One Last Hold (13 page)

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Authors: Angela Smith

BOOK: One Last Hold
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“Oh my God.” Her whole body shook and swayed as shock and pleasure exploded. Wesley clicked a picture and her smile grew wider. She noticed Adam and slapped him a high five. Wesley kept snapping pictures. “That was great.”

It took a moment for sentiment to return and when it did, it was in a gush. “God, that was great!”

“Better than sex?” Adam asked.

Caitlyn laughed. “Almost.”


“It’s not exactly like that in a real race.” Wesley handed Caitlyn her camera and, since he didn’t have anything to clutch now, he gritted his teeth. Her smile expanded the width of Daytona Speedway and his heart beat about as fast as his car on race day. “It gets a lot hotter, especially in summer. There’s no way you could run the car like that and wear that outfit.”

“Oh.” She glanced down and attempted to smooth out the wrinkles as if they were the problem.

“Don’t worry about it,” he growled. “It looks fine.” An understatement. He longed to draw that skirt up around her hips and have her wrap her legs around his waist. The light lavender color of her shirt and short denim jacket brought out the depth of her eyes and the flush on her cheeks. The skirt billowed along shapely thighs and her shoes. How could mile-high shoes like that be legal?

He tore her away from the onlookers of men who probably thought the same thing he did, and led her to his private office.

Better than sex
, Adam had asked.

Wesley had to fight the urge to punch Adam where he stood. Even now he had to clench his teeth together to keep from snapping at Caitlyn for laughing, like he had any control over what anybody did or said. What he ought to do is push her against the wall and kiss her. Make her forget any other man existed but him.

He’d lied last time he’d seen her. Told her she didn’t have the power to hurt him, as if saying the words would make them true. He admired her grace, her self-assurance, and didn’t want her to know she had more power over him than anyone should. So he tried to push her away with anger. But she remained unaffected.

This was a job to her. Merely a job. Get an exclusive and get out of his life. Maybe he should have given her one immediately so she’d be out of his life sooner. But that thought left him cold.

“Before I forget,” Caitlyn said, interrupting his thoughts. She set on the chair opposite the desk and fiddled with the armrest. He’d never be able to look at the chair again and not see her. He’d never be able to sit in the chair again and not think of her. “I’m supposed to ask you about a couple of tickets to your upcoming race in Fort Worth.”

Wesley scrubbed a hand over his face and propped himself against his desk. “You want to bring your boyfriend?” He cringed when his question popped out, but since the subject hadn’t come up yet, might as well get that question out of the way now.

“No, no boyfriend. A good friend of mine, Rayma, wants to bring her boyfriend, who happens to be a big fan.”

“Ah,” Wesley said. “I can get you good seats. You can sit right behind the crewmembers.”

“That would be awesome. I know they’ll appreciate it.”

It was like a versed event. An attempt to be normal and not awkward. But his hormones would never be normal again.

Wesley leaned against the desk in front of her. He didn’t mean for it to be a power move, but oh well, he liked the view. Grabbing his pencil holder, he rearranged the pens and markers. “I think you got a good story for your next article. You, the author, can now write about your experience and how it feels to drive a racecar. If Blake doesn’t like that, he doesn’t deserve his business.”

“Thank you,” Caitlyn said. “I really appreciate the opportunity you’ve given me.” Caitlyn rose from the chair and shouldered her bag. “I should go get started on it. Good luck on Sunday.”

He dropped the holder on the table and pushed away from the desk, feeling like an idiot. Him…nervous in front of a girl? Fuck, no. He seriously needed to get laid.

“You’ll be there, right?” He wasn’t sure he wanted the answer to be yes but even more unsure if he wanted it to be no.

“I’ll see what Blake’s plans are for me.”

“Must be hard not to know from one day to the next what your day is going to bring. It’s like Blake has you on puppet strings.”

“Keeps things exciting.” Caitlyn flicked away a piece of hair that had fallen into her face. “Don’t you have that happen?”

“Making plans are impossible in this field, but I always know what I’m doing on what days. It’s just what happens during that time that is a surprise. Will my car run, or will I have problems with it? Will we have to tear it all down and piece it back together? Will I even be able to finish a race?”

Caitlyn dropped her bag and grasped her infamous pink notebook. “Great quote,” she said. “If you don’t mind me using it.”

“Of course not.”

She leaned toward his desk and snatched a pen from the canister, holding it up. “Do you mind?”

“Of course not.”

His lower body stirred as she licked her lips and scribbled on the pages with a pen he’d have to throw away if she didn’t keep it. He shifted his feet, thanking the heavens he wore loose pants.

Better than sex
. No, not in this lifetime and not with Caitlyn in your bed.

She snapped her notebook closed, stored it in her compartment, and shouldered the bag. How she lugged that thing around all the time was beyond him.

“Thanks again,” Caitlyn said, handing him the pen.

“Keep it.” He didn’t want the damn thing after she touched it. He had a hard enough time getting her out of his head. “We need to talk about your boss and my dad.”

Caitlyn brushed a strand of her out of her face with a finger, blowing the strays out of her eyes with puffed cheeks. “Yeah, I told you everything I know. I mean, I still don’t know what to think about it all.”

“How much do you trust your boss?”

“I’ve worked with him for years. I…he’s a good man. So is your dad.”

“Uh, huh.” Wesley walked up and took her bag. She didn’t give it to him, but didn’t stop him from taking it either. She stood, chewing her lip, with one foot in front of the other.

She called two nights ago, upset and angry but managing to hold on to her cool, and told him about finding Johnson in her boss’s office. He wasn’t sure he could believe everything her boss had admitted. His claim that he didn’t know about their relationship, that he wasn’t doing this for any reason other than a story. Wesley didn’t know what to think and he had no reason to distrust his dad. But he had no reason to trust Caitlyn’s boss.

Wesley’s dad might be a good man, but he preferred Johnson stay out of his life.

Chapter Twelve

“What in the hell are you doing here?”

Keegan slathered mustard and ketchup on his hot dog with one hand while trying to hold it and a drink with his other. He hated the smell, he hated the crowd, and he hated being here just as much as that son-of-a-bitch Johnson hated him being here. Rayma was beginning to get suspicious of his motives for asking about Wesley. When he refused to go the first time she presented the tickets to him, he knew it would be his last time to see her if he said no again. One thing about the woman, she would cut herself off from any man she thought was distrustful.

“Rayma wanted me to come,” Keegan said. “What the hell was I supposed to do?”

Johnson glowered at him, and Keegan couldn’t help but notice the petite blondes and ample-busted brunettes ogling the fifty-something-year-old. The sonofabitch got more attention from the female gender than he did, and it pissed him off.

“If Wesley sees you–”

“Then Rayma will understand why I didn’t want to come. I have it all planned. And what about you? What will you do if Wesley sees you?”

“I’m leaving. This is Fort Worth, close to my home. I wanted to see my son race.”

“Yeah, close.” Keegan, his hands full of junk food, turned to leave. “Four hours is close?”

Johnson disappeared on Keegan and, despite the gnawing revulsion at sitting in the stands for hours on end, Keegan actually enjoyed himself. He was with two of the most beautiful women in the crowd, how could he not enjoy himself?

Caitlyn had grilled him with questions, but he had nothing to hide at this point. He wasn’t sure he would even see Wesley because of his hectic schedule and, if he knew Rayma, she wouldn’t be able to sit in the stands throughout the race, much less wait for Wesley to have time to meet them. Sitting still was not her strong suit.

It was unbelievably hot in April, but Texas weather was ever-changing. Tomorrow, a cold front was expected that might produce showers. Keegan was thankful he chose a short-sleeved shirt to wear with his long jeans, but he still had to pull the cotton away from time to time to keep the sweat from drenching him.

Knowing the schedule of a triumphant competitor, Keegan hoped Wesley would win first so his chance of seeing him would diminish. The confrontation was a long time in coming and had to happen sooner or later, but Keegan didn’t look forward to it.

Apparently, he didn’t know Rayma as well as he thought. She stayed throughout the race and lingered afterwards. Keegan yelled with the girls, urging Wesley on for different reasons. All hope was lost when Wesley pulled in second, milliseconds behind first-place.

Because of Caitlyn, they were able to talk to several of Wesley’s team members while they waited for Wesley to emerge. If anyone noticed Keegan’s growing agitation, nothing was said. He drummed his fingers against the metal handles of the steps, crisscrossed his feet while standing, then resorted to mini pacing. He wondered if Johnson left yet or if he planned on popping in for a surprise visit himself.

“Wesley, you did great out there.”

Keegan braced himself, knowing his introduction was inevitable but not ready for it. He gave the ladies an ‘I gotta piss’ excuse and walked away.

Rayma called out for him but he pretended not to hear her. He heard her tell them he went to the restroom and would be right back.

He took his sweet time.


“What’s taking him so long?” Rayma paced the grounds, admiring Caitlyn’s patience. Rayma only thought she was being impatient until she glanced at her watch to see thirty minutes passed. Keegan still hadn’t returned.

“Should we go check on him?” Caitlyn asked.

“Maybe I should. You wait here, I don’t want him looking for us if he comes back and we’re not here.”

Before she was able to take more than a few steps, Keegan returned. “What took so long?” Rayma grilled.

Keegan clutched his stomach. “Something didn’t sit well with me. Must have been the chili dog I ate. I think I should go back to the hotel.”

“We have keys to Wesley’s. You can rest there.” Wesley had to take care of business with promises he’d get there as soon as possible and had given Caitlyn the keys so they could wait.

Keegan seemed almost pleased that Wesley wasn’t around.

They sat on the couch in Wesley’s impressive RV, too afraid to touch anything in his house. He was nice, nice looking, and didn’t seem to mind handing the keys to Caitlyn. Rayma noticed the gleam in his eyes when he looked at Caitlyn and the flush on her face when she smiled back.

Just as she was having second thoughts about being here, Wesley walked in. This time, Keegan couldn’t hide in the bathroom because Rayma clutched his hand in hers.

Caitlyn rose and thanked him for allowing them to wait for him in his trailer. Rayma said her hellos and was just about to stand and introduce Keegan when Wesley glanced at him. His face fell, mouth slackened, a pallor similar to Keegan’s overrode his previous smile.

Something was wrong.

She let go of Keegan’s hand and rested one knee on the couch to keep from falling.

“What in the hell are you doing here?” Wesley asked.

“You invited me.”

“This is your boyfriend?” Wesley’s heated glare pierced Rayma before turning back to Keegan.

“Apparently you already know him.” And apparently, as before, she trusted a man she shouldn’t have.

“He’s my stepbrother.”

“What?” Rayma lost her balance and had to stand upright. That proved difficult as reality imploded within her. She glanced at Caitlyn for reinforcement, but her friend was just as shocked.

“Sorry.” Keegan grinned sheepishly and remained seated. Rayma wondered how sorry he truly was about lying to her. He’d been infatuated with Wesley, said he was a huge fan, and never once did he mention they were even remotely related. He’d had ample opportunity. “I should have told you sooner.”

“Why didn’t you?” Rayma didn’t have to ask. Wesley did it for her.

“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” Keegan informed Wesley, finally standing as if sitting was dwarfing him. It probably was. Even standing, Wesley was taller. “We met a couple of times when Johnson married my mom but didn’t get along that well.” Keegan turned to Rayma. “And I hated Johnson. Didn’t think he was worth mentioning.”

Was the world that small? Was Keegan using her to get close to his stepbrother?

No, the idea was ludicrous. How could she even think that? How would he know she was the best friend of Wesley’s ex? Even still, Wesley and Caitlyn hadn’t spoken in ten years. Rayma wasn’t sure what to think. Coldness surrounded her.

Caitlyn converged behind her and planted a warm hand on her shoulder.

“We never got a chance to know each other,” Keegan continued, speaking to Wesley. “I didn’t want Johnson or the way you feel about him to prevent us from liking each other.”

“So you show up all of the sudden, when all this other shit is going on in my life?”

Keegan shrugged. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware of anything going on in your life. I know I should have called but do you know how impossible it is to get in touch with a celebrity? When Rayma presented me tickets to see you with the chance of meeting you through her friend, I jumped at the opportunity.”

“I bet you did,” Rayma said. “Using me to get to him.”

“Why would I do that?” Keegan gawked at her. His face was long but finally held color, as if the stress of seeing his stepbrother had finally been confronted and it was okay to breathe again. It made Rayma feel somewhat small, wrong in assuming this situation was strange.

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