One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance (25 page)

BOOK: One Night: A BWWM Interracial Romance
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“So this is the muse I’ve been waiting to meet,” she heard a voice behind them say.

They both turned their heads at the same time to see who the voice belonged to. It was a woman who had to be only about 5 feet tall with a white bob and black framed glasses. She had on a black beaded, long-sleeved dress. The most notable feature was the stark red lipstick.

“Martha,” Jake said, leading Natalie over to the woman.

“Shame on you,” she said, giving him a stern look, “she’s here this whole time and when do I meet her? Not until now, that’s when.”

“Well I knew you’d be here,” he said, smiling, “Let’s just say I saved the best for last.”

He turned to Natalie, who by now knew full well who Martha was, and said, “Natalie, this is Martha Shapiro, my agent. Martha, this—”

“Oh stop with the formalities, Jake,” she said, waving a dismissive hand at him. “Let me take a look at this young lady of yours.”

She took both of Natalie’s hands and held her arms out to inspect her. Nodding her head, she turned to Jake and said, “I hope you deserve her.”

Both Jake and Natalie smiled in appreciation at the compliment, as Martha came between them hooking one arm in each of theirs as she led them to their table.

“Now I know you hate these things Jake, but this is the first time you’ve been honored.
So you’re going to smile, and say thanks, and be personable and polite,” she instructed.

“Yes, ma’am,” Jake said, giving a conspiratorial smile to Natalie over the woman’s head.

“Don’t sass me,” Martha said. “Think of this as a one-time thing. With any luck maybe they’ll hate all your work from here on out and you’ll never have to do it again.”

Jake and Natalie suppressed their smiles as they looked at each other again.

“Now I know I can’t depend on
to do any schmoozing, so if you two love birds will excuse me, I have to earn my keep,” she grabbed a champagne off the tray of a passing waiter and air kissed each of them good bye.

“Don’t stay out
late,” she winked as she left.

Natalie let out a burst of suppressed laughter and Jake joined in.

“I can see why you like her so much,” she said to him as he grabed two champagne glasses from a the same waiter making his way back and handed one to her.

“Yeah, she’s a great, old bird,” he responded, smiling admiringly at the retreating figure.

Dinner was even fancier than Natalie thought it would be. It began with a leafy green salad topped with apples, raisins, and pecans.
Dinner was filet mignon and crisp, buttered green beans and a red potato sliced into a fan shape with bits of garlic and rosemary sprinkled inside. Natalie devoured it all, with the excellent pinot noir that accompanied the meal.

Dessert was a flourless, chocolate cake served with hazelnut whipped cream, that had Natalie actually licking the fork, even as the waiters came around to bus the tables in preparation for the ceremony. Jake laughed as Natalie took one last lick of her fork. She didn’t care; the cake was divine.

She moved closer to him as the ceremony began. Jake was getting the Espionage Writer of the Year award and she was his very proud date, even if he pooh-poohed the whole thing.
She was mostly happy that the ceremony had allowed her to come out to New York to be with him. The week had been more than even she had expected. The total amount of time they had actually spent with one another was not even enough to qualify as a “relationship” for most people.
But Natalie knew what she felt was stronger than what she’d felt with anyone, even the two years with Malcolm.
The fact that she could think his name without bitterness was a testament to that fact. In fact, she thought with some amusement, she had him to thank for bringing Jake into her life in the first place.

When his name was called, Jake turned to her and kissed her. She was his “muse” after all.
She glowed as she watched him walk up to the stage and give a short speech of thanks.
He had enough humility to be gracious rather than express his real feelings about all this pomp and circumstance, which ticked him up yet another notch in her book.

“…And most of all, I’d like to thank, my muse, Natalie.”
He ended his speech looking in her direction and she didn’t think that anything could be more perfect than this moment right here.

He made his way back to their table and they watched the rest of the ceremony, until the closing statements.

“Jake,” Natalie heard a female voice behind them say as they were sitting and enjoying each other’s company.

The young blonde woman standing there in a long, slim black sequined gown that suited her trim body quite well, sparked one of Natalie’s memory neurons but she couldn’t quite place her. At any rate, the woman was 100% focused on Jake.

“Terri,” Jake said with surprise. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
He gave her a slightly irritated look, which Natalie thought was a bit rude.
She was still trying to place her when the woman turned to her.

“I hope you don’t mind me stealing him for a bit,” she gave Natalie a brilliant smile. “But he is one of the stars of the night and there are just a few people Wright Publishing wants him to meet.”

That cleared it up for Natalie. She’d seen the woman standing behind him at the bookstore. Natalie gave her a smile of acquiescence, nodding her head that it was fine with her.

“Maybe later, Terri,” Jake said, acting as though he wished the woman wasn’t standing there.

“Don’t be rude, Jake,” Natalie scolded. “Like Martha said, be
personable and polite

She had a hard time reading the look that he gave her but eventually he shrugged, pulling his arm away from underneath Terri’s hand.
Natalie watched them go, wondering why he was being such a grump about it. So far, tonight had been wonderful.

She was making small talk with the man beside her, trying to ignore the not-so-subtle glances at her cleavage, when Terri came back without Jake. She gave Natalie another brilliant smile and pointed to Jake’s chair asking if she could sit for a second.
Natalie happily obliged, grateful for the excuse to turn away from the man next to her.

“Jake is still chatting with some media people,” Terri said apologetically. “I just wanted to come over and personally say hi and introduce myself. I was working with Jake during the book tour.
City to city, store to store, it gets so crazy spending that much time together!”

Natalie smiled. To her it sounded wonderful being able to travel so much, especially with Jake by your side.
A tiny touch of jealousy crept up in her. She immediately stomped it out. It wasn’t Terri’s fault that her job allowed her to do such things. Now that Natalie and Jake were a couple, sort of, maybe one day they could....

She perked up as she heard the last words the woman had just said. “I’m sorry,” Natalie said. “What was that?”

“Well I was just saying that it’s so nice to see him settling down, at least it looks that way with you,” Terri gave her an endearing smile that Natalie didn’t quite trust. “I don’t know if I’d have the bravery to try and tame such a playboy,” she continued, sighing and looking down at the table. “I mean, there was that one time in the restaurant when I first met him and I realized what kind of guy he was.”

“When was this?” Natalie asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

“Oh, it was well before you two got together,” Terri assured her, “or rather

“Still, he is a nice kisser,” she gave Natalie a rueful smile.

“He kissed you?” Natalie asked incredulously. She turned to look at Jake’s back as he talked to the group around him

“Yes,” Terri sighed regrettably. “But I knew I could never have him to myself so I nipped it in the bud right then and there. Women just throw themselves at him, and, well he does like going to bars to meet them…from what I’ve heard.”

Natalie thought back to the store full of women, eagerly awaiting a signature.
Then there was the Starbucks barista who probably would have poured hot coffee right over her head if Jake had asked her to.

“But who knows,” Terri went on cheerfully, “Maybe you are indeed the one who can change him!”

With that, she gave Natalie a wink and her brilliant smile and walked away.

Natalie sat there ruminating over what she had just learned.

Obviously she hadn’t expected Jake to be a saint before she saw him again. She hadn’t got the impression he was much of a playboy though. He gave off such an introverted vibe. On the other hand, he
picked her up in a bar lounge.

And what was this about kissing Terri? Natalie couldn’t put her finger on why that was any of her business, but now that it was known, it seemed wrong that Jake hadn’t told her. This was after all
a woman he had gone “city to city” and “bookstore to bookstore” with for weeks.

Upbeat music began, indicating that it was time for those who were interested to get on the dance floor. All of a sudden, Natalie didn’t feel like dancing. She looked over at where Jake was and a stab of resentment went through her as she saw Terri approach him from behind and lay a hand on his back, lean in and whisper something into his ear.

She couldn’t think of anything better to do so she went to the open bar and asked for another glass of wine. She watched through increasingly glaring eyes as Jake talked with the people surrounding him, occasionally chuckling and nodding.
Through it all, Terri didn’t once leave his side.

A significant part of her consciousness knew this was silly. Jake was hers now, no matter what he was like before. Wasn’t he?

He had driven her up to the cabin where he wrote his first novel. He had even taken her to meet his sister for crying out loud. It couldn’t have all been just to get into her pants. That ship had sailed long ago. Then couldn’t help herself from thinking how many times that ship had sailed with other women.

She saw him finishing up, having done his part being “personable and polite,” and turned around heading back to their table. When his eyes found Natalie’s chair empty, she watched him search for her. She made her way back to the table to greet him, determined not to let him see a single jealous bone in her body.

“There you are,” he said with a smile, “I was worried someone had stolen a first dance from me.”

She let him take her in his arms.


Jake was holding Natalie in his arms, her head against his chest as Luther Vandross serenaded them from the speakers. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the music, but she’d been pretty quiet. Maybe it was the wine. He decided to let it go, and enjoy the feel of her in his arms.
This would be their last night together and he didn’t want to waste a minute of it.

It had been bad enough having to deal with the media, giving them snippets about how happy he was about the award and plans for his next novel. Then Terri had been there, which made the entire thing that much more awkward.

The song was ending and the more upbeat
by Earth, Wind & Fire was starting. Natalie pulled away from him.

“Do you think we could call it a night?” she said.

He was more than happy to do just that.

They made their way to the elevators in silence. He tried hugging her close to him and felt her stiffen slightly before relaxing into it.

Finally he decided to just ask. “What’s

“Nothing,” she responded quietly, looking at the floor.

Which meant there was definitely something.

He pressed the button for the elevator and twisted her around by the shoulders to face him.
He looked down at her.

“Something is up, and I want to know what.”

At that moment the doors opened.
He relaxed his grip on her shoulders to allow her to enter before him, then faced her again, waiting for an answer.

She gave a deep breath and seemed to come to a decision. She gave him an inquiring look and asked, “Did you kiss Terri?”

God dammit, Terri.

There was no point lying. She could already read it in his eyes. But he had a right to give her the whole truth.

“She kissed me—before I saw you again at the bookstore. I…may have…let it go for a bit too long. But that was all that happened. Nothing more.”

She nodded, absorbing that.

“What did she say?” he asked.

“She made it seem like…,” she shook her head and smiled. “It doesn’t matter. I believe you.”

“No, I need to know what you’re thinking here,” he insisted. “Let’s just clear everything up right now.”

The elevator arrived on their floor. Again he followed her off and they walked down the hall in silence. Once the door closed behind them in her room, he stopped her before she could walk off.

“Let’s do this,” he said.

“Okay, then,” she said. “Why didn’t you tell me about her.”

“Because there is no
,” he said, a bit too forcefully, wincing as he saw her cringe away from him.

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