so if
it’s going to feel good.” She blushed at his look. “I had friends back home who were married and liked to talk. They said somethings and I hope they are true, but there are thing they said I know are impossible.”

“Well honey you
’re about to find out for yourself.” He pushed down his pants and kicked them away. His cock sprang free and strained towards her.

She closed her eyes for a moment and said, “You’re awfully big. D-do you think we’ll fit?”

Clayton walked back over to the bed and slid in next to her. “It’s worked a million times over otherwise there wouldn’t be children sweetheart. The first time thought might hurt a bit, but it’ll start to feel good soon.”

He crawled over her and placed his waist between her thighs, he gently parted them and settled in for a good long kiss that set them both on fire. He reached between their bodies to stroke her and Carrow quivered in shock and almost broke the kiss was a shattering waves passed through her body and she felt herself grow wet between her legs.

When the wave passed she gasped, “What did you do to me?”

“I was getting you ready,” he gritted through his teeth and she felt his cock slip again her wet flesh and walked in wonder as his face tighten and looked pained.

“Am I ready now?” she asked, her innocence showing.

He laughed tightly. “I’m not sure, like I said before
it’s been a long time for me. I don’t quite remember everything. But you feel ready to me, I think.”

thrust up gently and against him and he hissed out a curse. “Then try it, my body feels tight like a spring. I think it’s okay.”

She squirmed until he had to hold her hips to the bed.

“Quit. Moving. It’ll be over before we even start if you don’t. Do me a favor, relax your body and breathe. When you feel me don’t tighten up, okay?”

“I-I’ll try, Clay,” she said nodding.

He smiled softly at her. “Say that again.”

“Clay,” she breathed.

Slowly he pushed forward and she could feel him just inside of her. He pulled back and pushed  a little harder, meeting her maidenhead.

“Don’t tense,” he warned as he pulled back out almost all the way.

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